University Base, MY 2183
Your lead in population is short lived since we have eked ahead of you with internal growth and the establishment of Academgorodok in the Monsoon Jungle. I doubt this will give us a long term lead since we don’t have a plan to expand our holdings in the near future, although in a decade or two there will be many more bases in the Monsoon Jungle and I hope there is a huge potential more bases.
Two projects have been started, and we have a good lead and I expect to get at least one of them. At this point I’d put my energy on Rose finishing the Energy Grid before anyone else since she started it so early. Of course, she could be an idiot and started it at a base with a pathetic amount of minerals. If you review the intelligence report you may notice that there are a number of Projects in progress, so you will have a good deal of catching up to do.
Most of our basic land terraforming is done so we will be removing fungus and planting forests in a large swath of fungus in the southeastern portion of our territory. Dee stole the territory for two bases and I will have to make it up somehow. Plus, I do enjoy ripping the fungus out by the roots and replacing it with good ol’ Earth vegetation.
UN Headquarters, MY 2183
Academician Provost Prokhor Zakharov,
I have most unfortunate news. We did not make the breakthrough, we wanted, as anticipated, we did achieve technology on gene splicing which allowed us to increase our food production. In all I suspect that it was a very important breakthrough since it did give us the means to feed our growing population. I have attached our map file to you, gratis. Should you choose to send us yours it would be welcome, but, not required. We can only hope that it somehow compensates you on not getting your repayment as expected and it "sooths your ruffled feathers". We still plan on repaying you but I doubt we will be able to send you anything new soon. It will be ten years before our next breakthrough.
Our free market economy is having some disturbing effects but the ability of our specialists to calm the fears of the people have been most useful. We are still growing and I think we have passed you once again in population.
Little else occurred this turn I am sorry to say...
United Nations General Secretary,
Pravin Lal
United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters , Planet Command Center – UNHQ
University Base, MY 2184
I know how you feel about technological breakthroughs, they are both unpredictable and exasperating. Even though we discovered that technology a while ago I know you will still benefit from it, and I suspect you already are. I noticed your population is surging, and I think it will likely surge more as your society attains it full potential. We will not be able to ‘boom’ again for a half-decade or so when some more critical infrastructure, namely children’s crèches, are complete in our younger bases.
I’m glad I had a terraformer with our new base in the Monsoon Jungle. Although the growth and efficiency associated with a Democracy is terrific it is punishing for a new base such as Academgoroduk, and if it didn’t have the former with it there likely would have been a wait measured in decades before its scout defender and former were done. As is stands they have already built a road, and will start on a forest next year. This area is so rich I am somewhat worried that our bases will grow too fast and outstretch our ability to maintain societal control.
There is sad news, too. Our transport captain decided to take a chance and investigated a Unity pod. An isle of the deep promptly killed the crew and sank the ship. Its last transmission was heart rending since the crew realized in those few terrifying moments that they were doomed, and they continued transmitting while the visions of horror permeated their consciousness. They died in agony, which started out as mental agony as the mindworms paralyzed them with terror and then physical agony as the worms ate their way into their bodies. It is episodes like this that increases my dedication to fortify our defenses, and eradicate these foul creatures once and for all.
May they rest in peace.
UN Headquarters, MY 2184
Academician Provost Prokhor Zakharov,
What I feared the most with our change to a free market economy is happening, the planet is rising up against us. A rogue mind worm attacked one of terra-former crews and destroyed them and did collateral damage to the remaining two units. I am ordering the garrison from UN Haven City to sortie and destroy the worm and I have recalled the trance rover as well from the polar area to provide quick response alert if another worm attack is expected.
We are still working to build more infrastructure and work towards a more peaceful society. But, it is hard. Many of our citizens seem to demand more and more recreational outlets and while I really cannot blame them they do take time and money. I can only hope that with a few more improvements we can add to our resources and help build them quickly.
UNSF GENERAL ASSEMBLY has cleared the last of the fungus and is now in route to Morgan territory. We expect to make contact in three turns. I hope that once we make contact Morgan and I can help build a bridge to a greater understanding on this planet.
United Nations General Secretary,
Pravin Lal
United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters , Planet Command Center - UNHQ
University Base, MY 2185
We are working toward a vast improvement in our infrastructure also, and all my bases except the base in the Monsoon Jungle will have the basic recreation commons, recycling tanks, and children’s crèches, in addition to our ‘free’ network nodes and hologram theatres. Our capital has been working on a Research Hospital, which should ‘goose’ our research there dramatically! Moreover, our food resources are not so limited as they once were so our growth rate, when not booming, is acceptable. We have even started prototyping a trance synthmetal defender in our new Command Center! Shortly we will be building trance synthmetal transports to start harvesting the Unity pods in the vast seas that surround us.
I now know what precipitated what I believe to be a war between Morgan and Dee. It seems Morgan ‘appropriated’ Centauri Empathy from Dee and she was none too happy about it. Now Morgan has the gall to start building the Empath Guild! Of course he will fail since we have such a large head start, but he does have some chutzpah, doesn’t he? I also noticed that Rose finished the Energy Grid project. I regret getting that one since it would have boosted our energy production significantly, but we can’t have everything you know (but we can try!!).
I haven’t noticed the native life being any more nasty and voracious than they are normally since our shift to a Free Market system. Still, your warning was taken to heart and our veteran Unity rover has been upgraded to have an empath attack ability. This should prove invaluable in fending off these malevolent Chiron life forms, and it is an obvious outgrowth of the trance defense that has served us so well. All our bases’ have had this ability for a while now, and it only makes sense to augment this with a few mobile empath reaction squads.
Take care, and good luck with Morgan. He can be quarrelsome, but if you butter him up a little I’m sure he will be reasonable. Dee is another matter, but that may come later.
UN Headquarters, MY 2185
Academician Provost Prokhor Zakharov,
Our captain from UNSF GENERAL ASSEMBLY reports that he will make contact with the Morgan main base in two turns! I am beginning my preparations for our first dialogue and I do hope it will be productive. Perhaps I can help negotiate a peace between the Gaians and Morganites? In any event I at least hope to get safe harbor for our ship and some needed supplies and repair assistance for our ship.
I was contacted by Roze and we were able to make reach an agreement for a technology transfer. Roze sent me technical files that will allow us to maximize our energy production from tidal generators in exchange for our files on gene splicing. The technology was about equal in importance and it will give our coastal bases the chance to improve their energy production.
The garrison from UN Haven City did sortie from the city and found the rogue worm and destroyed it. The planet pearls were collected and returned to the base for more energy. The garrison will return as well next turn and assume their duties. The terra-formers are moving back into position to begin the final task of raising the ocean floor to connect our land mass with the small island chain.
Our veteran trance rover team will open a Unity pod next turn and I do hope it will have some vital information our resources we can use. The reports I get from the council of High Commissioners indicate that our society is becoming more adjusted to the effects of the free economics and we should not have anymore riots for want of material goods and recreational outlets.
We also will begin building several more sea foils, UNSF PEACEKEEPER and UNSF KOFI ANAN, equipped with trance protection as well as a transport to begin searching these sea for Unity pods. There are a great many in our area and with adequate protection we should be able to harvest them with ease.
United Nations General Secretary,
Pravin Lal
United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters , Planet Command Center – UNHQ
University Base, MY 2186
I am not entirely positive the Morganites and Gaians are at war, but I got a fragmentary message to that effect. If you can arrange a settlement of their dispute that would be excellent since I don’t want to be caught between those two. Dee is enough of a pain without having Morgan turning into a nuisance by trying to drag me into a wasteful war. I have nothing against Dee, and Morgan and I see eye to eye on most things, so an intervention on your part would be a good thing.
We have something of a minor crisis on our hands. The isle of the deep that destroyed our transport is making its way to University Base in a frightening and single minded b-line, and it has one of those vile mindworms in its gut that I would be willing to bet any amount of energy would like nothing better than to devour the brains of our good citizens. This, of course, is completely unacceptable. Our fast response empath rover is on the way and should be able to make it before the worm can strike and I will take great pleasure in watching every one of those slimy wormlets wither and die under the onslaught of our emapthi. Crispy fry them all! The only remaining problem will be the isle itself that is a threat to our sea formers. I will likely have to switch production somewhere to an empath foil, although I regret having to do so since it is a waste of resources. And here I thought things were going pretty well! Damn worms!
You will likely note that the witch Rose has developed Industrial Automation – my ‘little birds’ tell me that she has started the Planetary Transit System, and this technology will allow that. While I care little of this project I want the technology that allow it in the worst way. Both of us have been disappointed for a long time since our scientists have denied us this boon, and this technology will allow both of us to prosper. Luckily we are scheduled to make a breaththrough soon and I truly hope our dreams won’t be dashed yet again.
In other news our population will grow to 39 next year, and this will be the old fashioned way – no ‘population booming’. Our smaller bases did not participate in the last boom since they did not have crèches constructed, but abundant nutrients and newly built crèches have made all the difference. Soon we will be ready to boom again, but not in the near future. They will be nowhere near a stability crisis, but I expect that a few more booms will put them there.
I have also noted I now have some stiff completion to complete the Emapth Guild. Morgan and not fewer than 2 Gaian bases are working on this Project, and this is one of those critical Projects I simply just must have! I am even thinking of asking Morgan for a loan to hedge my bets, and it will be worth it even if the terms are harsh. Heck, I’d even ask Deirdre for a loan! It would serve her right if I got a loan from her and then beat her to the Empath Guild! After all the irritation she has caused me such a turn-about would be just deserts!
Lastly I think you need to talk to Rose. I looked over the maps you sent (which did improve my mood, by the way) and it looks like Rose has expanded west. There is a trace of a base boundary on one of the western islands your foil passed by and I suspect that she has either ferried a pod over or her landmass is attached to more territory to the west. This is not good news since I would like nothing better than seeing that sneak-thief Rose bottled up, and if you can do it at her expense so much the better. It is truly alarming to think she might have plenty of elbowroom to the west!
UN Headquarters, MY 2186
Academician Provost Prokhor Zakharov,
Or captain of UNSF GENERAL ASSEMBLY reports he will make contact next turn with the headquarters of Morgan Industries. We have completed our preparations for the upcoming discussions and I do hope they will go well. I think Nwabudike Morgan and myself will have much to talk about.
I did notice the boundary a line that extended westward along the islands that I am sure Roze has colonized. It just stood to reason that she had moved that way since she had been the population leader for some time and I doubt that she could have achieved that with only the small portion of the northern island that we share. Our sensor arrays keep the border under constant surveillance and we have plans to boost our border garrisons to include anti-espionage teams. We have achieved a defacto peace arrangement with Roze but I am not so trusting to believe that she will never turn her gaze south.
We now have solid confirmed reports that there is an island to the east, as to the size it is still unknown. Our problem now is completing the last section of land bridge to connect our area to it. My High Commissioner of Terra-Forming reports that the area is extremely geologically unstable and will require more energy than had anticipated completing the project. It is very fortunate indeed that we have switched to a market economy that will generate the funds we need. What aggravates me is that we did complete our eleventh colony pod but it will now be at least a decade before we can set it up. During that time the colonists will have to be supported by UNHQ resources, a further drain.
We expect to open a Unity pod next turn that we found in the southern pole area. I once again hope that it will be of some great use for us.
Lastly, my High Commissioner of Intelligence and my senior military commander reports that all evidence and long range radar indicates that the rogue isle of the deep has reached your land base. I hope your rover team did reach the coast in time.
United Nations General Secretary,
Pravin Lal
United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters , Planet Command Center – UNHQ
Your lead in population is short lived since we have eked ahead of you with internal growth and the establishment of Academgorodok in the Monsoon Jungle. I doubt this will give us a long term lead since we don’t have a plan to expand our holdings in the near future, although in a decade or two there will be many more bases in the Monsoon Jungle and I hope there is a huge potential more bases.
Two projects have been started, and we have a good lead and I expect to get at least one of them. At this point I’d put my energy on Rose finishing the Energy Grid before anyone else since she started it so early. Of course, she could be an idiot and started it at a base with a pathetic amount of minerals. If you review the intelligence report you may notice that there are a number of Projects in progress, so you will have a good deal of catching up to do.
Most of our basic land terraforming is done so we will be removing fungus and planting forests in a large swath of fungus in the southeastern portion of our territory. Dee stole the territory for two bases and I will have to make it up somehow. Plus, I do enjoy ripping the fungus out by the roots and replacing it with good ol’ Earth vegetation.
UN Headquarters, MY 2183
Academician Provost Prokhor Zakharov,
I have most unfortunate news. We did not make the breakthrough, we wanted, as anticipated, we did achieve technology on gene splicing which allowed us to increase our food production. In all I suspect that it was a very important breakthrough since it did give us the means to feed our growing population. I have attached our map file to you, gratis. Should you choose to send us yours it would be welcome, but, not required. We can only hope that it somehow compensates you on not getting your repayment as expected and it "sooths your ruffled feathers". We still plan on repaying you but I doubt we will be able to send you anything new soon. It will be ten years before our next breakthrough.
Our free market economy is having some disturbing effects but the ability of our specialists to calm the fears of the people have been most useful. We are still growing and I think we have passed you once again in population.
Little else occurred this turn I am sorry to say...
United Nations General Secretary,
Pravin Lal
United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters , Planet Command Center – UNHQ
University Base, MY 2184
I know how you feel about technological breakthroughs, they are both unpredictable and exasperating. Even though we discovered that technology a while ago I know you will still benefit from it, and I suspect you already are. I noticed your population is surging, and I think it will likely surge more as your society attains it full potential. We will not be able to ‘boom’ again for a half-decade or so when some more critical infrastructure, namely children’s crèches, are complete in our younger bases.
I’m glad I had a terraformer with our new base in the Monsoon Jungle. Although the growth and efficiency associated with a Democracy is terrific it is punishing for a new base such as Academgoroduk, and if it didn’t have the former with it there likely would have been a wait measured in decades before its scout defender and former were done. As is stands they have already built a road, and will start on a forest next year. This area is so rich I am somewhat worried that our bases will grow too fast and outstretch our ability to maintain societal control.
There is sad news, too. Our transport captain decided to take a chance and investigated a Unity pod. An isle of the deep promptly killed the crew and sank the ship. Its last transmission was heart rending since the crew realized in those few terrifying moments that they were doomed, and they continued transmitting while the visions of horror permeated their consciousness. They died in agony, which started out as mental agony as the mindworms paralyzed them with terror and then physical agony as the worms ate their way into their bodies. It is episodes like this that increases my dedication to fortify our defenses, and eradicate these foul creatures once and for all.
May they rest in peace.
UN Headquarters, MY 2184
Academician Provost Prokhor Zakharov,
What I feared the most with our change to a free market economy is happening, the planet is rising up against us. A rogue mind worm attacked one of terra-former crews and destroyed them and did collateral damage to the remaining two units. I am ordering the garrison from UN Haven City to sortie and destroy the worm and I have recalled the trance rover as well from the polar area to provide quick response alert if another worm attack is expected.
We are still working to build more infrastructure and work towards a more peaceful society. But, it is hard. Many of our citizens seem to demand more and more recreational outlets and while I really cannot blame them they do take time and money. I can only hope that with a few more improvements we can add to our resources and help build them quickly.
UNSF GENERAL ASSEMBLY has cleared the last of the fungus and is now in route to Morgan territory. We expect to make contact in three turns. I hope that once we make contact Morgan and I can help build a bridge to a greater understanding on this planet.
United Nations General Secretary,
Pravin Lal
United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters , Planet Command Center - UNHQ
University Base, MY 2185
We are working toward a vast improvement in our infrastructure also, and all my bases except the base in the Monsoon Jungle will have the basic recreation commons, recycling tanks, and children’s crèches, in addition to our ‘free’ network nodes and hologram theatres. Our capital has been working on a Research Hospital, which should ‘goose’ our research there dramatically! Moreover, our food resources are not so limited as they once were so our growth rate, when not booming, is acceptable. We have even started prototyping a trance synthmetal defender in our new Command Center! Shortly we will be building trance synthmetal transports to start harvesting the Unity pods in the vast seas that surround us.
I now know what precipitated what I believe to be a war between Morgan and Dee. It seems Morgan ‘appropriated’ Centauri Empathy from Dee and she was none too happy about it. Now Morgan has the gall to start building the Empath Guild! Of course he will fail since we have such a large head start, but he does have some chutzpah, doesn’t he? I also noticed that Rose finished the Energy Grid project. I regret getting that one since it would have boosted our energy production significantly, but we can’t have everything you know (but we can try!!).
I haven’t noticed the native life being any more nasty and voracious than they are normally since our shift to a Free Market system. Still, your warning was taken to heart and our veteran Unity rover has been upgraded to have an empath attack ability. This should prove invaluable in fending off these malevolent Chiron life forms, and it is an obvious outgrowth of the trance defense that has served us so well. All our bases’ have had this ability for a while now, and it only makes sense to augment this with a few mobile empath reaction squads.
Take care, and good luck with Morgan. He can be quarrelsome, but if you butter him up a little I’m sure he will be reasonable. Dee is another matter, but that may come later.
UN Headquarters, MY 2185
Academician Provost Prokhor Zakharov,
Our captain from UNSF GENERAL ASSEMBLY reports that he will make contact with the Morgan main base in two turns! I am beginning my preparations for our first dialogue and I do hope it will be productive. Perhaps I can help negotiate a peace between the Gaians and Morganites? In any event I at least hope to get safe harbor for our ship and some needed supplies and repair assistance for our ship.
I was contacted by Roze and we were able to make reach an agreement for a technology transfer. Roze sent me technical files that will allow us to maximize our energy production from tidal generators in exchange for our files on gene splicing. The technology was about equal in importance and it will give our coastal bases the chance to improve their energy production.
The garrison from UN Haven City did sortie from the city and found the rogue worm and destroyed it. The planet pearls were collected and returned to the base for more energy. The garrison will return as well next turn and assume their duties. The terra-formers are moving back into position to begin the final task of raising the ocean floor to connect our land mass with the small island chain.
Our veteran trance rover team will open a Unity pod next turn and I do hope it will have some vital information our resources we can use. The reports I get from the council of High Commissioners indicate that our society is becoming more adjusted to the effects of the free economics and we should not have anymore riots for want of material goods and recreational outlets.
We also will begin building several more sea foils, UNSF PEACEKEEPER and UNSF KOFI ANAN, equipped with trance protection as well as a transport to begin searching these sea for Unity pods. There are a great many in our area and with adequate protection we should be able to harvest them with ease.
United Nations General Secretary,
Pravin Lal
United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters , Planet Command Center – UNHQ
University Base, MY 2186
I am not entirely positive the Morganites and Gaians are at war, but I got a fragmentary message to that effect. If you can arrange a settlement of their dispute that would be excellent since I don’t want to be caught between those two. Dee is enough of a pain without having Morgan turning into a nuisance by trying to drag me into a wasteful war. I have nothing against Dee, and Morgan and I see eye to eye on most things, so an intervention on your part would be a good thing.
We have something of a minor crisis on our hands. The isle of the deep that destroyed our transport is making its way to University Base in a frightening and single minded b-line, and it has one of those vile mindworms in its gut that I would be willing to bet any amount of energy would like nothing better than to devour the brains of our good citizens. This, of course, is completely unacceptable. Our fast response empath rover is on the way and should be able to make it before the worm can strike and I will take great pleasure in watching every one of those slimy wormlets wither and die under the onslaught of our emapthi. Crispy fry them all! The only remaining problem will be the isle itself that is a threat to our sea formers. I will likely have to switch production somewhere to an empath foil, although I regret having to do so since it is a waste of resources. And here I thought things were going pretty well! Damn worms!
You will likely note that the witch Rose has developed Industrial Automation – my ‘little birds’ tell me that she has started the Planetary Transit System, and this technology will allow that. While I care little of this project I want the technology that allow it in the worst way. Both of us have been disappointed for a long time since our scientists have denied us this boon, and this technology will allow both of us to prosper. Luckily we are scheduled to make a breaththrough soon and I truly hope our dreams won’t be dashed yet again.
In other news our population will grow to 39 next year, and this will be the old fashioned way – no ‘population booming’. Our smaller bases did not participate in the last boom since they did not have crèches constructed, but abundant nutrients and newly built crèches have made all the difference. Soon we will be ready to boom again, but not in the near future. They will be nowhere near a stability crisis, but I expect that a few more booms will put them there.
I have also noted I now have some stiff completion to complete the Emapth Guild. Morgan and not fewer than 2 Gaian bases are working on this Project, and this is one of those critical Projects I simply just must have! I am even thinking of asking Morgan for a loan to hedge my bets, and it will be worth it even if the terms are harsh. Heck, I’d even ask Deirdre for a loan! It would serve her right if I got a loan from her and then beat her to the Empath Guild! After all the irritation she has caused me such a turn-about would be just deserts!
Lastly I think you need to talk to Rose. I looked over the maps you sent (which did improve my mood, by the way) and it looks like Rose has expanded west. There is a trace of a base boundary on one of the western islands your foil passed by and I suspect that she has either ferried a pod over or her landmass is attached to more territory to the west. This is not good news since I would like nothing better than seeing that sneak-thief Rose bottled up, and if you can do it at her expense so much the better. It is truly alarming to think she might have plenty of elbowroom to the west!
UN Headquarters, MY 2186
Academician Provost Prokhor Zakharov,
Or captain of UNSF GENERAL ASSEMBLY reports he will make contact next turn with the headquarters of Morgan Industries. We have completed our preparations for the upcoming discussions and I do hope they will go well. I think Nwabudike Morgan and myself will have much to talk about.
I did notice the boundary a line that extended westward along the islands that I am sure Roze has colonized. It just stood to reason that she had moved that way since she had been the population leader for some time and I doubt that she could have achieved that with only the small portion of the northern island that we share. Our sensor arrays keep the border under constant surveillance and we have plans to boost our border garrisons to include anti-espionage teams. We have achieved a defacto peace arrangement with Roze but I am not so trusting to believe that she will never turn her gaze south.
We now have solid confirmed reports that there is an island to the east, as to the size it is still unknown. Our problem now is completing the last section of land bridge to connect our area to it. My High Commissioner of Terra-Forming reports that the area is extremely geologically unstable and will require more energy than had anticipated completing the project. It is very fortunate indeed that we have switched to a market economy that will generate the funds we need. What aggravates me is that we did complete our eleventh colony pod but it will now be at least a decade before we can set it up. During that time the colonists will have to be supported by UNHQ resources, a further drain.
We expect to open a Unity pod next turn that we found in the southern pole area. I once again hope that it will be of some great use for us.
Lastly, my High Commissioner of Intelligence and my senior military commander reports that all evidence and long range radar indicates that the rogue isle of the deep has reached your land base. I hope your rover team did reach the coast in time.
United Nations General Secretary,
Pravin Lal
United Nations Peacekeeper Headquarters , Planet Command Center – UNHQ