I dont follow alt civs mainly becuase it is too confusing. There are projects that have boards here, Free civ, and GGS, and ones like MD which get attention but dont have their own board. then there are several mentioned which seem to be dead, afaik. ANd while MD and GSS seem to be distinct games, one gets the impression that Free Civ is just a Linux port of Civ. I dont have the time or inclination to go hunting websites for each project. It would be useful, therefore, if someone could put up a simple comparitive fact sheet on the different alt civs. What their gameplay goals are, what platforms, what programming languages, current status (this does NOT need to be frequently updated - just would be good to seperate out those at alpha test, those released, those dead for 5 years)
I realize it may come off as obnoxious to ask for this, when im not volunteering to do it - just consider it a friendly suggestion.
I realize it may come off as obnoxious to ask for this, when im not volunteering to do it - just consider it a friendly suggestion.