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Thinking Of A New Story Thread

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  • #61
    I have some pictures of various cityscapes if anyone is interested. Here is an example.
    Attached Files
    Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


    • #62
      Glad you like the idea, Mr. Sprayber. I think I should make a correction, and set the top speed to around six or seven times the speed of light, just so some of the dates in our chronologies make sense. Very absent-minded of me.

      I learned in my astronomy classes this year that something like half of all stars have at least one partner. I wouldn't have guessed it either.
      Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


      • #63

        I would just like to say how much I liked Sprayber's star thing and his solar system thing. I was mightily impressed and I should try to do an imitation Gaian one.

        I have posted my timeline in the sign-in thing along with my territories and population distribution. If anything is wrong and/or stupid tell me so that I can edit it, for I like post editing. I know I picked some really bright stars for my two settlements, but I figured if the planets were far enough away they could be habitable. I should run up some figures for my fictional planets. The amount of sunlight received and the gravitational field strength operate by inverse square law, I assume. But feel free to correct me if my stuff is rubbish.


        p.s. I will go with whatever method of FTL drive you can agree on. Also I may go searching for some Gaian type pictures.


        • #64
          Both kind of FTL drives could exist...mainly 1, but don't exactly see this tunnel (want to see stars fling by)...but 2 requires having all of the damn high techs of SMAX!!! I can't see the game being fun after researching all of the bloody darn techs in the tech tree....... 1 would need buoys, but with good research on astro physics, and etc.... knowing best you can where the stars are and first time exploring ships into a new system requires getting out of FTL sometime before entering the system.

          Lets do the Master of Orion 3 way......... there is Fields and then there is particular techs you can develop base on the research done on those fields.......... So, can have you darn temporal mechanics, etc... just the research on those fields are not complete. So not getting the full complete tech in SMAX....
          This also allows be low enough in weaponry and armor techs that the game will be fun in comparison... big bad ship with string disruptors and blows ships instantly....

          As anyone played Darkspace? game is free at the moment. Quantum tunnel thing looks similar to the Tachyon Drive tunnel effect in Darkspace...just in darkspace, its short jumps within the system....meaning have to make sure the planet isn't between of your travel path, or crash into the planet.


          Originally posted by Mr. President
          More insanity from the brain of Mr. President:

          Breaking The Light Barrier - Idea 1 (The Quantum Method)

          Quantum tunneling is commonplace among stray particles in the void. This method involves using advanced resonation techniques to amplify the disturbance into a "hole" large enough for a starship to pass through. The ship appears up to three light-years away in almost no time. Problems (for users): Not all quantum tunneling events are stable; it is very difficult to reliably position the exit point. It can be done with comm buoys broadcasting faster-than-light string-level resonations; but without these buoys it is extremely unsafe.

          Breaking The Light Barrier - Idea 2 (The Brute Force Method)

          Vizorium-5 and Kalciate are forced together under extremely high temperatures in the presence of an artificial singularity (the equipment for this reaction can only be carried on the largest classes of ship). The energy generated is channeled into string resonators that set up an enormous force at the level of the Planck length, propelling the ship in the opposite direction at nearly twice the speed of light. The ship is quite literally hurled away from the space it just occupied, by that space itself. The equations of temporal mechanics are the basis for the creation of a stasis field around the ship, which allows time on board to run in a "normal" fashion. (Particles such as tachyons which travel faster than light experience time in the opposite direction from the rest of the universe.) Problems (for users): The ship is unable to use conventional sensors while travelling faster than light; it is almost impossible to change direction once the FTL engines have been fired; requires almost an entire light-year as stopping distance. Emergency stops or direction changes may be effected by firing string disruptors; this usually damages the ship severely.


          I like your solar system Mr. Sprayber. How did you make it?


          • #65

            Well, I'm not sure how those pictures are done, but if you can do a city scape that looks like a Morgan city that'd be pretty interesting for me to see, for obvious reasons.

            And you know, our Morgan slogan is "What Goes Up Better Doggone Stay Up". We have so little competition because our products our simply so good that no one had found the need to compete with us. So always remember to buy Morgan Products. And hey! I, CEO Morgan was right, we did get up to Nessus Prime and most of our industries are moved up there, how 'bout that?
            Empire growing,
            Pleasures flowing,
            Fortune smiles and so should you.


            • #66

              What solar system would be best for the old CEO and his bunch? When I find one, I'll classify the planets using Dr. Who, so we'll have Skaro, Mondas, etc...ok, ok, maybe I won't classify 'em that way...
              Empire growing,
              Pleasures flowing,
              Fortune smiles and so should you.


              • #67
                BTW, will any of the aliens already have FTL Drive?
                Empire growing,
                Pleasures flowing,
                Fortune smiles and so should you.


                • #68
                  Ive gotten one of the applications that lets you make the cityscapes and 3d planet renderings. Im just trying to work the kinks out of it.

                  History Guy: I picked an actual star for my home planet by going throught the site I posted and just picking one that was about the right distance and that could possibly support planets. A lot of the planets had companion stars way to close and had messed up orbits that would have torn any kind of planet to shreds long ago. You either can do that or simply create on out of your head. I would put it closer to chiron then I put the Spartans. Just try and think of what Morgan would have been looking for.

                  The Gorn, Bree, Fraal and the Tarn all have FTL drives. But are mostly far, far away. The various primitave species that you may encounter would mostly be in the stone age or earlier. They are very primitive.
                  Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                  • #69
                    LMP: We don't have to have all the techs researched. That was just an idle comment I through out. The Terran factions will be a little behind at first but eventually caught up with the Chiron decended factions.

                    One question to everyone, should the Terrans have a presence outside the Sol system. OR a substanstial one anyway..
                    Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                    • #70
                      LMP, I genuinely do not understand why you do not want to play with the likes of matter editation, applied gravitonics, and controlled singularities. What about these would make the story less fun?
                      Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


                      • #71
                        OK, this isn't a very original picture, but it's a start.

                        The sun sets, both literally and metaphorically, on Free Drone Central on Chiron. The administrative center of the Republic is to be moved to Serene Bay on Vega Prime as the last step in the Long-Term Plan.

                        (Photograph was originally taken from the Spartan Chronicles website. Sorry, Googlie!)

                        By the way, Alynzia, I don't think the brightness of the star really matters. Vega Prime, my soon-to-be-home planet, orbits a giant young blue star.
                        Attached Files
                        Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


                        • #72
                          Okay, there is somethings we need to deal with before seriously making up faction histories and what they have for territory....

                          Technology: the starting average tech would be? Do you people like the MOO3's Field and Application way of going with technology? won't exactly be a tech tree, but still can do some research on whatever field, but developing technologies out of those fields are an different matter. Also, need to figure out the average weapons, armor, etc techs. Can have a faction that are into missiles, or another into beam weaponry or another into projectiles, etc....... just no fancy exotic weaponry please, ruins the game quickly i think :P weaponry doesn't have to solely be base on SMAX techs. Fraal is the most advance aliens, and have been around in the galaxy for quite awhile... long enough to see the rise and fall of various stellar civilizations.

                          Starmap: Need a starmap, which i am willing to create base on the real stars....with Sol in the center. So need distances of stars from Sol, remember the formula of the pythagerum(whatever) theorum and a simple top view map of the area, generally showing where each of the stars are located.

                          Travel Time: after figuring out the distances and location of stars...need to agree you upon how fast FTL will going to be..... can have the more advance powerful FTL to go faster then the older smaller ones.

                          A GENERAL human chronology: so we can easily base our faction histories on..........which i am willing to do. When did University invent Chiron's first FTL? when did the prototype made the successful FTL jump to Sol and then quikcly jump back without staying around to realize humanity is thriving... etc....

                          Also need to refigure this starting date or refigure the population level of some worlds....Can't exactly have Heavily Populated worlds after such quick rate of colonization/expansion in just over two centuries.... unless your definition of Heavily Populated is a few millions. From Planet Fall to invention of FTL in the mid or late 2400s....about 80-100k in 2100 to barely a billion by the 2400s.... and we did have various wars and the long out war to eradicate the proginators on chiron too..... thats combine population of chiron by the way....... then you want to move/colonize other planets, expecting to be heavily populated (to me is 5-10 billion or more) by 2700. Like come one :P Only humans of Sol can achieve that if they discovered FTL before Chiron did.

                          There is also the matter of fleet sizes, ship sizes, etc.... Dreadnought ships during the 2600s? so soon after rapid colonization/expansion? how big is a Dreadnought to you?

                          Ship sizes can be base on the ones MOO2/3, with added few.......from - Scout, Corvette, Frigate, Destroyer, Light Cruiser, Cruiser, Heavy Cruiser, Battlecruiser, Battleship, Dreadnought and Super Dreadnought - To

                          I know i may be picky...but better to have some structure to guerantee the success of Beyond Alpha Centauri... to prevent exagerations, inconsisties (mispell), power play (MOO2 after finishing all of the tech or like Total Annihilation in a way), who as the bigger gun attitude and erotic strange stuff which ignores the basic realitic universal laws, etc.......



                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Mr. President
                            LMP, I genuinely do not understand why you do not want to play with the likes of matter editation, applied gravitonics, and controlled singularities. What about these would make the story less fun?

                            Look, lets destroy a star with a Singularity Bomb..........

                            the idea to start the game with Singularity powered ships is a spoiler and limits pretty high, allowing very fast FTL drive, big bad weapons, singularity anti-ship missiles, and etc....... then, to develop more means developing means more super techs. Spoiler to me and dislike Godder/Power Play/Who has the bigger Gun games.

                            anyway, better to use the idea of Field and Application way of pursuing tech with limits and speciaties to the average starting techs.

                            Last edited by Guest; November 15, 2001, 23:03.


                            • #74
                              No-one is going to blow up stars. I will see to it personally if you want. This entire story cannot take place if we assume a level of technology below about Alpha Centauri's Level 10.

                              edit: By the way, wars usually boost science, industry, and economy, rather than hold them back.


                              Firebrand Omega weapons satellites protect Vega Prime, the richest and most populous planet in the Free Drone Republic.

                              (Thanks to Isaac Asimov's Foundations Universe for the photograph.)
                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by Mr. President; November 16, 2001, 00:16.
                              Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


                              • #75
                                Okay, fine...... but don't want to see ships right away using Singularity Reactors, String Disruptors, Singularity Lasers and other high tech fancy weapons, except from Proginator ships.

                                Chaos Weaponry is Disruptors.
                                Plasma Shaft is Plasma Cannons
                                Impact is Gauss/Rail Guns, etc....

                                Fraal as big bad Phasers, just practicly no one ever seen them... (well, probebly except the Proginators when they decided one century to attack some Fraal ships).

                                Most common type of ship weaponry among the human ships would like to see, with reason:

                                -Projectile (Impact, Gauss, Rail Guns, Gracers etc)
                                -Projectile/Energy (Plasma Cannons)
                                -Energy/Beam (Pulse, Ion, Laser, Masers, etc)
                                -Missile (Missiles like Space: Above and Beyond, Honor Harrington[not in large numbers thought], Concussion Missiles from Starwars, Master of Orion style, etc)
                                -Torpedoe (Proton Torpedoes from starwars, Starlancer/Wing Commander torpedoes that look like submarine ones, etc)
                                -Space Mines
                                -Bombs (drop by starfighters on ships[release and let them drift to the target base on the speed of the fighter/bomber, use for planetary bombarment ala Master of Orion


