LordLMP is right - the Terrans are not to be trifled with.
Especially regarding population - Earth had billions of people when the Chironians had only 10,000.
But, as far as I see it, when Titan declares independence, Coalition will dispatch a "pressure" fleet to try to intimidate the locals. When that fails, they will land some marines to try to take over the centre of new goverment, and to imprison rebel leader(s). But in this case the aforementioned operation fails, and EC has to withdraw as political pressure rises.
However, the Coalition Intelligence will work behind the scenes, orchestrating a new coup to re-establish Coalition control.
President Tremaine is not a hidious villain, luckily
Mostly the most important decisions are to be made by the Parliament and the Cabinet. Since these rely much on popularity - it is a democracy - , they will not engage in any ridiculous actions. But there are Coalition citizens who really don't prefer seeing all their colonies, a result of long hard work by their ancestors, getting independent all of a sudden.
Colonies are a large source of income, with minerals and local manufacturing centres, so Titan refraining from capitulating under Coalition rule means an economical impact, hampering war production among others. When you add the InEn conflict to that, it is likely that a recession lurks ahead.
Especially regarding population - Earth had billions of people when the Chironians had only 10,000.
But, as far as I see it, when Titan declares independence, Coalition will dispatch a "pressure" fleet to try to intimidate the locals. When that fails, they will land some marines to try to take over the centre of new goverment, and to imprison rebel leader(s). But in this case the aforementioned operation fails, and EC has to withdraw as political pressure rises.
However, the Coalition Intelligence will work behind the scenes, orchestrating a new coup to re-establish Coalition control.
President Tremaine is not a hidious villain, luckily
Mostly the most important decisions are to be made by the Parliament and the Cabinet. Since these rely much on popularity - it is a democracy - , they will not engage in any ridiculous actions. But there are Coalition citizens who really don't prefer seeing all their colonies, a result of long hard work by their ancestors, getting independent all of a sudden.
Colonies are a large source of income, with minerals and local manufacturing centres, so Titan refraining from capitulating under Coalition rule means an economical impact, hampering war production among others. When you add the InEn conflict to that, it is likely that a recession lurks ahead.