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Beyond Alpha Centauri: Sign In Thread

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  • Beyond Alpha Centauri: Sign In Thread

    Well here it is. Declare your intent to write and we can see if this thing can actually get off the ground. Please read the discussion thread to get an idea about who is wanting what. This is about fun and we have a big galaxy to write with.

    Just to clear up on some points.

    1. Don't forget that you will have to have some relations with other factions and empires. There should be an effort made to tie in with what is going on in other places, but don't let that stop you from developing the internal events within your faction. In a space empire, there will be billions that may never see another faction or alien unless they are at war.

    2. Feel free to write about your groups relations with another factions but discuss it with whoever is in control with that faction first. I have learned that sometimes they may have a better idea or one that adds to your own.

    3. Pictures. Whenever you can add a picture that stimulates the imagination. It doesn't have to be in every post, but sprinkle them around.

    4. Have fun with it. Don't feel you have to make an X number of posts. If someone needs an answer on something just let them know in the discussion thread, pm or in the post.

    5. List your planets and stuff but you don't have to go into detail about how many ships or soldiers you have. The lists will just help others when they write about your faction. As far as stars. If anyone here can identify all the stars, that would be great. But when you arrive there who is to say that the people wants to change the name. lol But just keep the number of planets and stuff resonable for your particular faction. Depending on the time we agree to start, I don't think that any factions will have a whole lot of planets. Take the Spartans for instance. They will have only 3 or 4 highly populated planets. The rest are going to be military garrisons and a small number of colonists. The PKs may have 4 or 5 and maybe more colonies. Same with the Morganites, but they would have many more mining interestest than the Spartans or PK. They may even have mining operations in other factions space.

    6. Keep in mind that the Human Systems(as Sparta calls them) are not like Chiron used to be. There is a Human Council(Please someone come up with a better name ) , but it is highly symbolic and has no way to enforce anything. Each faction is left to conduct their policy as they see fit and at their own peril. There are areas of space that has no authority what so ever but then there are those that are highly protected.

    7. Once again, have fun
    Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh

  • #2
    I'm declaring intent to write for the Free Drones.

    Should I be putting my planets and stuff in this post, or will there be a place for that later?
    Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


    • #3
      Some Constants

      FTL Drive. Pretty much everyone uses the same type of FTL drive. The University may have better ones or maybe radically different ones. That is up to whoever wants them. Now each faction can attempt to improve their drives but lets say for the sake of consistency that they are mostly the same.

      FTL drives are expensive. Usually only bigger ships have them. Smaller ships must either be carried inside or on rare models the small ship will be fitted with one. But it is difficult to do.

      FTL travel is dangerous. A ship must have precise coordinates to use the FTL Drive. That means a network of NAV buoys designed to aid ships in using the FTL. When you use the FTL without NAV buoys, you have a 95% chance of flying into a star, asteroid field, or some other space body. It can be done, but it isn’t advisable. Special ships go out into unexplored space and set up NAV buoys for other ships. Destroying NAV buoys are considered very taboo. If your faction is caught doing it, you may find yourself on the receiving end of invasion.

      Travel times. This is going to be a problem. If someone has a solution please speak up. But just use reasonable judgment. The Spartans can’t go from Sparta to Chiron in the blink of an eye. It takes weeks to make the trip.

      FTL COMM System. Invented by the Cyborgs as a natural extension of their own communication with the collective. They freely gave the technology to other factions but are much, much more efficient at it then anyone else. There are rumors that they can listen in on some COMM traffic.

      Earth wasn’t destroyed but did sustain heavy damage. They have rebuilt their cities and moved out into the Solar System. As of yet they have not made many inroads into deep space. There is some animosity towards the Chiron descended humans as to who is the rightful heir to humanity. They have taken to calling themselves Terrains. The factions have many names for them including Earthers And so on. Recently the Terrains have had problems with their lunar and mars colonies.


      Progenitors-- The factions only eliminated the bugs on Chiron, the rest are out there somewhere and they are still looking for the manifolds. Caretakers and Usurpers are still fighting each other with no end in sight. Don’t expect much sympathy from the Usurpers, and don’t trust the Caretakers too much either.

      Bree--Very aggressive and very anxious to move into the Human Systems. One human factions cannot beat them by themselves. The Bree are just too numerous and tough. The humans must secure help from at least on other faction to have a chance.

      Gorn--Not a whole lot is know about them. They do trade with human factions from time to time but don’t interact with them too much. They are blood enemies of the Bree and are in constant war with them. The Gorn are a little smaller than the Bree but have very advanced warships.

      Tarn--Very reclusive race on the oppososite end of human space near the Believers. They have only been seen a handful of times in history. Believed to be peaceful since they have on two occasions saved human ships in distress. They appear to be almost human like.

      Frall--Race of Nomadic spacefarers that appear to be peaceful. They have contacted Earth many times but have had little contact as of yet with the Chiron descended humans.

      More Aliens?

      It's a big galaxy out there. There is evidence that once this part of space was teaming with intelligent life, but something happened. The Tarn are most likely an old race. They may have been around to see what happened. And there may be more aliens out there hiding.

      Please feel free to comment on any of this in the discussion thread. Everyone should picth in and contribute if you see something that doesn't make sense or could be better.
      Last edited by Sprayber; November 12, 2001, 18:27.
      Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


      • #4
        Originally posted by Mr. President
        I'm declaring intent to write for the Free Drones.

        Should I be putting my planets and stuff in this post, or will there be a place for that later?
        There will be another place when we all agree just how detailed we should be.

        Im the Spartans.
        Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


        • #5
          Re: Some Constants

          I am interested in playing the Nautilus Pirates and have some influence with Terran Alliance's non-player factions/ make it look they are alive and doing things, without going to great detail......until someone decides to play them.

          Originally posted by Sprayber
          FTL Drive. Pretty much everyone uses the same type of FTL drive. The University may have better ones or maybe radically different ones. That is up to whoever wants them. Now each faction can attempt to improve their drives but lets say for the sake of consistency that they are mostly the same.
          What about Warp type engines? it is more realistic to achieved according to Popular Mechanic I agree too...the theory makes sence then "Hyperspace" in Babylon 5 and etc.... but of course hard to know where your warping have Nav buoys... also dangerous to directly in/out of the system unless you fly to the edge of the system....where you don't risk warping into a asteroid, meteor, another ship, etc..... Nav Buoys will use the FTL Comm technology.

          As for travel times, I volunteer to organize it just need an agreement as to using the stars we know....which makes sence if there is an Alpha Centauri....and Free Drones takes Vega I am sure i can find a map of stars atleast withing 100 to 500 lightyears radious of Sol... I know that Alpha Centauri is 4 lightyears from earth or if people prefer, can use Parsecs to measure distance. With distances, we can agree as to how fast the FTL drives are...establish common star lanes/trade routes using Nav Buoys and etc...... But for some aliens like the Fraal, they have deep space sensors to know where they are going

          FTL COMM System. Invented by the Cyborgs as a natural extension of their own communication with the collective. They freely gave the technology to other factions but are much, much more efficient at it then anyone else. There are rumors that they can listen in on some COMM traffic.
          Can have the Cyborgs as number one in the FTL Comm business

          Earth wasn’t destroyed but did sustain heavy damage. They have rebuilt their cities and moved out into the Solar System. As of yet they have not made many inroads into deep space. There is some animosity towards the Chiron descended humans as to who is the rightful heir to humanity. They have taken to calling themselves Terrains. The factions have many names for them including Earthers And so on. Recently the Terrains have had problems with their lunar and mars colonies.
          TERRAN is the proper spelling and it is an alliance not dominated by just the location of the headquarters and their Terran Council, comprise of representives from Mars, Venus, the Belters, the Scions, and other colonies/groups in the Sol system...... don't think Earth as to much problems with the Luna by the time the game starts Luna is so close to Earth and easy reach to pounce on any rebellions and blockading it.


          Progenitors-- The factions only eliminated the bugs on Chiron, the rest are out there somewhere and they are still looking for the manifolds. Caretakers and Usurpers are still fighting each other with no end in sight. Don’t expect much sympathy from the Usurpers, and don’t trust the Caretakers too much either.
          They may have more proginator factions...just unknown to others as they small and not as active in comparison to the Usurpers and Caretakers.

          Frall--Race of Nomadic spacefarers that appear to be peaceful. They have contacted Earth many times but have had little contact as of yet with the Chiron descended humans.
          FRAAL is the proper spelling.......yes, i am picky

          More Aliens?

          It's a big galaxy out there. There is evidence that once this part of space was teaming with intelligent life, but something happened. The Tarn are most likely an old race. They may have been around to see what happened. And there may be more aliens out there hiding.

          I would prefer to keep this game focus in only in one small area of the Galaxy... so can't have to many big notch aliens in such a area.....but can still maybe find worlds of aliens that aren't advance enough yet to launch stuff into space.......


          • #6
            I don't have a lot of time; but if you need a co-writer or part-timer for the university, I could do that- or I could do the aliens on strange lands- I have a lot of strange ideas that may fit aliens
            -->Visit CGN!
            -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


            • #7
              Answered LMP in discussion thread

              Of course Darkcloud. Contribute all that you have time for. the University will be really important. Of course who is to say that they don't have wierd aliens there to study.
              Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


              • #8
                Is this a role-playing game like the Chiron Chronicle, or a story-telling game like the Spartan Chronicle?
                Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


                • #9
                  It's a hybrid.

                  Being serious now

                  There will be a lot of role playing such as Chiron Chronicles. But if there are no Peacekeepers and the Spartans are at war with the Peacekeepers then obvioulsy It will be in story foremat.

                  Basically what Im saying is yes its a role playing thread, but with lots of story element to it.
                  Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                  • #10
                    I'll take the Pirates...if that's not taken, or if it is, I'll take the Morganites...and if they are taken, then I shall take the Progenitors. Just whichever one which is not taken in that list I'd like (since it seems the University, my top choice, is gone).
                    Empire growing,
                    Pleasures flowing,
                    Fortune smiles and so should you.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by History Guy
                      I'll take the Pirates...if that's not taken, or if it is, I'll take the Morganites...and if they are taken, then I shall take the Progenitors. Just whichever one which is not taken in that list I'd like (since it seems the University, my top choice, is gone).
                      Pirates were taken by LMP but the Morganites are free or you and Darkcloud could work something out.
                      Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                      • #12
                        Will be interested in playing Peacekeepers, but don't have lots of time to spend on it at the moment...

                        Unsure how long this will last...
                        "Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
                        -- Saddam Hussein


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Guardian
                          Will be interested in playing Peacekeepers, but don't have lots of time to spend on it at the moment...

                          Unsure how long this will last...
                          I was wondering when you were going to show up

                          Don't worry, we still have some things to work out just yet. But yeah, the peacekeepers are yours.
                          Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Sprayber

                            I was wondering when you were going to show up
                            You were, huh?

                            Well, that's nice to know...
                            "Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
                            -- Saddam Hussein


                            • #15
                              Let's see.

                              Is the Terran Alliance available? I'm on! LordLMP, if you wish, you can take some factions, but the centralized Earth goverment shall be mine. OK?
                              Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!

