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University Commonwealth of States background

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  • University Commonwealth of States background

    This is an information thread concerning a faction known as the University Commonwealth of States, in the Beyond Alpha Centauri story.

    I am the author of this faction, and I have no knowledge how to create a home page. So I decided to post all the information about the U.C.S. in this thread. People won't have to jump all over different threads to find all the information for this faction. No need to hop to the Datalinks thread, then Character thread, then the Beyond Alpha Centauri thread, and another jump to Discussion threads. All the information is here.

    This thread will be updated periodically, as new events or information crops up in the Beyond Alpha Centauri story as it progresses.

    Data on the ships, planets, technologies, diplomacy, historical data, and so forth will be available here on this thread. Each post will have its distinct information, i.e. "University History", "Ship Classifications", "Technologies currently under research" and so on.

    I shall be your guide, to show you what an incredible faction the U.C.S. is.

    Shall we begin?
    Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.

  • #2
    University Commonwealth of States Historical Data

    M.Y. 2032: Prokhor Zakharov has a son, named Randius.

    M.Y. 2100: Arrival of UNS Unity at Chiron.

    November 11, 2123: An unexpected mindworm mass-attack at University main base. Prokhor Zakharov manages to command the troops to burn all the mind worms. Base secured and research data on mind-worms begins in hopes of better defenses. His son Randius Zakharov spearheads the defense effort, while his father focused on the research aspects.

    August 8, 2177: First contact with another Chironian faction known as the Hive. Treaty of "Huddling of Peoples" signed, trade and technology sharing commences.

    May 25, 2189: Hive requests University aid in recently developed University Neural Grafting (in response to Mind Worm Invasion of 2123) to facilite mind defense aganist mass mind boils. University agrees, "Better to save many rather than be secure in a few".

    Feburary 3, 2192: Zhakarov narrowly avoids being killed in a sneak attack by Believers whose recon rover ambushed his envoy. Defenders fought bravely, but luck was on their side. Zhakarov and a dozen defenders escape. He forms an alliance with Hive to push away the Believers.

    Jan 26, 2207: Zhakarov opens channels and contact with Morganites and Gaians. Morganite contact proceeds smoothly, business ventures supplements University research. Gaians took a dislike towards University's exploitation of the enviroment for technology gains.

    M.Y. 2221 Proginators crash lands on Chiron

    April 12, 2234: University decides to supply Hive with basic vehicles and weapons to ensure its survival as a faction. Some Hive technologies were traded and more trading agreements coomenced.

    December 25, 2267: The Christmas Incident. Two probe teams caught attempting to steal the Doctrine: Air Power tech. Probe teams were executed and the two responible factions, Spartans and Believers declared Vendetta. Thus begins the mortal enemy between University and Believers.

    M.Y. 2301 Proginator War ends when the combine forces of the Spartans, Pirates, Peacekeepers and Hive overrun the last Proginator stronghold. Conqueror Marr interred in a punishment sphere. University was instrumental in providing technological support to the Human Alliance.

    M.Y. 2303: Believers are given back lands formerly liberated during the Proginator War by Human Alliance. University protests against the idea of giving Bases back to the fanatics.

    M.Y. 2318: University provides technogical support to the Hive during their war with the Peacekeepers.

    M.Y. 2336 University, along with the Morganites, colonizes Nessus and Pholus.

    M.Y. 2354: Spartan and Hive forces attempts to take over of Nessus mining operations. University and Hive relations sours.

    M.Y. 2355: Moon Accords are finalized allowing Spartan and Hive to mine small portion of Nessus.

    M.Y. 2362 University contructs a Orbital Space Station around Chiron.

    M.Y. 2379: University scientist field the first prototype FTL drive.

    M.Y. 2380: A University's FTL prototype jumps to the edge of Sol, but returns to Alpha Centauri without discovering that Earth survived.

    M.Y. 2381: Improved version of FTL drive is completed. Data Angel probes somehow acquires the design specs for the first prototype drive. Information is spread across Chiron.

    M.Y. 2382: Planetary Council pressures University to give the FTL technology to all of the factions. The Spartans and Hive going as
    far as threating War for it.

    M.Y. 2384: University is forced to release the FTL technology to the Council, but withholds vital specifications on the power needs of the FTL drive.

    M.Y. 2388: Peacekeepers attempt to get the factions to agree on equal shares of the FTL drive technology, but University refuses to cooperate with the Believers and Spartans. University is relieved of the Spartan-Hive threat when their alliance crumbled and started small scale fighting.

    M.Y. 2390: University, with Morgan financial backing, produced the first fully operational FTL ship.

    M.Y. 2399: University and Morganites begin production on FTL capable Colony and Mining ships.

    M.Y. 2400: Spartans and Hive launch separate attacks on University territory. Peacekeepers intervene on behalf of the University.

    M.Y. 2401: Spartans launch first space attack on a University-Morgan space dock. Two completed FTL ships are captured.

    M.Y. 2403: University declares war on the Believers when a believer probe team stole a FTL Drive.

    M.Y. 2405: War with the Believers ends after signing the FTL Treaty with rest of the Factions.

    October 31, 2407: Black Halloween. Assasination of Zhakarov by the despised Believers. Randius succeeds and the whole University faction pronounces Eternal Vendetta against the Believers, but war wasn't declared due to the weak state of University's military at that point in time.

    March 18, 2411: Randius decides to begin long term exodus from Chiron, for the security and well being of the University. So begins Project Exodus.

    M.Y. 2413: University claims three systems and begins colonization of the habitable worlds.

    M.Y. 2420: University relocates its headquarters to one of the systems after relocating the majority of the University populace. University bases are then stripped of valueble hardware and detonates a Electromagnetic Pulse Bomb in each base.

    M.Y. 2422 ~ 2539: Constant colonization, exploration and expansion of the three star systems. Serious building of infrastructure and cities, as well as magtubes, factories, and power plants.

    2549: Pact signed with Morganites after an unexpected surpise from Morganites. They stumble onto Zak Prime, meet up with University scout ships, and relations are re-established. Pact immediately signed to help trade, improve relations and cement the trust from Chironian days.

    2550: After Morganite Pact signed, University sends newly developed cloaked scouts to check out status on Chiron. Re-establishes contact with Peacekeepers, and signed limited trade treaties.

    December 31, 2564 - Jan 1, 2565: The Resolution Debates. Randius holds a public debate whether to develop some military. Everyone agreed that University will build extensive defenses of the three home-systems to prevent invasion and snoopers.

    June 22, 2575: Tachyon Energy and Fields is discovered. Has multiple applications, from military lasers to power plants, medicine, and terraforming. Tachyon Beams, sensors, and protective fields become reality.

    April 3, 2652: Colonization Inititave begins. Scouting of two systems for further colonization. One system found, and named Eden. It is an extremely plentiful system, probably one of a kind with three Earth-class planets and several other bountiful planets. Some radicals theorize the whole system was artifically built by an extremely advanced civilization billions of years ago. There is no evidence yet to substantize this claim.

    M.Y. 2653: The second system was analyzed and believed to be fruitful, with several arctic planets the size of Earth. In addition, several rocky and barren planets provide extra minerals for the Commonwealth. Colonization began immediately.

    October 4, 2670: First Contact with three civilizations, two in some sort of Renassiance, and the other comparable to 19th century Mission Year Terran technology, in the Spira system, several light years from Eden. Good relations initated, and continue. The civilizations become integrated into University Commonwealth of States society. The civilizations are Ronso, Guado, and Al-Bhed. The Al-Bhed are extremely intelligent and proficient with technology and machinery. The Guado are thinkers and philosophers, while the Ronso make excellent warriors.

    May 17, 2677: Matter Compression is discovered. University applies this to Neutronium hulls, Neutronium based mining equipment, and Neutronium pellets to be used to pierce enemy vessels at extreme speed, causing extensive "shotgun style" damage with Xaos Smart-Missiles.

    April 3, 2680: Randius decides to seek out the other factions to attempt to glean further research data and awareness of the Galaxy. Emphasis is placed on discovery of Hive to try to repair sour relations, and establish an alliance based on relations from pre-Chironian war era. No fear of reprisals due to huge defensive gridwork constructed and augmented with modern Neutronium hulls, Xaos Swordfish Ballistic Missiles, and Tachyon beams.

    M.Y. 2700: Story begins into the truly great Unknown.
    Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.


    • #3
      UCS ground forces:

      1. Mechanoid Units

      2. Human Units

      The UCS is gradually phasing out its Human Armed Forces and replacing them with Mechanoid units. This is done so to put Human casualties at a minimum, alleviate war weariness, cut down on Human military wages, and attempts to save many families from losing sons and daughters in war-time should it arise. The discovery of Tachyon fields enabled UCS scientists to develop Teriton computers, capable of adapting to new situations, basically rudimentary artificial intelligence. (For a good reference, refer to SMAC's Pre-Sentient Algorithms). This enabled robots to adapt to enemy fire, changing terrain, and adjust weaponry to meet different situations. Research in Mechanoid Units is still ongoing, with constant refinements with the computers and experience with Mechanoid units in combat.

      Ground Mechanoid Units

      1. Tiger: 2 legged chassis, has 2 cannons.

      2. Panther: 2 legged heavy chassis, has 2 heavy cannons and a ballistic launcher.

      3. Arachne: 6 legged chassis, has 2 cannons, a heavy cannon, and a missile launcher. Used in rugged terrain like mountains or canyons.

      4. Jaguar: Main purpose is mass destruction, useful for tearing up entire divisions of obsolete Human marines. Also useful for siege of cities and clearing barriers out of the way for smaller units. Is capable of engaging several enemy aircraft, tanks, and infantry at once due to several heavy ballistic launchers mounted on its chassis.

      Hovering Mechanoid Units

      1. War-Dog: Mechanoid unit that has versatility, good speed, and excellent maneuverability, but can't take much damage. Comparable to Human Infantry units. Has 2 cannons, or a ballistic launcher.

      2. Crater: Pretty much a Hover-Tank. Can mount some heavy cannons, ballistic launchers, or AAA batteries. Is capable of withstanding several ballistic hits before losing its effectiveness.

      3. Crusher: A Heavy-Tank class. Can mount twice the armament of the Crater, withstand twice the damage, but speed and maneuverability is three times as slow as the Crater is. Has similar role as the Jaguar Walker.

      Mechanoid Aero-Units

      1. Meteor: A fighter, with high speed and maneuverability. It is capable of doing stunts that would kill a normal Human being, such as gravity defying dives, supersonic rolls, and yes, even space flight. This alone gives it an immense advantage over Human aero or space fighters. It provides excellent combat against jet fighters, space fighters, and any small craft.

      2. Thunderer: It carries five times the weaponry as the Meteor, and is best suited for bombing or strafing runs, both on planetary surfaces and in space. Again, it has the advantage of doing stunts that wouldn't be possible if it had a Human occupant. It can also be converted to a Heavy-Fighter, engaging two or three Human occupied fighters at once.

      Special Mechanoid Units

      1. War-Walker. Several variations. This is the ONLY Mechanoid Unit to use a Human operator enclosed within. This idea is mostly based on MechWarrior series, and War-Walker from Civilization: Call to Power. The idea of a Human operator is to blend Mechanoid ruthlessness with Human ingenuity and creativity. Some variations have as few as 2 cannons, and the juggernauts have upwards of 6 cannons, 2 heavy cannons, 2 missile launchers, and some hovering abilities.

      Human Units

      Human units cover a wide range from basic infantry to APC's and Hover-tanks. Infantry uses the standard Neutronium armor with anti-gravity built in to prevent the dense armor from crushing the person inside. APC's are units that have two sections that are joined together. It has three sets of triple wheels set in a triangle, one set at the front, one in the middle (where the two sections are joined), and one in the rear. It can go across almost any terrain, even underwater or through lava. The wheels are made of Neutronium, to withstand pressures and heat, and not having to worry about the problems of rubber. The Neutronium tires have anti-gravity devices built inside to help lighten the weight and make its weight comparable to rubber tires. The APC's can carry 64 marines, 32 in front and 32 in the back.

      Mechanoid Defenses

      Current projections indicate that the UCS Marines has a make-up of 10% Human Units and 90% Mechanoid Units. At the current rate, by 2707, the maximum ratio will be reached, of 98% UCS Mechanoid Forces, and 2% Ronso Elite Marines.

      However, the UCS Space Fleet will always have Humans onboard, due to the volatile nature of space, as well as the need for ingenuity in space. There are countless situations in space that require Human ingenuity such as hiding in asteroid fields, using nebulae to fool enemy sensors, leading inexperienced enemies into a sun's corona, and so forth.

      This gives the University Commonwealth of States a huge advantage if faced with invasion. Due to the nature of Mechanoid Units, the logistics issue of medic kits, foodstuffs, and fatigue are bypassed and non-existent. UCS generals or AI entities are capable of fielding armies at least twice as large as a Humanized army, on UCS territory due to greatly reduced logistics issues.

      In addition, UCS has one billion Mechanoid Units ready to defend at a moment's notice. These figures include planetary bound Mechanoid Units, and several millions of Mechanoid Aero-Fighters or Bombers. The reason why UCS is able to field such immense amounts of Mechanoid Units is due to the fact that the Mechanoid Units do not consume anything, unlike Humans consume food, and the Mechanoid Units do not generate waste material, unlike Human organic wastes that require sewage systems to resolve.

      Roughly three quarters of the Ground-based Mechanoids are based underground in vast extensively fortified Defense Complexes under all major UCS cities. They are powered down, as reserves until an invasion occurs, to cut down on space and expenses of replacing power cells. When an invasion occurs, the Mechanoids power up en-masse, and proceed to defend the Megapolis above its Defense Complex. After the invasion is repelled, the Mechanoids descend back into the Defense Complex and power down. Replacement Mechanoids will be fabricated and sent down to the Defense Complex that requires replacements.

      The rest patrol the skies, and patrol sensitive transportation routes between cities on planetary bodies. The majority of military spending occurs in the Aero-Mechanoids division. Aero's require far more maintenance due to multiple patrols of UCS territory, ensuring no surprise attacks occur. One million Aero's do the patrolling, while the rest are stored as reserves for combating invader fleets.

      UCS Military Infrastructure

      UCS infrastructure and organization of its Mechanoid Marine Units are such that it enables entire battalions of Mechanoid Units to be able to react to any ground invasion at any point on a planetary body within a hour or less, as described above with the Defense Complexes.

      Current projections indicate that with modernized Nano-Minizuration and Nano-Fabrication technologies, with a war-oriented economy, the UCS would be capable of churning out 30 million Mechanoid Units a year. Each of the six systems that the UCS currently controls has built several hundred Nano-Fabrication Plant Complexes, which have a production capacity of over a thousand metric tons daily. In total, UCS has approximately 10,000 Nano-Fabricators up and running throughout its entire territory, with over half of these facilities located in the three core systems of Univeralis Prime, Nova Secundis, and Zak Memoria. Most Nano-Fabricators are in space, so the limitation of space on planetary surfaces doesn't apply.

      Whats more, the Nano-Fabricators are able to recycle waste material at 100% effectiveness. In other words, the entire waste material generated by the UCS billions of citizens are recycled into nano-paste in the Nano-Recycler plants, and then the nano-paste is transported to the Nano-Fabricators for the production.

      In addition, minerals and even rock can be broken down to essential material for Nano-Paste. This is how UCS is able to churn out incredible amounts of finished goods in such a short time, while eliminating the serious problem of waste management.

      Every Nano-Fabricator plant is capable of producing an entire unit from the ground up. And also, they are capable of producing one particular part, and send the parts to a Nano-Assembler Plant. The Nano-Assembler Plant assembles the whole unit from the parts sent in from the multiple Nano-Fabricators.

      The on-site Nano-Fabricating of Mechanoid units is effective for emergencies, and proves extremely useful for defense of the plant itself. With this process, a single Nano-Fabricator can fabricate a dozen Mechanoid units in a day. However, in peacetime, a Nano-Fabricator produces a single Mechanoid Unit part to be assembled at the Nano-Assembler, and that allows the Nano-Fabricator to focus on several products at once, usually consumer goods or construction material.

      This simple, yet effective concept reinforces UCS home defense, so any invasion would probably fail, or succeed with dire losses to the invader, unless the aggressor has an extremely high technology advantage, such as Spanish with guns and cannons versus Native American Incans with spears and bows. Or, the invader has billions of soldiers, to match the UCS's one billion Mechanoid Units, to commit to the offensive.
      Last edited by Sovereign; May 2, 2002, 10:28.
      Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.


      • #4
        University Commonwealth of States Space Fleet:


        1. Promethus class.

        Size: 5000 meters.
        Crew: Unknown.
        Maximum speed: 18 light years per day.

        2. Enterprise-X Flagship

        Size: 6100 meters.
        Crew: 20,000.
        Maximum speed: 15 light years per day.


        1. Einstein class.

        Size: 2500 meters.
        Crew: 4,500.
        Maximum speed: 14 light years per day.

        2. Relativity class.

        Size: 2500 meters.
        Crew: 4,000.
        Maximum speed: 14 light years per day.


        1. Aristotle class.

        Size: 3500 meters.
        Crew: 6,000.
        Maximum speed: 15 light years per day.

        2. Enterprise class.

        Size: 6100 meters.
        Crew: 18,000.
        Maximum speed: 12 light years per day.

        Heavy Cruiser:

        1. Minerva class.

        Size: 1200 meters.
        Crew: 2,000.
        Maximum speed: 15 light years per day.

        2. Aegis class. (Several variations)

        Size: 1000 - 1500 meters.
        Crew: 1,500 - 2,500.
        Maximum speed: 15 light years per day.


        1. Freud class.

        Size: 300 meters.
        Crew: 200.
        Maximum speed: 15 light years per day.

        2. Galileo class.

        Size: 300 meters.
        Crew: 200.
        Maximum speed: 15 light years per day.

        3. Darwin class.

        Size: 300 meters.
        Crew: 100.
        Maximum speed: 16 light years per day.

        Specifics and further notes on the Space Fleet:

        Einstein class battleship:

        There are dozens of 20 meter ship-killer battle-turrets mounted on the superstructure, to deal major or crippling damage to capital ships. There are dozens upon dozens of smaller 5 meter diameter single cannon turrets among the battleship sides to fend off kamikazes and to add "pepper-fire" to put the big hurt on smaller capital ships. There are hundreds of anti-fighter batteries spread out between the 5m pepper cannons and the 20m ship-killer cannons. The anti-fighter cannons at both ends of the ship are 2 meter diameter, while the more numerous ones at the middle of the ship are 1 meter diameter. The turrets fire tachyon beams and engines are both in the center (FTL) and rear (Sublight). It has triple layered neutronium armor, as benefitting a heavily armed and armored ship.

        Relativity class battleship:

        Similiar to Einstein in many aspects, however, it has three major differences. The Relativity class Ship-Killer cannons are 50 meters in diameter as opposed to the Einstein's 20 meter diameter ones. Relativity battleships have three yamato cannons, as opposed to Einstein's two. However, Relativity class battleships has far less defenses than the Einstein, by only having a two layer neutronium armor, and half the anti-fighter batteries as the Einstein class. The Relativity is known as the slobberknocker battleship of the University fleet, designed for mass destruction of capital ships while the Einstein is the "all-around" battleship with balanced offensive and defensive capabilities. The final difference is in the ship shape and design. The Relativity follows a roughly cylinderical shape while the Einstein follows an elongated arrowhead shape.

        Enterprise class War Carrier:

        The Enterprise class carrier incorporates the Einstein battleship design on a magnified scale, adding more Ship-Killer battle-turrets, as well as increased anti-fighter batteries. The carrier is capable of doing dual duty, carrier duty and warship duty. The carrier duty is serving as a base of operations for small fighter-craft and bombers. Enterprise class carriers are capable of doing capital ship duty by raining destruction on any enemy capital ship foolish enough to expect an easy kill or hopeful commanders who expect to get rid of the small fighter-crafts. It is also capable of engaging warships on the offensive.

        The Enterprise class has triple layers of neutronium armor plating to ensure that its commanders are not lost in battle, as well as protection for its fighters within the landing bays. The carrier has the capacity to hold over 5,000 Aero Robotic Units, as well as several dozen assault transports and personnel shuttles. It is also equipped with modern tachyon weaponary, as well as Xaos missiles. It has dual Yamato cannons, one on the "left" and "right" sides of the ship, and the two supercannons play a major role in enabling the carrier-battleship hybrid to fend off eager enemies. A Enterprise War Carrier is a giant, measuring at over six kilometers long, currently being the largest human spacefaring warship known in the galaxy.

        It was first tested on Janurary 27, 2661, and was reported to withstand several Yamato cannon shots before being crippled. This would put it as comparable to surviving TAF's ion cannons for a healthy duration. However, due to the extreme expenses to construct this ship, only seven are in service.

        Enterprise-X Flagship:

        A heavily modified and converted Enterprise carrier. The UCSS Chronopolis herself, was converted to a purely warship / flagship role after an extensive overhaul in June, 2692. It was decided that Academician Randius Zakharov needed a flagship capable of dealing with any and all hostile situations. Therefore, the Enterprise designers replaced the carrier bays with backup systems and back-up of the back-up systems in a triple cycle, added two weapons reactors, added two more propulsion cores to enhance speed by three extra light-years over the standard Enterprise Carrier, and increased the number of turrets and gun emplacements by threefold. It has no fighters, has three Yamato cannons, and four layers of neutronium armor. Heavy emphasis was placed on defense, after all the death or harm of Academician Randius was not an option. It is Academician Randius's flagship, the pride of the University Fleet, and the UCSS Chronopolis is and will be the only Enterprise-X ship in service.

        Aristotle class carrier:

        Based on the Aegis class heavy cruiser design and superstructure. It is twice the size of the Aegis cruiser and has a 1,000 fighter / bomber holding capability. Standing at 3500 meters, it isn't as large or formidable as the Enterprises. It doesn't have the weaponary of the Enterprises, nor the heavy sensors of some Aegis variants. It only has two layers of Neutronium armor, as opposed to the triple layers of the Enterprises.

        Aegis class heavy cruiser:

        Based on modern naval AEGIS cruiser in concept. Has several Xaos missle quad-launchers, as well as a single Yamato cannon on the ship's underside. The melee cannons are 10 meter diameter. Has multiple sensors, detection equipment for cloaked vessels, long range communications, surveying equipment, several bays for robotic units, and can be modified. It is a verstaile design, able to be modified for heavy battle, deep space exploration, a mini-carrier with fighters (10 fighters) latched on its sides, comm center to coordinate fleet operations, sniffers for hidden threats and prevent sneaky or surprise attacks, and so forth. The original un-modified versions has two layers of neutronium hull as a compromise between quick speeds and good protection. A third layer can be added for the heavy battle versions, and the scouters have only one layer.

        Galileo class destroyer:

        The destroyer of the Post-Chironian Era. The melee cannons are 5 meters diameter. Engines are amidships and the rear. There are several anti-fighter batteries as well. Only has one layer of neutronium armor.

        Darwin class destroyer:

        Pretty much the scouter of the Post-Chironian era. Same design as the Galileo class, but has much more sensors and radar. It has half the normal weaponary as the Galileo, to make room for sensors, surveying equipment, and detection equipment. It is mainly used to screen for cloaked vessels, sneak attacks, and space abnormalities that may engander the fleet. In addition, it surveys star systems and explores unknown space. It has sufficient weaponary and armor to defend aganist attacks from new and unknown forces.
        Last edited by Sovereign; May 2, 2002, 10:38.
        Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.


        • #5
          UCS Prometheus class Super-Dreadnought

          This is the Prototype as seen by Academician Randius Zakharov at Space Station Myria in the story.
          Attached Files
          Last edited by Sovereign; April 29, 2002, 07:52.
          Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.


          • #6
            UCS Enterprise class War Carrier
            UCS Enterprise-X class Flagship

            The Enterprise-X Flagship class ship, the UCSS Chronopolis is a heavily modified (as benefitting a flagship) version of the War Carrier. To all intents and purposes, both Enterprise variations share the exact same superstructure designs. However, the internal workings and internal infrastructure differ greatly between the two classes.
            Attached Files
            Last edited by Sovereign; May 2, 2002, 10:40.
            Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.


            • #7
              UCS Einstein class Battleship
              UCS Freud class Destroyer

              Freud class destroyers are a smaller version of the Einsteins. Both ships follow this standard design, but differ in size and firepower.
              Attached Files
              Last edited by Sovereign; April 29, 2002, 07:50.
              Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.


              • #8
                UCS Relativity class Battleship
                Attached Files
                Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.


                • #9
                  UCS Aristotle class Carrier
                  UCS Aegis class Heavy Cruiser

                  The Aristotle class Carrier and Aegis class Heavy Cruiser shares the same superstructure design. However, the Aristotle is twice the Aegis's size, and has carrier bays installed, while the Aegis comes in several variations as stated below.

                  There are several variations of the Aegis cruiser. The variations include scout cruisers (more sensors than weapons), medium battlecruiser (balance between sensors and weaponary) heavy duty battlecruisers (more weapons than sensors), mini-carriers, and invasion transports (carries dozens of robotic units, or several thousand human troops). All variations share the same basic design and ship structure.
                  Attached Files
                  Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.


                  • #10
                    UCS Minerva class Heavy Cruiser
                    Attached Files
                    Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.


                    • #11
                      UCS Galileo class Destroyer
                      UCS Darwin class Destroyer Scout

                      Galileo class destroyer has more assault weaponary than the Darwin class, as well as extensive anti-fighter turrets. It can carry a dozen UCS robotic units in planetary assault missions.

                      The Darwin class has the same design specifications and superstructure as the Galileo, but Darwin has more sensors, surveying equipment, and communication arrays. However, it only has half the weaponary as the Galileo and is somewhat more agile. Cannot carry robotic units.
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                      Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.


                      • #12
                        UCS Ground Mechanoid Units

                        The pictures show comparsion between the Mechanoid sizes. All four pictures share the same scale, of say, 1 : 1. For example, the Jaguar is approximately four or five times the size and mass of the Tiger.
                        Attached Files
                        Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.


                        • #13
                          UCS Hovering Mechanoid Units

                          Same comparison scales as Ground Units.
                          Attached Files
                          Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.


                          • #14
                            UCS Aero-Mechanoid Units

                            Again, same scale concept applies here.
                            Attached Files
                            Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.


                            • #15
                              Academician Randius Zakharov

                              This is exactly what he looks like.
                              Attached Files
                              Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.

