Initial Public Offering of Controlling Stock (49%)
Morgan Industries

Comlink frequency34.9

Nwabudike Morgan, CEO, Chairman-elect
Carper Reilly, COO, CFO, CIO

Topsheet Financials
Energy Credits (EC) in reserve: 111 individual-years*
Annual estimated gross income: 1EC

*Current battery technologies do not presume storage beyond a few kWh. Available electricity production in the Morgan-controlled escape pod could provide energy for approximately 100 people per year (hence "individual-years"). Additional spending power is generated thru rudimentary saving and lending mechanisms coupled with the innate and, in our current situation, practical impulse to front load expenditures of assets.

Capital Assets
1 Unity Escape Pod (serial U.N.S. E-5)
15 hand weapons
2 tonnes appox. useful minerals

Company Overview
The entrepreneurial know-how that brought us everything from the impact wrench to the thermal dampeners of the erstwhile Unity core power unit, Mr. Nwabudike Morgan, invites the Earth's colonists to invest in his newest venture, Morgan Industries. This limited liability company offers everyone a chance to start afresh on a new world.

Chiron is truly terra nova. Whatever her resources may be, they have been utterly untapped -- until now. We, the last known vestiges of humanity, can begin again by pooling our own resources, our knowledge, our hard work, even our faith. Together there is nothing we can't achieve.

Others will sell you a lot, on principle. But where have our principles gotten us? Now, here in this toxic place, we can establish civilization and build it bigger, better, and stronger than it ever was. America wasn't built in a day but it was built from scratch.

Don't pass up this literally once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Invest in Morgan's first offering of controlling stock ownership and be part of humanity's next chapter from the get-go.
