i thought going from 400 mhz to about 2000 would help make the unit animations in Civ 3 more smooth... oh well, at least now on a huge map it takes 5-10 min between turns instead of 20+
Civ 3 gave me a couple good ideas, but now i am learning many lessons of what NOT to do. for example, having every AI move every unit every single turn with pathfinding is NOT a good idea. also, i never played CTP much, but the idea of a tile-improvement system that doesn't involve hundreds of worker units running around the map sounds like a good idea.
in Civ 3, the computer has to re-evaluate trade paths from every city to every city every turn (and sometimes multiple times per turn, when trade routes are disrupted due to roads being pillaged etc). also it has to re-evaluate whether or not each and every city is connected to the capitol. this is in addition to all the other calculations each city has to make each turn (production, science, curruption, growth, etc etc etc). needless to say, this can become overwhelming when lots and lots of cities are on the map. i am and will be facing similar problems, and i will do my best to come up with constructive ways of countering them.
Civ 3 gave me a couple good ideas, but now i am learning many lessons of what NOT to do. for example, having every AI move every unit every single turn with pathfinding is NOT a good idea. also, i never played CTP much, but the idea of a tile-improvement system that doesn't involve hundreds of worker units running around the map sounds like a good idea.
in Civ 3, the computer has to re-evaluate trade paths from every city to every city every turn (and sometimes multiple times per turn, when trade routes are disrupted due to roads being pillaged etc). also it has to re-evaluate whether or not each and every city is connected to the capitol. this is in addition to all the other calculations each city has to make each turn (production, science, curruption, growth, etc etc etc). needless to say, this can become overwhelming when lots and lots of cities are on the map. i am and will be facing similar problems, and i will do my best to come up with constructive ways of countering them.