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The Chiron Chronicle: Grand Plan

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  • The Chiron Chronicle: Grand Plan

    -First I would like to congratulate all authors of The Chiron Chronicle, past and present

    XWaste (Possibly the greatest Chiron Chronicle author ever)
    Guardian (A master storyteller)
    Argonaut (Lots of good contributions)
    Cyber (Your authorship has proceeded nicely... you craft a great story)
    Natan (Thank you for your participation)
    [Lord LMP] (The map and the rule collections have been invaluable to the game)
    Sprayber (Always interesting tales)
    SMAC Fanatic (Lots of good contributions)
    All Others (Many thanks)

    -However, I would like to implement all of the author's talents into a great work,
    a great war or a great intrigue:

    Perhaps we should work out a grand plan for more interactions between the factions;
    first we should post how active we should be able to be in the coming works
    A rating of 1= "I'll be able to post a 1 page post once a week"
    A rating of 2= "I'll be able to post 2 times a week"
    A rating of 3= "I'll be able to post 3 times a week"
    A rating of 4= "I'll be able to make a large story 3 times a week"
    A rating of 5= "I'll be able to post 4 times a week"
    A rating of 6= "I'll be able to post 5 times a week"
    A rating of 7= "I'll be able to post 6 times a week"
    A rating of 8= "I'll be able to post 7 times a week"
    A rating of 9= "I'll be able to post every day and make the posts long"
    A rating of 10= "I'll be able to carry the story on my back"

    People with ratings of 10 approach XWaste and Guardianesque standards...
    (thank you Guardian for writing so much recently)

    I should have anywhere from a 5-8 level involvement
    What should we do?
    A war?
    ... What if several people's sub factions (examples: Cult of War, Perfect Society)
    meet up and join together to overthrow a faction or take over something... or they
    unite with another faction and destroy a faction completely.)
    (Someone starts on a project to return to earth and it is sabotauged)
    (The aliens arrive?)
    (A faction manages to unite the world, but the conquered civs still have followers and
    sabotauge the faction *I don't think any faction can do this now...)
    (We create a new group of characters who are probes and who 'control' the political words of
    several leaders in various ways
    1. blackmail
    2. persuasion
    3. 'favors'
    4. support of the people
    5. stay in power, etc.
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    -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944

  • #2
    So, couldn't find anything good to say about me, eh Darkcloud?

    I think we should tie this all in with the Believer-Planet Cult war. Some of the sub-factions could get involved in mercenary work, and then we could have Council resolutions, sneaky deals, etc. with all of the factions trying to benefit from the war. I think the key thing is to avoid a titanic war between the Chiron alliance and its enemies, as it would be a lot of work for all of us, very stressful, and probably not that interesting.

    edit: I think I'm a 3 on that scale, though it could go down to a two.


    • #3
      Thanks for the kind words, Darkcloud .

      I´ll be probably able rate my activity as 3-5. Not sure.

      Anyway, I´d be interested in seeing the Cult of War and Perfect society meet up, make an alliance if possible, and then start converting the people on the central continent. As I´ve understood, the Perfect Society wants to basicly subvert the rest of the world to its side.
      Well, surprise surprise, so does the Cult of War As they are in a status of the "official religion" in Sparta, they have a good starting ground, and they even have one base in their control, Temple of War, on the island north of the central continent.
      What do you think, Darkcloud?
      Last edited by Cyber; June 29, 2001, 07:33.


      • #4
        The Believer-Planet Cult War might be interesting, but "Planet" (Christantine the Great) has left Apolyton and refuses to come back.

        I agree... The Chiron Chronicle needs somehting different from a Grand War... something more on the scale of a type of intrigue.

        Natan- Your stories are great- I just needed to say something different to you than everyone else- I didn't want to make the praise seem generic.

        Cyber- I'm all for the Cult of War and the Perfect Society meeting up! How do you want them to meet? Should the CoW contact the PS or should the PS contact the CoW?
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        -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


        • #5
          First of all, i don't think Perfect Society and Cult of War seriously know of each other. Spartans still have a probe team in Zarya-Sunrise and at Peacekeeper Island doing nothing but standing around.

          The Alien Center will come, just waiting for some peace treaty to finally happen between PK and spartans. And waiting after the Global Trade Summit is done. After that happens, can decide when the aliens shows up.

          Just to say, the Global trade Summit suppose to be a bit of a threat to the Perfect Societies plans to "take control" of the Morgan Faction. As it would allow foreign companies to get into Morgan markets, Stock exchange and so on. For the Pirates, would useful to keep the Morganites in check by having their companies own part of the faction, and may eventually discover the Perfect Society and their plans. There is still the Larionov Forces about, small at the moment, but still about, hanging around Morgan Territory and where they reestablish the Larionov Merchant Company, which is small at the moment, but will parttake in the Global Summit.

          Its funny have a fungus patch rapiddly appeared by a unknown alien missile in middle of Eastern Continent,between the Spartans and Peacekeepers and no one make a thing of it...ain't it odd? anyway, Antimind wormies are developing there... there is a antimind base at the northern island not to far from the alien center and another in a small island south-west of Mount Planet. Planetmind and Antimind is busy fighting each other in the background, but may eventually appear in the foreground when they start fighting each other at various factions territories. the Antimind threat is still about.

          The believers will be sending a major strike force towards the CoPs newest base north of the Unity Wreckage....most of the CoP and believer battles will be at the Unity Wreckage and whereever between the CoP newest base and Far Jericho.

          SMAC Fanatic, in CC, CoP is fungus crazy, want to plant fungus everywhere, but does to various mining at squares not covered by fungus, which is few at that neck of the woods. and CoP still have some units at the Eastern Continent, which i think are about to leave to go back to the western continent to fight the Believers.

          in the next 5-10 game years, we may eventually get into a space race too with satellites and so on.

          I am not interested in Grand War either, but it is not that hard, just don't go into details to much like we have with the spartan war. more like news reports of battles, conflicts and so on like we have done in the Central continent a bit.

          Kane's Hive may get back into Hive territory without Yang noticing at first at a new hive base south point at the Cape. Get there by sea. The base is currently cut off from rest of hive and pop there still small, new base and all. The colony pod was sent by Kane before his force left Hive. Natan can take control of Kane and his units if he so wish too.


          • #6
            I agree with LMP that the cult of war and the Perfect Society shouldn't know much of each other if anything. And if the Cult of War is so patriotic why would they have anything to do with the Prefect Society in the first place if their goal is to subvert all the factions? When the current regime in Sparta learns of this and don't think that they won't, the Cult of War would be eliminated from Spartan society. Kessel already doesn't think too much of them to begin with. His first and foremost concern is to keep Sparta pure.

            As for a grand war. You can count the Spartans out. Unless someone moves against them they will be content to let their enemies kill each other.

            My suggestion might be to conclude the peace treaty, Kessel will be going to haven city soon, and the global trade summit and then advance the years a little. That way we can settle things and set the stage for either an enlarged beliver-COP war, aliens arivial, or a simple race for the alien artifact. Or maybe a combination of the above.
            Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


            • #7
              Having a race for an alien artifact sounds best out of all the options you listed, Sprayber.

              The CoW might or might not know of the Perfect Society- If they do meet, the Perfect Society won't like them, because they support war, but they will attempt to "use" them. (Whether or not the CoW would let themselves be used is for the CoW to decide.)

              They probably don't know of each other... but it would be an adventure for the two sub-factions to find each other.

              The Global Trade Summit foiling the Perfect Society sounds good...
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              -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


              • #8
                Darkcloud, i think the two subfactions should "bump" into each other while converting "heretics". they might not like each other much, but might still work together( with deals like dividing the central continent)
                Right now they are solidifying their post at the North island, but are almost ready to move towards the central continent. I´m not talking about moving military units, but plain missionary conversion, aimed at the multitude of Data Angel sea bases south, bases not so close to the leaders and more of a barbaric frontier. This conversion will not be spy stuff but the good ol´ "Convince and convert" strategy used even now by practicly all churces, aimed by the CoW towards drones, right-wing lunatics and other malcontents of the society. A group, believe or not, sizeable in even a civilised democracy style qoverment.
                Of course, the bloody CoW doctrines and rituals will have to be "cleaned up" or rather made more civilised, before the conversions can start, but that shouldn´t be a problem.
                You wouldn´t believe how easily people can be re-brainwashed.

                A little more about the strategy. Starting as a "church" peaceful and open to everyone needing help, the CoW will start infiltrating every crack and crevise until they will be a sizeable force, and then start making trouble. Simple as hell, but ultimately in the long run very effective.

                Sprayber, you shouldn´t try to eliminate the Cult of War. Might be too hard, as the Cult has dig its root deep into Sparta, and ripping them out might cause major troubles. You could say, the Cult is a vital part of Sparta. Besides they aren´t contaminating anything, just spreading their religion, and by that way pawing way for a more friendly attitude towards Sparta, other than inside Spartan borders They shall always be loyal to their home, Sparta.
                Last edited by Cyber; June 29, 2001, 15:11.


                • #9
                  How about an Assassination?

                  Just an idea, but what about somebody (possibly a faction leader) biting the big one? Personally, I'd like to see the Chiron Alliance broken up due to inner turmoil. It's just two powerful. Plus all good things must come to an end. I've tried to stir up crap, telling off the Pirates etc. but the Peacekeepers and Cyborgs have been so nice
                  The race for the Alien artifact could contribute. Maybe greed over takes loyalty and each of the factions might want it for their own, screw their allies.
                  I'm happy to go along with whatever, and if my post rate can increase substantially if something big starts to happen. If nothing major shows up, I could throw a wrench into the wheel Roze REALLY doesn't like Morgan.

                  "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


                  • #10
                    I've been trying to raise concern about the Pirates being so powerful but everyone seems to be in love with everyone else in the Chiron Alliance. But the PK's have been flexing muscle as of late. Their reltionship to the Cyborgs isn't what it used to be.

                    Cyber- I said if they find out that the cult of war has been cooperating with someone outside the Federation. As long as the cult remembers who runs Sparta and who they serve then all will be fine. If not. The cult of war may find converts in the Pirates and some others but ultimately those factions will do what is necessary to restrain their influinces. Unless you do it covertly, established churches won't last long. And the official Spartan government will not risk getting into another war that pits Sparta against the rest of Chiron.

                    But like Argonaut I am happy to go along with whatever is decided.
                    Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                    • #11
                      Svensgaard is just misunderstood by the outside world :P He ain't greedy or power hungry, just want his faction to live peaceful among the sea :P to keep the peace, he needs big arse navy and military to defend and to keep all other factions in check. He is not into war, but knows that sometimes it idnevetable. He doesn't trust the Spartans or the Hive, both capable of establishing rival naval force if not kept in check. Svensgaard as hoped that the Spartan Navy could be annihilated during the Spartan War, but failed :/ There is a reason that the Pirates shot first He cares more about his faction, his people than others. Pirates are PIRATES, mainly good Pirates They are into freedom and doing what they want. The Law may not be as strong as in other factions, but living mostly in naval bases, where is bit more tight compare to land bases and isolated to rest of the world and so on, hard to be thief in a pirate society :P try to rape, abuse. commit a crime and so on, other people go and beat the hoot out of, even killed. the populace is technicly their own police force mainly :P And the idea of religion barely exist in the Pirate faction...sure they have a simple belief of God and so on, but don't make a big deal out of compare to the Believers..... So trying to "Convert" pirates will be hard, where they are use to not being so limited by rules and so on. Also, Pirate bases are practicly isolated from each other and rest of the world. Also, Pirates have the second best probe teams on Chiron, so will be hard to infiltrate :P

                      Svensgaard interests:
                      -Keep good relations with the Data Angels, since both their factions are so alike, just different styles... even if Svensgaard and Roze mouth each other out, doesn't mean both factions people will hate each other over it. Also, they also have a big naval presence.
                      -Keep good relations with Free Drones for many reasons: Trade, Resources, Friend on the East Continent, to help improve their military so they can keep the Spartans and Hive in check, and so on.
                      -Keep good relations with the Peacekeepers. He respects them to be the Peacekeepers, but mainly because they also have a big naval presence :P
                      -Keep good relations with Gaians, just to be friends, keep planetmind off his back by acquire various knowledge and techs on green techniques and so on. to learn to train their own mindworms...mainly IoDs.
                      -Keep good relations with Cyborgs mainly because they are neighbours, first foreign faction they ever met, and they are move advance. Svensgaard doesn't trust them due to their high research, but still interested in acquiring knowledge from them.
                      -to keep SPartans and Hive in check in various ways
                      -improve relations with the Morganites, have pirate companies to get part of their market and keep them in check Economicly.
                      -University..phhtt. don't trust them :P
                      -Cult, rather ignore them, only interact when his interests parallels dawn's
                      -Believer, bit scary :P not sure what to do with them, so stay neutral with them.
                      -keep the sea safe for his people from any possible threats
                      -keep an eye on everyone

                      me going to bed now...........


                      • #12
                        Cult of War/ Perfect Society

                        ... In that case Cyber, where should they meet, on whose lands?

                        Okay, the options now are

                        1. Alien Artifact Race
                        2. Intrigue
                        3. Assassination
                        4. Several countries broken apart from inside by squabbles
                        5. Aliens arrive

                        (did I miss any options)

                        I could go with
                        #'s 1,2,3,4 right now, with the preferable ones
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                        -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                        • #13
                          I´d like to see #2,3 or 4 happen.
                          Darkcloud- As I said, the CoWs are heading towards the lands south of the north island, towards the Data Angel and pirate bases, but might send a couple preachers to Morganite lands. I say, let one of the Morgan bases be the meating ground? Fine by you?
                          The cooperation between the two subfactions should be kept however, limited, as Spray indicated Big Momma Sparta would be pissed off. Besides, the two subfactions wouldn´t like each others ideologies anyway

                          The CoWs are covert all the time( or at least until they are powerful enough to come out form the backstage), and on a "peaceful" mission of spreading their view of God. This mission will soon however turn into a full-scale rioting and attempts to overthrow the current "tyrant" government, as soon as they have enough power in the host factions. I don´t mind if some of them get caught in the process, and are thrown to the lions, so to speak. Martyrs will be quite a good add to the PR side

                          LordLMP-according to you, the pirates have an outrageous navy, they´re not vulnerable to conversion, they have excellent probe teams etc. So what are their weak points? Do they have any? Anyway, I see their isolation, tendencies towards lynch parties, and general lawlessness an ideal chance to spread the holy word of Sun Tzu amongst the pirates. The isolationism means less education and more superstition, the lynch parties gives away that a pirate base is ruled more by the mobs( and you all know how stupid the masses can be), and the lawlessness as a perfect weapon to be turned towards the government. The CoWs could even contact the Larionov forces and cooperate with them also. What do you think?


                          • #14
                            Not run by "mobs". The Leadership, Governors and so on still have authourity, just that bases have higher since of community, in a pirate kind of way. CoW would have to find someway to sneak in a pirate base, which is quite hard as Security screens the foreigners and keeps track of them... anyway, pirates won't except any spartan people in their bases :P and inflitration is hard because bases on out on sea or islands, good probeteams/security and doubt many will get into this religion of War nonsence. CoW may have it easy in finding "converts" in Sparta, doesn't mean it will be anywhere else. University seems vulnerable at the moment to outside influences :P as the whole faction is political turmoil with various groups of people, like the Anarchists, Anti-Cyborgs, Perfect Society, Anti-Data Angels, Pro-Cyborgs, Pro-Isolation, Anti-Isolation, Pro-Trade, Pro-Pure Research and so on....
                            The Larionov Forces is mainly anti-cyborg, pro-privateering, into trade and money, anti-Svensgaard, causing trouble etc... not the kind of people who will start believing in the "Religion of War".
                            Pirates have their weaknesses, just not what you stated. Can say Svensgaard doesn't have the expertise in Diplomacy :P

                            I can Accept sub-factions with some relation to the mother faction, but will not like to see CC start having bunch of new splinter factions, especially all about the same time, doesn't make sence and unrealistic. It is also diverting away from the sence of SMAC/X. Civil Wars is fine with me, but not interested in seeing any Faction to split into various new factions. its silly.

                            Not into the idea of SMAX leaders getting assasinated...maybe made up leaders who taken over control of the faction, but not the originals.

                            Its Alien Center, not alien artifact :P to get the aliens coming, we have the Alien Center go on. the Center would be a old subpace communication place, aswell as a old alien outpost with some goodies and tech maybe. I already have the whole introduction of the alien center ready in my mind, just waiting until Global Trade Summit is done...don't want factions to kill each other there now :P and leaders don't need to attend, just trade representives. and all factions who are attending the Summit will get Planetary Economics.


                            • #15
                              Yeah, the University seems vulnerable, but geographicly they are hard to get to from the north island, and besides, the CoWs are looking for a more of a "Alliance" target to spread havoc into.

                              LordLMP, you can say for yourself that you, that you wont believe the "Religion of War" crap, but can you say for every person in the pirate bases? Yeah, it might be hard converting them, but after all, what isn´t?
                              Besides, I think I´m going to change that religion a bit, to a more kinder form. Something like "Religion of Freedom", and "with the help of weapons" added in a very small font
                              The Cult of war doesn´t want to convert the larionov forces, but to just cooperate with them.

                              Anyway, I was wondering if I could take control of some other faction also? I was thinking about the Free Drones. The Cult of Planet i don´t like taking, because their in a war now, and theres always a hellawa heap of text to write when a faction is in a war. I don´t think a have the time for that.

