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The Chiron Chronicle: Grand Plan

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  • #31
    We can have the Believer-Cult war start slowly, enough time for the Cult to plan its defences comprise mainly of mindworms.
    Don't have to make a big thing of it. Cult is stuck in the defensive still as the mindworms are vulnerable in open field.

    When the alien center is discovered, the island will become a hotspot. Just to say, if the aliens ever show up, one will crash at the Northern island and the other Mount Planet.

    Yes, Safe Haven cannot keep tract all of the bases due to distance and isolation. I am thinking to get Nessus Base in Nessus Sea to go a bit rogue, along with the fleet there. Especially as Safe Haven doesn't seem to pay much attention in that area at the moment. And with a Believer seabase in the area too, tensions between the two factions there is idnevetable.

    Pirates at the moment doesn't know of Temple of War but will eventually. The Drones will discover Athens first.

    If we agree to have a 5 year jump after the Trade Summit and Alien Center situations, factions may start gearing to try to get in space first, especially with the possibility of aliens showing up.


    • #32
      LMP- First off... I do not see any real reason why the Perfect Society and the Cult of War would really want to cooperate- because the Perfect society is against war. I just made them meet so I would have something to do in the story. Also, does everything have to be TECHNICALLY explained in this story... My philosophy is letting the authors do what they want as long as it isnt stupid (ie having a doomsday device that will destroy the entire planet)

      I am writing in this story and GMing this story so that it is a STORY, not some technical manual.

      Also- I thought Cyber only sent 20-100 Cult of War people to the University area?

      So... Cyber you were running a DL to create action for your country?

      Also: There is NO city of Zarya-Sunrise!
      I am angry because I have told LMP that many times and I have said it many times! I did not create it!
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      -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


      • #33
        Darkcloud- The CoW, however, sees the importance of a friendly organisation with whom they can cooperate( Although they probably constantly offer the Perfect Society members to convert, but thats mostly just symbolism for their own people )
        Surely, The Perfect Society can see that importance also? For example, if the PS doesn´t like violence but still in some situation need a strong hand holding a pistol, then they can rely on the CoW on doing the dirty covert job and vice versa.

        Well, you could say, I "used" the Peacekeepers, but for their own good, and for the sake of the story. The Pks didn´t have much of a bright future on the east continent at that time. To the west, they had the Hive, and north of them was Sparta. And they didn´t have laser guns even, for christs sake!So, I took control and played it so that they´d have to finally move out of the continent with the help of Planetmind, off to their paradise island. Then they contacted the factions on the central continent and... well you know the story

        That reminds me... I created a PK character called Commander Herman. What happened to him? Last time I wrote about him was, when he was captured and interrogated thoroughly by the Hive, when the Hive-Sparta war was going on.
        The character is now technicly property of Guardian, but still in the Hive, so its either Natan or Guardian. So, people, please do continue his story. I liked that character . The short adventures of Herman and his unit can be found in the early Chiron chronicles.


        • #34
          That is a great Idea Cyber- The Perfect Society will use The Cult of War as a front! But they will covertly support the Cult of War and transport goods for them, etc. and help them!
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          -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


          • #35
            Originally posted by DarkCloud
            LMP- First off... I do not see any real reason why the Perfect Society and the Cult of War would really want to cooperate- because the Perfect society is against war. I just made them meet so I would have something to do in the story. Also, does everything have to be TECHNICALLY explained in this story... My philosophy is letting the authors do what they want as long as it isnt stupid (ie having a doomsday device that will destroy the entire planet)
            Seriously don't want to get into a unwanted argument, but the original idea for Chiron Chronicles is to be a DIPLOMACY type interactive writing game, not a interactive STORY like the smax story before and like the Spartan Chronicles. Was also agreed that this game would make logical sence, realistic, and not to have things come out of the blue without mentioning how it happened and so on. Anyway, could atleast now you or CYber, the creator of the Cult of War, explain how CoW got to the Central Continent under a year. How CoW, even with help from sparta, able to ship 40k people and aditional equipment and supplies to Temple of War, out of Air range, even with Extra Fuel tanks and without being detected by Free Drones and Pirates who roams in that space between Sparta and Temple of War.

            I am writing in this story and GMing this story so that it is a STORY, not some technical manual.
            ITS A DIPLOMACY GAME. To make a story out of it is fine, but under DIPLOMACY like context. The game is operated by have news clips, messages between leaders and so on, military orders, from the eyes of a person and so on. But this is still a DIPLOMACY type game. You can do what you want with University, but since this DIPLOMACy story is runned my multiple players, some reasons, some logic, and so on needs to be place, is in place and needs to be enforced. rules to prevent players from stepping over other players rights and so on. This effects Moderators too or we are Hypocrites. Discussion thread and so on is were we can debate them. Sure i wrote some basic rules up and so on, but thats base on players opinions, suggestions and so on.

            Also- I thought Cyber only sent 20-100 Cult of War people to the University area?
            Was an IDEA, a plan, not that it actually happened. Only spartan people in University is a Spartan Probe Team, currently hanging out still at ZARYA-SUNRISE. That Probe team is not CoW, atleast it was never mentioned before that they were.

            Also: There is NO city of Zarya-Sunrise!
            I am angry because I have told LMP that many times and I have said it many times! I did not create it!
            Yes, you didn't create it and never said you DID. I DID and assumed it was okay when i made up the map. Assumed that you actually acquired the map and even bothered to look at it and was okay with all the new bases i gave University because you never made a complaint at the time. Cyber, who has looked at the map, saw that Zarya-Sunrise was the closest University coast line base to PLanetary Council Base for a Spartan Probe Team to go to by ship. Since Cyber mentioned it in the Game Thread BEFORE you ever made a single complaint about the base, it became Official, Cannon. We can't simply make Zarya-Sunrise dissapear now without explination. For things to happen the game, there must be a logical realistic explination for it. Doesn't have to be complex details, can just make it simple. And for a Base to dissapear, you would require to work up the story to eventually get to that point, like cyber did when he planned to nuke a PK base. Anyway, i don't remember you making a complaint about Zarya-Sunrise when Cyber mention it in the story, only when i have afterwards.

            did you even bother looking at the map as where the University bases are located? aswell for you to realize that there is other University bases i placed that you haven't created, or yet mention in the game? Also, with a Politically mest up University with so many groups fighting among themselves or whatever, i wouldn't be surprise the people unofficially went out to build other bases to leave in, to get away from a peticuliar group and so on. Also, if i didn't add any more bases to cover the eastern territory, would be quite empty and quite open to another faction.


            • #36
              Well, you could say, I "used" the Peacekeepers, but for their own good, and for the sake of the story. The Pks didn´t have much of a bright future on the east continent at that time. To the west, they had the Hive, and north of them was Sparta. And they didn´t have laser guns even, for christs sake!So, I took control and played it so that they´d have to finally move out of the continent with the help of Planetmind, off to their paradise island. Then they contacted the factions on the central continent and... well you know the story
              And i am quite still annoyed of you doing a stunt like that. NOt only that it is not aloud in this game, it is not aloud on this forum to have more than one Name. There was a reason why i put the PKs on the East Continent and there was a reason why i put them back in on that continent. TO Balance things out and to open up to good Diplo story. And surely didn't expect the Spartans to go for the kill so bloody early, just because "their weak, their democratic ways foolhardy" and create atrocities so early aswell. Absolutly crazy. I expected the Hive to be to be considered the most genocidal ;p


              • #37
                Oh and sorry for being a perfectionist to. I am a Virgo you see :P
                and I am Open Minded to EVERYBODIES opinions, suggestions, ideas and so on.



                • #38
                  Seriously don't want to get into a unwanted argument, but the original idea for Chiron Chronicles is to be a DIPLOMACY type interactive writing game, not a interactive STORY like the smax story before and like the Spartan Chronicles.
                  Ah, yes, but I remember that it was also agreed that The Chrion Chronicle would mainly focus on Political aspects versus characters... However, the story would be run on the lines that created the most interesting situations. (I seem to remember that we agreed upon that second part after the reset in December)

                  Was also agreed that this game would make logical sence, realistic, and not to have things come out of the blue without mentioning how it happened and so on.
                  Oh, I agree with this, but this is Sci-Fi and certain things can happen... It is just that certain people are getting too technically inclined to say 'you can't do that' after something is explained.

                  Anyway, could atleast now you or CYber, the creator of the Cult of War, explain how CoW got to the Central Continent under a year. How CoW, even with help from sparta, able to ship 40k people and aditional equipment and supplies to Temple of War,
                  I have no idea, I thought Cyber just shipped around 100-200 people to the central continent on a barge, It wouldn't take more than a month to transport, it isn't as if the cities are very far away.

                  Also, I haven't ever stepped over players rights without asking... The episode with SMAC Fanatic came because I wrote an example of what I wanted to do AND asked him if he wanted me to do it... I tried to persuade him, but everyone said I was ruining the game and doing things without asking... when I did!

                  I do not see how that happened? But it's over. I was just using that as an example of how I am becoming ignored as a GM (What is true however is that I haven't had too much time to do much GMing, but when I do, I get yelled at that the way I am GMing is counter to the story.)

                  I made a complaint about the city at the time you placed it. I made the complaint twice when I saw your list of cities.

                  I complained every time someone has mentioned it in the story. I didn't complain to Cyber because he took the city from the list of cities...

                  However, perhaps you could resend the map LMP, I think it went to my old hotbot email instead of my new lycos one and thus I never received it.

                  I appreciate the work you did with the map ... but when you posted it, I wrote directly under it in the old Admin thread, within two days of your post that I did not have the following cities....

                  I am angry about the extra cities becasue during the SMAC Fanatic/nuke debates it was argued that I had too many cities and too much population. Frankly, the University does not have enough population to support as many cities as you put on the map.

                  About Zarya-Sunrise... just name it University Base or one of my other cities in the story, one of the University's cities could have many names.

                  , i wouldn't be surprise the people unofficially went out to build other bases to leave in, to get away from a peticuliar group and so on. Also, if i didn't add any more bases to cover the eastern territory, would be quite empty and quite open to another faction.
                  Possibly... But I didn't write it. If you wanted me to, I would... and I still might... it is a good idea. The eastern territory could be open to another faction- the University doesn't want the factions to encroach upon them, but they don't want to expand... They like crowded dwellings.

                  I just felt that the story was moving away from its roots when I posted the above.

                  I want the story to be good... But I also want the story to be interesting and interactive.
                  -->Visit CGN!
                  -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                  • #39
                    Could you push your GM status any more?

                    First off, about the thing you planned, you asked me and I said no. Pure and simple. It was when you ignored that and started trying to do it anyway that people got annoyed.
                    "Love the earth and sun and animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown . . . reexamine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency" - Walt Whitman


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by DarkCloud

                      Ah, yes, but I remember that it was also agreed that The Chrion Chronicle would mainly focus on Political aspects versus characters... However, the story would be run on the lines that created the most interesting situations. (I seem to remember that we agreed upon that second part after the reset in December)

                      Yes, with common sence.

                      Oh, I agree with this, but this is Sci-Fi and certain things can happen... It is just that certain people are getting too technically inclined to say 'you can't do that' after something is explained.
                      Maybe because the explanation wasn't valid due to various factors that wasn't considered?

                      I have no idea, I thought Cyber just shipped around 100-200 people to the central continent on a barge, It wouldn't take more than a month to transport, it isn't as if the cities are very far away.
                      Temple of War is like 30-50 squares away from the nearest Morgan base, possibly more. So thats like 15k to 25k kilometres away. Then you if you consider the sea inbetween, full of Pirate, Data Angel and so on activity aswell as considering New Sargasso fungus....

                      anyway, if someone wants to do something, start the action, but don't write something that involves a time period that already been covered, which cannot logically happen...especially interfactional stuff or involving crosssing through others factions territory and so on. By not giving a chance for other players to possibly do something about it is stepping over their rights. So if players wants to do something, start it up now, not in the past or jump the guns to say this and this happened which would had involved going on others backyards, going under their noses and so on.. and don't think it is that easy.

                      Also, I haven't ever stepped over players rights without asking... The episode with SMAC Fanatic came because I wrote an example of what I wanted to do AND asked him if he wanted me to do it... I tried to persuade him, but everyone said I was ruining the game and doing things without asking... when I did!

                      not getting into this one...

                      I do not see how that happened? But it's over. I was just using that as an example of how I am becoming ignored as a GM (What is true however is that I haven't had too much time to do much GMing, but when I do, I get yelled at that the way I am GMing is counter to the story.)

                      I am not perfect either man

                      I made a complaint about the city at the time you placed it. I made the complaint twice when I saw your list of cities.

                      I complained every time someone has mentioned it in the story. I didn't complain to Cyber because he took the city from the list of cities...

                      However, perhaps you could resend the map LMP, I think it went to my old hotbot email instead of my new lycos one and thus I never received it.

                      I appreciate the work you did with the map ... but when you posted it, I wrote directly under it in the old Admin thread, within two days of your post that I did not have the following cities....

                      I am angry about the extra cities becasue during the SMAC Fanatic/nuke debates it was argued that I had too many cities and too much population. Frankly, the University does not have enough population to support as many cities as you put on the map.

                      About Zarya-Sunrise... just name it University Base or one of my other cities in the story, one of the University's cities could have many names.
                      enough population? especially with some hint of cloning involve?
                      if it cannot support many bases, it cannot support Large bases or an army the size shown in admin.

                      Fine, will remove some University Bases you didnt create or want, but Zarya-Sunrise stays, including Cosmograd and one or two others to stretch the borders over all of University Quarter of the Continent.

                      Possibly... But I didn't write it. If you wanted me to, I would... and I still might... it is a good idea. The eastern territory could be open to another faction- the University doesn't want the factions to encroach upon them, but they don't want to expand... They like crowded dwellings.
                      I will remove bases, but keep some. Some of those can be small bases anyway, to keep watch in that area and so on.

                      I just felt that the story was moving away from its roots when I posted the above.

                      I want the story to be good... But I also want the story to be interesting and interactive.
                      So do I, but more we argue like this, people will loose interest. And its not moving away from its roots aslong as i am around, but do realize that 2180s is bit more complex compare to the 2120s.


                      • #41
                        -Having the excess bases be small would be a good idea.

                        -The University does have cloning, yes, but the University doesn't have mass cloning- they can produce about 1,000-5K clones a year at most. And they don't usually produce that much otherwise.

                        -The University had for a time shifted to army... they still have the units, but they are at half-strength, the de-mobilization started after Zakharov wanted them to be secluded.

                        -Thank you for removing bases.

                        Smac Fanatic- I was still trying to persuade you... I did give up eventually... perhaps it was best for diplomacy aspects.

                        Perhaps I should not have posted the story... or perhaps I should have clarified more that it was an example, not the true story. I had posted it so as to try to win people over to my side of the argument.

                        Perhaps that method of argument was wrong. It will not happen again.

                        A note to all- Looking at the previous threads I NOW see that the story was
                        to be diplomacy between the major factions. The story will work as real life, but the characters will grow and change
                        Thus, I should have had more meetings with the other factions. Now that we have better communication between authors, this will hopefully be easier.
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                        -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                        • #42
                          Okay people, this is getting too damn stupid.
                          Please stop this damn arguing and bittering about technical details, LordLMP, okay? Maybe the airplanes had some midstop fuel tanks left by earlier jets flying over?I don't know, and frankly I don't care. If this is a diplomacy game or whatever, then lets keep it that way, and not turn it into a technical SMAC reference manual. Thats my opinion.
                          And LordLMP, if something doesn't fit your plans, then its sad, eg. that I controlled both PK and Sparta for a while. Yes, this is a diplomacy based game, but please give the players some freedom in your holy and almighty plans. I personally don't like roleplaying games in which you have to follow a straight line, as if your life was in the line.
                          That was a dirty trick you played on me, with finding the preachers so early. DON'T start telling me the Pirates had some help with probes from the Data Angel, and suddenly their probe values went through the roof.
                          You tell me about technical details, but you do incredible tricks like highering Pirate probe values like that, constructing HUGE armies for the Pirates and Pro war PKs, giving each and everyone of them elite status even when its impossible, and eg. your elite pirate ground forces just bombarding away Spartan garrisons heavily bunkered in a Spartan base, and never actually attacking them.
                          So in another words, shut up would you? You are as quilty as me...
                          Last edited by Cyber; July 12, 2001, 21:20.


                          • #43
                            Anyway, in the new altered history, Cult of War pretty much got nullified anyhow. Probe rating didn't skyrocketed and Cult of War, or even Sparta itself, have Infiltrated the Pirates, so no way in hoot you can get some good Fake IDs. And can't simply sneak in a base with boat that simply got painted in Pirate colors...Chiron Alliance have formed a joint naval registry since the beginning of the Alliance. And would need good Infiltration to be able to acquire a fake special number which could get accepted.
                            Perimeter Defence, not bunkered. Was a prolong siege like battle where the Pirates done various skirmishs along the Perimeter, avoiding to expose to much fire upon th Rovers. So shots were being done in maximum ranges, and since the Rovers had Missile Weaponry compare to the Garrisons Shredder Guns and due to mobility, they were able to cause bit more damage upon the Perimeter then what the rovers were taking. Anyway, Pontas asked for Cease-Fire before the Battle Dragons got in to Directly Assault the base. Also, Blast Rifle Crag was a rear end base, away from Pk defence lines, so defence wasn't too concentrative there and Blockade Guardians were at Janissary Rock and didn't came to help the base out.

                            Suggest you stop overstepping your bounds and should factor in past and current game details.

                            don't want to argue either.

                            so let the darn thread die :P

                            Last edited by Guest; July 13, 2001, 02:07.


                            • #44
                              Okay, i went to look for the History thread or wherever the History timeline from 2120 to 2180. Couldn't find it...

                              Darkcloud, you remember where it is?



                              • #45
                                In an attempt to be helpful I found the thread. It's called Chiron Chronicles Summaries. I selected the option at the bottom to see threads from the past year. It's on page three of that list.

                                This is the link:


                                "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."

