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  • #31
    Unversity Base, MY 2234


    So let me get this straight. It is OK to declare war, vowing to eradicate an entire people and that the faction leader (in this case Rose) will ‘enjoy your execution’, but it is not allowed that the party that has been the victim of this Vendetta to respond to defend themselves? What then, pray tell, is the party that is the object of the warmonger’s designs to do, hmmm? Sit there and take it when the aggressor has vowed to put our bases and people to the sword? I will not stand by while my people are attacked, Pravin, and if you think I will then you need to take some remedial courses in human history.

    Incidentally, I did call up Rose. I offered her a truce to be mediated you, her loyal Pact partner, and she laughed and threw it back in my face. Then she demanded Pre Sentient Algorithms, the key to the Hunter Seeker Algorithm, for my ‘crimes’ knowing full well I could not give that to her, and when I said “no” she then reiterated in explicit detail that she would enjoy my execution. That is one fine friend you have Pravin – a real gem.

    You also seem to be hot and bothered about Dee. My statements about her were hypothetical and they assumed that she declared Vendetta and attacked my people for no good reason. Rest assured that I will give her no reason to have any complaint against the University. You can see for yourself that I have not encroached on her territory, and I have not been as aggressive as she has been in poaching territory from my island. I am perfectly willing to live in peace with Dee, assuming she is willing to give me the same respect I have given her. The only reason I have given in to her demands is that she is my neighbor and wars are expensive, and here we of the University have been lax. I plan on forging a friendship with Dee, and I will let bygones be bygones if she will, or failing that at least live as cordial neighbors.

    You also seem to have your panties in a bunch about technology trades. In general I agree that trades benefit all of us. I draw the line and take it as a personal affront when someone like Rose declares war and then gets some of my hard earned technology as a reward for their warlike actions. If the reward for war is resources, intellectual and otherwise, the precedent you are setting is a dark one. It would be even worse if the two primary powers, the Peacekeepers and the University, were to use this same tactic you seem to endorse to achieve some nefarious end. As I have said before, be careful what you advocate because it may come back to haunt you. Don’t go down in history as Chiron’s Neville Chamberlain, appeasing war mongers to the detriment of those you would sacrifice at the alter of convenience.

    I was also offended when you called me a tyrant. I have done nothing, NOTHING, that deserves that title. My society is democratic, free, and prosperous. Moreover, we have friendly relations with all the factions on Chiron except for the warmonger Rose of the Data Devils. I have not attacked anyone, although I did come close to appropriating some of Morgan’s technology to compensate me for the two technical files he stole from University labs when he violated every part of our former Pact. You can see that my military is pretty feeble, even if that will change shortly. I have sold, traded, and/or given technology to all the factions, even Rose’s, so I can’t be accused of hoarding my technology to the detriment of everyone else. I have withheld only the latest output from my labs or those that allow a particularly valuable Project to be completed, and no one can deny that is a justifiable reward for our hard work. If we want to explore the title of tyrant let us look at actions. Who on Planet has declared war on another faction not once but twice, and has vowed the extermination of another faction? Who has violated the peace you so painfully brokered after the first abortive war for no good cause except avarice and greed? Who on Chiron refused to accept an equitable peace that didn’t enrich the warlike party when offered by both the Planetary Governor and their intended victim? Why, I think that title belongs to Rose. And who is Pacted with this fine example of good planetary citizenship? Why, you are. In my mind that makes you the friend of a tyrant, so you had better keep you eye on Rose and maybe yourself. I predict that your relations with Rose the Warmonger will deteriorate quickly since she will want to drag you down the same road of aggressive imperialism and domination. She has refused peace from both you and me. Soon you will have to choose – war or Rose. Choose wisely.


    P.S. – You might be interested to note that our labs have 60% more output than yours do, neatly leapfrogging your progress. Good luck catching up.

    P.P.S. – You will also note that a handful of our bases, including University Base, have entered a Golden Age. I never thought it possible considering our endemic riots, but all it took is a little tweaking to make my people as happy as yours are. This is a singular achievement and it will be repeated at the rest of our bases as soon as possible.


    UN Headquarters, MY 2234

    Academician Provost Prokhor Zakharov,

    I will be brief since I doubt anything I say will change your state of mind. Your rambling retort only serves to cloud the issue not clear it up. When you are threatened by a neighbor with some very obvious military advantages you transfer technology in order to preserve the peace and maintain harmony in your area. When the same demand is made of you again from a faction half way across the world you deny the request. Self preservation is your motive, pure and simple and I suspect that if the Angels were any closer you would bow to their demands. My question is why draw the distinction between the two in the first place, just transfer the technology. You already have a commanding lead in the completion of the anti-espionage computer project enough so that even if you did give the Angels the information they could not possibly complete it before you. So why antagonize them when you would give it to them anyway if they were on your border. I suspect that you would benefit more from the trade with them than they with you, rather, than the current situation of no trade at all. If I could trade every piece of technology we hade for a pact and all the benefits it gives I would do it with each faction in a heart beat. I think this is why our energy production is almost four times that of yours, trade amoung friends is more profitable and rewarding to our society as a whole than any one or two technical files. I suspect that what really is the issue here is your wounded pride. You refuse to trade technology, a commodity you come by with ease, in exchange for peaceful relations is a very good bargain in my book. I pursued a pact with the Angels simply because I did not wish to have what is happening with you happen with us.

    I will be blunt and to the point again in stating that it is our intention to begin to build a forward command base so as to insure your compliance in pursuing peaceful relations with your neighbors. The Gaians have done nothing overtly hostile to you and should you choose to deny a future request of technology then you do so at your own peril. I will be clear and to the point so that you do not misread what I am about to say. Any conflict that arises out of your failure to trade technology is your fault and not the fault of the requestor. I will support the offended party should you try to pursue an active, hostile campaign against them as the result of the action. You have the keys to your own peace and you have used them to secure peace with Gaians in the past, I suggest you continue to use them in the future. We will lend support in the form of technology, credits and intelligence to your "enemies" but as long as you do not actively pursue a campaign against them we will withhold any direct military intervention. Should you attack us our any faction on this planet I will declare you an enemy of peace and encourage all nations to withhold support for you and try to form a coalition to force you back to the peace table. Technology for peace is a simple and mutually rewarding exchange that promotes the free flow of information on this planet. If your hubris has gotten so high that you feel that you can now attack other factions at will in order to preserve a technological lead you will find the Peacekeepers standing next to your victims to support them. In closing, I think you should consult with your academic council of leaders and take a popular vote to see which course of action your people really wish to pursue: the path of peace and harmony with your neighbors or one that leads to decade upon decade of war.

    Lastly, as far as your society goes I only have to consult with my planetary administrators to get the tally each turn of which University city or cities have revolted under your questionable democracy. We Peacekeepers have not seen a drone riot in over a century and I doubt we ever will again. The true measure of a society is the how the very lowest rank of citizens in your society live. I suggest that you focus more time and effort into this area and forget the idea of building weapons of war. I doubt your society could build both guns and butter and survive. Take this as a warning pure and simple that the care and nurturing of your people should be foremost in your mind and not the petty bickering over a few technical files.
    United Nations General Secretary,

    His excellency The Planetary Governor,

    Pravin Lal

    United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
    Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
    Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


    University Base, MY 2235


    Your idea of ‘trade’ is to give the other faction leaders whatever they demand. OK. That is fair. I want you to give me 1500 energy (five years of your energy surplus, which seems reasonable since that is your output during the time it takes us to make a breakthrough), or I will declare Vendetta. How do you react to that? After all, it is ‘just a few joules of energy’ and can be easily replaced with your massive trade surplus and in the interests of peace you should be only too happy to give it up. Now, before you get upset I don’t want your energy since our trade surplus is just fine, thank you, and our energy surplus is being allocated to enhance our laboratory output. The point is that trades and gifts aren’t demanded, they are agreed to. What you decide to do with your resources is your business, and as Planetary Governor you are free to suggest to the rest of us what you think is in the best interests of humanity on Chiron. Keep in mind that your ‘suggestions’ are just that, and unless they are followed with a bit of persuasion they are merely suggestions. And just in case that statement gets your dander up you should know that I will freely trade technology, and perhaps even gifts, with any other faction except Rose and the Peacekeepers since you are Pacted with her. As evidence, I traded Domai Advanced Military Algorithms for his files on Silksteel armor. That throws your ‘free flow of information’ argument on its head since it is patently untrue.

    As to the Angles, they had their chance to be our friend and they thought it more important to be our enemies. One does not give information, energy, or other resources to those that have said they would like to personally give you a messy execution. In short order there will be no ‘military disadvantage’ that will require me to give technology or anything else to extortionists. I will gladly trade with friends, but I will not trade under the threat of a gun, and that threat becomes more or less mute when my gun is of equal size. I really hate to waste all the resources on military weaponry but Rose has forced the issue. I tried peace with her once and she tore up that treaty since, to quote another famous dictator, it ‘was but a piece of paper’. Basically, her reputation is shot. There is absolutely no guarantee or even a hint that any transfer of resources would sate her, so there will be no transfer. By the way, Rose destroyed a University transports last year. All I got was a brief transmission that they were under attack, and then a few pitiful screams for mercy, but it seems Rose has none. From now on our transports will be escorted and any armed Angel seagoing vessel or transport with troops is fair game. I think our intrinsic naval yards will serve use well to ensure our transports, and other assets, are not attacked. She started the hot war and she will get a taste of her own medicine, and I doubt she will like it.

    Your administrative snoops will note that we are building Command Centers at a few bases. These will be used to enhance our internal defenses and will focus on infantry and a few rovers. My original proposal to the Advisory Board did not include much of a navy but that changed due to Rose’s latest attack. Now we will make a Navy second to none, and we will work on creating a ring of sea bases around our islands. Let Rose come, since in a decade or two she will not be able to get near our territory without a force I doubt she could field or afford. You should also know that your bases or units are not welcome within 10 sectors of our boarders and I would appreciate it if you would refrain from such...forward acts. Feel free to place all the land and sea colonies you want, Chiron is a big place, but until you are no longer Pacted with Rose I will not have her using your advance bases as staging grounds for attacks on our territory.

    I found your argument about guns and butter to be interesting. I assure you that the University can build its defenses and provide amply for our citizens – witness the Golden ages that are occurring at a quarter of our primary bases. Does that sound like discontent? It sounds like peace and harmony to me. We have ample industrial output, far superior to yours, by the way, and our infrastructure is second to none. Now, what were you saying about not being able to support ‘guns and butter’ at the same time?

    Lastly, Dee and I had a very nice chat this last year. While she wasn’t as enthusiastic as I would hope she would be our conversation was quite productive. I plan on maintaining this dialog to enhance our mutual understanding, and perhaps one day our trade treaty might become a Pact. It turns out you were the subject of good bit of our chat. Dee doesn’t like you at all, and most of our conversations focused on what some in her Council called ‘meddling’. Where would she get an idea like that?



    • #32
      UN Headquarters, MY 2235

      Academician Provost Prokhor Zakharov,

      I have issued orders for a state of "vendetta" to be in effect until you can come to terms with the Angels. Your last communication only served to convince me that it is not your faction that is the problem, but you. I am sure if I could talk with your academic council and your people that your pursuit of technology at the cost of peace will result in a calamity for us all would result in a reversal of policy. I cannot in good conscience continue our minor trading relationship with you so that every energy credit I put in your pocket helps your plans of conquest. I hope that you will in time realize the wisdom of making peace. As to your analogies of "appeasement" I suggest that you review your history textbooks and apply the correct case in this situation. You are obviously the superior power when compared to the Angels and as such should not the Angels be the ones "appeasing" you? Your faction is twice the power of the Angels and yet you continue to labor under the misconception that you are the weaker power. If you honestly believe that giving just one piece of technology to the Angels will somehow catapult them into the lead then you have lost touch with reality. I suppose once the Gaians start making their demands you will also follow the same policy with them as you do the Angels and so on and so forth until you are left alone making my job even easier. Your government’s policy, if you call it that, is based upon who has angered our good provost today and who has not. I suggest you rethink your foreign policy with regards to maintaining a world peace.

      As to the Peacekeeper position and how we intend to pursue this vendetta. We will not actively move to engage any University forces in combat, our military position is strictly defensive and supportive in nature for our allies. Our previous military, economic and social position still stands as stated in our 2235 transmission. Our vendetta against you currently is strictly "commercial" in nature so that we do not support your war mongering efforts. Should you return to the peace table and the family of nations as a responsible leader then we will welcome you back with open arms. Until then we see no reason to allow you into our family of nations to reap the benefits from it.

      Lastly, I will be happy to transmit the energy credits you requested in exchange for all of your data and any future data you so discover in turn we will also transmit any breakthrough we have as well. Let the free flow of information begin... Are you up to the challenge??

      United Nations General Secretary,

      His excellency The Planetary Governor,

      Pravin Lal

      United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
      Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
      Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


      University Base, MY 2236


      It is sadly ironic that the “Peacekeepers” are so free to declare vendetta against another faction when that other faction, the University, has done nothing but mind its own business. Does your Charter and the UN Declaration of Rights mean so little to you? You can rationalize it all you want by calling it an economic war, but it is a war all the same and a hypocritical war at that. Pravin, if you want a cold war you will get one. I have instructed my trade ministers to sever all economic links with your people, and any hope of technology trade has just evaporated permanently now that your malevolent intent is clear. One bit of information you may not have understood is that this trade breakdown hurt you more than me since your status as Governor gave you a higher rate of return. The first wound in this cold war is on you, and it was self inflicted.

      I also had a long and involved chat with Aki. I gave her all of our conversations that we have had in the past, as well as actual holo transmissions between Rose and myself. She was indignent that Rose would summarily demand technology under threat of war, and she was outraged that Rose would destroy an innocent transport, sending its civilian crew to a horrible and watery death. I then informed her that you supported Rose in her blackmail and, in apparent sympathy with her, had declared a Vendetta against the University, and that it was to be a ‘cold war’ of economics. You must understand, Pravin, that Aki and I are of very similar mindsets. We both understand things like ‘trades’ and ‘fair dealing’ and how these concepts are logically bound together, unlike others like you and Rose. We also understand that friends, true friends, will gift each other when they have bounty or request a boon when they are in need, and that they will trade to the benefit of both. Her magnanimous reaction to these detailed revelations surprised me, and I was floored when she declared Vendetta against both you and the Angels. I told her that it wasn’t necessary to do this, but she insisted so that she could ‘honor the logical nature of Pacts and our long term relationship’. Your ill-advised decision to declare Vendetta against us has borne bitter fruit for you, Pravin. Your list of friends and Pactmates grows short.

      Your ‘appeasement’ argument stands on its head, Pravin. The appeaser is you, not Rose. Rose is simply a bloodthirsty idiot that is blinded by greed and ambition. I had hoped that you would see more sensibly than you have been but evidently that is not the case. Perhaps one day you will learn and regret your rash actions.

      You should know that the last election in University territory for regional Directors also had a plebiscite on our technology status, future, and goals. A full 89% agreed that our current status as technology leader on Chiron should be maintained, and 84% recommended an increased emphasis on laboratory output. Another significant finding, and one that will be promptly implemented by the Board, is for increased military readiness and colony expansion. That seems pretty definitive to me, and it reaffirmed the direction the Board and I have chosen.

      Lastly, we made a breakthrough in Doctrine: Air Power this last year. We will immediately start building aerospace complexes where we are able, and prototype fighters and bombers will be completed as soon as these facilities come on line. I don’t think this monopoly on this technology will last long, but I intend to make the best of it since both you and Rose seem to have decided that the University has outlived its usefulness and that a forcible change in leadership is required (at least you didn’t insist on my execution – perhaps you think mere imprisonment is sufficient?). I expect that other breakthroughs will follow when we link three or four artifacts in the next few years, and more actual breakthroughs will keep flowing from our labs since our rate is still one per five year. I don’t see our technological lead slipping any time soon, and that is a good thing considering the ill will you and Rose have toward us. I am just glad to have allies like Aki and friends like Dee, Domai, and Morgan. I may even be able to convince one of these others to be closer friends – now wouldn’t that be grand?



      UN Headquarters, MY 2236

      Academician Provost Prokhor Zakharov,

      You are very correct in your statement that the "economic blockade" did in effect hurt us more than you. However, that is the price one has to pay sometimes to maintain a position of integrity and authority, sacrifices have to be made for the greater good for the ideal. This is a concept I am sure that is "alien" to you. What I still find "laughable" is that you still wish to wear the mantle of the injured party in this situation. By your own admission you have traded with Lady Skye and have submitted (YOU HAVE APPEASED) to her demands to maintain peace yet when the Data Angels make the same claim you refuse and brand them as savages, brutes, or thieves. Please draw my a clear picture as to why you are still friends with the Gaians but not the Angels?? I believe that at the heart of your argument is the basic principal of "real politick". The Gaians had superior numbers and capabilities in military technology and as a result you bowed to their demands in order to maintain peace. Since the Angels are far away you can "afford" to be belligerent and indignant over the issue to save your frail ego and as a result remain hostile and uncooperative with any of their demands or requests. I think this truly sums up you situation. What you should be concerned with is not how many allies you will be able to gather but how soon will you be hip deep in demands by the other factions for all of that technology you have or will have. I would almost bet as soon as Lady Skye hears that you are making multiple breakthroughs she will demand more technology again in exchange for peace. What will you do then, will you APPEASE HER AGAIN?? I wish you would look past your wounded pride and make peace with the Angels. I do sympathize with the loss of your transport but more importantly the crew and I fear it will be just the start of many such incidents to come. The question is when will the escalation stop as violence continues to break out. You keep bringing up "appeasement" as if
      it were some shield for any and all actions but you have already practiced appeasement by bowing to Lady Skye's demands before so why now change your position, why take this path with Angels and not the Gaians?? If it worked once why not a second time or a third or fourth of fifth or so on and so on.

      As I stated in my last transmission you have they key to peace on this planet and only you can lock the box and seal the chaos that lurks inside.
      The question is do you have the courage to do so? Once peace has been achieved we will resume our trading relationship with you and sign any peace treaty you wish but for now we can not support you at the expense of the Angels. For all of your bluster and ranting about the Angels they have never once even threatened us in any form what so ever. If they were the mad dogs you make them out to be why did they not once ever threaten us. We have traded with them for over a century without incident and they are proving to be very good pact members so by their own actions your arguments become weak and feeble.

      Lastly, if you truly think you can build a coalition of factions to support your efforts to destroy the Angels what price do you think they will demand for their efforts. And as I said earlier once they learn of your advanced technologies do you think they will not demand more of it for themselves? Bury your wounded pride Zakharov and make peace with the Angels so we can have done with this. I will even compensate you for your lost transport and crew, name your price in energy credits.

      Should you reject all of the above then as I stated in my last two transmissions we will support our pact mates, the Morganites and Angels, 100% with economic and intelligence support. Should you attack any Peacekeeper property or people will be forced at that time to take up arms against you in full force. Until that time, God forbid, we will pursue a defensive stance in all cases.

      For the sake of the peace turn away from your wounded and bruised ego and tampled pride and take up the cause of peace.

      United Nations General Secretary,
      His excellency The Planetary Governor,
      Pravin Lal

      United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
      Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
      Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


      UN Headquarters, MY 2237


      Despite your neatly circular arguments involving Dee, you are conveniently forgetting a few things – Rose declared Vendetta when I denied her demanded technology while Dee did not sink to war mongering. Our past disagreement with Dee occurred when we first met and, while our relationship has gone up and down, she never resorted to war. Rose did; hence my label of war monger. As the old cliché goes, if the shoe fits… The answer to your question of when the violence will stop is easy: when Rose agrees to a truce. Until she does I will defend myself, and my defense will start with a solid infantry and progress to assault infantry, rovers, and navy. In short order any damage Rose may be able to do to me will be largely irrelevant, although the damage I can do to her will be quite substantial. Let us say I will mount and aggressive defense and leave it at that.

      I am proud to announce the breakthrough in two critical technologies: Applied Relativity and Orbital Spaceflight. Upon unlocking the keys to Applied Relativity I ordered that the Project at University Base be changed to the Supercollider, which promises to double the already prestigious laboratory output of our capital. Orbital Spaceflight is even more valuable since it will allow us to complete the first manned orbital object, the hydroponics station which will veritably rain food from its that it will harvest from its beautiful gardens. It will also allow the construction of an intercontinental missile of frightful destructive power, which has been informally dubbed the Planetbuster. Now, why would it be called the Planetbuster you may ask? The answer is that it is several orders of magnitude more powerful than any fusion bomb ever constructed on Earth. It will be able to rend the very surface of this planet, and reducing its target to inconsequential gasses and random energy in the process. So this advance is a mixed blessing. It can be used for undeniable good, or evil. It is a very good thing my scientists unlocked these secrets first since it is better in my hands than in warmongers like Rose, or you for that matter. This is one of those technologies that I will never willingly divulge to anyone so my monopoly can be maintained for as long as possible. How long will that be? I don’t know. What I do know is that the other faction liable to discover this independently in the near future is Aki and she hates both you and Rose, so it is unlikely you will acquire it from that avenue. But it will eventually fall into your hands and I will hope you will restrain the more warlike elements in your Council. I will be watching your progress with interest to see when you get this technology, and what you do with it. Will you advocate proliferation, which is counter to all UN precepts? Will you build these fearsome weapons and use them to exterminate innocents? Will you keep an alliance with someone like Rose, who I have no doubt will build a planetbuster and use it when she has the opportunity? Time will tell.



      Peacekeepers, MY 2237

      Academician Provost Prokhor Zakharov,

      My good academician you made my fall from my chair in laughter after your last transmission, I did not think you had it in you to joke. Allow me to make sure I understand your statement at the beginning of your communication. As long as Lady Skye only threatened you with war but ever actually attacked you, since you gave into her demands i.e. .. APPEASEMENT, that was okay in your book. However, when Data Roze contacts you with the same demand and you refuse her demand and then she actually carries out her threat to the logical extension this somehow is far different than what Lady Skye did, is that correct? You have become the master of the circular argument my friend. I suppose your wounded ego actually was shocked beyond belief that she actually could "strike" at you since earlier all of your previous statements held to the belief that Roze and the Angels were no threat since she was far away. What a shock it must have been for you to hear the cries from your transport crew as the Angels sunk it. I now wonder if you were not more shocked over the collapse of your logic rather than the loss of the crew and ship! Well, if you choose to classify the Peacekeepers as war-mongers then so be it. I doubt I can pry your ego away from the frail reality you have woven. Now you speak of massive military campaigns and the conquering of an entire people over the loss of one transport and crew that could have been prevented if you had released the technology that was already antiquated by that time. Does that some up the entire situation, I do believe it does. How ridiculous does that sound when framed in that light or any light you might want to shed on it. I also wonder how much technology did you appease Lady Skye with when you happened to be on one of those "down" phases in your relationship. Well, you can rest assured the Peacekeepers will not threaten you with any "planet busters" should we obtain that technology we have already voted as a people to ban the production of such weapons. However, I am sure you will soon quickly build as many as you can even though your empaths will inform you no one else has them. And for that matter there are only three factions near enough to strike at you if they did have them. Your "friends" the Gaians, perhaps you can appease them with a planet buster should they threaten you again, the Morganites who are mired in business backstabbing and the Peacekeepers your most hated foe now. How do you sleep at night my friend do you see conspiracies at every turn?

      I am sure your empaths have now reported that we have made a significant breakthrough with the aid of relic to discover neural grafting. It will allow our troops to be more skilled and we have prepared plans for special centers to enhance their abilities in combat. Peacekeeper troops will be an elite fighting force indeed.

      Well, I do hope that I have not shaken your world too much but if you still plan on building your massive army then I doubt anything I can say will deter you from that course. I do wish that your labs might discover some technology that might allow you to see the light of reason. In the hopes of trying to settle this matter I plan on contacting Roze in the next turn or two to try and once again to have her end this conflict with you but until you give some token of peace I doubt she will settle anything. The course seems to be charted through a sea of blood. Do you really wish to embark on this voyage??

      United Nations General Secretary,
      His excellency The Planetary Governor,
      Pravin Lal

      United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
      Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
      Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


      • #33
        b]University Base, MY 2238[/b]


        I think I must not have been clear; either that or you are daft. Dee has contacted me well over a half dozen times since our tortured landing on Chiron. In a few cases it was to trade technology, which I did willingly. In the others it was to demand technology. In all but two cases I told her no, and she did not declare vendetta – she simply went away disappointed. Rose did declare vendetta the first time I told her no which says a lot about her character. Now, the first technology I gave Dee allowed her to form a Democratic government. Most of the other factions had this at the time so I saw no harm in giving it to her. Our previous trade had been to her detriment, I fear, since with it I beat her to the Empath Guild. So, call it what you like, but I call it a gift since she was solicitous at the time and had been a good trading partner. The second instance was a little different, and I did take a while to decide before giving her Planetary Economics. Was it appeasement? I’m not sure, but I recall telling you that I make the trade and immediately regretted it. The difference here, and the point that I obviously failed to make, is that Dee has a history of not declaring vendetta when she doesn’t get what she wants; Rose does. This makes Dee a good ‘investment’, if you will, while Rose’s reputation is shot to hell in my ledger. In the future I will give Dee the benefit of the doubt since she has earned it. She won’t get everything she wants, not by a long shot, but as long as she continues to be a good neighbor I will continue to be a good neighbor. Rose has earned my antipathy and will get not one iota of information, a single joule of energy, or scrap of land or materials from me. If you can broker a truce then I welcome it, but I will have no more of her duplicitous mewing.

        I also think you need to revise your judgement on my list of ‘hated foes’. This list is short, and it contains only Rose of the Data Devils. For obvious reasons you are not my friend, since declaring Vendetta just may have given me the indication you do not have my better interests at heart. I have had peaceful relations with the other factions for a long, long time. Even though Morgan transgressed in his theft it did teach me a valuable lesson, and I doubt that particular lesson will need to be taught to me again. I have forgiven but will not forget. Since that ugly incident we have had happy trade relationships, to the betterment of both of us (although he makes more energy out of them, which is hardly surprising). My relationship with Dee started off horribly, but improved and has been maintained despite our ups and downs, and the downs corresponded to our entry into a Free Market system, which we have now jettisoned wholeheartedly. I have had nothing but stellar relations with Aki, of course, and Domai has been plodding along and he doesn’t bother me much. I have no ill intent toward anyone except Rose, and I hope this continues into the future. Maybe you could learn something from this example?

        Congratulations on discovering the secrets of Neural Grafting, and I hope you profit from it. We made a breakthrough in Bioadaptive Resonance this last year, and I will add it to the list of breakthroughs we have made even if it won’t be immediately useful. Our laboratory rate is now an order of magnitude more than some of the factions due to the Supercollider at University Base, and I am pleasantly surprised that the lab output from our capital alone is more than the entire lab output every other faction on Chiron, except yours where it is half. Simply amazing! Our breakthrough rate is now down to 4 years, and I relish the new files that will pass into the Advisory Board’s hands!

        Lastly, you may have noticed that my fleet and army have grown. The University now has three isle of the deep, and (I think) four mindworms. What is wonderful is that most of these are independent of support, unlike normal military and exploration units. I plan on using these terrific platforms to explore Chiron, although I will stay away from areas likely to be traveled by Rose – when I go back into her waters it won’t be with transports and mindworms. There are vast areas of the sea and land that are black to my eyes, and I can’t wait to see what they might hold. Let Rose have her dirty war and her growing and soon to be obsolete army. I hope she chokes on it. In the meantime I will prepare, explore, and expand beyond her ability to compete. There may be a day when I simply ignore her since she may be completely irrelevant (except as a nuisance), but for the time being I will be aggressive in expansion and exploration, and these native units will help immensely.


        P.S. – I’ve noticed you seem to be out of sorts lately and rather irritable. Are you getting enough fiber?


        UN Headquarters, MY 2238

        Academician Provost Prokhor Zakharov,

        I wonder if you actually write your own communications anymore Zakharov or do you just prepare an outline of points and allow a minor functionary on your staff, perhaps a graduate student, to fill in the blanks. If I understand your correctly the reason Deirdre is "okay" or as you put it a "good investment" is due to the fact that she did not actually attack you when you refused her demand for technology. Is that correct? As opposed to Roze who made the same threats but actually carried out on her promise, her threat. Perhaps if you had "gifted or appeased them" the Angels one or two technologies you would have also had the same response from Roze as you did from Lady Skye? But of course, Roze was far away and the Gaians are your neighbors. Just imagine for just one instant if you had "gifted" Roze those files as you now label your exchanges rather than using the more correct term "appeasement". You could have developed Roze into a valuable ally at the very least or perhaps at least a partner? But no, that would have called on you to have a greater vision than you have shown so far...

        Your plans sound very grand indeed. I expect that you will even have the capabilities to carry them out or at least some of them. I applaud your efforts at expanding our knowledge of this planet and increasing our understanding of it. These are "noble" goals to be sure. So I ask why build a massive army?? Why not take the "high road" in this case and work out a solution. Of course, that would force you to realize that your vaunted intellect might have lead you "astray" in your dealings with the Angels in the early days. Perhaps you might have heard of another old saying, since you seem so found of them, "keep your friends close, but, keep your enemies even closer". Perhaps by moving to cement a strong relationship with Roze you could have achieved something very special indeed. This was one of our major motivations in working with the Angels so that by becoming their allies, their pact mates, we could help guide them and correct their errors as friends rather than antagonists.

        I was contacted by Lady Skye last turn and she seemed very warm and receptive during our conversations. Their seemed to be no sign of anger or resentment on her behalf. In fact, you were mentioned several times as a major source of frustration. During our conversation she asked for our files on neural grafting and we have given them too her, as we give all who ask. I can only hope that she will put them to good use. I had hoped that Lady Skye would have traded me her files on air craft designs but perhaps in a turn or two, we do seem to be hitting it off very well.

        Lastly, I was not able to get through to Roze this turn so perhaps in a turn or two I will try again. We did get in contact with the Angels military coordinator and we have all agreed to allow Peacekeeper troops, in particular, our trained mind worms to be stationed on the second larger continent the Angels own. This force will help patrol the fungus fields and help support any activity that might occur.

        United Nations General Secretary,

        His excellency The Planetary Governor,

        Pravin Lal

        United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
        Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
        Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


        University Base, MY 2239


        You simply don’t understand. The issue at the core of what appears to be an ideological disagreement is in my mind about trust. Dee’s actions inspire trust, or at least they have in the last 100 years or so. Rose’s actions do not – declaring war twice against my people has a way of burning away any trust we may have had for this errant individual. If you can’t see that then we really don’t have much to talk about on this subject.

        Your snoops will tell you exactly the state of our ‘massive army’. Our bases are still focusing primarily on finishing critical infrastructure like hybrid forests, and lesser infrastructure like energy banks and biology labs. We have prototyped all the armor and weaponry that we have developed, but you can plainly see that there is no grand army being built. If anything our defenses are pretty thin, and I hope to ameliorate this in the near future. After our defenses and a fast reaction force are in place then I will explore the possibility of a strike force to defend our soon-to-be bevy of sea bases, and to guard our outer perimeter. In fact, I notice that your ‘army’ is far superior to ours. What are your plans? If building infantry and speeders with missile technology is evidence of hostile intent then you beat us war mongering University types at it hands down.

        I was surprised initially surprised that Dee discovered the secrets of Doctrine: Airpower the very year we did. I know she did not pilfer these from our labs, so I sought a different explanation and upon further review a Council Select determined that it was in perfect keeping of Gaian research priorities. One of the key motivators for Doctrine: Airpower is the desire to Explore, which is at the core of my understanding of the Gaian belief system. Therefore it is natural that they would come to understand this sooner or later.

        I am sad to report that one of our isles of the deep came to a sad end at the hands of another isle. An empath foil is on the way to deal with this isle, and it will either be turned or destroyed. Progress marches own, but it is sad when Chiron’s native life turns on its own. A sealurk attacked and failed to destroy an empath foil at Zoloto Gold, and I just noticed there is another isle full of mindworms headed our way. The foil should take care of it and, failing that, our empath rovers will deal handily with any native invasion. This latest incursion just strengthens my resolve to upgrade our defenses, and now I understand the usefulness of Bioadaptive Resonance, since it will give us a psi based and conventional attack capability.

        Be sure to say hello to Rose for me seeing that we aren’t on speaking terms.



        UN Headquarters, MY 2239

        Academician Provost Prokhor Zakharov,

        I think my constant "badgering" has actually forced your to re-examine your policies it seems. In your statement:

        "The issue at the core of what appears to be an ideological disagreement is in my mind about trust. Dee's actions inspire trust, or at least they have in the last 100 years or so."

        the key to your entire argument is now about trust, nothing else, correct? If that is the case then you ARE AT FAULT and are responsible for this entire mess. Let me explain, you have built a foundation of trust, as you call it, with the Gaians by bowing to their demands and by working several very "equitable" exchanges in technology, correct? All you have to ask yourself is what did you do to inspire, to nurture that level of trust in the Angels, none. In fact, I myself re-read many of our earlier conversations and in almost every one of them you wrote with a level of paranoia and distrust that was very evident. You never once went out of your way to build any foundation of diplomacy or trust that you did with the Gaians, even if you did have to appease them from time to time to get it done. So please I think we can now see that it was your in-actions and not Roze's actions that were at the root of the problem. Yes, she did "actually" attack you and declare vendetta and for that we are all sorry, I did grieve for your lost crew. I was able to get her, the first time, to withdrawal that declaration but your continued inactions and hostility only added more fuel to the flames and it now seems it is an inferno I can not put out. If you had shared more and had let the old "earth" grudges behind you it might have all ended different, don't you think? Make peace with the Angels so we can all move forward again.

        I continue to work on a very warm relationship with Lady Skye and I do believe that perhaps next turn I will ask her to sign a treaty and then move on to joining our pact. That would make four factions united under one goal, one purpose, one ideal. I think that though your labs are superior our skills at diplomacy far exceed yours.

        Lastly, I have had many consultations with our ministers and more expansion is now in order. With that in mind I have approved a visionary project by which we will raise the polar sea cap floors and move them northwards to join up with our eastern territories. I think this will be a very rewarding project.

        United Nations General Secretary,

        His excellency The Planetary Governor,

        Pravin Lal

        United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
        Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
        Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


        • #34
          University Base, MY 2240


          I am getting really tired of your circular arguments that always end with a statement that the war the Data Devils declared on the University is my fault. I reject that completely, and if you haven’t figured out why by now then you are slipping into a premature senility and may want to consider a long rejuvenation cycle. It seems quite simple – Rose refuses and equitable peace and I refuse to bow to her demands, and your marvelous diplomacy is unable to force either of us to do your will. I must say that I find it curious that you find no fault with Rose, your Pactmate, and every fault with me – the bias stinks to high heaven, Pravin, and it (and the Vendetta you declared against us) significantly diminish your credibility. If you want to continue harping on this I can’t stop you but I am done ‘discussing’ it since it is quite clear there is no common ground. I reject what you call logic, and your thin basis for it, since you are unable or unwilling to see my side of this disagreement. If we are to keep this somewhat civil, and you have tried my patience mightily by declaring Vendetta, we will have to agree to disagree.

          We founded two new bases in the last few years in the Monsoon Jungle. They fill out this modest island, and I hope they will be prosperous. We are a year away from completing the Hunter Seeker Algorithm at Gagarin Memorial, and are ramping up our military program with a series of Command Centers and Aerospace Centers. Upgrades, new armor, fast response rovers, and prototype needlejets should be rolling off the assembly lines in the next half-decade or so. Before you go apoplectic on how massive a buildup this is I invite you to look at your own military defense, and the significant offensive force you are constructing. In my mind I am in catch-up mode and have been too long distracted by infrastructure improvements. Paper tigers have a thin roar, and are vulnerable to the smallest flame. I will not allow the hard work of my citizens to vanish into dust.

          Good luck with Dee. Perhaps you’ll do as well with her as you have with me with your subtle, nuance diplomacy. I recommend not declaring Vendetta against the Gaians since most people don’t like it, and Dee might take offense. Heaven knows I have.



          UN Headquarters, MY 2240

          Academician Provost Prokhor Zakharov,

          I can assure you as the Planetary Governor I have been working, pleading, demanding, arguing, condemning and joking with Roze to try and get her to see reason as well. You have not been "singled" out to receive my attention I can assure you of that. After pealing away the many layers of this issue I think I might have gotten to the core problem which was a relief for me. Sometimes in any conflict or problem there has to be one person that takes the "risk" and sees beyond the here and now and can look to the future or the possible futures of what can and what will be. You harbor your grudges and slights and collect them like pieces of armor that you think will shield you, to protect you, to insulate you from doing the right, no, the honorable thing, in this case. Here is what I am willing to offer. One, make peace with Roze give her some "token" of peace that you can use to end this conflict. When peace is achieved I will end our economic boycott as well. Two, if at anytime in the future should Roze take any hostile action again against you I will not support her attack against you and in fact I will move Peacekeeper forces into her territory to establish order. If Roze demands a technology at a future date try and compensate her as best you can and I will in turn compensate you. I can see no other way to solve this issue since it will take an act of supreme foresight and understanding to end this conflict. I am not sure you have this within you. Our vendetta against you has only been "economic" in nature and not once has any Peacekeeper force ever threatened you or your people or troops. You are correct in that I have supported Roze but that is what "pact" brothers and sisters do. When you were about to launch your espionage attacks on Morgan I was able to stay your hand by providing compensation. I am offering this again. Even though Morgan took valuable information from you a commodity that I am sure you value more than a transport or a few crew you have been able to live beside him for almost a half century due to the peace treaty we, the Peacekeepers forged. Allow me to try once again to do this with you and Roze. I feel that if you can let go of your past with her both her on this planet and on earth you will find that you can look forward with more clarity of purpose than you have known before.

          I do keep in touch with your military expansion and I am not becoming “unglued" about your expansion efforts. In fact, I worry more about Aki than I do you. Since she has discovered fusion power and the awesome power it is I wonder if there is enough humanity in those half computer minds of theirs to hold back and not exercise the terrible power it can unleash.

          Lastly, I do hope that you take the time to review my proposal. Should you decline I will no longer pursue the possibilities of negotiating any peace settlement with you. All I can do at that point is move forward and hope for the best, and prepare.

          United Nations General Secretary,
          His excellency The Planetary Governor,
          Pravin Lal

          United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
          Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
          Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


          University Base, MY 2241


          If you are worried about what fusion power might unleash then you’d better worry about the University too. We discovered the secrets of fusion at the same time as Aki, which is a pity since I would have been happy to share it with her and I’m sure she’d share it with me. I’ve immediately upgraded some of our defenders and mobile response units and will continue upgrading our infantry defenders to fusion silksteel, as your snoops can no doubt see. It will be a few years before all are upgraded but it will be done. For the time being this gives my base administrators a feeling of relief since fusion silksteel defenders can easily defeat any attack known on Chiron from likely foes, read that Rose and, based on your recent belligerent messages, the Peacekeepers. Our transports will be upgraded soon, so if Rose attacks them she will be in for a nasty surprise. My crews will no doubt gloat as an overconfident Angel missile foil attacks and then sinks into the deep. It may be a while before Rose finds this out since her navy is so puny, but I may be able to provide a demonstration.

          This monopoly on fusion power will not last, of course, but I indent to use it to my advantage and to the advantage of my allies and friends. That does not include you, and it certainly doesn’t include Rose. Aki is of the same mind since she is also in Vendetta with both you and Rose the warmonger. You will have to discover this on your own, or trade technologies through other avenues. While you are plotting to get your hands on this tech we will be expanding, and I am hoping that this advantage will prove decisive even if it only lasts five or ten years. More importantly, I have been advised that fusion power opens up a whole new field of discoveries, and I intend to get there first. Another exciting enhancement is the Fusion Lab, and several of these will be started right away, beginning with University Base. As always, research and knowledge are key – that is a concept Rose doesn’t understand, but I hope you will in time.

          You might be interested to check into the status of Mendelev College. I had an unexpected population surge and is now at population level 17, which makes it the largest city on Chiron – quite an achievement, even if it was an accident.

          We’ve captured another isle of the deep that was threatening Zoloto Gold, and it will be dispatched to explore, like the rest of the University peacetime fleet. It is too bad you are not my friend or I might trade or sell my world map to you. We have made impressive progress, especially when you add Aki’s map to mine. That is the advantage of friendships. You should try it sometime instead of trying to bludgeon factions into submission and declaring war in the name of ‘peace’. Just trying to get an understanding of that Peacekeeper concept make my head hurt.

          Lastly, the Hunter Seeker Algorithm is complete and I will no longer have to fear most probe and espionage attacks. I will now reopen Pact talks with Morgan now what it is unlikely that he can steal from me, and I hope that he doesn’t try. My guess is that he’ll jump at the chance of more energy, but you never know.



          UN Headquarters, MY 2241

          Academician Provost Prokhor Zakharov,

          I was very disappointed by your last communication. I had thought I had crafted a very fair and reasonable peace process by which we could all live by but I see from your response that either you did not read it or you choose to ignore it. Either way you have made it clear from your statements that you no longer wish peace in any form that would have any equality at all for the other parties, your peace will be bought by the strength of your military. I think you have either lost all sense of reality, you are mad. After what we left behind on earth you seem bent on making the same errors and holding the same petty grievances that they did and it might cost us another planet. Your transmissions are rife with military expansionist dogma and even though your military is only in the first stage of development it is none the less in the first stage.

          So we have at last reached an impasse. I find it ironic that the man who is reported to have the keenest intellect on this planet only sees war as the only option to achieve peace.

          With that said I wish to discuss territorial considerations. Based upon my current map I wish to discuss the setting of "neutral zones" so that University and Peacekeeper forces do not become entangled too closely which in turn might set off a conflict that none of us can stop. Currently the Peacekeepers occupy a small island just to the southeast of Morgan's main holdings. What I propose is that no ship venture beyond a point, from either side, halfway between the two drawing a line diagonally from northeast to southwest. Then from the southern coast of the small island just to the north of our island area (just east of Morgan's holdings ) draw a line that runs east-west till you reach the northern area of the Data Angels larger island. Please consider this plan and advise us as to your stand upon it.

          Lastly, I wish to make it clear to you that from this point forward we will now take a more aggressive stance in protecting our holdings. Our ships will be on patrol and will only fire upon any University vessel that closes within three sectors of any Peacekeeper territory. We will not fire on any transports that are unarmed. But if they do not return to their own areas they will be boarded and confiscated.

          Unless you desire direct communication with me in the future I have appointed my son to handle any future communications with you. Also, as a point of clarification, even when we had a pact you were hardly a very open partner and, in fact, worked against almost every exchange idea I ever proposed. The loss of the University as a pact partner was not a terrible loss for us since you never worked to be a partner with us. You can not lose what you never had in the first place....

          United Nations General Secretary,
          His excellency The Planetary Governor,
          Pravin Lal

          United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
          Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
          Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


          University Base, MY 2242


          I assume I am talking to you since Pravin has made himself busy elsewhere. I suspect he thinks I will be annoyed at having to talk to a more minor functionary, but that it not the case at all. Even though Pravin and I were talking we were not communicating, and I am relieved that I will not have to listen to his tirades on how bad a person I am, or how I am a war monger, or how I am a threat to peace. What irks me is his latest accusation that I am not interested in peace in any form. This is patently untrue – I am more than willing to agree to an equal truce with Rose, but she refused to even consider it. To me it seems that he simply wouldn’t listen, or even acknowledge my point of view, and that is a very poor way for the leader of the factions on Chiron to behave. Perhaps Pravin needs to review the old axiom ‘try to understand before trying to be understood’. I am sure I comprehend Pravin’s desires, and his reasons for them – I simply didn’t agree with his methods and refused to give in to his demands that I buckle under to Rose ‘in the cause of peace’. I hope I don’t hear that same type of talk from you in our conversations or they will be very short indeed.

          The territorial proposal of Pravin’s did get my attention, even if I didn’t understand the boundaries he was suggesting. I recommend that you convert these into coordinates so that there can be no misunderstanding when we are talking about locations and terms. Keep in mind, Josh, that I am in no mood to be generous. After all, your father declared Vendetta against the University and I will only agree to a neutral zone if it is in the University’s best interests to do so. Frankly, given the state of Peacekeeper-University relations, I was inclined to say no out of hand, but I think that I may be able to deal with a new face and hopefully more open mind.

          You will note that much of our infantry upgrades are complete on our main island, and we will not begin filling in remaining defensive holes and will complete our fast-reaction force. For your information, our fast reaction force will include offensive and defensive rovers as well as strategically placed needles and interceptors. With fusion power these items are not too expensive and our initial defenses should be in place within 5 years. After that we will start layering our defenses, and steadily add a ring of sea bases to defend our homeland. Does that sound like the policies of ‘military expansionist dogma’, as Pravin stated in his last transmission? I don’t think so, and I suspect that the Peacekeepers are thinking along the same track.

          Another note for you is that we will complete our transport and needle prototypes this and next year, respectively. I plan on building a few more transports, which have a very impressive speed of 7 with the Maritime Control Center. These will ferry a combination of surplus probes and unarmed speeders to explore unclaimed landmasses, and hunt for remaining Unity pods. We opened 3 or 4 of this last year and they are getting rather scarce. Still we netted 200 energy, the completion of the recreation commons at New Lab 3, and a few sonar pings that showed us significant segments of new territory. These cruiser transports will help us expand our reach, and bring the spoils (such as artifacts) home more quickly. Another bonus is that they will be very hard for Rose to sink with silksteel and fusion power – just let her try. I may authorize the construction of a few cruiser hull warships but they aren’t cost effective for defensive work. The primary purpose of our navy will be to defend our coasts and our sea colonies, which are in production now.



          • #35
            UN Headquarters, MY 2242

            Prokhor Zakharov,

            It was my idea that perhaps I should try and "communicate" with you for a time rather than my father. He has lost much of his health over the past decade, due to our problems, and will soon have to endure another treatment to renew his health. I think you might find my point of view more "refreshing" than my fathers and I hope you might be more flexible to it.

            First, I will take you at your word that you have tried to contact Roze and make peace and she has refused. Frankly, I am of the belief that you will never make peace with her in any form. With that said, we can never make peace, since the Peacekeepers have no intention of discarding a pact mate just because you lost a transport and underestimated her resolve, that is your mistake, not ours. The Data Angels are too strategically important to the Peacekeepers for us not to be allies, that is the bottom line, we can not afford to have enemies at our doorsteps, no matter who they are. I think you have the same belief since you have bent over backwards to accommodate the Gaians as well. I think we understand each others position, correct, REAL POLITICS! As long as the Angels do not do something totally stupid, and they might, I have visited them frequently and I for one find their society worthless, so a stupid action on their part is very possible,
            but until then we will maintain our pact. We do this out of geo-political reality and strategic military value, plain and simple. If you expect us to terminate our pact over the loss of one transport, well, think again. Short of Roze launching a major invasion upon your lands we will stand with her as we would with any pact mate. So we have come to the crux of the problem, how can we live on this planet without blowing it up or ourselves in the process. It was my idea to propose the neutral zone as a means of limiting the possibility of conflict. I propose that we establish a one sector line, a neutral zone, starting in sector 45,123 that would move north to sector 45,105. At that point it would angle northeasterly moving as far as 114,36 putting it very close to Drone territory. As for the eastern boundaries I think there is sufficient sea space for us not to worry about it for now. We Peacekeepers will honor this line even if you do not. The UN General Assembly has adopted this line as our line of "influence" and as such we will enforce the following:

            1) Any transport ship will be ordered to be turned about. If the transport refuses the transport will be boarded and appropriate compensation will be made to that faction. If the transport can not be boarded then it will be destroyed.

            2) Any military vessel "caught" in this area will be ordered to turn about. If the ship refuses it will be boarded if it can not be boarded it will be destroyed.

            We are willing to make some changes to the neutral zone based upon your input. Also, this agreement only binds the Peacekeepers and not the Angels. However, should the Angels actively pursue a campaign beyond this area, in particular, an attack on your main holdings, we will end our vendetta against you and adopt a neutral position vies a vie both parties in question. Should any University soldiers or ships enter Angel lands or Peacekeeper lands for that matter we will actively pursue our defense and total elimination of that threat. Is our position clear...

            I will be honest with you, in that, the sooner my father can build a stronger pact system that includes the Drones and the Gaians, the better. Once we have all of these allies supporting us my father and I both believe that by transmitting as much technology as they can absorb as quickly as possible we can build up a force of peace to stop any foolishness that might breakout out on either side, "on either side". If we are all equals it eliminates two dangerous emotions: desperation and over-confidence. If no one has a significant advantage or disadvantage in arms or technology then the cost of war and the chances of winning it our limited.

            I do hope that we can come to some limited "practical" arrangements.

            United Nations Peacekeepers
            Governor Joshua Lal -
            Office of the Governor of the United Nations Headquarters City

            Vice President of the Council of Governors
            Vice Chairman of the United Nations Peacekeeper Security Council
            Honorary Life Delegate in the General Assembly
            First Assistant and Deputy Planetary Governor to the office of the Planetary Governor
            United Nations Headquarters City, United Nations Headquarters Command Center


            University Base, MY 2243


            Well, at least you are admitting your support for Rose is not out of principle but out of practicality. So much for your father’s self-righteous pontification about making peace and the sacrifices that the Peacekeepers must make to achieve that end. I noticed you didn’t mention Rose’s proclivity for declaring war, but I will take your repulsion at their society to be a tacit admission that the Angels have some unsavory aspects to their civilization. Your assertion that we will never make peace with the Angels is completely wrong, and it seems you take after your father in this belief. I will agree to an equitable peace in a minute, but Rose has made it clear to both your father and me that she has no interest in such an arrangement. If your position is that there can be no peace between us until this vendetta is resolved then it appears it is Rose who will keep us at odds. To me Rose is the problem, and the cause of this ongoing polarization. If she would give up her warlike ways, and her unreasonable demands, then there would be peace.

            Your neutral zone proposal is interesting, particularly since your father went to such lengths to plant a base so far from your home territory and toward us. I will accept your proposal as long as the border can be similarly moved when I plant a base, such as a sea colony, two thirds of the way towards your territory. A couple of sea colonies have been completed this year and will be moving out the next year. I am perfectly willing to expand my planned buffer of sea bases, as you have, if it will affect your proposed neutral zone. As I said, I will agree to a neutral zone as long as it is to the advantage of the University. Your current proposal is lacking and gives you an advance base and a much wider buffer between the neutral zone than it would give us. My counter proposal is a fluid neutral zone based on current base placement, and I would be willing to set a minimum distance between our bases. Perhaps it would be equitable if a University base were as close to your territory as your small base is to mine. Then we can negotiate a border that splits the difference.

            I am happy to report that an artifact has yielded the keys to the Superstring Theory. We’ve immediately incorporated this advance into our prototype needlejet, which was completed this last year. Our current missile technology is adequate for defense and it is unnecessary to upgrade these designs, but future designs will be optimized to take advantage of this technology.

            You will also note that there are a large number of transports and a few sea colonies that have been or will be completed in this last year. This is the first phase of the expansion I mentioned to your father, which involves scouring the seas for Unity pods and the ring of defensive sea bases to ensure there are no unwanted advances toward our territory. Eventually these bases will be productive bases, but it will take time. Another significant advantage is the intrinsic network node, which will make it easier to link artifacts we fine. That alone makes their construction a significant advantage.



            UN Headquarters, MY 2243

            Prokhor Zakharov,

            I can see why at times my father wanted to throw his chair out of his window after talking with you sometimes. First, once we decided to become allies or pact mates with the Angels we did so with a serious commitment as we did with the Morganites as well. We will not abandon our pact mate simply over the loss of one transport, plain and simple. Yes, Roze can be trying and demanding, in fact, she acts a lot like you. There is a practical side to our relationship if there was not then why would we have pursued it in the first place. However, my father's idealism is genuine and true. He believes with his whole being the struggle for peace can only be achieved by BOTH parties working together. In this case you and Roze do not wish to do so at this time, I pity you both for not seeing reason. My father's last proposal in my view was very fair to you both and it in no way placed an extra burden on you since the Peacekeepers were willing to compensate you 100% for any expenditures you would have to make to secure peace with Roze. So in the future should you slander my father's integrity or his character again I will make it my mission in life to make your life a living hell, are we clear? There has been no man on this planet willing to sacrifice more, give more, work harder to achieve world peace and the advancing of our human condition on this planet than my father. It was his gesture to supply you energy credits when you lost your city to the mindworms due to your inept handling of you base defenses. We have gifted the most advanced technology, not just the old stuff as you do, to anyone that asks. If you were to ask us today for the neural grafting technology we would give it to you even though we are in a state of "cold war" or economic war as my father calls it. This is our creed, pure and simple. In your case though we might ask for some compensation since of all the factions on this planet you are one of the most prosperous. Perhaps a map file or some energy credits but we would give you the technology nonetheless, something I am sure you would not do for us. So in the future try to be at least civil when you address a man who's ideals are more pure and noble than you can possibly imagine.

            I re-read my last transmission and I do not see how I could have made it any clearer to you about the neutral zone. We have established a neutral zone along the coordinates I gave you. We are willing to discuss some minor modifications to it but the line is the line. If you move a ship, a transport or place a sea colony or a land colony within the area we now claim as our sphere of influence then we will actively move to remove it with the whole strength of our nation. Our placement of colonies to the west on the small chain of islands was driven out of the need to find land, pure and simple. We were not as fortunate as you to have a large piece of land so close by as you were. There is a large island to the north of the island we have colonized that is on your side of the neutral zone so you can colonize it, as well as, the small island to the west giving you a very close proximity to our territory if you wish. Just as you have established a technological lead we have established our zone of influence first with the placement of our colonies. With the placement of those colonies we have drawn our line and short of destroying our own colonies or by someone else our area of influence has been created. We will not expand beyond that zone so in no aspect should you feel threatened but conversely we will not tolerate any advances into our area. This is a large planet and there is much room for us all but make no mistake the line is drawn now and except for some minor modifications it will stand. I suggest any sea colonies you have will be better suited to establishing a "perimeter" around your main territory as you have stated several times before, including your last transmission, rather than placing them in provocative areas that will only trigger an escalation in hostilities. We have had our land colony on Mt. Peace for over a decade and you have not issued one complaint about its placement and in fact you never even protested the issue with my father when he first informed you of our plan so we took it as your silent approval since a man of your intellect would surely have understood the implications, correct. So unless you are willing to start a full war over this then I suggest you accept the neutral zone, try to work with us to make any minor modifications you see fit and live with it.

            Lastly, you might have noticed that we have obtained the secrets to air power through one of our loyal allies. We are completing a large number of bio-enhancement centers, naval bases and air bases and we also expect to make breakthrough in either space flight or fusion power in a turn or two so our forces will also be quickly equipped with fusion plants as well if we make that discovery. Since many of our bases already have the specialized "skunk works" facilities there will be no delays in getting the most advanced aircraft into the air quickly.

            United Nations Peacekeepers

            Governor Joshua Lal -
            Office of the Governor of the United Nations Headquarters City

            Vice President of the Council of Governors
            Vice Chairman of the United Nations Peacekeeper Security Council
            Honorary Life Delegate in the General Assembly
            First Assistant and Deputy Planetary Governor to the office of the Planetary Governor

            United Nations Headquarters City, United Nations Headquarters Command Center


            University Base, MY 2244


            I must apologize for not understanding the true nature of your neutral zone and I thank you for clarifying the issue for me. It is not a treaty; it is an ultimatum, and any input I might have would be ‘minor’. Very well.

            Before this issue is dropped I do have a suggestion, which was actually suggested by your father in happier times. You could gift the base in question to Morgan. It does fit in his contiguous territory, and his holdings are rather limited. This would allow us to draw what I would consider a fair boundary that is in between our prime holdings. As you said, there is lots of land our there, and the placement of that base was, in my opinion, not a desire for land ‘pure and simple’. I can think of only a few reasons for the placement of your base, and few of them are happy ones for our future relationship (such as it is).

            Congratulations on having acquired Doctrine: Air Power. Of all things a technological advantage is the most fleeting – that is what drives my people and me, the quest for knowledge and understanding. We understand that nothing is permanent, and that any lead can and will be overtaken. This is what you undoubtedly perceive as paranoia, but I call it a healthy dose of reality. Chiron is a hard place and already those factions, such as the Morganites and Drones, who haven’t or couldn’t realize this and adapted have fallen behind, and in some cases far behind. We intend to lead in the areas where we can, and it is clear that you and your father intend to lead albeit in a different manner. This has caused no small amount of friction between us. I can’t help but imaging what might have been if your people had been less demanding and if mine has less drive? Your actions have made it clear what road you will take, and it is just as clear that seems to be no room on your road for my people.



            UN Headquarters, MY 2244

            Prokhor Zakharov,

            I could not help but notice that you failed to respond to my last message. I consulted with my father's planetary administrative staff and they reported no extraordinary calamity struck your people last turn so I can only assume that your silence is on purpose. Silence can be interrupted in many ways so if you plan on the Peacekeepers to make the correct assumption that would not be a wise course of action.

            My father seems to be very busy these days since reports are coming in that Morgan troops have been spotted on University territory it seems. This is not good in any form or shape of the imagination. Director Morgan must be scouting for territory but we have up linked our maps to him several times so I can not think that he is unaware of the Angels territory.

            Lastly, our brave transport captain of UN Aid opened a contaminated Unity pod last turn and found it be infested with a isle of the deep. Our foil captain moved in quickly and subdued the creature and it is now part of our naval force along with several trained mind worms. Since my father is busy I have ordered the isle to proceed south and unlock as many polar Unity pods that it can. We show at least three in the general area that the isle is in.

            United Nations Peacekeepers

            Governor Joshua Lal -
            Office of the Governor of the United Nations Headquarters City

            Vice President of the Council of Governors
            Vice Chairman of the United Nations Peacekeeper Security Council
            Honorary Life Delegate in the General Assembly
            First Assistant and Deputy Planetary Governor to the office of the Planetary Governor

            United Nations Headquarters City, United Nations Headquarters Command Center


            • #36
              University Base, MY 2245


              My last message was overlooked in my excitement of the completion of the fusion lab at University Base. Our cumulative investments at our capital have resulted in a lab output of over 300! This is more than the output of many other factions, and in many cases several factions put together. It is developments like this that make life worth living, This output is almost half of the entire output of the Peacekeepers, and there is nowhere for us to go but up!

              I have attached the previous message to this one. It is short and to the point, and I trust it is clear.

              The only other news is that our transport fleet is largely complete and now plying the waves, unless they are delayed in port waiting for their cargos, which are varied. The exploration of Unity pods is slowing down due as our fleet becomes more dispersed, but that is to be expected since we have likely opened many dozens of them and the low hanging fruit has been picked. The sea is a fruitful place, and I am thankful that we invested in the Maritime Control Center since it is speeding our efforts immensely.

              I have another breakthrough to announce: Advanced Ecological Engineering. This will allow us to speed our former’s efforts by a factor of two, and with this modest individual but large cumulative investment, our formers terraforming ability will be able to exceed yours. You have had the good fortune to build the Weather Paradigm, and it has served you very well. As I told your father, I envy you this advance so it is somewhat gratifying that we of the University may be able to catch up. Of particular interest is the completion of thermal boreholes since they take a prohibitively long time – 24 years. To date we have completed only a few, but that will now change. Another benefit is that the remaining scraps of fungus will be eradicated. The upgrades of our formers will consume most of our energy surplus for the near future since we have a large number of formers to upgrade, but it will be worth every joule. I am almost tempted to divert some of the resources from our lab but I have resisted this impulse so far.

              One of our braver isles captured another isle, and got a rather useless spore launcher in the bargain. It may be possible to use this to explore nearby islands and investigate land-based Unity pods, but I don’t give it much chance at a long life span since they can’t kill mindworms and attacking other spoor launchers is a dubious enterprise. They will try anyway, and if they perish that will make room for more useful mindworms. You father might remember me shaking my fist at the sky in rage at the infestation of native life forms, and vowing to kill them all. Now I have changed my tune, since I am always open to new ideas when new data come along. I have now decided that native life can be of service, especially when they do not take away support from our cities. They are free exploratory units, even if they are pretty useless in any serious conflict. Dee might disagree with me on that.

              Take care, and consider my suggestion in my previous message carefully.



              UN Headquarters, MY 2245

              Prokhor Zakharov,

              Let us be frank with each other Professor and at least honest. For over fifty turns your bases on the northern island have lived in harmony with the Gaians with hardly an incident, correct? In fact, these northern Gaian bases and their homeland bases are within three to five sectors and some are even closer than that. All this time you have lived under the constant threat of the "Gaian" demand for technology or face Lady Skye's minions and yet you have had peace, correct? So why would our Peacekeeper bases which are a "good" distance away from any University base be a greater threat than the Gaians? To be perfectly honest I should be asking YOU to relinquish bases to Director Morgan and not vice versa. Your steady "creep" into Directors Morgan "sphere of influence" has all be left him with a mere corner of what should be rightfully his. And then when Lady Skye places a few colonies near your base why not to long ago you were making "possible" plans to remove her by force, correct? I do not think you can argue with the facts as I have presented them. So, as to your statement about "gifting" our base to the Morganites, no it will not happen. We have plans to do some of that but the simple fact is we need land. I have up linked our current map files so that you can clearly see how "limited" we are. Expansion to the north is out of the question as well as the south. To do so would require a massive amount of terra-forming that we would only be able to sustain at the expense of our entire military force. Expansion to the east is very "questionable" since the nearest land is twice the distance as it is in the west and from our radar imagining it looks to be very minimal at best as compared to the west. So our only logical choice was to claim the land to the west, pure and simple. We intend to "link" the smaller southern island by filling in the small channel between the two and then possibly continue by expanding that process by linking up the smaller island with the polar cap. That is still a massive amount of land reclamation and we are still not sure if we can do it without transferring a massive amount of our terra-formers into that area. So where your paranoid delusions might lead you to believe that we are advancing to your front door the correct belief is no. We are only seeking some additional land, as you have done to the north, to create more viable living space for our people. We have also limited our expansion since we could have "claimed" the large island to the north and the smaller island to the west but we did not since we are sensitive to the security concerns of our new neighbors. Secondly, there was no "ultimatum" issued as you put it. We made a declaration of intent and have asked for your input to make "MINOR" modifications to the neutral zone. If we had issued an ultimatum we have asked for no input and had left it at that. If you choose not to participate over making minor adjustments that is your choice to do so but we will then close the chapter on this book and move on and the line will stand. I could see your concern about establishing a northern "termination" point so that the line does not stretch from pole to pole, that is a minor modification. Or perhaps you have a base I do not know about and the line bisects that area and you want to move it a few sectors. That is a minor modification. But to ask us to move it five, ten, possibly, 15 sectors back to the east and relinquish the only viable area of land we can claim the answer is no in the strongest of responses possible.

              So, in conclusion on this point all previous statements about our intent still stands. We will not cross this line any further than we have stated. We intend to colonize, improve and harvest this area to meet our expanding needs and demands. If this bothers you that much that we wish to grow perhaps you should look at what you have done to the Morganites and then I think you will see how weak and hypocritical your argument is. The bottom line is you hold the trigger on this issue. You can ignore or rights for meager expansion and cross into this territory and the result will be a general war or respect our meager request and move on to other issues. Also, I have been instructed by my father to close out any discussions of the neutral zone modification by 2250. After that date the zone will stand and we will issue a final and definitive list of coordinates detailing the zone.

              My father actually wanted to respond but he has been working very hard of late settling a dispute between the Morganites and Angels. It seems that the good Director has been landing troops in Angel territory and generally making himself a general nuisance. Hostilities almost broke out between the two but my father quickly went to work and now both sides have signed a truce and peace has once again been established. One has to ask yourself if Roze was the terrible evil women you make her out to be why did she respond to my father's request, as did Morgan, and make peace. I can tell you why and that he believes in peace and a fair one at that it does take both participants to want it as well. I could go on and on and on like my father and explain in all the details as to why you are unable to achieve peace but why should I since my father has done so in such detail before.

              I am still impressed as ever the leaps you have made in your science ability. It is such a shame that your powers could not be turned into other areas as well to achieve the same results, such as an honorable peace among friends.

              United Nations Peacekeepers

              Governor Joshua Lal -
              Office of the Governor of the United Nations Headquarters City

              Vice President of the Council of Governors
              Vice Chairman of the United Nations Peacekeeper Security Council
              Honorary Life Delegate in the General Assembly
              First Assistant and Deputy Planetary Governor to the office of the Planetary Governor

              United Nations Headquarters City, United Nations Headquarters Command Center


              University Base, MY 2246


              I have summarily refused your request to exchange world maps. Did you really think I would even consider giving you my world map when you have declared Vendetta against us, and supported the Angels in the unjust war they prosecuted against us? Please. Give me some credit for even a modicum of intelligence. One does not give such intelligence to someone who has demonstrated his or her hostile intent.

              For your other comments, I don’t know where to begin, so I will start at the beginning. Yes, we lived with the Gaians in peace for over a hundred years, and the key word here is peace. You are at war with us, and so when you place a base near us and then unilaterally declare a conveniently placed neutral zone that locks in this advantage I am bound to see this as a hostile act. The base in and of itself isn’t too much of a threat, but your prohibition of a placement of any University base near your territory gives you a fundamental and undeniable advantage. Add that to your possible use of Morgan bases as staging areas for any ‘peacekeeping’ operations and I see your situation as an undeniably hostile action. Your offer for minor modification is a sham, as are your imposed deadlines for negotiations. You have refused my ideas so will refuse yours.

              Morgan’s problems are his own. His has had over 100 years to expand onto nearby islands, including the one you now inhabit. It is true he had a disadvantageous starting position and that he had the misfortune to colonize an island with anther faction, but I will make no apologies for my aggressive expansion into territory he wasn’t using. After all, your father authorized the same aggressive land acquisition when the Peacekeepers poached land from the Angels. Be careful when you form your examples since, with a little, thought, you might see that they harm your contention.

              Your argument that this little island is the only land around you is also false. There are a few islands north of Rose, and these are closer and more contiguous to your territory, especially considering that you are such good buddies with Rose. If you had properly invested in a modest sea transport system and aggressively expanded to other islands, like we did, you would not be in this predicament. There is also a huge amount of sea territory, all of which is open for colonization. Sea bases can be hugely beneficial in food and energy, even if they are short on minerals – but since the future lies with energy they are a wonderful investment. That is why the University will invest in a string of such bases in the near future. What remains is your Ultimatum (which, in true UN fashion, you label a ‘declaration’ – such semantics do not become you, especially when you use such a transparent synonym) and the your aggressively placed base and ‘neutral zone’.

              I have told you and your father again and again that I would be happy to declare a truce with Rose, but refuse her extortionist terms. I would be willing to bet that the aggressor in this latest spat was Morgan and that he did not get technology from Rose as a reward for his aggressive action. I find it odd that your father can negotiate what I would see as an equitable peace between these two belligerents but not between Rose and the University. The only difference, it seems, is Rose: she refused to give me the same terms she seems to agreed to with Morgan. Moreover, she agreed to an equal peace when Morgan declared war on her! The mind boggles. So, keep your pontifications about peace to yourself. I will listen to them when Rose comes to her senses.

              I am gratified that you recognize the strength of our research ability, since that is the core of our society. It is somewhat amusing that you turned this compliment into an accusation in our ongoing war with the Angels. I have done what is reasonable and just, offering Rose and equal peace. She refused. Your father tries to intervene, and Rose refuses. To me Rose is the roadblock. I have done what I feel is reasonable and proper, so I have pursued an honorable peace.

              Lastly, I have authorized the completion of the Longevity Vaccine at Koppernigh Observatory, which I hope to finish in a half-decade or less. This advance will also give the University the ability to form support-free units, both military and civilian. I hope to start using this significant advance in the very near future and, in time, it will transform the economics of our society. I won’t mind the pacifying affect of the longevity vaccine, either, and I personally won’t mind less time in the rejuvenation tanks.



              UN Headquarters, MY 2246

              Prokhor Zakharov,

              I was stunned by your response to our last transmission. I asked my father and he had the same reaction as did I. My question is, and I think my father asked the same one some time ago, do you read our transmissions or do you have some junior test tube cleaner do it for you?
              First, if you re-read my last transmission we attached our map file with NO expectation on our part that you would respond in kind. In fact, we made no request at all for your files, we included ours as a sign of good faith and to show you what our situation is, and I quote from my transmission of 2246, "I have up linked our current map files so that you can clearly see how "limited" we are".

              Second, the small islands you mention in your response are far closer to your northern colonies than our current claim to the two large islands in the west. So I have to ask myself why would he want us there than where we are now. The only answer I can think of is that they are smaller islands that are not very suitable for large colonization that limits our expansion. Also, since they are farther north they are closer to your ally Aki, correct? There is also the small problem that Roze and her people are expanding in that area so why in the world would we want to antagonize her? I really do not see what your problem is with our limited expansion into the west, your east. We have claimed only two small islands and have drawn a very reasonable line of neutrality so that we could avoid any conflict, once again, where is the problem? We gave you the opportunity to provide some input into our neutral zone plan and your response is to declare that their is no "advantage" to the University so you refuse to even discuss the issue. My question to you is why does everything have to be to your advantage, I understand that you enjoy old earth sayings so perhaps you will understand this, "in everyone's life a little rain must fall". Perhaps this is your "little bit of rain"? The bottom line is that even before we had announced our state of "economic war" with you we had told you of our intention to expand to that area and you had no problem at that time. I see no reason as to why you should change your belief simply because we choose NOT to support your unreasonable vendetta against the Angels. The bottom line is as long as you stay on your side of the line our state of vendetta is irrelevant unless you do cross and attack our ships then of course you will have triggered world war.

              Third, you point out in your last transmission that you refuse to make peace because, and I quote " I have told you and your father again and again that I would be happy to declare a truce with Rose, but refuse her extortionist terms." We have told you that you could offer Roze a gift and we would compensate you for your peace gift so you would not be at a loss. Also, I see no reason why now you should be so "offended" by the fact that she is demanding technology from you when you have submitted most willingly it seems in the past to just these same demands, i.e.. the Gaians! The only explanation left is that Roze "bruised" your ego by actually calling your "bluff" and humiliated you in front of all of the leaders on this planet. My father believes that this could not possibly be the reason a man with your intellect would carry on a grudge for so long but I am not my father and I seem to understand basic human emotions better than he does at times.

              Lastly, no one is denying your right to place a colony near a Peacekeeper base. In fact, feel free to colonize anywhere you like on your side of the neutral zone. The large island north of Mt. Peace falls beyond the area we claim as our sphere and you may settle there as you wish. Or you can establish any number of sea colonies on your side of the neutral zone. No one is denying your claim to this right. However, as we have stated time and time again the true purpose is to give us some space to live in without "bumping" into your ships and colonies and accidentally triggering a full blow shooting war. If you can not see the sense in establishing boundaries to spare our people bloodshed than you perhaps might want to think about retirement.

              Once again your technological marvels are unparalleled by all. It is a shame that you have only yourself and your computer friend, Aki, to enjoy it with you and share in your achievement. Perhaps when you make a few more breakthroughs your ego will feel less bruised and then you might be willing to make a mutual peace.

              United Nations Peacekeepers

              Governor Joshua Lal -
              Office of the Governor of the United Nations Headquarters City

              Vice President of the Council of Governors
              Vice Chairman of the United Nations Peacekeeper Security Council
              Honorary Life Delegate in the General Assembly
              First Assistant and Deputy Planetary Governor to the office of the Planetary Governor

              United Nations Headquarters City, United Nations Headquarters Command Center


              • #37
                University Base, MY 2247


                The reason I misinterpreted your map fiasco is that it arrived three weeks after your transmission, and it had no note of explanation – only your name and rather long and ostentatious title were attached. You might be grieved to hear that I don’t dwell on the Peacekeepers and our troubles all year, and my days are quite full just managing the current dealings of our bases and research and planning for our future with my advisory boards and elected base managers. So when I receive this file, out of the blue, I was surprised and after reflection a little annoyed, which prompted me to reply to your missive. My only fault was not fully reviewing your long, meandering text to dig out the rather vague reference to having ‘linked up our current map files”, which is hardly clear.

                I can see by your transmission that you have no understanding of why the University might have a problem with your base and self-declared neutral zone, so I will spell it out for you. In the unfortunate advent of an escalation of hostilities between us you would be in a position to strike at the very heart of our home territory through your base and by using Morgan’s bases as staging areas. Your ‘neutral zone’ denies us the same capability. You may have noticed that I try to think ahead, and in the have innumerable simulations that I have had run this situation always comes out as a strategic liability of the first order. Moreover, your intransigence in this matter only adds fuel to the fire, and creates even more uneasiness. In effect, your base and unilateral declaration destabilizes our tattered relationship. Your declaration of only beneficent intent is hard for us to swallow since your father saw fit to declare Vendetta, economic or no. Even if your intentions are pure, which I doubt, they have gone seriously off course. Has clarity dawned on you yet?

                I will also explain a few other items to you since your thinking seems to be a bit clouded. The Angels declared Vendetta, not the University. She refused your offer of an equitable peace. Moreover, the ‘gift’ she would demand would undoubtedly be something I refuse to give her: Orbital Spaceflight. She is a technology grubbing weasel, and I see no reason for me to give this technology to her so she can threaten me with it in the future. The longer I can deny her, and you, critical technologies the better it is for the University. The same is not true with Dee, who I trade technology with regularly, and certainly not Aki. Morgan and Domai are, quite frankly, irrelevant.

                Yes, Rose humiliated me – by conning me to agree to peace and then breaking it in such a flagrant and egregious manner. By doing so she played me for the fool. She violated my trust, and in doing so ended any possibility of me paying her off for her aggressive and criminal actions. Dee has been a good neighbor for the last 100 years, so she has earned my trust. You have lost my trust by first supporting the aggression of Rose, which in my opinion is in opposition to the value system of your beloved Charter, and then upping the ante by declaring Vendetta. Morgan and Dee are on my watch list too, but their recent actions to not cause me undue alarm and they are erasing their trust debit. Too bad you and your father aren’t in that position. Perhaps if you were I would feel comfortable trading technology with you, or even acknowledging your neutral zone. You may have wondered where Dee got Fusion Power. Care to guess? This critical technology will reach you eventually, like it has reached Rose, but I hope it is a long time in the coming.

                The University will be entering into another phase of significant growth soon. Hold on to your socks, Josh. If you thought our lead was significant now you ain’t seen nothing yet. We will see who gets rained on.



                UN Headquarters, MY 2247

                Academician Provost Prokhor Zakharov,

                I have completed much of the work I needed to do so I am taking the time to communicate with you rather than my son. I was disappointed in the fact that he could not make much more headway in solving this dilemma but my disappointment is not in him but rather you. It seems we have reached one of those points in our relationship where one of us says " lets agree to disagree". We will not in anyway give-up our claim for the establishment of a neutral zone that is final. We see this as the only means to prevent any future conflicts since we will not cross over the zone unless you do. So as
                I have said before you have the means, you are in control of your faction’s destiny, not us. I can see no way to even begin to accommodate you since even if we turned over our western bases to Morgan you sill have issue with that since you see our pact as a means to "launch attacks" against you. Short of destroying all of Morgan's cities I can see no resolution there to that issue either. I have consulted with the Angels and I am now offering the following proposal. We can agree to a blood truce. With a blood truce the vendetta is ended between us but we still preserve our "economic sanctions" against you. This was the purpose of our arrangement all along, to deny you any extra credits to pursue a conflict that a more cunning and insightful leader would have avoided in the first place. However, we will immediately declare a vendetta should any ship cross over the neutral zone into our "sphere" and if we are attacked. All other previous terms and conditions apply to our neutral zone and peace initiatives.

                I should inform you that we have fusion power, as does the Angels now as well and soon the Morganites. With the creation of that technology we have established, as I am sure you have as well, a new section of specialists, the Engineers. With their help we have doubled our economic output to over 500 credits per turn. In fact, I ordered a study by which we would transfer some of this wealth into our science efforts and the results were amazing, we would generate a science index of 900! I have decided that once we complete upgrading our garrisons with fusion power and build some ships and planes to patrol our zone then we will make the switch at that time. Also, I have ordered at last half of our cities to build fusion labs as well.

                Lastly, my efforts while I was gone have born fruit. I have completed a peace treaty, the first step to a full pact membership with the Gaians! I suspect that now that we have the treaty the pact will even come faster. That will create a power block of four pact members all united under our leadership!

                I hope that you will soon see the wisdom in reaching at least a blood truce with us and allow us to help you end this silly dispute between you and the Angels. However, I doubt that you will. Aside from the loss of your transport crew, and lives are important, the Angels have done nothing to you accept bruise your ego. It is time to move on and stop living in the past of old grudges and slights. You have achieved a mastery over science and this planet, I think it is time to work on yourself.

                United Nations General Secretary,

                His excellency The Planetary Governor,
                Pravin Lal

                United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
                Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


                University Base, MY 2248


                I make it a policy to call up the various faction leaders every decade or so just to keep in touch, assuming they haven’t called me recently for a technology trade or to tell me they will take great pleasure in seeing to my execution. The last time I called Rose she demanded technology and went into great detail on her plans for my less than summary death sentence, which I guess is her way of saying she would torture me first. I hadn’t had the pleasure to call on Rose recently so I did so. After the perfunctory threats and assaults on my character she asked if I had had enough and that, for a mere 150 energy credits, she would forget the wrongs I had committed against her. Wrongs? What wrongs? Keep in mind, Pravin, that I have no problem at all parting with energy. Energy is eminently replaceable, so I paid this extortion. Now I call upon you to make your part of the bargain good by reimbursing me for the 150 credits the good citizens of the University paid Rose in the cause of peace. I predict Rose will declare Vendetta again, since she is true to her spots. What will you do then? Or when some other faction leader decides another faction needs to be eradicated? By the way, I called Aki she said it was not logical to cease her vendetta against you and Rose, so this sordid affair apparently has some permanent repercussions. Too bad Rose had to be such a warmonger and none of this would have happened. Like I said, that is one fine pactmate you have Pravin – a real peach.

                Beyond that dreary bit of diplomacy there was some genuine excitement, and a new first on Chiron. The University has launched the first orbital station, a hydroponics lab! Space is now within our grasp! At this very moment it is speeding in its near geosynchronous orbit. At night it catches the rays of Alpha Centauri A and it is positively brilliant, and it is easily the brightest ‘star’ in the sky. It is currently refracting some of this sunlight to our bases, increasing nutrient production, and ferrying its hyper productive bounty to all of the cities of the University. These are minor in comparison to its true beauty, since it has fully mapped Chiron! I now possess a full map of the surface of this large water-based planet. I have seen wonders you could not even believe, Pravin. There are alien ruins studded on the various islands, such as a monolith ring, what appear to be ancient boreholes, and a strange ruined city. Moreover I now know what became of Unity. It crashed on an island that, by a stroke of luck, one of our mindworms just landed on. It will explore the crash site to see what can be found, which is not likely to be much considering the destruction an uncontrolled entry through the heavy atmosphere of Chiron would cause. There is also a huge crater, which looks like a very recent meteor strike, or maybe it was another fragment from Unity. Either way our rather large fleet of isles of the deep, foil, and cruiser transports will be very busy, and they are well positioned to harvest the lodes of now easily located Unity pods that litter the land and sea. I may have to order the completion of more transports just to bring all the bounty in, and ferry colony pods to the more interesting islands. I am particularly interested in the ruined alien city, and a colony pod, former, and defender will be completed and loaded onto a waiting transport next year to take it to its new home.

                Your science rate is now higher than ours, but that is temporary while we add 20 or 30 population to our various cities. It is much easier to population boom to make up for the lost population from building all those sea and colony pods than it is to let them grow naturally, and our smaller bases now have the infrastructure to support a boom. I’m not sure how long this boom will take, but I suspect that it will be at least 5 years. In the meantime our surplus energy is rather significant, and we will be able to rush the completion of even more infrastructure and enhance our military defenses.

                You might care to notice that Morgan has left our territory, not that I was particularly bothered by the encroachment of his former. I am a little worried about Dee, however, since she has moved a missile infantry unity to our boarder. She can’t enter without destroying a strategically placed supply crawler, so if she does decide to get belligerent I will have time to react. It will be sadly ironic if she declares war after I traded her fusion power, and perhaps that would be a lesson to me not to be so free with my technology. I may have to upgrade the crawler’s armor, and build a bunker, if I have time. She has encroached but not crossed my boarder before so it is possible I am overreacting, but my analysts tell me that Dee has the most powerful army on Chiron. I am still too focused on infrastructure, and will have to allocate at least a third of our bases to military preparedness.

                You will note a new sea colony several sectors away from your advance base. It is very near Morgan territory, but if you aren’t concerned about Morgan’s territory then I’m not either. This base will be a ‘trigger’ and the foil there will regularly patrol the boarder to ensure there aren’t any interlopers. You don’t have a large navy, or even transports, so I am not worried now, but it may become an issue in the future. Anther sea base will be placed along the southern shore of Mt. Planet next year. I am fairly sure it won’t cross your Line Of Death, but then if it is over you’ll just slaughter its citizens when you sink it into the waves, now won’t you?

                Your bureaucratic snoops undoubtedly know we completed a research hospital and fusion lab this last year, and the Longevity Treatment will be complete next year, which will be a boon for us all. Congratulations on finishing the Neural Amplifier. I’m sure Dee was disappointed at not getting there first, but that is life.

                Lastly, now that I have paid the price to end the vendetta between the University and the Data Devils you now seem to be free to end the unjust Vendetta you have declared against us. I have never wished hostilities with any faction. All I want is to be left in peace to pursue my own ends, and if you decide to end you hypocritical war against the University that is fine with the Advisory Board. But it will be a long, long time before I trust you again, Pravin. If you are true to form I will expect more demands, threats, and not-so-subtle character assassinations from you in the near future.



                UN Headquarters, MY 2248

                Academician Provost Prokhor Zakharov,

                As we had promised, so we deliver. The 150 energy credits have been transferred to the account you have indicated and that compensates you for your wise and insightful treaty with the Angels. We have also pre-approved our willingness to accept a "blood truce" using that vulgar term to end our state of economic vendetta against you. I do hope that you will accept it.

                As to our neutral zone I am re-sending the exact coordinates to you again since it seems based upon your last several communications you do not seem to "know" the exact position.

                " I propose that we establish a one sector line, a neutral zone, starting in sector 45,123 that would move north to sector 45,105. At that point it would angle northeasterly moving as far as 114,36 putting it very close to Drone territory. "

                Your current sea bases are on your side of the neutral zone and as we have stated before you can build anything and anywhere on your side of the zone, that is your right. Building on our side of the zone will demand our immediate attention. We do not wish any harm to come to anyone but we will defend our territorial sphere of influence. If we can, we would try not to "slaughter" the citizens of any city, but rather to maintain our actions against the garrison units only. Making war on civilians is prohibited by the UN Charter but accidents can happen so that is why you should not place your people in harms way and you should act responsibly and do not build in our area, a good leader does not place civilians into a combat zone. If any lives are lost, any civilian lives, than it is your fault for placing a colony in our area, not ours. Also, I think your empaths have once again failed you since we have two transports operating in within 10 sectors of our western bases. Also, we have one transport and one isle of the deep operating in the far east. So, we have the means to move troops, especially mind worms into action if needed. Do not make the mistake and assume we do not have some means of responding via naval or military power in either area.

                Lastly, I hope that in time now we can rebuild our "frayed" relationship and I would be willing to entertain any suggestions by you as to how to achieve this. Perhaps over time we can even reach a full peace treaty or even perhaps a pact that would then cause any neutral zone restrictions to end for either side.

                I wish you well and that you prosper in peace!

                United Nations General Secretary,
                His excellency The Planetary Governor,

                Pravin Lal

                United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
                Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


                University Base, MY 2249


                You demonstrated your ideals when you supported the aggressor in an unjust war, and then labeled the University as the criminal. That is hard to forget, and hard to rectify against your Charter. Your 'neutral zone' and aggressive placement of bases is also a direct threat to a just peace. And worse, you can't seem to see how others might perceive it. I find it sadly ironic that with all your alleged diplomatic skill you seem to be unable to put yourself in another's shoes to gage how your negotiation (I declare Vendetta! I declare the Line of Death!) might be seen. As I said, it will be a long time before the University trusts you or the Peacekeepers in any matter of significance.

                That said, I did accept your blood truce and your compensation for the extortion I paid Rose. She is your good friend after all and it is only just that you clean up after her messes, much like an overly indulgent parent bails their juvenile delinquent child out time after time, exacts no punishment, and then wonders what went wrong. In this case it is the fault of the parent, and if the parent isn't careful the child will grow up to be willful and a terror to those around them.

                I did note that you have a few transports, and I have no doubt that you will use them to ferry troops to enforce your will, if you deem it to be necessary. But while the Peacekeepers have three or four the University has 12 or 13. Our transports were exploring the seas, or they were until our Sky Hydroponics Lab illuminated the surface of Chiron for the University. Now they're mission is to capture as many of the Unity pods they can, and to deliver cargo, such as colony pods, to choice destinations. It isn't a question of none, but of magnitude.

                The University will be establishing a few bases for the Cybernetic Consciousness in the next decade so they can expand, and we will be gifting them a few defenders. We may even station a few of our troops in their bases until they are established. There is a lot of unclaimed land out there and Aki seems rather limited on her small island. In particular, there are a few choice islands and a continent that I intend to give to her. You have established precedent that it is first come, first serve when it comes to territory. I may even grab a choice island or continent for the University.



                • #38
                  UN Headquareters, MY 2249

                  Academician Provost Prokhor Zakharov,

                  I don't know if I should be insulted or pleased by your last transmission. I will for the sake of peace choose the latter. You have always had flair for the dramatic, "the line of death", it really does give many of my councilors a chuckle when you use that phrase, especially with us. Well, in time I am sure things will work out for the both of us and our people will prosper in peace, is not that our main goal? I see you are busy placing sea colonies along the neutral zone area, as is your right. I hope that they will somehow bring you peace of mind, something I think you need of late.

                  When it comes to Data Roze, well, you are right, Roze might once again make a demand for technology and I hope that you will far sighted and give it to her. All acts of generosity are rewarded, always remember that, and of all the factions on Planet yours can be the most generous. Your constant need to be the victim in all of this really does depress me. One transport, one transport, one transport - that is all you lost. We would have compensated you two, three, perhaps even four times what it was worth to end this conflict sooner. No matter how you phrase it or rearrange it your act of paying tribute to one faction and not another lead you into this conflict, inconsistence was the fuel that lighted the fire of war. What I wonder is what will happen when the next faction comes "a calling" on you and demands technology, will you refuse them, or will you bow to their demands as you did the Gaians. Is it now your policy that no "tribute" will be paid in any form? Once you have a clear policy that you will follow and hold true to all your dealings with the other factions you will avoid future conflicts.

                  Lastly, time heals all and though you might still feel that we poured salt into your wounded pride I assure you that we did not mean it so or wished it so. I think your placement of colonies acknowledge our right to establish such lines of influence. Perhaps now we can work together to refine the line of neutrality and find an "ending point" for it. I would also like to discuss what we could do in the east as well? I look forward to your insightful and reasonable response.

                  United Nations General Secretary,

                  His excellency The Planetary Governor,

                  Pravin Lal

                  United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                  Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
                  Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


                  University Base, MY 2250


                  I have neither acknowledged nor denied your neutral zone. You declared it, I voiced my objections, and then you and your son Josh said “that’s final”. The placement of University sea colonies is simply a means to keep an eye on you and the bases you have aggressively placed near my territory. So, if you choose to believe that I have agreed to your neutral zone then be my guest. Make up all the neutral zones you want. I may even pay attention when it suits me.

                  University diplomatic policy depends on the level of trust between the factions-of-interest, and what might be demanded to maintain or improve an existing state of affairs. Our reaction to a demand for technology will depend on the faction, and the technology that has been demanded. For instance, Rose will get Orbital Spaceflight over my dead body and, come to think of it, I can’t think of any technology I would give her. I might consider giving a technology to another faction if it weren’t sensitive, or if a good number of factions already had this technology. For instance, I gave Aki Doctrine: Air Power this last year and I probably should have given her a few more, now that I think about it. Dee is a special case since she has been building up a positive relationship with the University, but even then I would not consider giving her a technology such as Orbital Spaceflight. She and everyone else will have to acquire that on their own. She recently sold me Neural Grafting for a very reasonable price and I am inclined to return the favor – such things are done between friends. Of course, since there is no trust or friendship between the University and the Peacekeepers there will be no technology trades and certainly no gifts in the foreseeable future.

                  Speaking of technology, we made a breakthrough in Photon Wave Mechanics this last year, which should increase the armor factor of our defenders by 25%. This is significant since the best weaponry outside of the University is missile technology, and this armor almost matches its offensive firepower. I have authorized the immediate prototype of this armor, and this prototype will be complete in a few years. Critical and new units will get this armor, depending on their location and situation. I look forward to a few more artifact-driven breakthroughs in the not too distant future since there are at last count three alien artifacts speeding toward University territory. I’ll be sure to let you know what we discover as events unfold.



                  UN Headquarters, MY 2250

                  Academician Provost Prokhor Zakharov,

                  For once I was able to enjoy this turn in relative peace and calm, which is a good thing. There was little of any major importance that occurred this turn. We completed several more fusion labs and will continue to work on completing these valuable improvements as quickly as possible. My generals have won their battle as well and we have committed to upgrade two military units each turn until they are all the best armed and armored units available. We did complete our first aircraft and I have ordered that it be sent to our western colonies since it will provide the best protection for that area until more troops and improvements can be made. I am informing you of this since I do not wish for you to become "agitated" over seeing it without any warning.

                  The most significant item that crossed my desk, as I am sure your empaths informed you, is that the Gaians are building two very powerful projects: a cyborg factory and a air force academy. If the Gaians complete these two projects they will quickly have the most powerful military on this planet.


                  United Nations General Secretary,

                  His excellency The Planetary Governor,
                  Pravin Lal

                  United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                  Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
                  Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


                  University Base, MY 2251


                  I sent Dee my congratulation on having mastered Mind/Machine Interface before anyone else on Chiron, myself included. This is primarily a militarily focused technology so it would be unusual for it to come out of our labs. Frankly I am a little surprised that her scientists gave her this breakthrough, seeing that Dee is usually focused on exploring rather than conquering Chiron. It does give me pause since I am her nearest neighbor.

                  Dee does have a good start on both the Cyborg Factory and the Cloudbase Academy. Here main limitation is mineral production since she has saddled herself with a prestigious military, all of which require supply. This has made her the leading military power on Chiron, but at what cost? It is possible that, once again, another faction will steal these Projects out from under her. I will certainly try, although I won’t grieve too much if I lose either of them. Still, I am prepared. Climatic Research has been accumulating resources for a while and will be ready to jump in to finish any Project that comes along, if we are so lucky.

                  I did notice that you completed your first finished aircraft. Why in the world did it cost almost 120 minerals? Are you gold plating the basted things? That strikes me as an extravagance of the first order considering that is the cost of a tree farm, research hospital, or fusion lab, or half the cost of a hybrid forest. To each their own. You will not see the University spending our hard-earned minerals or energy that way.

                  Thank you for the warning on the interceptor. I will respond in kind.

                  Lastly, it finally dawned on my how Rose got fusion power so quickly. He has Planetary Datalinks, which automatically allows her access to technology if three of more factions have acquired it. I used to dismiss this Project as a bit worthless but now I see its efficacy. When I traded Dee for fusion she got fusion too since then me, Aki, and Dee had it. I will have to be more careful in the future with my technology dispensations – three is the magic number that I want to avoid.



                  UN Headquarters, MY 2251

                  Academician Provost Prokhor Zakharov,

                  I think I am beginning to enjoy the fact that the world is not on the edge of disaster, it allows me attend to the very important things, like, a family reunion. Do you know that I am the oldest (human) person living on Planet? I have great, great great grandchildren now! It is a remarkable think to see my family in one place. I took one of my favorite grandsons to the office today and he sat in my chair and asked me what do I do? Such simple questions from simple minds but it is a question I ask myself frequently now.

                  I think your comments concerning our aircraft design suggested a question, is that correct? Our plan is to build several elite air frames followed by lower cost ones. The idea behind this is that the more elite models will have greater survivability should a conflict arise and our lower cost models will absorb any attrition loses we suffer.

                  We will soon begin another phase or rapid expansion soon. We have seven bases now that all could expand rapidly and we have the resources to support that growth and infra-structure.

                  Lastly, I am glad we seem to be sharing information again. I doubt you will ever trust us until you need us, but, if you do we will be there..

                  United Nations General Secretary,

                  His excellency The Planetary Governor,

                  Pravin Lal

                  United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                  Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
                  Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


                  University Base, MY 2252


                  You spoke too soon since it seems we are once again at the edge of disaster. The Drones and Angels have banded together and decided the University needs to be eradicated. They didn’t even call me up to demand a restricted technology or some ridiculous sum of energy (which I might have been inclined to pay). The peace that the extortion bought, and you compensated the University for, was oh, so fleeting. I kind of expected such action of Rose. After all, she has declared Vendetta against us twice previously and I predicted that our truce would only last a short while. I am a little surprised at the Drones, who previous to this have been rather inoffensive and irrelevant. Some people like Rose never learn, and giving in to their demands only whets their appetite for more. Now Rose has dragged Domai down this same primrose path, evidently whispering in his receptive ear how soft and rich a mark the University and Peacekeepers are. Rose is mocking you, Pravin. Worse, she is infecting other factions with her aggressive ways. The peace you desire is imploding, and at the center of this implosion is Rose.

                  You always ask why I seem so paranoid, on edge and always looking behind my back as if waiting for some calamitous event. Perhaps having almost every faction on Chiron declare Vendetta against us at one time or another might give me cause. So far only Aki has been a true friend, although even though we have had our differences I must say that Dee and Morgan seem to be mending their ways. The question that I am sure is on your mind is what will the University do. The answer is that I will do what I did before, which is to prepare for the worst. I can likely ignore Domai, but Rose is developing legs and a firepower that could threaten the University. I am not overly worried now, but I will be critically concerned if Rose pursues this Vendetta with weapons of mass destruction. If she develops Orbital Spaceflight the gloves come off, Pravin. I will not have University Base, or any other of our bases, vanish in fusion fire for your principles. The clock is ticking, Pravin. Orbital Spaceflight is nearer than you think, and with it a small scale conventional Armageddon will unfold. But it won’t be the University that suffers, oh no – Rose will bear the brunt of her aggression this time. Rein her in if you can, since if you can’t then I will. Remember my spoiled child and indulgent parent analogy? It is time Rose got a spanking.

                  In the very brief interval of peace I have not been idle. I have gifted the first of several bases to Aki. You should look north of Rose’s territory on the little island you dismissed as worthless. In it you will find a newly established Cybernetic Consciousness base with a gifted fusion silksteel defender. This base also contains a University probe team to ensure Rose doesn’t try anything too nasty, and a ‘shell’ that will be upgraded to anti-aircraft capability in the very near future. This base will give Aki some breathing room, and allow her to attack Rose if she can marshal the resources. My guess is that any attack by the Cyborgs will be a long, long time in the future. However, this will be the University equivalent to your western advance base. So now we are even since I can get at Rose, who has been my primary antagonist. The question rises again – what will you do? In my mind this is a quid pro quo, and it balances our sheets. I have no interest in attacking you unless you give me great cause, but Rose has crossed the line and I will have the capability of defending myself, even if this base is not anywhere near optimally placed to do any serious damage to anyone. That could change if Rose decides to exterminate the Cyborgs, or is she starts building a Planetbuster. As I said, rein in your dog or I will be forced to do so for you.

                  In more peaceful adventures our fleets of transports continues to find good pickings, including another artifact and a few huge boons of energy. Our mindworm started exploring the Unity crash site and came into a lode of 300 energy – quite a haul even by Peacekeeper standards. I expect there may be even more to salvage from the now ancient wreckage. Our bases in the Jungle are growing nicely, and they will provide a few colony pods for us to take, establish, and gift to Aki on the continent north of us. The artifacts are flowing toward the University even as we speak, and I just can’t wait to see what secrets they hold.

                  I am girding myself for another lecture, and perhaps more threats from you. I would be very interested in your analysis on how this is my entire fault, and how I am the real aggressor. Kindly illuminate this situation for me.



                  UN Headquarters, MY 2252

                  To the esteemed University board of Regents and Academician Provost Prokhor

                  This communication is an official notification of our declaration of neutrality. We can neither confirm nor deny your statements with either the Data Angels or the leader of the Drones concerning the current situation on Planet. As such our official position has to be one of neutrality until we can determine what the circumstances of this conflict our and if there is a resolution to be found. With that being said we wish to remind you of our intent to enforce the neutral zone dictates and our position concerning it, I have the relevant points listed below:

                  1) I propose that we establish a one-sector line, a neutral zone, starting in sector 45,123 that would move north to sector 45,105. At that point it would angle northeasterly moving as far as 114,36 putting it very close to Drone territory. As for the eastern boundaries I think their is sufficient sea space for us not to worry about it for now.

                  2) Any transport ship will be ordered to be turned about. If the transport refuses the transport will be boarded and appropriate compensation will be made to that faction. If the transport can not be boarded then it will be destroyed.

                  3) Any military vessel "caught" in this area will be ordered to turn about. If the ship refuses it will be boarded if it can not be boarded it will be destroyed.

                  4) Also, this agreement only binds the Peacekeepers and not the Angels. However, should the Angels actively pursue a campaign beyond this area, in particular, an attack on your main holdings, we will end our vendetta against you and adopt a neutral position vies a vie both parties in question. Should any University soldiers or ships enter Angel lands or Peacekeeper lands for that matter we will actively pursue our defense and total elimination of that threat.

                  I think our position is stated very clearly above. Should the Angels attack and destroy any vessel or trooper or civilian in your main holdings or colony areas we will end our pact with them and adopt a "blood truce" with them immediately pending our further deliberations on the matter and subsequent actions.

                  I do not believe your act of charity, because that is what it was, when the wealthy give to the poor, was at fault here or instigated this situation. In fact, I feel if you had been more willing to share over a century ago you would have not laid the foundations of anger and mistrust that are evident today. With that being said we do not support mindless violence and SHOULD the Angels attack with no provocation or attempts to bargain a peace then our position is clear, neutrality. We will actively move to patrol our borders and protect the lives of our people.

                  I see the actions of Roze and her supporters in the same light as a child would act. They are throwing a "fit" and should be looked after rather than beat or scolded. Should the "fit" get worse then we Peacekeepers will move in with military force to protect peace on this planet and help preserve lives, our first and foremost goal. We will notify you of our intent to restore order and peace and as such will ask you to maintain a respectful distance and observe our right as the Planetary governor to maintain order and harmony on Planet and in Data Angel territory, your assistance would not be needed.

                  United Nations General Secretary,

                  His excellency The Planetary Governor,

                  Pravin Lal

                  United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                  Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
                  Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


                  • #39
                    University Base, MY 2253


                    It looks like I need to do a mea culpa. It seems that the Drones and Angels have combined forces against the Cyborgs, not the University. After receiving the message late last year I was not given time to check its bona fides, and as a result I may have set off a chain of events that was ill timed. After a moment of review I know the blood truce with the Angels is still in effect, and our treaty with the Drones is still active, too. In fact, I am not completely sure that the Drones are at war with the Cyborgs. I know they are Pacted with the Angels, and that Rose may have asked him to declare Vendetta against Aki to honor their Pact. My empaths did confirm that Domai doesn’t have a treaty with Aki, although I’m not sure they had one in previous years. I did call on Domai to see what he had to say about the matter but I wasn’t able to get a straight answer as to whether they were at war with the Cyborgs, nor was I able to broker a deal to end a supposed Vendetta.

                    As you can see I am perplexed. I now know there was a message saying that the Drones and Angels have combined forces, and I was fairly sure it was against us. I know this is not true and circumstantial evidence suggests that the Vendetta was declared against Aki.

                    Regardless of who Domai and Rose declared Vendetta against, it is most unfortunate. Rose’s war has dragged Aki into what seems to be a permanent Vendetta against you and Rose, and now Rose has dragged Domai into what may be a permanent Vendetta against Aki. It is all very opaque, circular, and messy.

                    If you could shed some light on this matter I would be obliged.



                    UN Headquarters, MY 2253

                    To the esteemed University board of Regents and Academician Provost Prokhor

                    Once again we can neither confirm or deny your earlier statements. We tried to contact Aki and Domi but to now avail. We did get hold of Roze and she was very pleasant and made NO mention of any "vendetta" against anyone or wish us to become involved in any. So until we can get confirmation of any conflict we will maintain the status quo. There has been NO change in our foreign policy with any faction until such time as we can get hard evidence to the contrary, our policy statement of 2253 remains in effect. We hope that you will maintain the same diplomatic status you have had in the past until you can get further evidence as well. I think you might have been to "hasty" in you assumptions as to the true situation. Your empaths might not be as reliable as our Planetary administrators and as such you were forwarded poor information.

                    United Nations General Secretary,

                    His excellency The Planetary Governor,

                    Pravin Lal

                    United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                    Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
                    Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


                    University Base, MY 2254


                    Two artifacts have yielded different and intriguing technologies. The first gave us Organic Superlubericant, which will take off some inefficiencies in our weaponry and allow for greater firepower. We will be prototyping a new airframe with attack factor 10 as soon as a bioenhancement facility is complete. One tantalizing extra is that this technology paves the way to Advanced Spaceflight, and the glories that will allow are unbounded. The second technology is more problematic, and I’m sure you won’t like it: Retroviral Engineering. With this technology genetic warfare, the bane of all developed societies back on Earth, is again among us. I see no reason for the University to use it, and while the Hunter Seeker Algorithm is active we are almost immune, but it does raise an unpleasant specter.

                    The only other bits of news are that we finished a few fusion labs, which generally rounds out most of our basic infrastructure. Some of our bases will now be devoted to upgrading our military, as yours have done, and I suspect that we will be able to take on all comers in the near future, especially with our prestigious lead in weaponry development.



                    UN Headquarters, MY 2254

                    To the esteemed University board of Regents and Academician Provost Prokhor

                    We still do not have any information either way as to support or disprove your earlier statements as to the current "possible" conflict. Our Planetary Administration staff is working around the clock to uncover any clue but so far none are to be found. If there IS a conflict then I suspect it might have been triggered by the "gifting" of that base just north of the Data Angels territory to Aki. In order for you to build that base you would have had to cross over the line of neutrality that we had established. This troubles me greatly. We can only interpret your actions as a sign of your willingness to instigate trouble on this planet for your own benefit, for your pleasure that puts you in a class no better than Roze. These are NOT the actions of a responsible leader but as one who is willing to risk world war for some selfish motives. The only options left to us is either accept the base or attack it and turn it over to the Angels. I would suspect that you would have us choose the former over the later. My fear now is should we choose to capture the base you would plunge yourself and your people into the depths of depravity and build weapons of mass destruction and genocidal weapons. Your actions can only be classified as dangerous, childish and selfish in the extreme, not the action of an inspired leader who has the greater vision of peace and prosperity in mind.

                    It seems providence shines on your endeavors more than us. We have opened over six Unity pods in the last eight turns and all of them were infested with worms or fungus -an incredible waste. We have lost two of our trained worms in defeating these outbreaks. Perhaps in time we can be as fortunate as you.

                    United Nations General Secretary,

                    His excellency The Planetary Governor,

                    Pravin Lal

                    United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                    Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
                    Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


                    University Base, MY 2255


                    I invite you to look at what your dear friend and Pactmate Rose is building at Data DeCentral – a fusion Planetbuster. I knew my monopoly on this dread technology of Orbital Spaceflight would not hold and I have worked to delay the day when it would fall into another’s hands and at last it has. She apparently developed it by herself, which is regrettable and possibly inevitable. I have the small satisfaction that she didn’t acquire this technology by my carelessness and her use of the Planetary Datalinks.

                    At this point Rose will finish her prototype planetbuster in 15 years. Of course I cannot let this stand, and I have made it clear that I will not allow any University base to vanish in fusion fire. I am planning to take measures to ensure that Rose never completes this weapon or that it is destroyed before it can be used and my options are many. However, before I do anything rash I invite your suggestions on how Rose’s continued war mongering can be limited short of drastic action on my part. Any action I take is likely to infuriate Rose, but at this point I don’t care since she has crossed the line.

                    The clock it ticking, and I am ordering the completion of University infrastructure improvements so that we can gird for full-scale war if another more peaceable solution is not found. To this point I have put my efforts into building and discovering the secrets of Chiron, and regardless of my occasional bluster I have mainly kept to myself and minded my own business. I am deadly serious about this Pravin. You do not want to see the full weight of the University converted to war production.

                    I am also in no mood for your pontification on how this is my fault. Rose is building this Planetbuster, not the University. She has declared war on me twice, and is currently at war with my Pactmate Aki. The University has had the technology for planetbusters for well over a decade and we have made no effort to build them since we understand the horrors they unleash. Rose apparently doesn’t understand this, and if the balance is not reset then the University may have to reply in kind. Once the cork is pulled and atrocities are committed it is not possible to go back and all bets are off. Consider a world where Planetbusters are used, and genetic warfare is rampant – in short, Earth in its last spasms of death. In such a world, which Rose seems to desire, your Charter is worse than meaningless since she will have used it and you to protect and succor her, and forgive her all her ill deeds, while she builds weapons of mass destruction. Is that a world you want to live in? I sincerely don’t, but I am prepared to do what I must to ensure the survival of the University.

                    In my eyes Rose have broken many of the keys to your Charter. It looks like she just tore up one more of “your pieces of paper”, and the Charter lies in tatters. Try to preserve what you can.

                    I look forward to any creative solutions you might have.



                    UN Headquarters, MY 2255

                    To the esteemed University board of Regents and Academician Provost Prokhor

                    There is still much time before the Angels complete their weapon of mass destruction. I was very sad and displeased to here of their project but since the Angels have always felt threatened by you it has colored their actions and planning so it was not a big surprise to see this happen. I am not "blaming" you but I am simply stating a fact, the Angels do not like the University and vice versa. As to any actions that might result from this event that is still to be decided. I will not sanction any preemptive attack by you or anyone else. If we go down that slippery slope than God only knows who will be next, perhaps even you? No, the action you suggested is very wrong and unless you plan on declaring a vendetta against the Angels I suggest you put your efforts into other endeavors. Perhaps you now know how it feels for once to be behind the "curve" shall we say, no matter the circumstances. This is what the Angels and many other factions have felt for over a century. That your lead in technology gave you an edge over them forcing them to live and grow under your restrictions. No matter what you say in response to that statement is irrelevant since we are NOT talking about you but other factions. You have done little if anything to foster a feeling of trust and openness and now this is the result. Do I blame you exclusively, no. There are many other factors at play here but the simple fact of the matter is you have never like Roze and vice versa and as a result this is the situation we are in. Do I honestly believe their is any chance in negotiating with the Angels to end their project, no. Do I think that building up an army to invade is the answer, no. The key to solving this crisis is by building a peace, a peace with ALL our neighbors. Friends, neighbors do not "nuke" each other. However, should the most horrible happen and if Roze is responsible then I will take any action needed to remove that threat as well.

                    My scientific advisors inform me that your "lead" in the space race should allow you to build space platforms that would allow you to detect and possible even destroy any incoming missiles. I suggest you focus your efforts on these projects which would then, in effect, make the weapon Roze is building a waste of resources.

                    My last comments on this are these: If you do launch your attack without prior consultations with us we can only assume that your actions are hostile to ALL concerned and I can assure you the only way you can stop the Angels from building this device is to either destroy their base, capture the base or force the Angels to switch production to something else.

                    Also, I have no information yet as to your assertion that their is this "war" between the Drones and Angels versus your pact mate Aki. If you are sure why do you not declare war on both factions and get it out into the open? We will not be a party to any actions until we know the complete situation.

                    Lastly, I see to have been handed a report that your "gifted" island base to Aki is now swarming with mind worms and spore launchers, can you confirm this information?

                    United Nations General Secretary,

                    His excellency The Planetary Governor,

                    Pravin Lal

                    United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                    Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
                    Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


                    University Base, MY 2256


                    Aki apparently opened the Unity pod near her base and came to grief. I killed the worm with my garrison at the base, which still left the other worm that is likely to descend on Aki’s newest holding. You might want to look at my ‘probe’ team. I think it is quite amusing, and likely very effective. I will certainly remember that configuration in the future.

                    Your response to Rose’s latest provocation is wholly inadequate and it leads me to the conclusion that I will have to take matters into my own hands. I have any number of possibilities, as I alluded to previously, and I see no reason why I shouldn’t pursue them all. It will take some time, of course, so your comment that any concern is a long way off is poorly considered. After all, this idea of non-proliferation is that the weapons are not developed or deployed in the first place. Your lack of response has forced my hand. I will not tell you what I am planning, but you may get an idea when you snoop in my bases. Let your mind run wild, since mine is running a mile-a-minute trying to figure out a simple way out of Rose’s mess. Simply put – I will not let our bases get nuked that THEN have you decide to do something about Rose. In this instance reaction to a crime is inadequate and, should Rose be so rash as to nuke on of my or Aki’s bases (or anyone’s bases – I won’t discriminate), I will take over ALL of her bases to ensure it doesn’t happen again, and if you get in the way then that is just too bad. I will see her in chains for her crimes. Are we clear?

                    The anti missile orbital platforms you are referring to are a long way off, although I will develop them in the not too distant future. The key is that it is highly unlikely that they will be deployed before Rose finishes her Instrument Of Death. That window of vulnerability is what drives me, and you may not like where it drives me.

                    We had a breakthrough and an artifact breakthrough this last year in Monopole Magnets and the Unified Field Theory. The applications of Monopole Magnets are obvious, and we have already begun adding mag tubes to our island to speed transport. University Base is currently pursuing the main benefit of the Unified Field Theory – the Theory of Everything, which will double yet again the output of our capital. You might also note that we picked up a few more artifacts this last year, and that we are building colony pods so that they can be liked with nodes in a more expeditious manner. Rose’s aggression only fuels this race, not that I need much encouragement to acquire technology as fast as possible. Another side benefit is the development of attack tachyon bold weaponry, which is twice as effective as missile technology. A prototype is currently in development.

                    Lastly, we have established our newest base Cosmograd in the middle of the alien ruins, which are now known as the Manifold Nexus. It seems to be an old control center of some kind and already we have gained a better intrinsic understanding of Chiron and its native life. That will be of great value in the near future, and perhaps Dee is right.



                    UN Headquarters, MY 2256

                    To the esteemed University board of Regents and Academician Provost Prokhor Zakharov,

                    I think you need to get hold of your emotions, science is about logic not the stuff of little school girls nightmares. I can not tell you how many times I have heard the same argument you have made from the other faction leaders about YOU! Zakharov is becoming too powerful, Zakharov has too much land and so on and so on and so on. All of them, and this is from some of the people you think are your friends. To be blunt I think you have lost control of yourself. I think you need to rethink your situation and see it for what it is. First, the Angels are still very far from completing their bomb. Two, they are tearing up the countryside, ripping every morsel of energy and minerals to complete this thing and it will most likely result in a massive planet attack that will most certainly ruin or setback the Angel’s progress. Third, if the weapon is not moved after it is completed how on earth will it ever touch you! From its present position the only thing it threatens is US! So please do not become unhinged about a possible attack upon us by the Angels, we can take care of ourselves. That was one of the reasons why I have stressed so deeply to you the need to keep our zone of neutrality. Fourth, I give you my word that no base, NO PEACEKEEPER base will ever be used to "stage" this weapon. Should Roze ever try to shuttle this weapon through our territory or bases we will force her to remove it, even by force if we have too. Fifth, I promise you that I will help protect Roze, as I would you or anyone else, from any "preemptive" attack made by you or anyone else. I have already dispatched planes and ships to scour the seas to intercept any ships you might have sent to cross the neutral zone. As I stated earlier once we start on that slippery slope then who will be next, perhaps you? This is all I can promise at this time and what I do promise we Peacekeeper always carry out. Lastly, if for some reason all of these guarantees fail and by some terrible chance she actually uses it then I give you my word that it will be the last thing she does for the entire Peacekeeper nation will land upon her with the wrath of God!

                    United Nations General Secretary,
                    His excellency The Planetary Governor,

                    Pravin Lal

                    United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                    Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS
                    Last edited by Hydro; January 5, 2003, 12:24.


                    • #40
                      University Base, MY 2257


                      I have what you might consider to be good news. I contacted Rose and she agreed to a truce with Aki. Funny how you weren’t able to get them to kiss and make up, now isn’t it? Not that I’m rubbing it in or anything. She did refuse to agree to a truce with you, however – she said it wasn’t logical. Considering your irrational policies I might agree with her.

                      So it is your position that there is to be no reaction to Rose’s construction of a Planetbuster, which will be complete in a mere 12 years? Can I also take your argument that the construction of Planetbusters is acceptable, especially if they even up a perception of vulnerability? I will take this very interesting if hypocritical position under advisement.

                      I will take great solace in your ‘firm’ position in the event that University Base vanishes in fusion fire, and I am now serene in the knowledge that after genocide has been committed that then, and only then, will action be taken by the Peacekeepers.

                      Lastly, I have news for you. Rose’s Planetbuster can reach ANYWHERE on Chiron. Rose does not need to stage it in any base but from Data DeCentral, or any other convenient base. For Rose it will function as a true ICBM, so everyone is vulnerable to Rose’s weapon. Now you understand why the University feels so threatened by Rose’s actions, and why potentially extreme actions may be required. So, have I lost control of myself? The threat is real and acute, not just to the University but to anyone on Chiron that Rose happens to have a disliking to.



                      UN Headquarters, MY 2257

                      To the esteemed University board of Regents and Academician Provost Prokhor Zakharov,

                      Once again you fail to provide us with KEY information that we lack and then you go on to berate us for not knowing it in the first place. Prokhor I have to ask you this simple question. In the grand scheme of things what is more dangerous one planet buster or 7 transport ships loaded with elite troops with weapons and armor that are nearly 12 times more deadly than anything else on this planet all headed for your territory. This is the perspective at which Roze looks at this situation. Her only chance of "parity" with you or even me is through the completion and possession of such a weapon. Eventually technology will "catch-up" with it and make it obsolete. But, for now, it is fact of life that we have to deal with. Perhaps if you do not "Set up" any further colonies off her shores she might become less paranoid than she is now! Also, I can assure you that we do not "sanction" any aspect of the planet buster from its construction to its use. They are an abomination, pure and simple, but, what is the alternative? Would you attack and destroy anyone who possesses such a weapon, would you become some technological arch-angel of vengeance smiting the wicked!? If you are asking me that in order to destroy an evil thing I must become an evil thing then you will have to look in the mirror to find such a person. Until it is used it is a device, an inert device, and soon it will become and obsolete device. If we are all friends once again where is the threat. Your last vendetta was brought about by an attack by Roze after you failed to provide her with information. Perhaps, should she contact you again, you should perhaps rethink your response. You submitted very freely to gifting the Gaians with technology when they had you boxed into a military corner. Should Roze complete the bomb then perhaps this would be a similar situation as you faced with the Gaians, you chose to bend before the wind rather than break.

                      I can not stress enough that I think you single minded obsession over this has sent you perhaps over the edge. However, I am not blind to your distress so I offer the following, solution. Perhaps you could build an elite sea based espionage team that might find their way to the base building an object you find, objectionable. Then your team could, for example, cause a delay in production by inciting riots that might cause her project to end up being scrapped. Perhaps once her own people know of the bombs terrible power they might rise up in anger and destroy it? Such an event of course would draw our most sever condemnation but that is all, nothing more would happen.

                      Lastly, on this subject. If you feel so distressed over it then build one yourself. Once again it is a device, an inert device. On earth for decades they lived under the constant threat of a nuclear exchange and yet, they survived. Perhaps employing an old earth policy of mutually assured destruction might be in order. I do not condone it but it might be a possible solution for us all. Even though we have left earth behind we did not leave behind our backward thinking. Perhaps it is time for you expand yourself, your horizon and leave behind the old chains that bind you to these tired responses. If you can not, if you can not seek the higher ground then do what you have to do, you will do it anyway regardless of our response to your actions.

                      United Nations General Secretary,

                      His excellency The Planetary Governor,

                      Pravin Lal

                      United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                      Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
                      Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


                      University Base, MY 2258


                      The answer to your question: the planetbuster. Why? Because its target is now gone, and there is no defense. A wise leader will have a way to deal with the seven transports of elite troops, or at least have a chance of liberating his or her land. There is no liberation from a planetbuster. The people it targeted are vaporized, so this sum is easy.

                      Nuclear proliferation and the use of these stockpiled weapons are what destroyed Earth. Have you forgotten so soon? Are all the lessons of history lost to you? I recommend reviewing the 20th and the sad 21st Centuries. I think you will find that such weapons themselves create instability, and that when deployed they force other powers to do the same.

                      Should Rose use such a weapon on me or my allies she will be exterminated by conventional or by a liberal application of Planetbusters. One ill turn deserves another. So, if Rose or anyone else feels threatened now let them know what awaits them. It will not be mutually assured destruction. They will get the first blow, but it will be the last one they have.

                      Once again technology has come to the aid of the University. We have developed Advanced Space Flight, which significantly expands our ability to explore and harvest the bounties of space through the use of energy satellites. It also puts us a few steps closer to a technology that will allow us to defend ourselves against Planetbusters. We also linked two artifacts and got two very useful technologies: Mind/Machine Interface and Probability Mechanics. With Mind/Machine Interface I will be able to construct both the Cloudbase Academy and the Cyborg Factory. The Cloudbase Academy is already complete at Climactic Research, and we have begun the Cyborg Factory and should finish it in a few years. For the time being the Project Theory of Everything at University Base will have to wait since I have to finish these projects before Dee. With these two Projects the University will be fully able to form the necessary offensive and defense forces to ensure our security and, if necessary, exact suitable punishment to those who harm our people or interests. Probability Mechanics enhances our armor to level 6, and we will prototype and deploy this new armor as soon as our military facilities are complete. With a reasonable expenditure of resources the University should have the most significant military force on Chiron.

                      I also have to thank you for your terrific idea of sea based probes. These will be most useful in destroying Rose’s progress on her Planetbuster, if I can get a useful number of them there in time.

                      You should know that the University has minded its own business unless forced to do otherwise by the actions of others. Rose’s building of this Planetbuster is a direct threat to us, and if you can’t see this then you have lost touch with reality and should give up what passes for leadership on Chiron.



                      UN Headquarters, MY 2258

                      To the esteemed University board of Regents and Academician Provost Prokhor

                      I assure you I do understand the implications of the planet buster and I also understand the difference between that and the massive technological weaponry you can field. I do not think YOU fully understand how powerful YOUR military is. You are correct a planet buster can wipe away everything in one fell blow, it is a weapons of desperation, of last resort, of last hope or more correctly despair. What you could do with your military to someone like Roze or the other minor powers is far more deadly than the planet buster. Compared to the forces that could oppose you your army could easily capture more cities in one fell blow than any planet buster could destroy. This is exactly WHY Roze is building it in the first place, should you attack and begin your conquest you will pay for it. Should you begin to "gobble up" all of her cities what does she have to loose by blowing up some of yours?! The answer is nothing. We Peacekeepers, the Drones, the Morganites and the Gaians do not feel unduly threatened because we have always been open and friendly to the Angels. Only you are convinced that as soon as she builds it she plans on using it and on you?! So please do not "lump" all of us into the boat you are sailing on. Do I agree with the current situation, no. Do I like the current situation, no. Could I change it if I could and somehow "ban" all planet buster, yes! However, the reality of the situation is that we will soon have a faction that has one. That is reality. As for my "stepping down", well, if you are the alternative then I think I will stay. I can only imagine the reaction by the other leaders if you were also the Planetary Governor along with the other assets you have. I would think that more of them would feel even more desperate than they do now. So you are welcome to try to change leadership, it is your right. However, I think you should consider the simple fact that under my leadership no major war has broken out and except for your lone transport no lives have been lost since our landing. That is a good record by any standard.

                      Lastly, It seems we also made the same breakthrough in mind/machine interface but by our labs. We are still debating if we should sink our large energy reserves into completing the project before you but that has yet to be fully debated yet. On other fronts little has changed, which is good news for all, I think.

                      United Nations General Secretary,

                      His excellency The Planetary Governor,

                      Pravin Lal

                      United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                      Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
                      Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


                      University Base, MY 2259


                      We cashed in two more artifacts and discovered the secrets of Centauri Genetics and Centaur Psi. These rather odd technologies offer the full advantages of the fungus, which is now about half as productive as a forest in a city with a hybrid forest. Considering how barren the fungus was when we landed, and how malevolent it seemed, this will likely lead to a paradigm shift for the University decision makers. Another interesting item is that we can now breed a new creature called the Locust of Chiron, which are the airborne vectors of the mindworm. It makes sense that these denizens would inhabit the land and see as well as the air, although it is strange that we have apparently never seen them before.

                      I also authorized the investment of a significant portion of our energy reserve to the completion of the Cyborg Factory. This will ensure that its benefits go to the University, which is especially important since we have not made a significant investment in Bioenhancement Centers. I am sure you and Dee will be disappointed, but you already have bioenhancement centers at most of your primary cities and Dee has had the opportunity to finish this Project for over a decade.

                      The early completion of the Cyborg Factory will free up resources to complete the Theory of Everything at Univeristy Base. With these two efforts complete we will continue our expansion and significant upgrade of our military on sea, land, and air. There are a number of prototypes to complete, and even a few old units like our foil transports to upgrade. I also intend on investing in a large number of sea foil probes, and these will be positioned in case Rose makes any hostile moves.

                      Our land and sea explorers also found a few more artifacts. Our luck in finding these is significant, although you should know that we are opening at least ten per year, so what may seem like luck is more statistics and averages. The main reason we are able to do this is the Maritime Control Center, which allows our transports to escape the clutches of Isles of the Deep, and allow fast movement to and from areas of interest and the quick transportation of these spoils to our cities. One sad fact is that there are now few cities with unlinked nodes to like artifacts to. When you add up these numbers it is clear that these artifacts are a vital force in the current standing of the University. Other factions have benefited too since some of these technologies, particularly the early technologies, have been distributed to others.



                      UN Headquarters, MY 2259

                      To the esteemed University board of Regents and Academician Provost Prokhor Zakharov,

                      Your last transmission seemed to have marked a "change" in your attitude, for the better I hope. By now you have most likely have been notified of my request that all of the leaders of the planet unite behind me as the supreme leader on this planet. I hope this does not sour your mood but perhaps it might be the solution to all of our problems. With a strong leader at the helm he could eliminate the planet buster being built by the Angles and bring prosperity and peace to all. I would make it my first act to appoint you as my minister of science and give you a free hand to concentrate on you research and discoveries, freeing you from the bondage of the day-to-day duties of administrative and diplomatic work. Think of the time that you have wasted on tasks that have no application to science. Under my guidance you would be free once again to return to your labs and build an even greater future free from any threat by any other faction since we would all be united once again. I would have to rely on your guidance and experience but I think in time we could work together to fashion a new Eden on this planet. Please consider my proposal carefully. Under my plan we could end violence on this planet forever!

                      United Nations General Secretary,
                      His excellency The Planetary Governor,
                      Pravin Lal

                      United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                      Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
                      Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


                      University Base, MY 2260


                      What makes you think for one minute that I would agree to have you as my supreme leader after you declared vendetta against us and supported warlike actions all across Chiron? Why do you think that your continued support of Rose and her continued aggression, and her building of a planetbuster, makes you deserving of being the leader of us all? I voted and emphatic NAY, as did everyone else on Chiron except Rose. Your bosom warmonger pactmate saw fit to abstain. I found the vote rather satisfying, and even if I had abstained you wouldn’t have been elected.

                      In other news, the University has established five bases in the last few years. Library of Planet and Buran Prospect are on the large continent north of the Monsoon Jungle, and will eventually be given to the Cyborgs. The sea base Hydrothermal Institute was established near the Mount Planet was established this year. This should expand our field of control, and let us keep an eye on you and your minions.

                      I am also proud to let you know our lab output is over 1800 per year, and this will only increase with the completion of the Theory of Everything this next year. Then our lab output will be over 2200 per year! Your lab output is very respectable at 1300 per year, and I congratulate you for it even if I can’t wish you the best of luck.



                      UN Headquarters, MY 2260

                      To the esteemed University board of Regents and Academician Provost Prokhor

                      I invite you to confirm what I already know by having your empaths confirm that the planet buster being built by the Angels has been canceled. They have decided, under my guidance, to end the construction program of this deadly device in favor of a more "conventional" one. I think you can see that in time all things can be achieved. So there will be no need for any "black work" against the Angels in any form. They have saw the error in their ways and are working towards a more productive future for us all. You do not need to thank me for my years of work to end this and I expect you would not do publicly anyway.

                      Lastly, it seems the Director Morgan's bore holes were not placed with care and he triggered some sort of massive geo-thermo reaction and caused a earthquake/volcano to erupt on his island. The end result it seems is that we are no longer separated but joined at the hip. The island know as Mt. Peace is Peacekeeper territory so do not cross the land bride into our territory for any reason. We will modify the line of neutrality to bend it around the addition to the island se we now split the area between our two bases, is that acceptable to you? Also the isthmus of land connecting the two land masses would now be a no mans land of neutrality.

                      United Nations General Secretary,

                      His excellency The Planetary Governor,

                      Pravin Lal

                      United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                      Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
                      Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


                      • #41
                        University Base, MY 2261


                        Morgan does seem to have gotten himself and, indirectly, me into trouble. My former sea base now is a land base, and I have appropriated some of his meager holdings as a result. That is his loss for his bad management. Also, Morgan called up and asked for fusion technology and I gave it to him since everyone else on Chiron does. I also didn’t want to injure our relationship, which has been generally good since the technology-stealing incident but has cooled of late.

                        I am happy that Rose has ceased her construction of her planetbuster. I was worried enough that I was seriously considering building one myself and positioning it close to Angel territory, but now that looks like it won’t be necessary. I will continue to build a rapid response team of sea probes on cruiser hulls and transports, just in case. You will also notice that we are continuing to upgrade and expand the University’s military. If you had a hand in this I do thank you, since I know from personal experience that Rose can be very difficult.

                        Lastly, we developed Biomachinery this last year and we have immediately started the Cloning Vats. This will reproduce the best brains in the University, and now our cities and labs will be fully staffed. There are some ethical concerns about full-scale cloning, but I assure you that the donors will only be cloned if they agree. Also, clones will have the full rights of any University citizen and they will be allowed to grow into their own person. There will be no ‘programming’ or disposable people since that does not promote creativity.



                        UN Headquarters, MY 2261

                        To the esteemed University board of Regents and Academician Provost Prokhor

                        Can we assume from your last transmission that you agree to the modified zone of neutrality? Please confirm your response in your next transmission please.

                        Little else of importance occurred last turn of note. Our eastern sea forces are exploring a small chain of islands in the far east, almost our west, and we did at long last uncover another relic. This was the first relic in over 18 attempts! I am glad it will soon be returning to our territory. There are several "other" items of note in that are and I have
                        issued orders to investigate them as quickly as possible.

                        It NOW turns out that Roze has scrapped her entire missile program in favor of a missile cruiser. I suspect that the lack or mineral and economic resources had a lot to do with her choice.

                        United Nations General Secretary,

                        His excellency The Planetary Governor,

                        Pravin Lal

                        United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                        Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
                        Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


                        University Base, MY 2262


                        I never accepted your first neutral zone so I will take a position of neutrality on your second revised neutral zone.

                        I took great interest that you seem to creating nerve gas troops at UN Ocean Authority. Now why, pray tell, would you be doing that? You aren’t planning on using nerve gas on some hapless population are you Pravin? I have to assume you know that nerve gas has no effect whatsoever on native life, so I can’t think of any other use for these nerve gas equipped infantry than to kill hapless humans. Really, Pravin. You should know better. I would think carefully before using your new nerve gas army since that would violate your Charter, and you’ve told me since time immemorial that violating the Charter would be a very bad thing.

                        You might also be interested that Aki is now producing a Planetbuster. She called off her vendetta with Rose but her vendetta with you is still active. She rebuffed my last effort to have a peace with you and you might want to call her up and offer her a nice, fat bribe to have her leave you alone. That is what you suggested I do in my conflicts with Rose.

                        Did you not that Dee created a base in your territory? Gaia’s High Garden is now established on the island south of your little island. By the way, we claimed Mount Planet with the new base Nauk Science Center last year.

                        Lastly, an artifact has given us the secrets of Sentience Resonance, which will allow us to form resonance psi attackers with conventional attack strength of 12, which is quite potent. I haven’t been through the permutation to determine if this may be an effective addition to our military, but it may. Congratulations on finding an artifact, by the way. They are invaluable to the advance of science.



                        UN Headquarters, MY 2262

                        To the esteemed University board of Regents and Academician Provost Prokhor

                        I think you are mistaken about the weapon system being built at UN Ocean Authority. The marine unit is being equipped with special gas spore pods. These are non-lethal spores but they do weaken the defender considerably making it easier to attack. We see NO contradiction or breaking of the UN Charter by building these units. In some since they are very similar to the special police units we build to maintain order, they are equipped with special riot gear, though we have no riots in any form in over a century, such as tear gas. If you wish to bring this issue up at a planetary council meeting you are free to do so.

                        Lastly, I have grave news. The politics of the Angels are murky at best and it seems a rival faction in the government was able to switch back to building the planet buster weapon. I have tried to talk to Roze for some time but it seems she is powerless as well when it comes to this issue. She is working to get the issue brought back before her council but it seems that Roze has been blocked by some virus program and can not initiate a council vote procedure. Until she can clear the virus and summon the other electronic leaders of her planet she is deadlocked. Angel politics are very haphazard at best.

                        We did notice the building of the Gaian colony and we have no problem with the placement of that base. The Gaians have never been a threat to us and their leader is a stable, generous, reasonable leader that has worked with us for many decades to build a stronger alliance. In fact, when I heard the news I was very pleased since our scientists predict that another solar episode might occur soon and if it does we will be able to send a courier to the base to pass on any communications directly.

                        United Nations General Secretary,

                        His excellency The Planetary Governor,

                        Pravin Lal


                        University Base, MY 2263


                        It is most distressing that Rose has decided to continue her work on the planetbuster. It is a good thing there are two elite cruiser-based probe teams on their way to deal with that eventuality, and three more are building. They will be positioned 7 sectors north of Data DeCentral and will act when Rose is less than 5 years from completion of her atrocity. Aki finally saw reason and decided not to pursue her planetbuster, although she is building up her military.

                        An artifact gave us insight into nanometalurgy this last year, and this advance will allow the construction of submarines and aircraft carriers. I see little use in aircraft carriers at this time, but submarines may just be useful, although there are no plans to construct such a item at this time.

                        I can’t help but be curious why you aren’t building more colony pods, or at least sea pods? You may have noticed that the University never really stopped expanding, even if it was in something of a lull. Even now we will build a few colony or sea pods, and we will continue to do so in the future.

                        Lastly, the Cloning Vats are complete. This should add significantly to our population and we will no longer need to ‘population boom’, so our scientific progress and Green economy can remain.



                        UN Headquarters, MY 2263

                        To the esteemed University board of Regents and Academician Provost Prokhor

                        I am still working with Roze to get her people to stop the building of the Planet buster. I can only hope that in time she will listen and stop it before any action has to be taken. As to your "wet work" operation you have to understand that "officially" we will denounce your actions but should Roze declare war against you because of it we will NOT follow suit. We will remain neutral in the affair as long as you do not launch any massive land attacks against her bases.

                        We are working to build more sea and land based colonies each turn and I think you will see that we are doing just that, it is only one per turn or two but it is enough. We are working on more colonization along the polar area and the east and western fringes of our territory. In fact, we will establish a sea colony far to the east of our area along a series of low islands.

                        United Nations General Secretary,

                        His excellency The Planetary Governor,

                        Pravin Lal

                        United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                        Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
                        Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


                        University Base, MY 2264


                        Your position on the Angels is fine. I will deal with her planetbuster in due course, although it have no idea if I will have enough probe teams to do the job. Rose is likely to be irritated, but that is too bad. I also have what I think is useful information – Aki has pronounced vendetta against the Angels. I suggest you check this out to confirm, especially considering the non-verified circumstances of my last bit of ‘breaking news’.

                        There is also some very interesting and breaking news from the University. We have completed the Cloning Vats and our population is expanding rapidly as we speak. Our labs make a breakthrough in Nanomineaturinzation, allowing the construction of a new military and offensive unit – the hovertank. This is being prototyped as a defensive unit as we speak. An artifact yielded the understanding of Matter Compression. I don’t know what to do with this, but since science is cumulative every advance is welcome.

                        The sea has yielded more artifacts and over 300 energy this last year. We also released three isles of the deep, so the seas are getting hazardous again. This time we are prepared and I don’t think that our home territory will be seriously threatened by native life again. Our cities are not fully linked with mag tubes, and there are a good number of defenders and offensive units.



                        UN Headquarters, MY 2264

                        To the esteemed University board of Regents and Academician Provost Prokhor

                        We have completed our project on Mt. Peace and have connected the island to the south with Mt. Peace. We will establish a base on the southern slopes just on our side of the territory with the Gaians. We intend to build one more base on the eastern slopes and place several more sea bases around the island as well. This is the extent of our expansion in the west. In the east we have established our base far to the east along a small island. Our expeditionary forces are discovering more land each year, but it will no longer be necessary to endanger our people since we have launcher our rocket into space this turn and we should get a satellite imager of the planet as well. Perhaps at that time we can then at long last discuss some “zones if influence” so that we do not trip over each, so to speak, and cause an incident.

                        I have little else to report this turn of note.

                        United Nations General Secretary,
                        His excellency The Planetary Governor,
                        Pravin Lal

                        United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                        Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
                        Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


                        University Base, MY 2265


                        Thankfully, it was a quiet year. I was pleased to note that Rose has terminated her planetbuster in favor of more conventional troops. This will give our elite probe cruisers time to get in place, and give us time to build a few more. Every year gives us more time to develop the technology for the ultimate defense against planetbusters, which will be orbital. When this future technology is finally understood all of our resources will be devoted to ensuring the safety of our society.

                        Our transport fleet has been finding that pickings are getting pretty thin and there aren’t very many Unity pods on the sea. There are large numbers on land, and eventually we will move our growing native fleet to these secluded islands. We are exploring some already, but there is much more to be done.



                        UN Headquarters, MY 2265

                        To the esteemed University board of Regents and Academician Provost Prokhor Zakharov,

                        We have the first complete photos from our satellite and it is a wonder to behold! So much land and sea for all to live in peace in. I intend to share this technology with all factions of the planet as soon as possible. Perhaps when they can all see the beauty of this world we live on they might be more hospitable, more humble. However, you have held this technology for some time and it has done nothing to change your personality. What wonders will change your heart, that is something I wish to know.

                        I think you will not have to station any espionage teams anywhere near Angel territory. I think I have worked out a solution to the problem and have helped Roze settle some problems she had with her advisors.

                        Lastly, I am getting information of a new "alliance" between the Drones and Morganites, can you confirm this??

                        United Nations General Secretary,

                        His excellency The Planetary Governor,
                        Pravin Lal
                        United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                        Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
                        Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


                        • #42
                          University Base, MY 2266


                          I had my empaths do a little snooping, and it seems that Domai is allied with Rose and Morgan and has a trade treaty with Dee, you, and us. Morgan is allied with you and the Domai, and has treaties with Dee, the Angels and us.

                          Congratulations on putting your first satellite in orbit. Now you can likely see the great wealth of territory that is waiting to be claimed. There is certainly room for us all, and it is unfortunate that you choose to settle so near University territory and thereby raise tensions.

                          We are starting on our next and likely last phase of expansion. A fleet of sea colony pods will be produced, and these will be peppered all over the sea near our territory. We may even claim a few advance posts in remote areas, but that eventuality will depend on circumstances.

                          You may have notice that we are building a large number of energy providing satellite bases. This is key to the multiplication of our scientific efforts, since our labs are only limited by the power supplied to them. Our scientific rate is already double that of the next nearest competitor, which is you, and I will see if we can expand our lead. Considering that science is in the University’s blood, so to speak, you can be proud on how well you’ve kept up with us. It is too bad you decided to not be our friend, and to place yourself at odds with us. Who knows what we might have accomplished together.

                          Lastly, I think you are rash to give Orbital Spaceflight to the other factions. Rose has demonstrated, as has Aki, that other factions can and will use this technology to make weapons of mass destruction. I will do what I must to ensure the safety of the University.



                          UN Headquarters, MY 2266

                          To the esteemed University board of Regents and Academician Provost Prokhor Zakharov,

                          You are hardly the person to lecture us about "provocative" actions. You will order your transport ship to turn about and return to University territory. If the ship does not come about it will be sunk. If you choose to provoke us by sending in transport ships to cause an incident so that you may have some justification to start a war, then you will have one. I do not wish it to be so but your total disregard for our neutral zone can only been seen as an act of war. We have made "allowances" for some specialized ships to approach but no troop ships! Remove them or we will!

                          Once again, you are hardly in any position to lecture us about encroaching on your territory. How many bases did it take for you to strangle Morgan? Do not presume to lecture me!

                          United Nations General Secretary,
                          His excellency The Planetary Governor,
                          Pravin Lal

                          United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                          Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
                          Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


                          University Base, MY 2267


                          Calm yourself. You need to review the information your laser empath foil crew sent to you. If you had you would have notice that this is one of the half-dozen or so elite cruiser foil teams we are sending to deal with Rose if she gets too far along with her planetbuster. As I stated, they will be assembling generally north of Rose’s land, but don’t be surprised if they rove about a bit. I don’t want them to be too predictable, you know.

                          We made a breakthrough in Industrial Nanorobotics this last year, which will allow us to start the Nano Factory Project in the near future, as well as a significant industry enhancing facility we may build a few bases. An artifact yielded the secrets of Digital Sentience, which I predict is the first step down the road to true artificial intelligence, and to the possibility of enhancing existing minds or even disassociating minds from their meat bodies. This last potential would finally solve the problems of old age, and even death. Think of it – immortality! No more slogging through painful rejuvenation procedures.

                          Our sea fleet of transports continues to scour the seas and some of the lands, and we have 6 additional artifacts on the way to home bases. We are running out of nodes to attach them to, however, so we may have to be creative.



                          ONE YEAR OF ARCHIVE MISSING


                          UN Headquarters, MY 2268

                          To the esteemed University board of Regents and Academician Provost Prokhor Zakharov,

                          From your response it seems you will not act against the cyborgs so we will. I expect that you will remain neutral, as we will, if it should become necessary for you to take actions against the Angels. As for the Gaians, well, we have no "pact" with them so any actions against them will also force us to remain neutral. However, I am now becoming more convinced as ever by studying the data that our possible incursions will most likely result in a major outbreak in hostilities. We need to find a more peaceful solution....

                          United Nations General Secretary,
                          His excellency The Planetary Governor,
                          Pravin Lal

                          United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                          Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
                          Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


                          University Base, MY 2269


                          This has been another productive year for the citizens of the University of Chiron. We made an important breakthrough in Super Tensile Solids, which will allow us to complete a Project that until now has only been in the realm of science fiction: the Space Elevator. With this device we will be able to cheaply and efficiently shuttle material, and people, into orbit, and will no longer be tethered to chemical rockets to defeat Chiron’s gravity well. Once you review the edited files I am sending you it will also be apparent that there is another possible use of the Space Elevator: orbital drop of troops anywhere on Chiron. I have no reason to even consider using this ability, but keep in mind it is an option of we are pushed. I have been gratified that at least some reason has dawned on the likes of Rose, but I am deeply disturbed by the fact that three factions are building planetbusters. Our probes are in position to take out Rose’s planetbuster, if it ever gets near completion, and we will be in a position to take out Dee’s too. You are welcome to try to take out Aki’s. My main hope is that these hopeless idiots will realize that for their investment they could have build a Project, or a hybrid forest and a fusion lab! It boggles the mind.

                          In other news, and artifact yielded a mysterious technology: Homo Superior. I am still trying to devine that this means for humankind, but it is likely to hold part of the key to the next step in our evolution. I have been advised that if we make enough of an investment we will be able to better read, or translate, all the artifacts we find on Chiron and will no longer be limited to one per network node. Considering the vast number of artifacts waiting to be linked (which far exceeds the number of unlinked nodes) this could be a useful Project.

                          You will also be interested to note that we are making a significant investment in orbital energy satellites. These are expensive, costing the price of a tree farm each, but they shower our cities with energy at an unprecedented rate. Once we have a dozen or more of these up the effects will multiply, providing more fuel for our labs.

                          I likely forgot to mention, but we finished two Projects recently. The Living Refinery was completed a few years ago and I almost don’t remember why I allocated the funds to finish it. It was likely that I wanted it off the books, and that there were no other more worthy Projects to complete. University Base completed the Network Backbone this last year, which should further boost our research output due to its integrating ability – it is a super-network, so to speak, when gathering and integrating data. That is a most useful characteristic. Next year I will be offering free cybernetic upgrades to all the people of the University, and this will give more benefits in research, efficiency, and the environment – all without penalty. In this way we will have grown more like the Consciousness, which makes sense since we have been allied for so long.

                          Lastly, I authorized the placement of a new sea base Deep See Lab to close off the waters along the southern pole from your or other interlopers. It is proving difficult to do the same in other areas, but I am exploring options. For now mere observation is acceptable, and I am gratified that your aggressively placed bases are concentrating on infrastructure and that your significant military is staying at home.



                          UN Headquarters, MY 2269

                          To the esteemed University board of Regents and Academician Provost Prokhor

                          Our mission has always been one of peace. After over a century of proof as to our intentions through our actions each time you seemed "amazed" that we are doing exactly as we have stated. Our forward bases along Morgan territory are just that, forward bases. We will garrison more "defensive units" there eventually but we see no reason right now to add anymore. I suggest that you should start listening more to yourself than your advisors since they seem to be leading you down paths of logic that have no foundation in reality.

                          It seems that Planet has struck at last at the Angels. My border sensor array reported a massive mind worm and spore launcher infestation that broke out to the east of their capital. I dispatched warplanes to destroy the creatures before they could make a "turn" to the south and wreck havoc on our infrastructure. I admonished Roze for some time about her constant despoiling of the land but to them Planet is a tool to be used, nothing more.

                          Our polar project is complete. We have added a significant amount of land for new colonies. We should be able to establish three new colonies in that area.

                          Lastly, I suggest that you remove all of your transports to the northern side of Angel territory. If your transports are seen again in our territory we can only see this as an act of pure aggression on your part against us. What I find amazing still is that you are planning attacks on the Gaians and Angels but not the Cyborgs. Ally or not, you have repeatedly made clear to me in numerous communications your extreme dislike of these weapons and the threat they pose to you. My question to you: why do you trust the Cyborgs more than the Gaians?

                          United Nations General Secretary,
                          His excellency The Planetary Governor,
                          Pravin Lal

                          United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                          Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
                          Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


                          University Base, MY 2270


                          There are no transports anywhere near your or Rose’s territory. There are, however, a fair number of probe cruisers that are keeping watch on Rose’s planetbuster construction. I suggest that you review your sensor logs since you are clearly in error.

                          My main concern about the planetbusters is their indiscriminate destructive power, and the direct threat they present to University and its interests. I am also personally concerned about the humanitarian catastrophe such an attack would cause. If I had to rank these threats I’m afraid I would have to place the welfare of the University first. So, if I had to make a decision about a planetbuster in the hands of a faction that has declared war on us once (the Gaians) or twice (Angels) verses a true ally then it is an easy decision. While I don’t like the fact that these idiots are building these weapons I have come to accept it, and have plan for dealing with these threats. In this case the action is direct – probe action to destroy the device before it is complete. If you feel Aki’s planetbuster is a threat then I suggest you deal with it proactively, like the University is doing. Or you can accept this threat to your well being. It is your choice.



                          • #43
                            UN Headquarters, MY 2270

                            To the esteemed University board of Regents and Academician Provost Prokhor Zakharov,

                            Once we complete our espionage cruiser we fully intend to "handle" the cyborg planet buster. We also expect the same neutrality stance as we are taking with you and your intentions to handle the Gaian's and Angel's planet busters. What I wish to know is have your scientists made any breakthroughs in anti-missile defense. If you had such technology to share it would make this entire exercise a moot point. With all of us shielded behind a wall of defense bases the cost of planet busters would make them all but obsolete.

                            I am not sure if you are aware but the Angels do have a number of cruise missiles that if used would all but eliminate any force you intend to use against them. If you do attack then I suggest you make it a swift one and an accurate one since I doubt you will be given a second chance. Also, if your intentions are to assume control of the bases through espionage then I would consider this a breech to our agreement. I think your spies can concentrate on the missiles themselves without expanding their efforts. Be warned!

                            Lastly, I would suggest that you would for go any further expansion in Morgan territory. I take your continued expansion efforts that erode his territory as a serious threat to us all. What you seem to do with no regard to the lives of the people who live in Morgan territory you could do the same to us or anyone else. Any expansion we have done was done with a limited scope and with great care as to not to upset our neighbors. Your placement of bases has been done so that it only has benefits to you and no one else.

                            It is said that the victor writes history and that the ink comes from the blood of the vanquished. Do you truly wish your book to be written this way?

                            United Nations General Secretary,
                            His excellency The Planetary Governor,
                            Pravin Lal

                            United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                            Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
                            Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


                            University Base, MY 2271


                            What blood? Who has been vanquished? And what book are you talking about anyway? If you are waxing metaphoric then I would submit to you to show when the University has shed anyone’s blood, or vanquished anyone. All we have asked is to live in peace with our neighbors and to generally be left alone. You might want to ask who has the biggest military on Chiron? Why, the answer is Deirdre the pacifist! I assure you that if we focused even a significant fraction of our resources toward conquest that we would quickly achieve the goal of military supremacy. Why don’t we do this? Because it isn’t necessary, and our defensive forces are adequate to fight off any attack that might be waged against us. Also, I loath investing in obsolete technology, and our technological advancement rate is so high now that any bit of equipment is likely to be obsolete before it is completed.

                            You should also know that Rose launched a surprise attack on one of the University’s probe cruisers. The cruiser, of course, was destroyed. I sent her a strong rebuke since there are many more probe cruisers in the area, but if any more are destroyed then I will do more than give her protocol minister a tongue lashing. At this juncture there is no point in sabotaging Rose’s planetbuster since she keeps switching its production location, and in the process delaying its completion (which doesn’t bother me one bit). I will also consider pulling these cruisers back a bit since they can move in to strike at any time due to their movement of 9 per period, which is extraordinary. I have no intention of subverting her population, but almost anything else is fair game by way of espionage.

                            Your snoops will likely know before I do when we develop space-based defenses against planetbusters. As soon as this technology is discovered there will be a massive building program, and then and only then will we consider gifting this technology to the other factions. Except perhaps Aki, our loyal ally.

                            We did plant another sea base north of Morgan’s territory. It is not poaching any of his land, and it is currently harvesting an abundence of fungus that is surprisingly fruitful now. This base does serve to give us advance warning against any unfortunate aggressive actions you or your ally Rose might take.

                            You may take sabotage as you feel is necessary to stop Aki’s planetbuster from being completed. It will take you a long, long time to reach her, so good luck. It has taken a great deal of time to get our forces into position against Rose and she is a neighbor. I suspect that Aki’s planetbuster will be complete, if she decides to continue funding that white elephant, long before you can do something about it.



                            UN Headquarters, MY 2271

                            To the esteemed University board of Regents and Academician Provost Prokhor

                            Centuries ago in the old Roman empire when a general returned to Rome and was honored with a tribute, a parade. The general rode in a golden chariot that was pulled by the finest horses. The citizens threw rose petals before him. However, standing right behind the general was an old man whispering over and over into his ear reminding him that all fame is fleeting and that he was mortal. Perhaps you could take my remarks from my last transmission in the same manner.

                            As I said earlier many times your reluctance to exchange information especially technology that all but eliminates planet busters is the reason why you have become so despised by some. Of all the technology you might have the ability to defend against a sneak attack by planet busters demands that you exchange such technology! The only reason why you would maintain such a "hold" over the other factions was so that you could build your own space shield and then launch attacks without fear of reprisals. For many they will see this as the final stone or brick against you and your people. Do not let an opportunity such as this slip through your fingers, act now to save the planet from itself!

                            Also, I should let you know that Roze contacted me demanding that I attack you for your transgressions against her. I declined. If you plan on making your move do so now and be done with it. Find where she is building the bomb and strike and then retire beyond the neutral zone.

                            United Nations General Secretary,

                            His excellency The Planetary Governor,

                            Pravin Lal

                            United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                            Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
                            Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


                            University Base, MY 2272


                            It seems I have underestimated Rose. Again. Her little “demonstration” against my probe cruisers was, in fact, a declaration of war. Your little pactmate is quite the warmonger, isn’t she? I’m feeling a distinct sense of déjà vu - haven’t we had this discussion before? This is third time she has declared war on the University, and that is quite enough. My advisors and I seem to err on the side of building our society and almost ignoring the outside world. Perhaps that needs to change.

                            We had a breakthrough in Sentient Econometrics this last year, and this opens up a whole new realm of commerce by blending the advantages of University-derived artificial intelligence and planetary economics. So, while Rose is waging yet another unjust war against the University, we are pursing technological innovation in economics – an interesting distinction, don’t you think? You may have noticed that the scientific rate at University Base alone is equal to that of your entire society, Pravin, and I take great pleasure that it is many multiples of idiots like Rose. In fact, it is soon to be an order of magnitude better than Rose’s.

                            If the idiots that pass as faction leaders here on Chiron want to play in a nuclear sandbox that is fine with me. I will make sure the University is protected, and if I can help my friends then I will. The rest can rot – they are prime examples of the ignorance that destroyed Earth and it seems that they are beyond help, and your Charter and fine leadership have done exactly nothing to ameliorate the situation. Rose’s aggression hides behind the skirts of the sad remnants of the United Nations, an organization supposedly devoted to peace. Congratulations.



                            UN Headquarters, MY 2272

                            To the esteemed University board of Regents and Academician Provost Prokhor

                            I will be brief and to the point. We require you withdraw all forces from the area near and around any Angel territory. It seems you inept handling of the situation has yielded you nothing. You have started a war with the Angels and yet you have done nothing to stop the planet buster from being built. If you had moved in quickly and acted as we had suggested you would have stopped the planet buster. Now she is ready for you.

                            It has become clear over the past decades that the regime Roze has built has done nothing to improve the quality of life for its people or the planet. In fact, they have actually moved in the opposite direction. It is clear to us now that you will not make peace with her and she will not make peace with you. As to who fault it is, I will leave that now for the historians. For the present, we Peacekeepers will now handle the situation. It is clear that once we remove the "core" base structure of the Data Angels that is just to our north then their teeth will be pulled leaving them with only a few bases that lack any of the structure to build any offensive capabilities. We intend to launch our first attack in 7 to 10 turns. It will be a broad based attack on all four bases that are adjacent to our territory. Once we have them under our control we will establish several check points to secure the area. After our operation is complete we can then work with the Angels to help restore order in their chaotic world.

                            We do this with a very heavy heart and we will do it alone. As Planetary Governor it is our task, our responsibility and our duty to get this done. We do not require your help and any assistance you would give would only make a bad situation worse. Withdrawal your forces to your territory. Establish a perimeter around your bases to provide security. I doubt that Roze will be in any shape soon to launch any attack, especially against you. You will once again be secure in your area.

                            Lastly, since we will be assuming control of more bases that will push our legendary administrative capabilities to the limits we will be "gifting" to the Morganites most of our western bases. We will keep only the sea base that currently sits in the center of the entrance to the great western sea. It is our hope that these new bases might break the logjam that has afflicted the Morganites for over a century. We also require that you do not "push" any further into this area as you have done in the past and allow the Morganites a chance to expand, to grow. Any further expansion, by you, into this area will only prove what many here say about your "true intentions", world domination. You have your outposts, as do we, be happy with what you have.

                            United Nations General Secretary,

                            His excellency The Planetary Governor,

                            Pravin Lal

                            United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                            Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
                            Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


                            University Base, MY 2273


                            I’m shocked. You would declare unprovoked war against your loyal and true pactmate, Rose? And carry on a war of subjugation to ‘liberate’ her people? Now, explain to me again why you have lectured me all these years that a military solution is not a solution, and that civilized peoples will resolve their conflicts peaceably and through negotiation, and how the stronger party should summarily give into the demands of the weaker.

                            I have to say that you last missive has done me wonders. I have rarely in my last 170 years here on Chiron has such a good laugh; tears streamed down my face and I bellowed so loudly that I could barely breathe. My loyal aids though I was having a seizure of some kind, and it wasn’t until I could gasp out the cause of my ‘attack’ that they tentatively retreated. Oh, the irony and contradiction in your statements were so rich! Peacekeepers, indeed! The mighty ‘Peacekeepers’ will be the first faction to wage a war of subjugation against another faction instead of the paper wars that have come and gone in the past! Ha!

                            Oh, and while we are on the subject of naked aggression, I would strongly advise that you not try such tactics against the University when you decide that our people are mistreated and need ‘liberation’. You have gone out of your way to provoke us in the past and we have borne it will as much grace as we could muster (which at times was not much). Our reach has grown long now that we have completed the Space Elevator at University Base, and we will be in no mood to brook any naked aggression against our allies or us. So have fun conquering Rose. I wish you all the luck in the world.



                            UN Headquarters, MY 2273

                            To the esteemed University board of Regents and Academician Provost Prokhor

                            Your response was as expected, which I am sorry to say. Your incompetence has forced us into this situation, to take action before the worst can occur. It is a situation now of "clear and present danger" for us all. Our future actions will be taken with a heavy heart. Once again I will not begin to start a debate about "who" is to blame, suffice it to say that when two children argue over a silly problem do you blame the 8 year old or do you blame the 16 year old? It is clear which leader on this planet has the most resources, most advisors, most technology and the greatest intellect and he still could not find the means, with all of those advantages, to settle a petty problem that has grown into a mountain. So, what was once a nuisance now has become a global threat due to the building of planet busters. It is clear if a solution is not imposed now for the sake of us all then we will be the victims. So with a heavy heart we will "pacify" the Angels in an attempt to quarantine them and we hope, in time, bring them back into the family of nations. If I could I would act against all of you who are building these dreadful weapons.

                            United Nations General Secretary,

                            His excellency The Planetary Governor,

                            Pravin Lal

                            United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                            Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
                            Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


                            University Base, MY 2274


                            I can’t remember who said it, but isn’t war the result of failed diplomacy? That is why, supposedly, you were vested with the grand authority of Governor. It seem you have failed in your duty if you will make war your diplomacy. But don’t mind me. I’ll just sit back and contentedly watch the fireworks.

                            While you are preparing for a dirty war we are making more advances. Our labs turned out the secrets I have dubbed ‘Will To Power’. It presents some interesting opportunities, namely a society based on Thought Control. This is an interesting idea, but it is likely to stiffly intellectual growth and output. You would probably like this societal model, wouldn’t you Pravin? That was you could enforce your ideas on others and not have to resort to a messy war. It also allows us to construct an interesting Project – the Dream Twister. I can see the benefits of a grand psi-based army, but I have to say it isn’t that high on my priority list.

                            I just got back from the Space Elevator, which is anchored to the smaller moon Pholus. It gives me a giddy feeling to look down on Chiron and see how little of this planet we actually know, much less control. Our settlements don’t even begin to stretch Chiron’s resources, unlike the hive of populations on old Earth. This is also a singular achievement since Earth never built a Space Elevator, and here the University has done so with a tiny fraction of the manpower and resources. How, you might ask? We did it by force of will and by concentrating on what is important – technology. The University has surpassed Earth, and who knows how far we can go.



                            UN Headquarters, MY 2274

                            To the esteemed University board of Regents and Academician Provost Prokhor

                            We have completed a project ahead of schedule, the Pholus Mutagen. It should allow our native life specialists greater skill in creating our own domesticated mind worms and isles of the deep. It should allow us to build a shock force of mind worms that will be more effective in the initial assault stages upon the Angels since they have little protection against the form of mind attack used by the mind worms.

                            Little else of interest occurred this turn other than reports of more ecological damage caused by the Angels. Currently they are running a pollution index in excess of 50 points! I have had to pull all but a few very dedicated planetary administrators from the Angels capital since the air is nearly un-breathable and the contamination from industry is deplorable. It will take much work to salvage and repair the area after we have assumed control of that area. The damage that is being caused in of itself is worthy of the task before us.

                            United Nations General Secretary,

                            His excellency The Planetary Governor,

                            Pravin Lal

                            United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                            Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
                            Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


                            University Base, MY 2275


                            Congratulations on completing the Pholus Mutagen. I’m sure it will be of great use to your people.

                            Two artifacts yielded the secrets of Frictionless Surfaces and Eudiamonia. The Board considered this new societal type, but we decided that we were much better off continuing our cybernetic programs, which are much better suited to University temperament anyway.

                            Also, your soon to be former Pactmate now has fusion weaponry. She attacked and destroyed a lone garrison at one of our sea bases with a fusion needle. So, when you attack her she may have a technological edge on you, Pravin. I will assume you will not have a problem when we shoot the offending plane out of the skies, will you? You should also know that it looks like she may have been using your bases as a staging ground. I will look into this unsavory possibility in the next few weeks.



                            UN Headquarters, MY 2275

                            To the esteemed University board of Regents and Academician Provost Prokhor

                            I have little to mention this turn other than we are still preparing for the task ahead. I can assure you again that we do not take this action with any glee or joy but it must be done. The conflict must be put at an end between you and the Angels and better it be done by the legal authority on this planet than your worst enemy. We did notice the new weaponry that the Angels have discovered but it is not in full use yet or in such quantities that it will tilt the balance either way. Our forces but native and human will bring a swift end to the Angels primary production process.

                            United Nations General Secretary,

                            His excellency The Planetary Governor,

                            Pravin Lal

                            United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                            Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
                            Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


                            • #44
                              University Base, MY 2276


                              It has been a breathtaking year. Our labs discovered what have been dubbed the Secrets of Alpha Centauri, and that lead to a series of breakthroughs in the Secrets of Creations, Secrets of the Manifolds, and Quantum Power! It was like a dam broke, and I still haven’t even partially digested what this means, or the implications. One good sign is that our empathi have started to change into what I call transcendii, which are a merging of their cybernetic, psychic, and organic abilities that ‘transcend’ their arithmetic components. The boost to our research levels is simply astounding, as well as our increases social stability and economy. But that is only the first of many benefits, I am sure.

                              An artifact also gave us access to Quantum Machinery, which is the natural outgrowth of the Quantum reactor. If you snoop a bit you will find that we’ve already started a system of upgrades at critical bases, some of which will receive a quantum reactor. With this our best attack will be fully three times better than any defender, which should overcome intrinsic and mechanical defenses, should it come to that. I imaging that a neutronium, antiaircraft defender with a quantum reactor in a base with an aerospace facility could take on Rose’s entire air force!

                              In other news, University Base is the first base on Chiron to finish a habitation dome. Our population has already started surging into the extra space, and our growth will only be limited by available food. Soon we will have a full compliment of energy satellites, and after a few more attack and defense troops are made more habitation domes will be created, along with more hydroponic satellites.

                              Lastly, a word of warning. By happenstance one of our far-flung transports is near a trio of Rose’s sea bases. One of these is building a conventional missile, which will be done before the transport can get out of harm’s path. I have upgraded a rover to take out these bases, and with a quantum reactor and shard weaponry I can’t see how it will fail. I will keep you informed since, if your timetable holds, you will also be a combatant with Rose, as the University already is. Enemy of mine enemy, eh?



                              UN Headquarters, MY 2276

                              To the esteemed University board of Regents and Academician Provost Prokhor

                              It does seem that your statement is correct. The Angels have been using our bases as staging areas for attacks on your property and people. Please be assured that these attacks were not done with our knowledge. We intend to sever our pact with the Angels next turn. We are removing our diplomats, advisors and people now. I wish we could "compensate" you for any loss but currently all of our budget is going into building new weapons and upgrading our systems for the intended liberation of the Angels.

                              It is quickly becoming a very sad day indeed...

                              United Nations General Secretary,

                              His excellency The Planetary Governor,

                              Pravin Lal

                              United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                              Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
                              Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


                              University Base, MY 2277


                              Don’t worry about our losses. They are easily replaced, and it highlights that once again we have gotten side tracked from our defense. We will start a program of interceptors next year, and then I doubt many of Rose’s attacks will meet with any success at all.

                              Our labs turned out another marvel this last year: N-Space Compression. This is rather difficult to get my arms around, but it seems that space can be warped at a local level. While hardly intuitive, this is quite useful and will allow us to complete Geosynchronous Survey Pods in space, and missile that can literally wrench the tectonic plates apart or cause a fungal bloom. Now, wouldn’t it be nice if Rose’s territory were covered with fungus? I’d be she wouldn’t like it at all! But that is a rather petty thing and probably not worth our time.

                              We also finished the Universal Translator this last year. Why, you may ask? It seems that it will allow us to cash in an infinite number of artifacts, which is quite useful. It also promises to break a few intellectual log jams up, and is likely to result if a few breakthroughs. You many have notice our scientific rate spiked again as our energy satellites are put into operation. We have 10 up now, and that total will be 16 in a few years. Then, more military equipment and infrastructure. Boring? Not a bit!



                              UN Headquarters, MY 2277

                              To the esteemed University board of Regents and Academician Provost Prokhor Zakharov,

                              Our pact with the Angels has been dissolved. It was with great sadness that we did this but it seems the only logical course based upon the current circumstances. The Angels will not end their planet buster program no matter what I say or offer. Your last round of attacks seems to have set them on a unified course that nothing I can do to change. If I did not know better I might believe that you did it on purpose but I do not believe you are that cruel or ruthless. So it is up to the Peacekeepers to restore some "order" to this chaos. Our forces are almost ready. We will make for the base that is building the planet buster first and the base just to the south of it. This will in effect cut the Data Angels in half and make moving supplies and reinforcements difficult. Our only concern is that we can repair whatever defenses we can before the troops from their capital can move out and attack us. Our hope is that our air corps will provide the needed protection and slow their advance. Once we can get their troops into the open our mind worms should tip the balance as well. The Angels have never seen the worth in investing in them and they will soon learn their mistake.

                              United Nations General Secretary,
                              His excellency The Planetary Governor,
                              Pravin Lal

                              United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                              Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
                              Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


                              University Base, MY 2278


                              I noticed your relationship with Rose has been downgraded to a treaty. I will eagerly await what happens next. You should know that we easily secured Deep Sea Nine from the Angels. It was not at all difficult due to our technical superiority, and the other two of the bases in that cluster will be secured as well. My advisors reminded me that this is the first instance of one faction capturing, conquering if you will, the base of another. I suppose this makes me a warmonger. Well, so be it. Rose has egged me on and destroyed University property, so now it is her turn to find out what war really means. It is likely that you will teach her this lesson, too.

                              The excursion into Rose’s base was a sideshow, however. The Universal Translator unlocked the secrets of Self Aware Machines and Singularity Mechanics. I would guess that you can readily understand the implications of Singularity Mechanics. We humans can now functionally construct and use micro singularities! Again, we have far exceeded the technological prowess of old Earth. Our offensive and defensive military units will be slowly but surely upgraded to this technology, particularly in vulnerable or critical bases.

                              An artifact gave us the secrets of Graviton Theory, too. And, we discovered a few more artifacts while our worms were exploring the unclaimed islands that are scattered over this world.

                              In other news, University Base has now grown to size 19, and it will keep on growing as long as we can supply sufficient food to have them grow. Other bases have started on a crash building program for Orbital Defense Pods so protect us once and for all against the threat of Planetbusters. I figure that between a half dozen to a dozen should be plenty. Other bases are building habitation modules so they, too, can grow to a size their population will permit.

                              I wish you well in your upcoming hostilities with Rose. Here cities are well garrisoned, so you will have your work cut out for you. I would humbly suggest a few armored probe teams. It would be a shame to beat her senseless and then have her subvert the base out from under your care. If you need University help just ask. A few singularity jump hovercraft have been upgraded, and more are on the way. I’d be happy to soften her up for you, or just distract her as your assault begins. I have no interest in administering her bases by you, so you are welcome to them. It might also help her submit to your wishes, since that is apparently your goal.



                              UN Headquarters, MY 2278

                              To the esteemed University board of Regents and Academician Provost Prokhor

                              Our plans are nearly complete and we will be able to act before the predicated date of completion by the Angels of their planet buster. However, our sensor grid reports more outbreaks of "wild" mind worms in response to the massive amounts of pollution being generated by the Angels. Orders have been issued to destroy any rogue worms that move towards our territory but we will no longer attack them to aid our former pact sister Roze. Perhaps the worms will destroy enough of the offending manufacturing sites so as to restore balance and it will also hinder further production of the planet buster.

                              Lastly, a cybernetic troop transport ship has been spotted sailing towards our area. It will be sunk. It is already within 6 sectors of our most eastern base and as such poses too great a risk to allow it to go "away" by itself. The ship is well stocked with troops and equipment. We have several ships, as well as aircraft, within striking distance and if the ship does not turn about it will be sunk. If you can talk to the cyborgs and persuade them to return to their seas that would be best for us all.

                              United Nations General Secretary,

                              His excellency The Planetary Governor,

                              Pravin Lal

                              United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                              Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
                              Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


                              University Base, MY 2279


                              I am unaware of a Cyborg transport, but I have no reason to doubt your observation. If the transport threatens you then by all means sink it. I have not sanctioned Aki’s war against you, and she is fully aware that there are risks in war.

                              Speaking of risks in war, Rose is about to find out just how risky war can be. I have dispatched a singularity shard hovertank to Rose’s western island. It is there to help render Rose’s empire. It is my intention to soften up these bases for you. I noticed you didn’t reply to my offer so I elected, on something of a whim, to give you a hand. A few more drop units will arrive in the next few years and I suspect they will cause Rose no small amount of discomfort. I hope you make the best of it.

                              Our labs turned out the secrets of Matter Editation this last year, which promises the benefits of Clinical Immortality. Being a disembodied brain in a jar isn’t exactly my idea of eternal bliss, but it is better than the alternative, which is to cease to exist. I am sure there is a better way and our researchers are busy trying to find a better way to preserve a life’s essence in a more prosaic way.



                              UN Headquarters, MY 2279

                              To the esteemed University board of Regents and Academician Provost Prokhor

                              It seems that our possible conflict with the Cyborgs has been averted. We are now pact-mates with them. Aki can be very convincing and we had a long discussion with her and for the long term security of this planet an alliance with them is more beneficial. However, our new alliance has turned the Gaians, Drones and the Angels against us. This was very distressful news indeed. I argued for hours with the Drone leader ( who is a very dense man it turns out ) and Lady Skye but to no avail. So war is upon us in full force. We will begin attacking next turn since the Angels are very close to completing the work on the planet buster. It must be stopped now. We will make for the base building the planet buster first and then move outwards. It is our hope we can hold the base against further attacks. Any assistance you can provide would be of use to us.

                              I can only hope now that quick action will end the expansion of this war.

                              United Nations General Secretary,

                              His excellency The Planetary Governor,

                              Pravin Lal

                              United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                              Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
                              Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


                              University Base, MY 2280


                              If you thought your news was bad, it just got worse. Dee has mobilized her air force and it is flying toward your western bases, and I would bet that she will use her pact-mate Morgan’s bases as staging areas. I have seen two chaos pens and four copters, and they should be proximate to your territory next year. I strongly recommend you upgrade your defenders to have anti-aircraft ability or they will likely perish.

                              I will happily accept your invitation to teach that imprudent Rose a lesson. My drop troops have already taken Ferret’s Lair, and you can expect more troops to ‘drop’ in the ensuing years. I did make one error in judgment – ‘old’ thinking, if you will. I loaded up a transport with surplus troops, intending to upgrade them on their trip. What I should have done is upgrade them to drop status immediately and then have them drop in. That would have been more effective, don’t you think? I will correct the mistake by recalling the transport and retrofitting the troops with drop pods.

                              My scientists discovered Applied Gravitonics and Matter Transmission this last year. Just think – the ability to convert matter into energy, and then send it somewhere else and reassemble it! Amazing, and the possibilities boggle the mind. Gravitonics allows the most powerful attack yet known, but that (unfortunately) isn’t prototyped yet. It will be, though.

                              Good luck in showing Rose the error of her ways. It is too bad that Dee and Domai rose to the occasion, if you will forgive the pun, but they are generally far away and if you can defend yourself against Dee’s airforce you should be in good shape. One of our transports saw a loaded Drone transport heading your way, but it will be decades before it can make it’s pathetic presence felt – don’t worry about it. Your conflict will be done long before Domai gets to do anything but whine about worker’s rights.



                              UN Headquarters, MY 2280

                              To the esteemed University board of Regents and Academician Provost Prokhor

                              We have captured the nearest Angel base but we have failed in our greater goal of capturing the base with the planet buster. We will move as quickly as possible to assault this base but it might be too late. The Gaians are pressing us in the west and have captured one of our bases. This is most distressing indeed. I must return to the war council at once. We seem to be fighting on two major fronts right now and I doubt we can do both. We might have to negotiate a peace with one or perhaps both parties if we can not secure a quick victory.

                              United Nations General Secretary,

                              His excellency The Planetary Governor,

                              Pravin Lal

                              United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                              Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
                              Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


                              University Base, MY 2281


                              You really need to beef up the defenses of your western bases, especially after you strained our relationship so much when you built them. Really, fission synthmetal armor will simply not stand against any sort of an army or air force, much less what Dee can throw at you! Upgrades to best armor,/best reactor are in order, and I suggest you add anti-air ability if you can afford it.

                              We have taken Rain of Tears, a minor Datatech sea base. In addition, I authorized spending 800 energy to upgrade surplus units located in the Monsoon Jungle continent to shard/drop/singularity, and they will be available next year for deployment. Unless something unforeseen happens they will jump to Ferret’s Lair, and then deploy east. This combined infantry/rover/hovertank force should render any force Rose might have.

                              You might be interested to note that Dee has stopped building a planetbuster, and that Domai is now building one. I wish they would make up their minds.



                              • #45
                                UN Headquarters, MY 2281

                                To the esteemed University board of Regents and Academician Provost Prokhor

                                The war with the Gaians and Angels is escalating considerably. We have lost two colonies in the far west on Mt. Peace and we expect to loose another. This is not good news at all. We expect to liberate another Angel city next turn but Roze is still putting up a battle and she has yet to commit her reserves at her capital. If we can not "lure" her forces into the open our chances of taking her capital is slim. They are still very behind when it comes to "psionic" combat an our mind worms seem to be more effective than our regular troops. My generals tell me it comes down to one thing, time. If we can quickly end this war by some decisive victories and cripple the Angels then we can bolster our defenses and then move on to stabilizing our other fronts. However, that is easier said than done.

                                We are bolstering our defenses but the simple fact is it will have to take second priority over our primary war efforts. Our rovers need armor and our troops need better guns.

                                I wish this was all over with but that will not happen until we can liberate the Angel city and restore order. Our advance scouts report devastating damage of massive proportions to the surrounding lands. The Angels seem to be devils when it comes to the treat of their resources. It will take decades to rebuild the beauty of their lands and make it enjoyable for all.

                                Lastly, it seems our paths have crossed again. Perhaps it is time we sign a treaty of friendship since we now are at least on the same side of an issue. Please let me know how you feel about this arrangement.

                                United Nations General Secretary,

                                His excellency The Planetary Governor,

                                Pravin Lal

                                United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                                Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
                                Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


                                University Base, MY 2282


                                We have ‘liberated’, as you call it, Trojan Source and Calypso beat from Rose’s authority, and we are poised to strike at Tinker Junction, Nettap Comples, and Moonshadown next year. The only small problem is that Dee has decided to base some of her copters at Tinker Junction, and I am not going to authorize and attack on any base while they are there for fear of causing a vendetta by the Gaians against the University. We have worked too long and hard to throw away our relationship, such as it is, into the trash heap due to a worthless Datatech base. In the meantime our behemoth hovercraft and drop infantry will advance and take Angel bases as we can.

                                I noticed your base was mind controlled, and that there are more Gaian probes near your remaining base on your western island. I recommend killing it or you will lose another base to Gaian sneakiness. Who would have thought Dee had it in her to be so underhanded? She has surprised me in the past, so perhaps I shouldn’t be too flummoxed.

                                One bit of good news is that Rose has stopped her planetbuster production. That leaves Aki, Domai, and Dee as the remaining factions producing planetbusters, and of these Domai is the most likely to finish his in an expedient amount of time.

                                I will agree to a treaty of friendship so long as we are clear that it lasts only as long as our mutual conflict with the Angels continues. There is a lot of bad blood between us, but I understand ‘enemy of my enemy’ as well as anyone. At the end of Rose’s time here on Chiron we will need to reassess our relationship. Perhaps we will have a basis for trust, and maybe not. Time will tell.



                                UN Headquarters, MY 2282

                                To the esteemed University board of Regents and Academician Provost Prokhor

                                We have extended terms of peace too you and I do hope you will accept as you have stated. Between the blows you have landed and ours Roze has little resources to mount any effective defense. My generals now believe a cruise missile attack will be the most effective means to "dig out" the remaining elements of Roze's military from our core cities. It will also reduce the number of dead on our lists since cruise missiles do not have live pilots.

                                Our scientist have made a breakthrough in several fields and we now have the means to build "shard" weapons. These new weapons will be above and beyond anything Roze has now and it might tilt the balance in our favor. Our native regiments seem to be doing the best against Roze since her troops lack even the basic of psionic defense. Our mind worms tear through their forces like they were not even there. It is not a pretty sight though to see what these large "demon boils" do to the bodies of the slain but it is a clean death, a merciful death at least.

                                We are trying to shore up our defenses in the west but we are not having too much luck. The probe teams were stopped, for now. But who can tell. The base commanders and city governors are screaming for more troops but I have none to send. What I purpose is this. Would you be willing to station several units at our base on Mt. Peace. I think if Lady Skye saw that any attack on our base would endanger your troops she would withhold her hand. I know this is much to ask but it will save lives and I would ask the devil himself to do this if it might saving even one life in the process. Please
                                let me know...

                                United Nations General Secretary,

                                His excellency The Planetary Governor,

                                Pravin Lal

                                United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                                Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
                                Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


                                University Base, MY 2283


                                I have accepted your treaty of friendship, and I hope that it will clear up some of the misunderstandings we have had.

                                You will note I have dropped one of our behemoths shard hovertanks near your remaining base. It is currently trapped between Gaian and your terraformers, so it cannot move to block the road between your base and the base Dee subverted from you. I am not willing, nor able, to station any military units in your bases since we are not allied. Several other issues are salient, too, such as the possibility that Dee might subvert this base, and in the process take over our hovertank and singularity designs. I think you would agree that would not be a good thing. I am also concerned about an accident that might result in Dee attacking your base, and me by extension. I am not interested in an accidental war with the Gaians. So, please move your terraformers and I will order the hovertank to block the road, which will reduce the chance your forces can be attacked by Dee.

                                I decided not to attack the Angel bases this last year. Dee’s copters are still at the base we are prepared to attack, and our infantry are not in place on the others. Rose’s ECM ability behind perimeter defense would be effective against even our shard singularity hovertanks, so it is prudent to wait until the ECM defenders are eliminated. The infantry will be in place in a few years. I am also toying with the idea of retrofitting a few probe teams with drop pods so we can subvert a few Angel bases, or at least try to. It may be expensive, or impossible, but it is worth a try.

                                We discovered Controlled Singularity, which will give us the ability of new attack: - the Singularity Laser, which is almost twice as powerful as shard weaponry. We will prototype this weapons as soon as possible. We just finished prototyping Stasis Armor, which is defense factor 12 – a nice improvement over our neutronium armor currently in use.

                                One side note – I had to laugh when Angel penetrators advance on our forces, which were all alone and exposed in open territory. They turned back! It seems that singularity powered neutronium armor is a bit much for her, and she decided that discretion is the better part of valor. That is fine with me since it confirms that I don’t have to worry about any anti-air upgrades, or at least not yet.

                                We finished the Bulk Matter Transmitter this last year, which should boost mineral production significantly. I will be watchful for ecological damage, however. This should provide more fuel for the fire, and I expect that more friends will be dropping in to see Rose in the very near future.



                                UN Headquarters, MY 2283

                                To the esteemed University board of Regents and Academician Provost Prokhor

                                Our war with the Angels is at an end. We can not pursue two wars on two fronts and expect to even hold on our own on both. Our primary goal has been completed, the Angel planet buster program was captured and the program dismantled. Our second goal, the pacification of the Angels has been completed for the most part. Roze has lost two of her most key cities and they are now in our hands. Without the planetary data links facility she built they now longer have the ability to acquire technology on the link. You have captured several minor facilities as well and when added to ours Roze has been dealt a terrible blow. I wish we could "go on" and liberate her cities and allow her citizens the right to live in peace but that is not the case. We have only two sea bases to the east left and we need to focus our strength and might on maintaining these and hopefully liberating the cities the Gaians have taken. We should be able to do this since we need now only put a "holding force" along the Angel border and begin to move the bulk of our troops west.

                                We do appreciate your efforts to maintaining peace but our concern now is the Drones. They are building a planet buster as well but they are too far away for us to mount any chance of destroying it before it is used. I have been authorized by the Peacekeeper council to ask if you would be willing to share your technology on anti-missile satellites. We are willing to negotiate just about anything you could ask to obtain this technology. Let me be honest with you. Should a faction get a planet buster and threaten us into submission it has already been agreed that we would rather submit than see our people cooked under nuclear fire. Please consider what might occur if the Gaians complete their bomb or the drones and force us to surrender and they gain access to our nations' fortune, power and technology.

                                United Nations General Secretary,

                                His excellency The Planetary Governor,

                                Pravin Lal

                                United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                                Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
                                Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


                                University Base, MY 2284


                                You will note that I have included a gift in this transmission: Self Aware Machines. This will allow you to build orbital defense pods, and protect you from a planetbuster. You likely are well aware that Domai is just 6 years away from completing his, and that is likely to be a problem for us all. The only stipulation I have is that I reserve the Self Aware Colony for the University. Plus, I imagine the level of control of the Self Aware Colony is against your egalitarian principles.

                                It looks like UN Enforcement Agency, your last base on the small island, has been subverted by the Gaians. My hovertank was still pinned by all the units around it and they were not able to block the road, and therefore preventing easy access by Dee’s sneaks.
                                Without a land base it will be hard to retake those bases, so I wish you luck.

                                Lastly, there was a huge seismic disturbance north of one of your sea bases proximate to the equator. I am still mulling what this means, but it is not likely to be good. The last occurrence on Earth was the eruption of Krakatoa, and that changed weather patterns for at least 5 years, ruining crops and causing general devastation. There is also a more disturbing possibility – that the planet we live on is reacting to humans, and likely to Rose’s pollution. It seems Dee was right all along – Chiron is a giant organism. We have just discovered what has been euphemistically called the Ascent to Transcendence, which proves once and for all that this planet is pre-sentient and that it responds to provocation.

                                So, what do I plan to do about this? Assuming this hypothesis is correct the only possible solution is to eradicate Rose. This will be a no holds bared attack, and I don’t particularly care about the casualties. I refuse to let Rose turn the most amazing sentience conceived of against us, and if I can do this by breaking some eggs then so be it. The attack will start next year in earnest, as will the mass upgrade of troops to have drop capability.



                                UN Headquararters, MY 2284

                                To the esteemed University board of Regents and Academician Provost Prokhor

                                It seems are peace with the Angels is short lived. They are still in a state of "vendetta" against us leaving us little no option to proceed with our original plan of capturing the core cities of the Angels. Reports by my generals indicate that your troops are close to taking several more minor bases from the Angels, with this we have no issue as long as you do not extend your campaign beyond the island to the east. The small land bridge between the two landmasses should be a good stopping point for us both. the two remaining Angel cities on our island and the small sea base just to the north will soon fall to us and our liberating forces. Already the Angel citizens seem to be responding very favorably to our programs and since we are a very free society in the first place many of them are finding life in our society very well indeed. I think once we pour some more resources into the bases to build up their infrastructure the Angels will be a very important part of our society.

                                This leads me to another issue, the Gaians. I feel somewhat "betrayed" again by Lady Skye. It seems I was able to broker a cease-fire by trading her some technology. Then I get a report that she and the Drone leaders have declared vendetta on YOU! I am lost for words. What has this planet come to. With our war back on track with the Angels I do not see what assistance we can extend to you. Our forces will be committed for at least
                                10 turns in subduing the Angels and then we can turn our eyes to the west again. I only hope that the Drones do not use their dreaded weapons.

                                I appreciate and I extend the thanks of all the Peacekeepers for your generous gift. We will not pursue any of the programs you mentioned.

                                United Nations General Secretary,

                                His excellency The Planetary Governor,

                                Pravin Lal

                                United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                                Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
                                Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


                                University Base, MY 2285


                                I can assure you that Dee and Domai are not in a state of Vendetta with the University. Perhaps you have gotten some bad intelligence, like I did a few decades ago?

                                We have taken both Netcap Complex and Great Lagoon from the Angels. Dee still remains in Rose’s western base, but as soon as she leaves we will take that base from her. A stasis field transport is on the way to liberate one of her last two sea bases, and a probe cruiser will deal with the last one. Failing that we will have to construct a small fleet of Deathspheres, or grav ships, which function as both a land unit and cruiser, and have unlimited range and do not require resupply. A fleet of these should be able to take care of any threat I can imagine. One of our drop units got a little overly enthusiastic and dropped near Data DeCentral. No more will follow, but not that they are there I assume you will not mind the assistance. They are singularity powered, so they should make short work of most any defender.

                                Did you notice the new volcano northeast of UN Peace Anchorage? It erupted at the same time as the seismic disturbance, so they must be directly related.



                                UN Headquarters, MY 2285

                                To the esteemed University board of Regents and Academician Provost Prokhor

                                The base defenders at Data Decentral are tough indeed behind their tachyon field. Even our mind worms are having a difficult time in breaching the defenses so if you could provide some assistance it would be appreciated. What concerns me is the state of the population in Data Decentral. The more troops I order to converge on the base the more land that is taken out of production, hence starvation. I have issued orders to our troops to try and reduce the impact on the population but it might not be possible under combat conditions. Even though I have asked the paramount importance is the survival of our troops.

                                Yes, we did notice the volcano since it also destroyed a ship in the process. Our scientists are still researching the event but the data does not fully indicate what was the cause of the event. To be blunt I am still not convinced that the of the assertions that that have been put forward concerning Planets consciousness. I will have to see more data.

                                United Nations General Secretary,

                                His excellency The Planetary Governor,

                                Pravin Lal

                                United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters
                                Executive Office of the Planetary Governorship - Alpha Centauri System
                                Supreme Planet Command Center - United Nations HEADQUARTERS


                                University Base, MY 2286


                                Moonshadow has been liberated, and Rose’s last sea base is likely to fall next year. Two more jump infantry have dropped near Data DeCentral and will be in position to beginning their assault next year. A probe team is being readied to take care of Rose’s last base, assuming Dee doesn’t leave and we can take it by force. I don’t know what effect bribing a base to switch sides will have if we take some of Dee’s forces with it, but I am only willing to wait a few more years before my patience is at an end.

                                Our explores continue to harvest an abundance of artifacts. We currently have nine in our holds or ready to take onto our sea units. The sad problem is that they will take so long to get into position that I am considering putting jump pods on a colony pod to get the base closer to them! I’ll let you know how that experiment goes.


