As I previewed my latest chapter I discovered to my dismay that my previous method of signaling that a discussion is taking place via the MMI (the greater than- and lesser than- symbols I enclosed each sentence in) were causing the text to disappear.
So I've decided that an MMI-discussion will instead be shown italicised and in indigo. I'm also thinking of colouring the text whenever a telepathic discussion occurs. What do you guys think? (assuming you're the least bit interested, that is...)
What a damned fool I am -I had reversed the order of the markings; the usual order, ><, works just fine! But now I like the indigo italics so much I'm inclined to let them stay. Argh! Help me out, readers, I'm partly doing this for you, you know (that's right, feel guilty you knaves)!"
PS. Sorry for the loooong time bince the previous post.
PPS. A big batch of thanks to whoever rated my story.
So I've decided that an MMI-discussion will instead be shown italicised and in indigo. I'm also thinking of colouring the text whenever a telepathic discussion occurs. What do you guys think? (assuming you're the least bit interested, that is...)
What a damned fool I am -I had reversed the order of the markings; the usual order, ><, works just fine! But now I like the indigo italics so much I'm inclined to let them stay. Argh! Help me out, readers, I'm partly doing this for you, you know (that's right, feel guilty you knaves)!"

PS. Sorry for the loooong time bince the previous post.
PPS. A big batch of thanks to whoever rated my story.