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Beyond Alpha Centauri: Discussion Thread

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  • what about my idea?


    • Originally posted by Sprayber
      Mr. President: You starting another story already.

      What do you think about my scenario about The Pirates getting a Spartan ship from a Drone shipyard. Feel free to change it a little or reject it. I was just putting out ideas.
      Yeah, I've got too many ideas for my own good. You'll like it, though. By the end there won't be any Peacekeeper state left at all.

      But back to Beyond Alpha Centauri, I like the shipyard idea. Unfortunately, since the map wouldn't open properly for me (it was extremely small and refused all attempts at enlargement), I couldn't tell you where a good location would be. Not Vega, though; it's the home system now, and is protected by nasty Firebrand weapons satellites. I think there's a picture of them on a previous page of this thread.

      Hmm . . . how about somewhere between Vega and Insider (the Bree Fringe)? About halfway to the Bree would do. It's a supposed secure area, so we wouldn't have expected a daring Pirate raid right into the heart of Drone industrial space.
      Last edited by Mr. President; December 21, 2001, 19:54.
      Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


      • Originally posted by Mr. President

        Yeah, I've got too many ideas for my own good. You'll like it, though. By the end there won't be any Peacekeeper state left at all.

        But back to Beyond Alpha Centauri, I like the shipyard idea. Unfortunately, since the map wouldn't open properly for me (it was extremely small and refused all attempts at enlargement), I couldn't tell you where a good location would be. Not Vega, though; it's the home system now, and is protected by nasty Firebrand weapons satellites. I think there's a picture of them on a previous page of this thread.

        Hmm . . . how about somewhere between Vega and Insider (the Bree Fringe)? About halfway to the Bree would do. It's a supposed secure area, so we wouldn't have expected a daring Pirate raid right into the heart of Drone industrial space.
        That would be great. LMP should have the map on his webpage soon with color coded territories.

        LMP: I would rather have the Pirates make a raid on a shipyard. We could still have had a battle with the local Spartan protection force of only a few ships. (Something the Drones had no doubt pointed out to the Spartans when they were asked to increase the number of ships yards producing the warlocks) With the Pirates bording the ship while attached in the shipyard and the Spartans turning their weapons on the ship but only doing minimal damage. This way the Spartans arent too sure about who it was cause if an entire group of ships plus a fully manned warlock vessel was taken then they would have began a campaign to locate every single pirate hold that they could find and kill them all. (Including Chiron. I know that would lead to conflict with the PKs. But it would be a matter of honor) . Cause that would be the reaction of the Spartans. That would mean of course that engaging the hive and establishing new colonies in that area would not have taken place just yet. .
        Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


        • So the Spartans is willing to take on the whole Pirate Faction then simply hunting down the gang responsible for it? geez

          Do realize that each gang as different relations with each other and the other factions.



          • Originally posted by [LordLMP]
            So the Spartans is willing to take on the whole Pirate Faction then simply hunting down the gang responsible for it? geez

            Do realize that each gang as different relations with each other and the other factions.

            That will be the initial reaction and Kessel would be pressured to do just that. But he will be tempered by the fact that the PKs and Hive are still out there. Besides, Kessel likes having the Pirates out there raiding some ships, just not spartan, drone, and morgan ones. I guess if this takes place two years ago, he could be trying to find out which gang did it. Could he use relations with some data angels that have worked for Sparta in the past to get this kind of information?
            Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


            • The Progenitors WHAT?

              These are so damn tacky .

              I can't be bothered to quote LMP but he said I can't share a system with the Caretakers because they are disinterested in Chiron and have no contact with Chironian factions... but didn't they have a war way back.

              Is is so crazy! loony! crazy! to propose a small number of Caretakers initially inhabited that system when the Gaians sent a scout craft there a long time ago. It was a Caretaker frontier colony that was under threat from native life forms. Caretaker techniques of ecological harmony had become a little rusty due to the fact they have be focussed on killing Usurpers, plus this frontier colony had been somewhat neglected by the PTB. I just imagined the Gaians came along and helped the Caretakers manage this system and aided them because they arre nice hippy people. In order to make the colony a workable thing the two factions now pool their resources. This is an instance of a local cooperative rather than a intimate alliance.



              • Originally posted by Sprayber

                That will be the initial reaction and Kessel would be pressured to do just that. But he will be tempered by the fact that the PKs and Hive are still out there. Besides, Kessel likes having the Pirates out there raiding some ships, just not spartan, drone, and morgan ones. I guess if this takes place two years ago, he could be trying to find out which gang did it. Could he use relations with some data angels that have worked for Sparta in the past to get this kind of information?
                Since the Data Angels is currently integrated with the Pirates, and that they are best friends, they will not tell the Spartans...well, depending on which gang they looking for...and they also provide false information and get the spartans to hunt down some gang they dislike, like the Larionovs or the Blood Eagles, lol Data Angels doesn't have a central government at the moment either... Anyway, rather the raid to steal a Warlock happened a decade or so before 2700.

                Spartans may try eliminate the pirates, but they will have a hard time the pirates are over the place and this time and space, they are the ultimate Survivalists



                • Re: The Progenitors WHAT?

                  Originally posted by Alynzia
                  These are so damn tacky .

                  I can't be bothered to quote LMP but he said I can't share a system with the Caretakers because they are disinterested in Chiron and have no contact with Chironian factions... but didn't they have a war way back.
                  Like i said Alynzia, the Proginators that came to Chiron crashed landed, stranded.... lost cmmunication with the rest of the Proginators. Meaning, they considered those scout ships lost and they didn't bother to go looking for them.... so the proginators in space don't know of what happened on Chiron, Manifold Six...... if they knew, as well a sknowing that Chiron is Manifold Six, then they would of came and take over Chiron before the factions developed FTL or even reach 2700. If they ever find out and discover that Chiron is Manifold Six, they will launch a crusade to acquire it......the Usurpers to use it to achieve godhood....the caretakers to take to prevent the Usurpers in having it.....or maybe some other proginator factions for any reason...(no chaos faction please)....... So by 2700, the Proginators don't know, and they only discovered of humanity in the 2600s, yet don't care for diplomacy with them as they are no threat and they busy fighting among themselves and other bigger species like the Bree. In general, they rather blast the humans then to bother with diplomacy.

                  Is is so crazy! loony! crazy! to propose a small number of Caretakers initially inhabited that system when the Gaians sent a scout craft there a long time ago. It was a Caretaker frontier colony that was under threat from native life forms. Caretaker techniques of ecological harmony had become a little rusty due to the fact they have be focussed on killing Usurpers, plus this frontier colony had been somewhat neglected by the PTB. I just imagined the Gaians came along and helped the Caretakers manage this system and aided them because they arre nice hippy people. In order to make the colony a workable thing the two factions now pool their resources. This is an instance of a local cooperative rather than a intimate alliance.
                  Here is a compromise, the caretakers which the Gaians found is a Splinter Colony, formed after a Caretaker ship crashlanded on that world by themselves and loosing most of their technology.... Gaians come along and they discover them, establish a colony there and intereact with the Caretakers..... but the Gaians, knowing full well these Caretakers will try to re-contact with the rest of the Caretakers...and if the caretakers on that world discovers where the Gaians come from, how they knew of the Proginators language off the bat, etc... and tell that to the rest of the Caretakers,....then Chiron and the human factions will be in danger. So the Gaians is playing a dangerous game and also keep this info away from the rest of the Chiron Factions, knowing full well what their reaction would and the Gaians i am sure don't want to attract that kind of attention upon them. The Caretakers and Gaians may work together on that world, but doesn't mean the Gaians can easily get along with the rest of the Caretakers. what do you think?

                  Also Alynzia, do you wish to have the Gaians near hive, so you can go on with your secret relations with them? if so, then Ursa Majoris systems may not be close to them...... so thinking of just giving ya equal amount of solar systems near hive territory, and then you can name the systems whatever you want. Being close to the hive also mean being close to the Free Drones and the Spartans.



                  • Society Stats....not required, but would help

                    Society: (society name)

                    Location: (general idea of where they are located)

                    Size: (how many solar systems, worlds, etc they control)
                    (estimate of how big the population is, with maybe an idea as to where they are mainly concentrated....for some societies, they have different species)

                    Language(s): what language? in general, all human factions/societies speak various versions of english...but may have other languages. Sol English and Chiron English may differ you can say... now that chiron factions have lower general intereaction due t distances, english may start to differ a lot...but still quite understandable)

                    Government/Politics: what kind of gov? how does their government work, lead, etc...if any? how is the internal politics?

                    Social Factors:
                    (maybe write a quick blurb about this aspect of the good is the economy?)
                    (are they careless slobs or not?)
                    (not sure how this will work...populace support or not for anything?)
                    (this doesn't equal to experience and training for the military, just how they feel.
                    Also can the morale of the general populace...which would effect the Support somewhat)
                    (how good are they to prevent dissent, crime, etc and how come? higher this is, harder to infiltrate the society)
                    (how fast the populaton grows? infrastructure growth? etc....)
                    (how good is the industry? why is that?)
                    -Planet (Environment)
                    (how clean are they? how much they care about the environment of their worlds?)
                    -Probe (Espionage)
                    (generally, how good are they in espionage/counter-espionage? they may be good in one part and crappy at the other just to say)
                    (how good is their research? this doesn't represent how advance they are, just their research capabilities...)
                    (in general, how good is their military? they may rule in Ground Warfare, yet suck in Space Warfare and vice versa for whatever reason you may give)

                    Economy: (how does their economy work? how good are they in it? why is that? does the economy depend on trade or some business field or resources, or etc? this is where you may expand your description of this aspect of your society, or whatever other aspects... these are the main ones i would like to see)

                    Technological Base: (in general, how advance are they? give a rating or description...i may edit this part a bit, base on your ideas)
                    Space Construction: (the societies specialization or faults that differs from the tech rating)
                    Nanotechnology: (how good are they in these fields, etc...)
                    Industrial Automation:
                    Genejack technology:

                    Military: (describe how the military works, and so on... their specialties or faults, with ratings that differs from the general military stats like.....)
                    Space Warfare:
                    Ground Warfare:
                    Gear Warfare:
                    Power Armor Infantry:

                    (may list or have a link to your site as to kind of ships and units they have, with description and etc....... military may be small, yet powerful/advance/experience, or vice versa)

                    Culture: (generally describe the society, their culture, their dogma, ideology, etc...)

                    Other: anything else?

                    these will be posted on the beyondalphacentauri site or simply link to the page where this will be located on your site
                    what does people think? trying to mix in a Fudge system and SMAC stats and so on....... numbers are nothing really, but gives an idea as tot he differences between other factions thought



                    • That's the most of what I have been written all around in the past and what my site was about. Compiling them in a single location, in short, where to check them as needed is intriguing as an idea.
                      Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                      • I'm back everyone...wooooo!

                        Yes, I'm back after a couple of days of P-A-R-T-Y-S!!!!!


                        I honestly don't think the Gaians need to be near Hive space. I don't think the proximity of our two factions need to be close together because they are "guests" in our system. Like an embassy, the "ambassador" does not need to be close to his or her nation in order to conduct business in that territory.

                        The Gaian presence in our system is like this analogy. Just because there are Gaians in our system does not necessarily mean that our two empires/factions/governments need to be close to one another....

                        I, as an author, think that whatever Alynzia chooses as her plot toward whatever goal she designs for the Gaian faction is appropriate. So long as she is able to express her creative "powers" is alright with me.

                        As for the compilation of factional (or in my case...super-omega-duper-grand-awesomeness-cool-rad....empire) information, I think that this idea is a very much needed source or information. If one of us would like information in future posts, all an author would need to do is check the info and hopefully will be able to piece together a plot worthy of the gods

                        Well, I think I've said enough.....BTW everyone, keep up the guud posts and ideas. And Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, or whatever religion you do practice....but have a nice holiday season everyone and have fun! Wooo!
                        Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
                        Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
                        *****Citizen of the Hive****
                        "...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis


                        • Genaral: I only have a couple small problems with your timeline.

                          I don't think Morgan would sell anything to a group so viloently opposed to an important ally. Maybe InEn of Earth or some morgan manager that operated without Morgan's knowledge.

                          I will say that from the Spartan perspective, the Cadre has become less of a concern then the Hive threat, or alien threat. Yeah, they don't like their existence and they would rather have control of the their planets resources. But they won't mount any serious attempt to retake them simply becuase the Spartans have too much on their plate with being surrounded on all sides by enemies. (Morgans and Drones excluded) Of course that doesnt mean that priorties can't change. I would like to keep Kessel from becomming some bloody tyrant. Maybe that is how he is seen on the cadre planet. He won't hesitate to use war and violence if it means protecting allies and Sparta but won't go out of his way to be bloody.

                          A note on the Progenators for everyone. If we keep running into them, then they are going to get curious and start snooping around more and we will have a big infestation of bugs all over the place. At best, when you run into a progenator vessel, they will ignore you thinking you are no threat. But they won't start giving you things unless they think you can lead them to a manifold or give information about them and then they will wonder how you can communicate since humans have no Official contact with them. Everyone needs to be careful about what any alien race gives them in the way of technolgy. I'm not saying it can't happen, but the aliens just wont give anything away. they will expect something big in return. Also, keep in mind that humans occupy a low run on the tech ladder compared to the Progenators, Bree, Gorn, Fraal, and even Tarn. All of them are interested in not seeing us advance too much. The Fraal, maybe for different reasons then the others. If they wanted to they could pick us apart with relative ease. The only thing that keeps us in the game is their mutual hatred for each other and in the case of the Progenators the obsession for the mainifolds. We can only dominate some of the primatives that inhabit a few scattered worlds.
                          Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                          • Sprayber is absolutely right. Our gracious CEO has no greater allies than our friends the Spartans.
                            Empire growing,
                            Pleasures flowing,
                            Fortune smiles and so should you.


                            • Righty-O, HG, I am sure the Spartans will be your gracious allies when the Terran marines are busy shoving a gauss rifle down General Kessel's windpipe -
                              Just kidding

                              Cybergod, I noted, when saving this thread for closer viewing offline, that in late November you had asked, how many people Titan should have.
                              Now, I the answer is somewhat late *cough* *cough* but since the colonies are the way to ease off overcrowing on Earth, I would hazard a guess of some ten, twelve million people.

                              Another somewhat overdue matter: I second LMP's suggestion for naming the most common (I recall talk of several minerals, three or four?) FTL mineral as Elerium-115, as I am a hardcore XCom veteran.
                              I propose that one mineral is named Tiberium, but if that's too, C&C shall I say, Dyonine, extracted from Dyonite, is fine. Tiberium/Dyonine could be more rare then E-115, but a more pure mineral that would be more efficient in FTL purposes. Not efficient enough to substanciate use of it over E-115, however.
                              Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                              • Righty-O, HG, I am sure the Spartans will be your gracious allies when the Terran marines are busy shoving a gauss rifle down General Kessel's windpipe -
                                Not that that shall ever happen, Kassiopeia. Hey, by the way, I hope you don't mind the fact that the CEO is trying to pull off a little bit of confusion for InEn (or will do so in the next post), as to where he's attacking. The CEO has this strange idea that you guys will try to intercept our troop transports, so he came up with the idea of...well...leading you off their trail with a small contigent of battleships in invisibility mode protecting a large, old, and unmanned troop transport, to lead InEn off the path, while the real force, which is much larger, is under invisibility cloak and headed straight for Callisto.
                                Empire growing,
                                Pleasures flowing,
                                Fortune smiles and so should you.

