oh one more thing. tile improvement building. IMO, the whole tile improvement thing is the worst thing about Civ2, it takes way too much micromanagement, and even civ3 has bad worker automation. i never played the CTP series, but from what i've heard it has a nice way of dealing with this. now, i have no understanding of how exactly the "public works" system works, but i will be adding something along those lines into the game. settlers will only be used to build cities, and there will be no worker or engineer units. after your public works points build up you can start building roads and such just by pressing a key and clicking on the tiles you want to improve. roads and irrigation must be linked to each other, but you can build mines and silos anywhere within your limits. just out of curiousity, can anyone tell me just how close this is to CTP's method?
No announcement yet.
the wait for civiliza d4
That's pretty similar to CTP, the only differences are that I don't think irrigation has to touch water in CTP, and the public works are taken from a certain percentage, set by the player, of the overall production points of your civ. It sounds like your stockpiling idea would work with this concept pretty well
Originally posted by JamesJKirk
That's pretty similar to CTP, the only differences are that I don't think irrigation has to touch water in CTPProject Leader of Civiliza, an Alternative Civilization game based on Civ 2.
i just came upon a problem. there's no way of telling who built what roads, and so now you can build roads off other civ's roads and cities, which is a bit too unrealistic for me. i'm not sure how i'm going to handle this. any suggestions?Project Leader of Civiliza, an Alternative Civilization game based on Civ 2.
Multiple maps
I saw this problem in my first attempt at HoE (History of Empires). So when I restructured the entire code I made a huge change to the way maps and player items are handled. It's a little heavier on memory, but has HUGE benefits. Here's how it works:
1. I create a copy of the main map for EACH player.
2. I turn all tiles to "unexplored" so they come up FOW.
3. I place player known items on the map (their cities, units, improvs, roads, etc).
- Takes heaps of memory (I'll have 16 copies of the map in memory, though each copy holds less info than the main map).
- Lots of doubled information, more chance of errors (even though I'm coding heaps of checks).
- Slows performance a bit, but I believe the benefits outway that.
- Each player only knows what they've seen. This fixes a huge problem where (for example in Civ3) the AI knows everything about you once they meet you. Now they make reactions to what they "know".
- Easy to tell ownership of items.
- Swapping maps for updated info is now VERY important.
- Fits perfectly into OO-Programming.
Game holds players.
Players holds a map.
Map holds cities.
City holds buildings.
Map holds armys.
Army holds units.
Map holds improvs.
Map holds goods.
Hope this helps mate.
Re: Multiple maps
Dale, thanks for the advice! i like the idea, and i will highly consider implementing it in the release after this next one, as there's no way i can get that into the game in a couple of weeks and still get through this huge list i haveProject Leader of Civiliza, an Alternative Civilization game based on Civ 2.
ok guys, less than a couple weeks left
i'll post a screen soon if u wantLast edited by dexter4dxm; December 4, 2001, 01:35.Project Leader of Civiliza, an Alternative Civilization game based on Civ 2.
Originally posted by Miznia
Nice. Are those farms in the desert?
Or why is there irrigation everywhere else?
Is it a freshwater source thing?
Did your AI build those roads by itself?Project Leader of Civiliza, an Alternative Civilization game based on Civ 2.
Did your AI build those roads by itself?
yes, and it upgrades the roads when it researches the proper technologies, which is why you can see highways in its territory.
Originally posted by JamesJKirk
Does this mean it goes road->railroad->highway, or something like that? I do like the idea of highways, but I wonder if you do include rails, which you should, that there would be too little time between when you'd have them, although since it's automated perhaps it's for the best
linked railroad stations can be used to share larger populations between cities and to transfer units between cities quickly. one interesting thing is that this includes sea units, which means you can build a ship in a non-coastal city and railroad it over to a coastal city so you can use it.Project Leader of Civiliza, an Alternative Civilization game based on Civ 2.