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Beyond Alpha Centauri:::: Discussion Thread 4

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  • Originally posted by History Guy
    Guardian-- Hope you can find some time. I'm looking forward to seeing what you will do.

    Well, I'm working on it... sadly, I can only do a little bit at a time, but I'll get there eventually...
    "Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
    -- Saddam Hussein


    • If I'm making the Hive sound invincible, I'm sorry.

      But....It's HIVE PROPAGANDA! I (the author) do not actually believe it!

      The stuff on the GHE website is laced with subtle Hive propaganda (my intention). I wanted something different so if there is any misconceptions, once again I apologize for those who mistook what I was posting.

      My bad!
      Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
      Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
      *****Citizen of the Hive****
      "...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis


      • Just for the record, I've known about this "gender-thing" all along (since I first joined CC), yet I've never felt the need to comment on it before and I'm not going to comment on it now, except to say that it's really quite irrelevant to the story and it's really none of my business. If Mellian is happy and nobody's hurt, then everything's fine and there really is nothing for anybody to get all excited about.

        Also, we're supposed to be making a story here, not discussing each other's RL personal characteristics. If we're going to get personal with each other, let's at least focus on who we are, not what we are, okay? Thanks. -And that's all I have to say about that.
        The peacekeeper as spoken



        • Guys,

          In my story post, I just had Randius "brainstorm" and show how the brilliant mind of the Zakharov's tend to "brainstorm" new applications.

          I wasn't saying or trying to imply that Quantum tech is developed overnight. I just stated that University researchers managed to succeed with the BASIC concepts of Quantum technology. Containing and storing light, as well as splitting light itself.

          In addition, we have already succeeded in storing light in real life, 2002 AD. I'm just saying that the UCS won't suddenly build Quantum reactors or Quantum lasers overnight. Perhaps they'll have a working prototype of a Quantum reactor after the "Timewarp" and gather data on it.

          The Academician will "approve" further research in Quantum, researching every application and the go-ahead to do trial-error with Quantum technology.

          By the way, Mellian, you said I'm getting too greedy with tech. Well, the majority of it is on par with Protectorate. Tachyon beams, Neutronium armor, robotic units, etc. for the UCS. Nano-tech hulls, Particle Cannons, Plasma Shard Buckshots, etc. for the Protectorate.

          So no, I'm not being greedy. I expressed my reasoning and opinions why Quantum should be introduced into the BAC story. It will also provide a good opporunity for the reader to see how a very important technology is developed. It has been, what, 300 or 400 years since Fusion power was developed. 300 years since FTL was developed.

          I'm going to develop it slowly, like Sprayber suggested. Besides, Historyguy, GeneralTactius, and Sprayber approves my idea of introducing Quantum tech, albeit slowly. I'm trying to be realistic here, not suddenly making Quantum stuff in a "BAC month" or anything. I just laid the foundations of Quantum tech in my post, thats all.

          I'll write some more ideas or comments later.


          Academician Randius Zakharov
          Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.


          • Originally posted by Mellian

            I suggest you stay away from any gender related comments please.


            Where on Earth did that come from?
            Today, you are the waves of the Pacific, pushing ever eastward. You are the sequoias rising from the Sierra Nevada, defiant and enduring.


            • Originally posted by Lonestar

              Where on Earth did that come from?
              from the tips of my fingers here in Mattawa, Ontario, Canada.



              • I think she means from your comment about

                That's because you ain't being coherant Babe.
                I think she took it as a serious comment, not a fun jab!

                Oh well....

                Anyway, just a quick reminder, I'm not going to be available soon because of finals. If I am not here for an extended period of time-you'll know why.

                It may be like "where's frankychan?" and no one will answer, but then one day I'll be back and say "Well, didn't I tell you guys I had finals?" and everyone will say "Oh yeah, we forgot!" and then I'll say "that's ok because you know that I'm back" and everyone will rejoice and say "Yay, frankychan is back" but then I'll say "Ok, ok, calm down. I'm here so we can continue the story."

                Something to that effect...
                Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
                Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
                *****Citizen of the Hive****
                "...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis


                • I didn't think gender was an issue around here. Hell, species is barely an issue on the Internet! For all you guys know, I could be a well-trained monkey, or a carnivorous plant, or even a program created by some insane computer.

                  . . . I've said too much . . .
                  Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


                  • Public Relations Report

                    I have launched a new advertising campaign on the Space Battles message board. My alter-ego on that plane of existence, Windgrace, is now carrying a link to the story in his signature. Our current slogan is "A Story Of The Future, By The Writers Of Today". (He doesn't have a history of posting there very often, though, so I'll try and work on that.) If you have any suggestions for future slogans or advertising gimmicks, don't hesitate to let me know!
                    Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


                    • Franky: I must say that I'm a little disappointed that you would pick your education over writing in BAC. I would think that you would choose the story over your future employment. I guess some just don't have committment.

                      Ok. I understand. we will be here when you get back

                      GeneralTacticus has asked me a question about Spartan armed forces structure. Now I could be vague and just tell him the basics but I went to an extreme and came up with another page to put on the Spartan site. It was hard to come up with realistic numbers. It's difficult to determine the what percentage of the population to make the military.

                      Terran population of Earth was at about 10 billion.

                      I would think that is high for Sparta

                      Considering that the Spartans have had about 3 hundred years to themselves, very few natural deaths, nearly 6 habital planets to use, use genetic treatments to aid births and extend life, I would put the final Spartan population at about.

                      6 billion

                      Before anyone has a cornary remember that in 1950 Earth had a population of about 2.5 billion and by 1985 it was 5 billion. I would say that governments like the Spartan Federation would keep strict controls on the population. I'm sure that the Terrans have a similar policy of strict controls of population.

                      For the Spartan Federation, that has some implications. It is a military oriented society. Most of the population would be directed towards the military. But I'm stuck on getting to that precentage. I want to say around the 60-70% range. But that may be too high. Any thoughts on the matter? It's a subject that had to come up sooner or later.
                      Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                      • By our timeframe people should have learned of the dangers of overpopulation. Sounds reasonable to me.

                        Re Sparta and its military. Recall that Israel is a heavily militarized state, but active duty personnel only total about 400,000. Practically the whole rest of the population is in the reserves. Perhaps Sparta will do something similar. Just a thought.
                        Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


                        • Originally posted by Mr. President
                          By our timeframe people should have learned of the dangers of overpopulation. Sounds reasonable to me.

                          Re Sparta and its military. Recall that Israel is a heavily militarized state, but active duty personnel only total about 400,000. Practically the whole rest of the population is in the reserves. Perhaps Sparta will do something similar. Just a thought.
                          That's what I was thinking. But I don't know exact numbers yet.

                          If I go by the 6 billion figure and then say that even half of the Spartan population is in some military service, thats a 3 billion man force. access to logevity treatments and "making it" in Spartan society means the military. You don't advance by being a factory worker. So you see my delima. So far just off the top of my head I came up with a military force of 20 million. And I ran out of names for divisions, army groups and fleets. Maybe I'll have to rework how Spartan society functions.
                          Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                          • Sprayber,

                            Here's my UCS population figures.

                            On Chiron, 1,000 UCS colonists from the Unity grew into 1,000,000 citizens over 300 years. So by the Exodus, UCS left Chiron with its 1,000,000 citizens towards Univeralis, Zak, and Nova.

                            Approximately 270 - 280 years of heavy colonization and rapid population growth in the fertile systems until current date of 2701 has passed.

                            Estimating UCS average population growth at 3.5% annually, supplemented and augmented with bountiful food supplies, superior medicine technology, and burning desire to expand families (some UCS families were reported to have upwards of 5 children per family), it comes to:

                            14.74 billion.

                            Spira had a population of 1.25 billion when UCS discovered its 3 civilizations, and since that time, Spira experiences a 2.25% population increase annually. Therefore, Spira has 2.26 billion citizens after 25 years.

                            So, adding Spira to the civilization total....

                            University total population would be:

                            17 billion.

                            Spread over 6 systems.

                            Befire you decry and nit-pick me about this, I did all the calculations on a Spreadsheet. In addition, correct me if I'm wrong, but Earth's overall population growth is between 2 - 4 %. I'm not too sure, but at current projections Earth will have like 14 billion people in 50 years. Thats on ONE planet, while University has like, 30 planets in total. Dividing 17 billion by the 30 planets would give us an average of roughly 500 million people per planet.

                            Granted, Univeralis Prime at 3 billion, Nova Secundis at 2.4 billion, and Zak Memoria, at 1.5 billion, being the 3 most developed planets in the Commonwealth. Don't forget Spira itself with 2.26 billion. That would be an concentration of 9.16 billion on four planets. Still, that would be 1/3 of Earth's current population density per planet.

                            Then we have Eden. It has three "M" or "Earth" class planets, with approximately 1 billion each. That brings up the total to 13.16 billion. The other 20 - 30 minor planets, as well as orbital mining cities in asteroid belts would share the remaining 3.84 billion.

                            That would give each of the minor planets the population of Japan at approx. 140 millon.

                            The orbital cities would have a maximum population of 100,000 workers, foremen, transport crews, factory overseers, and so forth.

                            So in its break-down, it all comes to a reasonable figure.


                            Academician Randius Zakharov.
                            Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.


                            • One Advantage the Protectorate has is that there were (probale) way the hell more colonists on the Endeavor than on the Unity (15,000)

                              Current grand total of Protectorate Population;

                              19.1 Billion. The Home system of Beta Hydri is by far the most populated. (17.8 Billion) RE 123 has 1.3 billion people.

                              Roving has (just over) 200K people. (Plus 1 Million Service People at any given time).

                              The Entirety of the Protectorate Military and Paramilitary(Rangers) numbers are a staggering 100 million.

                              Yep. Waaaaaaaayyyyyyyy below the apperent average. We only accept volunteers, and volunteers become citizens.
                              Today, you are the waves of the Pacific, pushing ever eastward. You are the sequoias rising from the Sierra Nevada, defiant and enduring.


                              • Before i go on with the number crunching of population levels.... you may of had a million people on Chiron when your faction moves off Chiron, but doesn't mean the entire population will want to go, or be able to go...even if forced too. Then, there is the case of the dangers of colonization, and during travel... hey, Unity got nailed by meteor don't you know and barely survived

                                then there is the factors of Mindworm problems, Prometheus Disease, wars, and so on. Also the confines of bases and lack of oxygen.... so population growth on Chiron was slow, even with Longivity treatments available.

                                then, when having planets (sovereign, 30 planets in three solar systems?) and the dangers to colonize them...possible new diseases and other natural to crazy problems. Then there is the wars and the dangers of space in general. Sooo, i don't see Chironian colonization and population growth would be way too high... when we said way back when that Sol will generally have as big of population as the Chironians combine practically.

                                fine and dandy to have longevity vaccine and other medical wonders to help lower the death rate, and increase population growth.... but don't forget the other factors please that would kill people.

                                as for my estimate of Terran Alliance total pop.....

                                Sol is overpopulated in general and there wasn't any disastrous wars or anything to tone it down for awhile (like the War for Sol, Luna Rebellion, Independence War, Belt Rebellion, Purification War [lot of genocide on Earth at that time], Second War for Sol, Scion War, Belter War and minor skirmishs and problems for rest of the time.

                                Earth my guess would be 30 billion.... lots of urbanizations and mega cities at many places, with large skyscrapers... Luna about 500 to 1000 million.... Mars 10 Billion... Venus about 500 million... Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune areas about 2-3 billion. Asteroid belt is around 100 to 300 million, Mercury a million or so. Pluto as 10 to 50 million people... Dark Planet would nearing a billion or less... Wolf and Ross would both have a few billions each... Capella about 100 million in total (distant and military oriented), but lost to the Morganites So a lot of people.... and about 50 billion in Sol alone.

                                Last edited by Mellian; April 30, 2002, 23:52.

