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Report of MD's Demise are greatly exaggerated

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  • Report of MD's Demise are greatly exaggerated

    Fairly recently I recieved a couple of e-mails asking what had happened to Manifest Destiny and why it had died. The coincidence of these messages leads me to believe that others may have the same idea.

    So let me assure everyone, MD has never been dead, nor has work ever stopped on it's production. On the contrary, we have recently entered into an exiciting new phase of development, the creation of our own custom interface. Gone are the boring grey window boxes you may remember from old, replaced with much nicer full-screen 3D graphics.

    To be sure, the new interface versions are not as functional as the old grey window versions. Of those we considered the game roughly 70-80% complete, while the new interface really is only about 10-20% functional. But we are quickly transferring game functionality from the old version into the new interface version, a process which is much faster than coding the routines from scratch, so we don't think it will be long before our new interfaces are just as functional as the old ones were.

    We just released Demo 4 (officially version 0.4.0) to the public (we reset our version numbers with the interface change) and are very excited with how things are coming along. If you haven't seen us for a while, come check things out, I hope that you will like what you see.

    I don't, in general, post release announcements here (we release new versions about once or twice a month) because this is not our forum (we have our own message boards), and I don't want to clutter up Dan and Mark's boards unneccesarily. I will, if there is interest, post a note here now and again letting players know how things are going.

    We can be found at RJCyberware for those interested, and we can always use feedback and other help (programmers and artists take note! )

    Anyway, here are a couple of shots from Demo 4 for your perusal:

    The Race Creation Screen

    [edit: updated shots to show the new Demo 4 release screens]
    Attached Files
    Last edited by RonHiler; May 23, 2002, 22:39.
    Manifest Destiny - The Race For World Domination
    -Playable Alpha now available!

  • #2
    The Main map Screen - This is a fractally generated custom map. No two games will ever have the same map!
    Attached Files
    Last edited by RonHiler; July 14, 2002, 22:59.
    Manifest Destiny - The Race For World Domination
    -Playable Alpha now available!


    • #3
      The Unit Workshop Screen (that's a fully functional, though non-textured, 3D model in the middle). Along the sides are the components. The idea is that eventually there will be a template in the middle (such as a tank) upon which you will drop components (machine gun, turret type, etc).
      Attached Files
      Last edited by RonHiler; July 14, 2002, 23:02.
      Manifest Destiny - The Race For World Domination
      -Playable Alpha now available!


      • #4
        And, finally, a bit of the Credits Screen
        Attached Files
        Manifest Destiny - The Race For World Domination
        -Playable Alpha now available!


        • #5
          Hi Ron! I'd never heard the rumors, wherever they were, that MD was dead... But I'm relieved its not true!

          Best o' Luck!

          Project Lead for The Clash of Civilizations
          A Unique civ-like game that will feature low micromanagement, great AI, and a Detailed Government model including internal power struggles. Demo 8 available Now! (go to D8 thread at top of forum).
          Check it out at the Clash Web Site and Forum right here at Apolyton!


          • #6
            Yes artists please help! Anyone who can do anything or even just make a sketch of interface designs and send them my way.
            A few of those screens will hopefully be working in the next demo. the Unit design screen which is in it's final version there is ready to go. the main screen might be changed to a vertical bar in the next demo or might not be either way it should have a lot more then two buttons Anyone with a Mercator map of the world that has any sort of texture send it my way too if you have time
            And come take a look at least. Also check out RoN, named after our very own (really it is ) looks great, not as good as ours of course, rubbish professional artists, bah! But check out ours first.
            Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.


            • #7
              I think I'll just keep the screenshots updated, rather than write long theses on how the game works. One picture, a thousand words, and all that

              All the above shots were updated to show the major screens from Demo 4 (newly released)
              Manifest Destiny - The Race For World Domination
              -Playable Alpha now available!


              • #8
                The Splash Screen. The first screen you'll see when you get into the game....
                Attached Files
                Manifest Destiny - The Race For World Domination
                -Playable Alpha now available!


                • #9
                  We just released Demo 5, and I've updated a couple of the above screenshots to reflect the changes.

                  Manifest Destiny - The Race For World Domination
                  -Playable Alpha now available!

