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University Commonwealth of States background

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  • #16
    The UCS Insignia

    The silver version superimposed over a diamond is what University Commonwealth of States military personnel wear on their uniforms.

    Insignia Ranking

    Ensigns and Cadets have a silver symbol, and a green diamond.

    Sergeants and Lieutants have a silver symbol, and a blue diamond.

    Commanders have a silver symbol, and a red diamond.

    Captains have a silver symbol, and a yellow diamond.

    Admirals have a gold symbol, and a plantium diamond.

    Academician Randius Zakharov's aides have a gold symbol, and a red diamond.

    Academician Randius Zakharov himself has a shimmering symbol, with a blue with gold trimmed edge diamond.

    The Flag and Banner Insignia

    The orange glowing symbol with black background is emblazoned on every flag and banner in the UCS. Also, this symbol is present before and after every tranmission. In addition, the glowing symbol is used in the media. The Insignia with the diamond inside is only used for military uniforms.
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    Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.


    • #17
      The Ronso Species, members of the UCS

      The Ronso has had a strong society, based on honor and ritual fighting in the name of competition. Their society has flourished for dozens of millennia, despite the Dark Ages the world of Spira suffered through, and presence of technology. The Ronso has shunned technology, considering it "impure" and "corrupt".

      Their view of technology has changed somewhat since the University Commonwealth of States discovered Spira. They realize that technology is absouletely necessary in several aspects, such as rapid transportation, spaceships, and some medicinal uses dealing with curing of diseases and reduced infant mortality rates.

      They resist any other form of technology such as virtual reality, medicine to cure deformities and scars, and most capitalist technology. They consider combat their enterainment, and they wear scars and deformities as badges of honor.

      The Ronso place great value on their horns. If a member of the Ronso society loses his/her horn, he/she becomes a outcast. Losing one's horn meant losing one's honor, but lately Kimahri, a great Ronso leader, proved that honor can still be retained and upheld without a horn.

      The Ronso have a strong will, and fierce loyalty to their friends. The Ronso would kill a traitor Ronso with no compunctions or excuses, and always protect their friends from harm.

      Currently, the Ronso view the UCS as their ultimate friend, opening new worlds to explore, new species to battle, introduction of several useful technologies, and the promise of further honor in battle. The Ronso would fight to the death to protect UCS, and in addition, they have unwavering loyalty to the UCS. If anyone betrays the UCS such as treason, that person automatically becomes an enemy of the Ronso that is to be killed on sight.

      The Ronso evolved from a horned tiger that is termed Skoliger by the Native Spirans.

      This is what they actually look like. Pretty fierce looking, eh?
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      Last edited by Sovereign; April 29, 2002, 10:21.
      Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.


      • #18
        The Al-Bhed Species, member of the UCS

        You may notice that the Al-Bhed look exactly like Humans, but the two species are different in subtle ways.

        All of the Al-Bhed are born with a sixth sense, enabling them to sense electro-magentic and electrical fields. In addition, all of them have the nautral ability to work on machinery and technology. They are the best researchers, as well as engineers for the UCS.

        Their civilization was ruined by the sea monster known as "Sin" in their language over a millennia ago. They were scattered, but after several centuries, they managed to find each other and rebuild a "machine city" in only twenty years, after 900 years of Dark Ages. No other species known to UCS is capable of such technological and mechnical mastery leaps in such a short time.

        In addition, there are only two differences that are noticeable between Humans and Al-Bhed.

        All of the Al-Bhed have green eyes, with swirly pupils. I have yet to find a good picture illustrating this. The second way is that some Al-Bhed wear goggles to protect their sensitive eyes in areas with abrupt changes in lighting, such as strobing lights and rapidly changing light patterns.

        Well, other than these two differences, Al-Bhed are similiar to our species, Human. Some radical University citizens speculate in the "Our Theories Now!" newspaper that the Al-Bhed and Human species were "seeded" by an ancient race, but such claims have no evidence. No further research is planned into this rumor. The very same group created farfetched theories about the Eden system being an artifically created one. The Academician dismisses these claims as "hogwash" and "unsubstantial".

        The Al-Bhed are devoted members of the UCS because of several reasons. First, they recieve access to far superior technology than what they had. Second, they are presented with the opporunity for designing and building advanced machinery, as well as participation in engineering projects. Third, the Al-Bhed consider the UCS as their brethren, especially so that both peoples enjoy technology and machinery.

        Here are what the standard Al-Bhed looks like.
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        Last edited by Sovereign; April 29, 2002, 12:37.
        Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.


        • #19
          The Guado Species, members of the UCS

          The Guado are easily distingished by their veins on their forehead, shining eyes, and long claws. The typical Guado fingers are twice as long as standard Human fingers, and some Guado even have triple the hand and finger length than standard Humans.

          The veins on their forehead are a sign of their enhanced brains. Guado brain mass is 10% more than an average Human, and has different internal circulation systems. The Guado has two hearts, one per lung.

          They have an extremely long natural lifespan, and shun Longveity vaccines. The Ronso share the same view, but not the Al-Bhed. The standard Guado lives for over four hundred Terran Standard years.

          Their prolonged natural lifespan, combined with their enhanced brain capabilities creates a race of thinkers, philosophers, and empaths. Guado revere the position of teaching, since they enjoy imparting their knowledge and experience onto the next generation.

          The Guado were at first, skeptical and uneasy by the UCS, due to the massive influx of information and the flood of new possibilities. They initially thought it was a whole hoax to get a rise out of them. However, UCS proved its prestige and capabilities were genuine, and demostrated its friendliness. The Guado quickly realized that the UCS was similiar to them in many aspects, with both civilization's nature of exploration and discovery.

          The Guado are currently involved in jobs concerning cultural issues, education, and medicine. They have a strong desire to help out the UCS, and help better its culture and civics.

          This is what a typical Guado looks like. Note the promient veins on the forehead, as well as these piercing eyes. You should also note the "claw hands" that the Guado male in the dress suit in the right pic has. It looks and actually is substantially larger than the standard Human hand. Besides, this is a standard Guado marriage. The female always wears a bridal dress with wings, to signify ascension into a greater union. Some Guado are known to inter-marry with Al-Bhed's.
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          Last edited by Sovereign; April 29, 2002, 12:24.
          Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.


          • #20
            UCS Enterprise class War Carrier
            UCS Enterprise-X class Flagship

            The Enterprise-X Flagship class ship, the UCSS Randius is a heavily modified (as benefitting a flagship) version of the War Carrier. To all intents and purposes, both Enterprise variations share the exact same superstructure designs. However, the internal workings and internal infrastructure differ greatly between the two classes.
            that looks like you pulled it right from star wars those ships do look cool though...
            if you want to stop terrorism; stop participating in it

            ''Oh,Commissar,if we could put the potatoes in one pile,they would reach the foot of God''.But,replied the commissar,''This is the Soviet Union.There is no God''.''Thats all right'' said the worker,''There are no potatoes''


            • #21
              Originally posted by Cataphract887

              that looks like you pulled it right from star wars those ships do look cool though...

              Today, you are the waves of the Pacific, pushing ever eastward. You are the sequoias rising from the Sierra Nevada, defiant and enduring.


              • #22

                i was just commenting on them....
                if you want to stop terrorism; stop participating in it

                ''Oh,Commissar,if we could put the potatoes in one pile,they would reach the foot of God''.But,replied the commissar,''This is the Soviet Union.There is no God''.''Thats all right'' said the worker,''There are no potatoes''

