Well here it is. Declare your intent to write and we can see if this thing can actually get off the ground. Please read the discussion thread to get an idea about who is wanting what. This is about fun and we have a big galaxy to write with. 
Just to clear up on some points.
1. Don't forget that you will have to have some relations with other factions and empires. There should be an effort made to tie in with what is going on in other places, but don't let that stop you from developing the internal events within your faction. In a space empire, there will be billions that may never see another faction or alien unless they are at war.
2. Feel free to write about your groups relations with another factions but discuss it with whoever is in control with that faction first. I have learned that sometimes they may have a better idea or one that adds to your own.
3. Pictures. Whenever you can add a picture that stimulates the imagination. It doesn't have to be in every post, but sprinkle them around.
4. Have fun with it. Don't feel you have to make an X number of posts. If someone needs an answer on something just let them know in the discussion thread, pm or in the post.
5. List your planets and stuff but you don't have to go into detail about how many ships or soldiers you have. The lists will just help others when they write about your faction. As far as stars. If anyone here can identify all the stars, that would be great. But when you arrive there who is to say that the people wants to change the name. lol But just keep the number of planets and stuff resonable for your particular faction. Depending on the time we agree to start, I don't think that any factions will have a whole lot of planets. Take the Spartans for instance. They will have only 3 or 4 highly populated planets. The rest are going to be military garrisons and a small number of colonists. The PKs may have 4 or 5 and maybe more colonies. Same with the Morganites, but they would have many more mining interestest than the Spartans or PK. They may even have mining operations in other factions space.
6. Keep in mind that the Human Systems(as Sparta calls them) are not like Chiron used to be. There is a Human Council(Please someone come up with a better name
) , but it is highly symbolic and has no way to enforce anything. Each faction is left to conduct their policy as they see fit and at their own peril.
There are areas of space that has no authority what so ever but then there are those that are highly protected.
7. Once again, have fun

Just to clear up on some points.
1. Don't forget that you will have to have some relations with other factions and empires. There should be an effort made to tie in with what is going on in other places, but don't let that stop you from developing the internal events within your faction. In a space empire, there will be billions that may never see another faction or alien unless they are at war.
2. Feel free to write about your groups relations with another factions but discuss it with whoever is in control with that faction first. I have learned that sometimes they may have a better idea or one that adds to your own.
3. Pictures. Whenever you can add a picture that stimulates the imagination. It doesn't have to be in every post, but sprinkle them around.
4. Have fun with it. Don't feel you have to make an X number of posts. If someone needs an answer on something just let them know in the discussion thread, pm or in the post.
5. List your planets and stuff but you don't have to go into detail about how many ships or soldiers you have. The lists will just help others when they write about your faction. As far as stars. If anyone here can identify all the stars, that would be great. But when you arrive there who is to say that the people wants to change the name. lol But just keep the number of planets and stuff resonable for your particular faction. Depending on the time we agree to start, I don't think that any factions will have a whole lot of planets. Take the Spartans for instance. They will have only 3 or 4 highly populated planets. The rest are going to be military garrisons and a small number of colonists. The PKs may have 4 or 5 and maybe more colonies. Same with the Morganites, but they would have many more mining interestest than the Spartans or PK. They may even have mining operations in other factions space.
6. Keep in mind that the Human Systems(as Sparta calls them) are not like Chiron used to be. There is a Human Council(Please someone come up with a better name

7. Once again, have fun