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The Chiron Chronicle II

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  • The Chiron Chronicle II


    Continue to fight a losing battle, so you claim to be an entity...

    I will not close the mines for ever; perhaps indefinitley, but not during the war which I am losing against Zakharov, and certainly not now.

    Do you want money... I can provide you with much?
    -->Visit CGN!
    -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944

  • #2
    ***Private Message***
    To: Provost Zakharov c/o University of Planet
    From: Datajack Roze c/o Data Angels

    I'm afraid I cannot allow you any more leeway then I have already given. Your faliure to respect the rights of all of your citizens leaves with me no other choice. We are at war Zakharov. I only hope you can see the light before this war destroys you.

    ***Private Message***
    To: Prime Function Aki Zeta-Five c/o Cybernetic Conciousness
    CEO Nwabudike Morgan c/o Morgan Industries
    From: Datajack Roze c/o Data Angels

    Regrettably, Provost Zakharov has left with me no choice but to declare vendetta. I had hoped it would not have to come to this, but now that it has, know that you both have my full support. CEO Morgan, my borders are once again open to your trade if you are willing. I am currently assembling an offensive force to contribute to the attack. My only hope is that we can do this with a minmal loss of civilian lives. Prime Function, I'm currently combining my best operatives into an offensive force in order to break down the University security as you previously suggested.

    ***Public Announcement***

    Datatechs, I speak to you with grave news. Provost Zakharov has been unwilling to release our Cybernetic friends be held prisoner illegally within University territory. Unfortunately, this means a state of war now exists between our two factions. An offensive force is being assembled, which will be combined with those of the Conciousness and the Morganites, in order to put an end to Zakharov's regime. I had hoped that the threat of force would be enough to make the academician see the light, but it appears he cares less about humanity than I thought. Now our forces will see to it that our friends are liberated and returned to their homes. There was room on this continent for four factions. But by the time this war is over, there will be only three. Zakharov's University poses a threat to the survival of mankind on Planet, and he has to be eliminated.

    "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


    • #3
      ***Private to the Nautilus Pirates***

      Encrypted Message
      From: Prime Function Aki Zeta-5
      To: Captain Ulrik Svensgaard

      The first assault against the University has just been initiated, here are the plans for your approval. Our target will be Inspiration Point, which is as close to Gamma Heights as in University Base. I believe that Zhakarov is expecting us to attack University Base, so this move will be unexpected. We have three infantry units and three rover units (including your two) at Gamma Heights ready to be deployed. The rover units will scout around the infantry, using their increased mobility and speed to warn of university units. Should some be encountered, they will no doubt rush to attack what they perceive to be a lone unit, and can be lead back into the main army and easily disposed off. Should they not attack, then the rover unit will be in their element and can easily chase and destroy the fleeing unit.

      There are two scout rovers patrolling around Inspiration point which will have to be neutralised before the main attack, but I see no difficulty in this. Moving from Alpha Prime are two more regiments of Augmented patrols. Once all Eight units coordinate we will be able to easily overpower the two Synth units that they have in garrison there.

      The Data Angels have joined the fight against the university. With Inspiration Point secured, we will then be able to squeeze university base between our troops and Data Angel and Morganite troops. Our strategic position means that we can also intercept any aid coming from outpost one, or units fleeing University Base.

      We have set up a secure channel for your units to use, as we are closing down all electronic communications. We will give you regular updates using the secure channel only.

      In regards to the tech exchange…we will grant planetary networks as well, the transfer will occur once we can again resume normal communications.

      [This message has been edited by XWaste (edited October 24, 2000).]


      • #4
        UN Free Press
        Public announcement by Comissioner Lal, U.N. Headquarters

        Dear citizens, soon help will come in the form of Isles of deep.Do not be afraid of these frendly creatures.They will arrive in front of our harbors to take us to an island, south of U.N. Headquarters, where we will be save from the Spartan persecution.Pack as much as food and supplies and some personal belongings, leave nothing to the Spartans.All of our bases have converted their production from defensive units to colony pods and all resources are given to that production.

        Fighting is not an opting, I´m afraid.The Spartans have a way too much of a superior army compared to us, that is the whole point in their society.To wage war, nothing more.
        Even if we managed to stop their current onslaught, probably with the cost of countless lifes, they would never stop attacking us.They would send armies after armies to kill us, until either us or them would be no more.

        One night in my dreams came an entity called planetmind.This entity is friendly towards us and wants to help.It is capable of controlling the native life of this planet, or rather it is the combined concioucness of the native lifeforms.
        Planetmind will try to keep the Spartans away, until we can move to our new home with the help of its Isles of deep.

        Once we arrive there, life is going to be hard.Food, drinkable water and accomodations will be rationed until we can enlarge our new bases to support everyone.

        Hopefully, someday we will prosper there better than we have here.


        • #5
          TO: Aki Zeta-Five
          FROM: Captain Ulrik Svensgaard

          I and my Chief of Military agree with the plans, I would be able to provide artillary support from the sea. I have just sent orders to rush build a Laser Foil prototype so it can be sent near Inspiration Point in time. Surely, University will not expect anything from the seas.

          Captain Ulrik Svensgaard

          TO: Captain Ulrik Svensgaard
          FROM: Chief of Economy

          Sir, I just wanted to warn you of the stress your putting on our reserves by Hurrying the Laser Foil production. We are already in the process of upgrading our Scout Patrols to Trance Synth Garrisons. The people may wonder about the expenditures to military.

          Quark Gates
          Chief of Economy


          • #6
            Dream to Prime Function Aki Zata-5 and Datajack Rose...

            You have dare fight for my enemy!? Consider the Planetfungus your worst enemy.

            ""Planetchildren, I was wrong. This is not a time for peace. This is a time for defence. A time for war. Planetfungaltowers, rise up where ever you can inside all enemy territory. Planetsporelaunchers. Fire on all enemy cities. Planetworms, attack.""

            Dream to Commissioner Lal...

            My Planetisles have created a corridor in which you will be safe until you reach the island you speak of. Do not attempt radio contact between the Planetisles. The island has a Planetsporelauncher garrison which will protect the island at all times. I will give them to you upon reaching the new island. I have kept a small patch of fungus in which to grow troops which will help you. I have ordered my Planetworms to infest your cities here after you leave. The Spartans will not get your cities unscathed.

            Dream to Aca. Zakharov...

            You will let me control the Manifold Nexus. I am willing to give you 5 Planetworms that you may study and attempt to breed.

            Dream to all Peacekeepers...

            Greetings. I am Planetmind. I am Planet. I am here to help you. Trust the Planetisles. Do not worry about the Planetworms attacking you or eating you. This will not happen. You are the wises among the Earthhumans for you cling to the very reason why you were sent out here. Peace.

            ""All Planetisles, clear out any Pirate ships from the corridor. We must protect the EarthPeacekeepers.""

            "Freedom, Trade, Christantine!"

            The Official Webpage of the Chrisonian Republic

            The Viking Archives

            The MGE Succession Game Team. Sign Up Today!
            "I agree with everything i've heard you recently say-I hereby applaud Christantine The Great's rapid succession of good calls."-isaac brock
            "This has to be one of the most impressive accomplishments in the history of Apolyton, well done Chris"-monkspider (Refering to my Megamix summary)
            "You are redoing history by replaying the civs that made history."-Me


            • #7
              OOC: Pirate ships? my faction havne't discovered the peacekeepers yet, or even have any ships in that area :P Faction not into piracy yet, geezz another thing, Morgans decided to help the Cyborgs, not Cyborgs helping Morgans. Planetmind can't hack or intercept radio transmission of the transfer of the Trance ability..... just saying..... not being bossy...sorry don't hurt me...


              • #8
                Dream to Planetmind
                Who are you? What do you mean "fight for my enemy"? Do you mean our war with the University? Provost Zakharov cannot be allowed to continue to harm innocent people. If you side with him then you side against me.
                But who are you? I do not wish to fight with someone whom I have never met. Are you somehow connected to the mindworms?
                I am a strong believer in all of humanity working together. There is so much we all can learn from each other. Do you know who I am, and what my people represent? Who are you?

                "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


                • #9
                  Message from Colonel Santiago to Comissioner Lal

                  Don´t try to fool me with your scorched earth strategy.Soon your capital will fall before my mighty army, then your other cities and finally you will be executed publicly and I will drink wine from your skull.There is nowhere to escape, no place to hide.

                  Tell this to your people.Anyone of your army who stands against my forces and survives, will be put through his stomach into a pole and left to die in the Great Dunes.There will be a great bloodshead in the cities that I conquer from you and those who are left to survive will, from the shear dread, never rise against me.Your reign of stupidity and naivness is about to end.


                  • #10
                    Urgent Message
                    To:Colonel Santiago
                    From:Commander Hardion, 1st Laser rover unit

                    Sir, we have another problem.Our forward scouts, 16 soldiers in their rovers have apparently ”sunk” in a xenofungus field.Also, near the fungusfield grew some spore launchers, which immediately when we came near launched their spores.3 soldiers dead and 2 more dying.The whole taskforce has stopped and ready for a mindworm attack.The most alerting is that our radars indicate somekind of fungal towers rising up from the xenofungus.These towers haven´t started growing near us, but soon will probably and I don´t want to stay and find out what they are.

                    We decided to cross that fungusfield and to circle the Great Dunes to U.N. Headquarters, but that option seems now closed.There is too much fungus on our path.
                    This all seems, as if the native lifeforms want us dead.

                    Urgent Message
                    To: Commander Hardion, 1st Laser rover unit
                    From: Colonel Santiago

                    Commander, you have fought against mindworms and this planets lifeforms.The pesty mindworms probably are in a pissed mood today.Instead of crossing the fungus field and circling the dunes you will cross them.And don´t tell me its not wise to cross the dunes.You have your rovers, which are Spartan made and can cross even Hell.

                    As for the native lifeforms, you won´t find them in the dunes so your passage is secured.
                    If you, however, have to cross a fungalfield, give it a good bombardment to ensure nothing is lurking there and the same thing with fungal towers.You know what to do if you encounter mindworms.Still, try to avoid contacts with the natives, will you?I don´t want my good soldiers to turn into wormbait.
                    Futher orders will come when you are near U.N. Headquarters.

                    [This message has been edited by Cyber (edited October 24, 2000).]


                    • #11
                      Urgent message
                      From: Chief of Security, U.N. Headquarters
                      To: Comissioner Pravin Lal

                      Sir, our long range scanners have detected the Spartan army coming through the the dunes.They seem to have evaded the defenses planetmind set up.

                      Sir, they´ll be here before we can get everyone through the corridor.
                      We have practicly cannibalised every possible source to build the colony pods, and they´ll be ready in a couple of days.Until then we have to stall the spartan,any way possible.

                      Urgent message
                      From:Comissioner Pravin Lal
                      To: Chief of Security, U.N. Headquarters

                      This is a very grave information, indeed.Send all units here in U.N. heaquarters to intercept the spartan units.Also,send a message to the Laser rover unit travelling here, to change cource for interception.

                      The Laser rovers will charge the west flank of the spartans while the unity rovers charge straight into the oncoming army.The unity chopper unit starts to harass the spartans after the rovers have charged in.

                      The Spartans surely will not retreat,and as I know their expertise, this is a suicide mission for troops.

                      Message from Comissioner Pravin Lal to counter-offensive taskforce

                      Our brave warriors, I will tell you the truth about your new mission.You are going against the Spartan army.You are to stall them as long as possible.

                      You will probably not survive, but you are our only hope.
                      Fight for your believes, fight for the freedom of your people, of your loved ones.Fight for unity, fight for humankind.
                      Good luck, warriors, and God bless you.


                      • #12
                        UN Free press

                        chaos in the bases

                        All peacekeeper bases are in a state of orderly chaos, as people and equipment are hurried onto the arriving Planetisles.The bases have been stripped of all possible equipment that can be carried by the planetisles.Temporal shelters have been readied for the long trip to the destination island, on the back of the
                        But the most important ones are the colony pods, which are soon to be ready in all of our three bases.Without them we will surely perish in our new homeland.A big help was the one colony pod,which was a gift from Planetmind.

                        Our new home-a paradise or a cramped paradise

                        A question arises,when discussing the habitability of
                        the Island of peace, as people have started calling it.
                        For how long can it sustain our growing population?

                        Scientists have started researching, or rather, re-discovering the ability to use and build ships.
                        With shipfaring we can build water-going versions of formers, which in turn can terraform the waters around the island of peace.We will be able even to have bases built on water.
                        Still, it will take atleast a year until we are once again able to ride the waves.


                        • #13
                          OOC:The new peacekeeper bases to be found on Island of peace.
                          U.N. Headquarters, the northernmost part of island
                          coordinates 114,104
                          U.N. Planetary trust, the middlepart of island.Coordinates 114,112
                          U.N. Amnesty town, the southernmost part of island.
                          Coodrinates 120,114
                          On the huge map of planet.
                          [This message has been edited by TheDiplomat (edited October 25, 2000).]


                          • #14
                            Dream To Planetmind:

                            Perhaps, you are a hallucination... but perhaps you are not... 5 Planetworms, how soon... Research in return for the Nexus... Perhaps... I cannot defend it well... so perhaps I will grant you with this... hmmm... my answer is
                            ... yes.
                            -->Visit CGN!
                            -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                            • #15
                              Orders for Evacuation
                              General Notice 5-7-2119
                              New Alliance?

                              A mysterious entity calling itself 'planetmind' has proposed an alliance with us, promising to grant us with 5 planetworms and thus granting us the head research capabilities and the power to crush our enemies if we evacuate the Manifold Nexus.

                              This we shall do.

                              -->Visit CGN!
                              -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944

