Unversity Base, MY 2234
So let me get this straight. It is OK to declare war, vowing to eradicate an entire people and that the faction leader (in this case Rose) will ‘enjoy your execution’, but it is not allowed that the party that has been the victim of this Vendetta to respond to defend themselves? What then, pray tell, is the party that is the object of the warmonger’s designs to do, hmmm? Sit there and take it when the aggressor has vowed to put our bases and people to the sword? I will not stand by while my people are attacked, Pravin, and if you think I will then you need to take some remedial courses in human history.
Incidentally, I did call up Rose. I offered her a truce to be mediated you, her loyal Pact partner, and she laughed and threw it back in my face. Then she demanded Pre Sentient Algorithms, the key to the Hunter Seeker Algorithm, for my ‘crimes’ knowing full well I could not give that to her, and when I said “no” she then reiterated in explicit detail that she would enjoy my execution. That is one fine friend you have Pravin – a real gem.
You also seem to be hot and bothered about Dee. My statements about her were hypothetical and they assumed that she declared Vendetta and attacked my people for no good reason. Rest assured that I will give her no reason to have any complaint against the University. You can see for yourself that I have not encroached on her territory, and I have not been as aggressive as she has been in poaching territory from my island. I am perfectly willing to live in peace with Dee, assuming she is willing to give me the same respect I have given her. The only reason I have given in to her demands is that she is my neighbor and wars are expensive, and here we of the University have been lax. I plan on forging a friendship with Dee, and I will let bygones be bygones if she will, or failing that at least live as cordial neighbors.
You also seem to have your panties in a bunch about technology trades. In general I agree that trades benefit all of us. I draw the line and take it as a personal affront when someone like Rose declares war and then gets some of my hard earned technology as a reward for their warlike actions. If the reward for war is resources, intellectual and otherwise, the precedent you are setting is a dark one. It would be even worse if the two primary powers, the Peacekeepers and the University, were to use this same tactic you seem to endorse to achieve some nefarious end. As I have said before, be careful what you advocate because it may come back to haunt you. Don’t go down in history as Chiron’s Neville Chamberlain, appeasing war mongers to the detriment of those you would sacrifice at the alter of convenience.
I was also offended when you called me a tyrant. I have done nothing, NOTHING, that deserves that title. My society is democratic, free, and prosperous. Moreover, we have friendly relations with all the factions on Chiron except for the warmonger Rose of the Data Devils. I have not attacked anyone, although I did come close to appropriating some of Morgan’s technology to compensate me for the two technical files he stole from University labs when he violated every part of our former Pact. You can see that my military is pretty feeble, even if that will change shortly. I have sold, traded, and/or given technology to all the factions, even Rose’s, so I can’t be accused of hoarding my technology to the detriment of everyone else. I have withheld only the latest output from my labs or those that allow a particularly valuable Project to be completed, and no one can deny that is a justifiable reward for our hard work. If we want to explore the title of tyrant let us look at actions. Who on Planet has declared war on another faction not once but twice, and has vowed the extermination of another faction? Who has violated the peace you so painfully brokered after the first abortive war for no good cause except avarice and greed? Who on Chiron refused to accept an equitable peace that didn’t enrich the warlike party when offered by both the Planetary Governor and their intended victim? Why, I think that title belongs to Rose. And who is Pacted with this fine example of good planetary citizenship? Why, you are. In my mind that makes you the friend of a tyrant, so you had better keep you eye on Rose and maybe yourself. I predict that your relations with Rose the Warmonger will deteriorate quickly since she will want to drag you down the same road of aggressive imperialism and domination. She has refused peace from both you and me. Soon you will have to choose – war or Rose. Choose wisely.
P.S. – You might be interested to note that our labs have 60% more output than yours do, neatly leapfrogging your progress. Good luck catching up.
P.P.S. – You will also note that a handful of our bases, including University Base, have entered a Golden Age. I never thought it possible considering our endemic riots, but all it took is a little tweaking to make my people as happy as yours are. This is a singular achievement and it will be repeated at the rest of our bases as soon as possible.
UN Headquarters, MY 2234
Academician Provost Prokhor Zakharov,
I will be brief since I doubt anything I say will change your state of mind. Your rambling retort only serves to cloud the issue not clear it up. When you are threatened by a neighbor with some very obvious military advantages you transfer technology in order to preserve the peace and maintain harmony in your area. When the same demand is made of you again from a faction half way across the world you deny the request. Self preservation is your motive, pure and simple and I suspect that if the Angels were any closer you would bow to their demands. My question is why draw the distinction between the two in the first place, just transfer the technology. You already have a commanding lead in the completion of the anti-espionage computer project enough so that even if you did give the Angels the information they could not possibly complete it before you. So why antagonize them when you would give it to them anyway if they were on your border. I suspect that you would benefit more from the trade with them than they with you, rather, than the current situation of no trade at all. If I could trade every piece of technology we hade for a pact and all the benefits it gives I would do it with each faction in a heart beat. I think this is why our energy production is almost four times that of yours, trade amoung friends is more profitable and rewarding to our society as a whole than any one or two technical files. I suspect that what really is the issue here is your wounded pride. You refuse to trade technology, a commodity you come by with ease, in exchange for peaceful relations is a very good bargain in my book. I pursued a pact with the Angels simply because I did not wish to have what is happening with you happen with us.
I will be blunt and to the point again in stating that it is our intention to begin to build a forward command base so as to insure your compliance in pursuing peaceful relations with your neighbors. The Gaians have done nothing overtly hostile to you and should you choose to deny a future request of technology then you do so at your own peril. I will be clear and to the point so that you do not misread what I am about to say. Any conflict that arises out of your failure to trade technology is your fault and not the fault of the requestor. I will support the offended party should you try to pursue an active, hostile campaign against them as the result of the action. You have the keys to your own peace and you have used them to secure peace with Gaians in the past, I suggest you continue to use them in the future. We will lend support in the form of technology, credits and intelligence to your "enemies" but as long as you do not actively pursue a campaign against them we will withhold any direct military intervention. Should you attack us our any faction on this planet I will declare you an enemy of peace and encourage all nations to withhold support for you and try to form a coalition to force you back to the peace table. Technology for peace is a simple and mutually rewarding exchange that promotes the free flow of information on this planet. If your hubris has gotten so high that you feel that you can now attack other factions at will in order to preserve a technological lead you will find the Peacekeepers standing next to your victims to support them. In closing, I think you should consult with your academic council of leaders and take a popular vote to see which course of action your people really wish to pursue: the path of peace and harmony with your neighbors or one that leads to decade upon decade of war.
Lastly, as far as your society goes I only have to consult with my planetary administrators to get the tally each turn of which University city or cities have revolted under your questionable democracy. We Peacekeepers have not seen a drone riot in over a century and I doubt we ever will again. The true measure of a society is the how the very lowest rank of citizens in your society live. I suggest that you focus more time and effort into this area and forget the idea of building weapons of war. I doubt your society could build both guns and butter and survive. Take this as a warning pure and simple that the care and nurturing of your people should be foremost in your mind and not the petty bickering over a few technical files.
United Nations General Secretary,
His excellency The Planetary Governor,
Pravin Lal
United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS
University Base, MY 2235
Your idea of ‘trade’ is to give the other faction leaders whatever they demand. OK. That is fair. I want you to give me 1500 energy (five years of your energy surplus, which seems reasonable since that is your output during the time it takes us to make a breakthrough), or I will declare Vendetta. How do you react to that? After all, it is ‘just a few joules of energy’ and can be easily replaced with your massive trade surplus and in the interests of peace you should be only too happy to give it up. Now, before you get upset I don’t want your energy since our trade surplus is just fine, thank you, and our energy surplus is being allocated to enhance our laboratory output. The point is that trades and gifts aren’t demanded, they are agreed to. What you decide to do with your resources is your business, and as Planetary Governor you are free to suggest to the rest of us what you think is in the best interests of humanity on Chiron. Keep in mind that your ‘suggestions’ are just that, and unless they are followed with a bit of persuasion they are merely suggestions. And just in case that statement gets your dander up you should know that I will freely trade technology, and perhaps even gifts, with any other faction except Rose and the Peacekeepers since you are Pacted with her. As evidence, I traded Domai Advanced Military Algorithms for his files on Silksteel armor. That throws your ‘free flow of information’ argument on its head since it is patently untrue.
As to the Angles, they had their chance to be our friend and they thought it more important to be our enemies. One does not give information, energy, or other resources to those that have said they would like to personally give you a messy execution. In short order there will be no ‘military disadvantage’ that will require me to give technology or anything else to extortionists. I will gladly trade with friends, but I will not trade under the threat of a gun, and that threat becomes more or less mute when my gun is of equal size. I really hate to waste all the resources on military weaponry but Rose has forced the issue. I tried peace with her once and she tore up that treaty since, to quote another famous dictator, it ‘was but a piece of paper’. Basically, her reputation is shot. There is absolutely no guarantee or even a hint that any transfer of resources would sate her, so there will be no transfer. By the way, Rose destroyed a University transports last year. All I got was a brief transmission that they were under attack, and then a few pitiful screams for mercy, but it seems Rose has none. From now on our transports will be escorted and any armed Angel seagoing vessel or transport with troops is fair game. I think our intrinsic naval yards will serve use well to ensure our transports, and other assets, are not attacked. She started the hot war and she will get a taste of her own medicine, and I doubt she will like it.
Your administrative snoops will note that we are building Command Centers at a few bases. These will be used to enhance our internal defenses and will focus on infantry and a few rovers. My original proposal to the Advisory Board did not include much of a navy but that changed due to Rose’s latest attack. Now we will make a Navy second to none, and we will work on creating a ring of sea bases around our islands. Let Rose come, since in a decade or two she will not be able to get near our territory without a force I doubt she could field or afford. You should also know that your bases or units are not welcome within 10 sectors of our boarders and I would appreciate it if you would refrain from such...forward acts. Feel free to place all the land and sea colonies you want, Chiron is a big place, but until you are no longer Pacted with Rose I will not have her using your advance bases as staging grounds for attacks on our territory.
I found your argument about guns and butter to be interesting. I assure you that the University can build its defenses and provide amply for our citizens – witness the Golden ages that are occurring at a quarter of our primary bases. Does that sound like discontent? It sounds like peace and harmony to me. We have ample industrial output, far superior to yours, by the way, and our infrastructure is second to none. Now, what were you saying about not being able to support ‘guns and butter’ at the same time?
Lastly, Dee and I had a very nice chat this last year. While she wasn’t as enthusiastic as I would hope she would be our conversation was quite productive. I plan on maintaining this dialog to enhance our mutual understanding, and perhaps one day our trade treaty might become a Pact. It turns out you were the subject of good bit of our chat. Dee doesn’t like you at all, and most of our conversations focused on what some in her Council called ‘meddling’. Where would she get an idea like that?
So let me get this straight. It is OK to declare war, vowing to eradicate an entire people and that the faction leader (in this case Rose) will ‘enjoy your execution’, but it is not allowed that the party that has been the victim of this Vendetta to respond to defend themselves? What then, pray tell, is the party that is the object of the warmonger’s designs to do, hmmm? Sit there and take it when the aggressor has vowed to put our bases and people to the sword? I will not stand by while my people are attacked, Pravin, and if you think I will then you need to take some remedial courses in human history.
Incidentally, I did call up Rose. I offered her a truce to be mediated you, her loyal Pact partner, and she laughed and threw it back in my face. Then she demanded Pre Sentient Algorithms, the key to the Hunter Seeker Algorithm, for my ‘crimes’ knowing full well I could not give that to her, and when I said “no” she then reiterated in explicit detail that she would enjoy my execution. That is one fine friend you have Pravin – a real gem.
You also seem to be hot and bothered about Dee. My statements about her were hypothetical and they assumed that she declared Vendetta and attacked my people for no good reason. Rest assured that I will give her no reason to have any complaint against the University. You can see for yourself that I have not encroached on her territory, and I have not been as aggressive as she has been in poaching territory from my island. I am perfectly willing to live in peace with Dee, assuming she is willing to give me the same respect I have given her. The only reason I have given in to her demands is that she is my neighbor and wars are expensive, and here we of the University have been lax. I plan on forging a friendship with Dee, and I will let bygones be bygones if she will, or failing that at least live as cordial neighbors.
You also seem to have your panties in a bunch about technology trades. In general I agree that trades benefit all of us. I draw the line and take it as a personal affront when someone like Rose declares war and then gets some of my hard earned technology as a reward for their warlike actions. If the reward for war is resources, intellectual and otherwise, the precedent you are setting is a dark one. It would be even worse if the two primary powers, the Peacekeepers and the University, were to use this same tactic you seem to endorse to achieve some nefarious end. As I have said before, be careful what you advocate because it may come back to haunt you. Don’t go down in history as Chiron’s Neville Chamberlain, appeasing war mongers to the detriment of those you would sacrifice at the alter of convenience.
I was also offended when you called me a tyrant. I have done nothing, NOTHING, that deserves that title. My society is democratic, free, and prosperous. Moreover, we have friendly relations with all the factions on Chiron except for the warmonger Rose of the Data Devils. I have not attacked anyone, although I did come close to appropriating some of Morgan’s technology to compensate me for the two technical files he stole from University labs when he violated every part of our former Pact. You can see that my military is pretty feeble, even if that will change shortly. I have sold, traded, and/or given technology to all the factions, even Rose’s, so I can’t be accused of hoarding my technology to the detriment of everyone else. I have withheld only the latest output from my labs or those that allow a particularly valuable Project to be completed, and no one can deny that is a justifiable reward for our hard work. If we want to explore the title of tyrant let us look at actions. Who on Planet has declared war on another faction not once but twice, and has vowed the extermination of another faction? Who has violated the peace you so painfully brokered after the first abortive war for no good cause except avarice and greed? Who on Chiron refused to accept an equitable peace that didn’t enrich the warlike party when offered by both the Planetary Governor and their intended victim? Why, I think that title belongs to Rose. And who is Pacted with this fine example of good planetary citizenship? Why, you are. In my mind that makes you the friend of a tyrant, so you had better keep you eye on Rose and maybe yourself. I predict that your relations with Rose the Warmonger will deteriorate quickly since she will want to drag you down the same road of aggressive imperialism and domination. She has refused peace from both you and me. Soon you will have to choose – war or Rose. Choose wisely.
P.S. – You might be interested to note that our labs have 60% more output than yours do, neatly leapfrogging your progress. Good luck catching up.
P.P.S. – You will also note that a handful of our bases, including University Base, have entered a Golden Age. I never thought it possible considering our endemic riots, but all it took is a little tweaking to make my people as happy as yours are. This is a singular achievement and it will be repeated at the rest of our bases as soon as possible.
UN Headquarters, MY 2234
Academician Provost Prokhor Zakharov,
I will be brief since I doubt anything I say will change your state of mind. Your rambling retort only serves to cloud the issue not clear it up. When you are threatened by a neighbor with some very obvious military advantages you transfer technology in order to preserve the peace and maintain harmony in your area. When the same demand is made of you again from a faction half way across the world you deny the request. Self preservation is your motive, pure and simple and I suspect that if the Angels were any closer you would bow to their demands. My question is why draw the distinction between the two in the first place, just transfer the technology. You already have a commanding lead in the completion of the anti-espionage computer project enough so that even if you did give the Angels the information they could not possibly complete it before you. So why antagonize them when you would give it to them anyway if they were on your border. I suspect that you would benefit more from the trade with them than they with you, rather, than the current situation of no trade at all. If I could trade every piece of technology we hade for a pact and all the benefits it gives I would do it with each faction in a heart beat. I think this is why our energy production is almost four times that of yours, trade amoung friends is more profitable and rewarding to our society as a whole than any one or two technical files. I suspect that what really is the issue here is your wounded pride. You refuse to trade technology, a commodity you come by with ease, in exchange for peaceful relations is a very good bargain in my book. I pursued a pact with the Angels simply because I did not wish to have what is happening with you happen with us.
I will be blunt and to the point again in stating that it is our intention to begin to build a forward command base so as to insure your compliance in pursuing peaceful relations with your neighbors. The Gaians have done nothing overtly hostile to you and should you choose to deny a future request of technology then you do so at your own peril. I will be clear and to the point so that you do not misread what I am about to say. Any conflict that arises out of your failure to trade technology is your fault and not the fault of the requestor. I will support the offended party should you try to pursue an active, hostile campaign against them as the result of the action. You have the keys to your own peace and you have used them to secure peace with Gaians in the past, I suggest you continue to use them in the future. We will lend support in the form of technology, credits and intelligence to your "enemies" but as long as you do not actively pursue a campaign against them we will withhold any direct military intervention. Should you attack us our any faction on this planet I will declare you an enemy of peace and encourage all nations to withhold support for you and try to form a coalition to force you back to the peace table. Technology for peace is a simple and mutually rewarding exchange that promotes the free flow of information on this planet. If your hubris has gotten so high that you feel that you can now attack other factions at will in order to preserve a technological lead you will find the Peacekeepers standing next to your victims to support them. In closing, I think you should consult with your academic council of leaders and take a popular vote to see which course of action your people really wish to pursue: the path of peace and harmony with your neighbors or one that leads to decade upon decade of war.
Lastly, as far as your society goes I only have to consult with my planetary administrators to get the tally each turn of which University city or cities have revolted under your questionable democracy. We Peacekeepers have not seen a drone riot in over a century and I doubt we ever will again. The true measure of a society is the how the very lowest rank of citizens in your society live. I suggest that you focus more time and effort into this area and forget the idea of building weapons of war. I doubt your society could build both guns and butter and survive. Take this as a warning pure and simple that the care and nurturing of your people should be foremost in your mind and not the petty bickering over a few technical files.
United Nations General Secretary,
His excellency The Planetary Governor,
Pravin Lal
United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS
University Base, MY 2235
Your idea of ‘trade’ is to give the other faction leaders whatever they demand. OK. That is fair. I want you to give me 1500 energy (five years of your energy surplus, which seems reasonable since that is your output during the time it takes us to make a breakthrough), or I will declare Vendetta. How do you react to that? After all, it is ‘just a few joules of energy’ and can be easily replaced with your massive trade surplus and in the interests of peace you should be only too happy to give it up. Now, before you get upset I don’t want your energy since our trade surplus is just fine, thank you, and our energy surplus is being allocated to enhance our laboratory output. The point is that trades and gifts aren’t demanded, they are agreed to. What you decide to do with your resources is your business, and as Planetary Governor you are free to suggest to the rest of us what you think is in the best interests of humanity on Chiron. Keep in mind that your ‘suggestions’ are just that, and unless they are followed with a bit of persuasion they are merely suggestions. And just in case that statement gets your dander up you should know that I will freely trade technology, and perhaps even gifts, with any other faction except Rose and the Peacekeepers since you are Pacted with her. As evidence, I traded Domai Advanced Military Algorithms for his files on Silksteel armor. That throws your ‘free flow of information’ argument on its head since it is patently untrue.
As to the Angles, they had their chance to be our friend and they thought it more important to be our enemies. One does not give information, energy, or other resources to those that have said they would like to personally give you a messy execution. In short order there will be no ‘military disadvantage’ that will require me to give technology or anything else to extortionists. I will gladly trade with friends, but I will not trade under the threat of a gun, and that threat becomes more or less mute when my gun is of equal size. I really hate to waste all the resources on military weaponry but Rose has forced the issue. I tried peace with her once and she tore up that treaty since, to quote another famous dictator, it ‘was but a piece of paper’. Basically, her reputation is shot. There is absolutely no guarantee or even a hint that any transfer of resources would sate her, so there will be no transfer. By the way, Rose destroyed a University transports last year. All I got was a brief transmission that they were under attack, and then a few pitiful screams for mercy, but it seems Rose has none. From now on our transports will be escorted and any armed Angel seagoing vessel or transport with troops is fair game. I think our intrinsic naval yards will serve use well to ensure our transports, and other assets, are not attacked. She started the hot war and she will get a taste of her own medicine, and I doubt she will like it.
Your administrative snoops will note that we are building Command Centers at a few bases. These will be used to enhance our internal defenses and will focus on infantry and a few rovers. My original proposal to the Advisory Board did not include much of a navy but that changed due to Rose’s latest attack. Now we will make a Navy second to none, and we will work on creating a ring of sea bases around our islands. Let Rose come, since in a decade or two she will not be able to get near our territory without a force I doubt she could field or afford. You should also know that your bases or units are not welcome within 10 sectors of our boarders and I would appreciate it if you would refrain from such...forward acts. Feel free to place all the land and sea colonies you want, Chiron is a big place, but until you are no longer Pacted with Rose I will not have her using your advance bases as staging grounds for attacks on our territory.
I found your argument about guns and butter to be interesting. I assure you that the University can build its defenses and provide amply for our citizens – witness the Golden ages that are occurring at a quarter of our primary bases. Does that sound like discontent? It sounds like peace and harmony to me. We have ample industrial output, far superior to yours, by the way, and our infrastructure is second to none. Now, what were you saying about not being able to support ‘guns and butter’ at the same time?
Lastly, Dee and I had a very nice chat this last year. While she wasn’t as enthusiastic as I would hope she would be our conversation was quite productive. I plan on maintaining this dialog to enhance our mutual understanding, and perhaps one day our trade treaty might become a Pact. It turns out you were the subject of good bit of our chat. Dee doesn’t like you at all, and most of our conversations focused on what some in her Council called ‘meddling’. Where would she get an idea like that?