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The Chiron Chronicle II

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  • #16
    Thought Log

    :Ben Iota-8
    7-5-2119 15:18:73.00283


    The test subject is currently in deep REM sleep. The amplifiers have been attached to broadcast on all wideband frequencies, to both through the air and into the land. Decoding frequency also to match wave forms recorded from mind worms, though certain peculiarities yet cannot be simulated.

    Manipulation of brain waves to commence - inserting the program now...OK stimulation of the aural processors within the brain in the best approximation of 'dream speech'...

    Broadcast started





    broadcast repeated.

    progam stopped. Am about to begin recording, Zeta-5 system maintenance utilities shut down...recording subjects brain waves and functioning started at 15:26:15.03836 to document a possible reply.


    • #17
      Dream to Prime Fuction Aki Zata-5...

      Did you try to contact me? Let me remind you, you can only contact me while in normal sleep without any types of hardware trying to scream a message at me. You have quite a bit of research to do. I am sorry about my harsh reaction. But remember Morgan hurts me so I must repulse him.

      Dream to Aca. Zakharov...

      Good. I will be sending two Planetworm clusters to the Manifold Nexus now. They will have larval Planetworms with them for you. Understand, this is a trade, not a treaty. I will stop hunting your units though.

      OOC: I never said that isles can send radio messages. I just don't want other people picking it up and finding the Peacekeepers. I also never said that Pirate (notice the cap. "P") ships were in the area. I just don't want them around the Peacekeepers. They are just simple precautions.

      Dream to Datajack Roze...

      When I said fight for my enemy I meant Morgan. He disrupts my fungal stocks with horrible mines. I guess I acted too harshly. Please forgive me but remember one thing. Morgan hurts me.

      Dream to Commissioner Lal...

      Maybe if you have one pilot in the EarthCopter I can have some Planetworms be on it and you can drop them on the Earthspartan troops. I have almost have the cities ready for my Planetworms to do much damage to the Earthspartans. I regret that the cities have to be destroyed.

      "Freedom, Trade, Christantine!"

      The Official Webpage of the Chrisonian Republic

      The Viking Archives

      The MGE Succession Game Team. Sign Up Today!
      "I agree with everything i've heard you recently say-I hereby applaud Christantine The Great's rapid succession of good calls."-isaac brock
      "This has to be one of the most impressive accomplishments in the history of Apolyton, well done Chris"-monkspider (Refering to my Megamix summary)
      "You are redoing history by replaying the civs that made history."-Me


      • #18
        Dream to Planetmind:
        Aca. Zakharov

        Thank you 'planetmind' for your sending of the 'research subjects'... they will be greatly appreciated... I hope that I can use them to destroy the evil people who are polluting your world worse than us and their allies... the research you have provided me with is invaluable... thank you.
        -->Visit CGN!
        -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


        • #19
          thought log

          :Ben Iota-8
          8-5-2119 09:02:45.89532

          start record conversation

          Prime Function Aki Zeta-5: The experiment was not a total failure, I was contacted last night in another dream.

          :Yes Prime Function, I have read the post, what do you suggest?

          PF: The entity claims that it can only be contacted through normal sleep. This has me somewhat perplexed, as in normal sleep the dreams are unguided, random. I do not know how we can effectively communicate this way. Try the experiment again, without the amplification. I think that 'planet' perhaps can hear when 'planet' is being spoken to.

          : Do you have a message to send.

          PF: More than a message, create a dreamscape of a fungal plane, and place the subject there. Have her open with
          From your equipment you should then be able to monitor any response. If you can interpret the response, then simply input any interaction directly into the dream, as if you were talking to planet yourself. If you cannot interpret what planet is saying then you have to allow the subject some degree of consciousness without allowing her to wake up. Make sure you record everything.

          :Yes Prime Function

          PF: These series of dream messages are just too cumbersome a way to communicate, this research may enable us to develop some sort of receiver, if we can only determine how 'planet' is influencing my brain waves, and why it is neccesary I be asleep.

          :If indeed it is necessary. Planet may just be biding its time at the moment, choosing to destabalise us through what most humans fear and distrust and still attach some mystical value to - their dreams.

          PF: Until we have some more information we cannot make any conclusions. Run the test. Lets see if 'planet' is willing to enter in a conversation.

          [This message has been edited by XWaste (edited October 25, 2000).]


          • #20
            [i]Dream to Planetmind...
            Now I think I understand your concern. I assure you that no great friendship exists between myself and Morgan. I have fought a war for the express purpose of freeing my people from his control. But Morgan is more powerful than I, and it is in the best interest of my people to remain at peace with his people. Morgan barely tolerates my existance, but it is better then him seeking to endanger the lives of my people.
            Is it true what people say? Are you really the embodiment of all of this wonderful world we find ourselves on? I believe there is much that we can learn from such a powerful force.
            I will do my best to heed your warnings and respect your power. But the interests of my people come first. If you threaten them, I will defend them.

            "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


            • #21

              Laser Foil prototype completed...

              Safe Haven has quickly completed a Laser Foil which takes advantages of the technologies of Lasers and Synthmetal. The Foil was named Diamond Shark and has already being sent towards Privateer Quay.

              Accidental Dream to Planetmind

              wonders across the seas... Nautilus bases placed throughout the seas... people content... people at peace... away from landwars... planetmind... Isle of the deeps everywhere... slaughtering bases... people dying... ships sinking... the Foreign base near Safe haven... a pinked eyed child... mind worms.... isle of the deeps......... destruction of Safe Haven.... Pressure Dome cracks..... end of nautilus.....

              TO: Aki Zeta-Five
              FROM: Captain Ulrik Svensgaard

              This Planetmind worries me. The alignment of the suns as ended, yet planetmind is still around, but atleast s/he calming down. Why does Planetmind choose now to communicate to us? Planetmind as proven how dangerous s/he is. Don't like having some global being who can control the mindworms threating us everytime we displeases hir. Anyway, how do you communicate to Planetmind via dreams which we don't have complete control of. What happens if we unintentionally say something to offend Planetmind? In that case, the rest of my people?

              Anyway, sorry for sending this useless message, just woked up. Also, theres a strange base west of Safe Haven. Sending you the pictures of the base. What do you make of this? Theres full of fungus around that base, from what we can see. Wonder how they survive there...


              • #22
                *Dream to planetmind from Pravin Lal*

                Thank have saved our lives...the island of peace will be a safe haven for humans and native of the copters will land near the old U.N. Headquarters...your mindworms can then climb in...just in time for the battle...we need only a few hours for the rest of our people to get out from the old bases...must keep the Spartans away until then...
                [This message has been edited by TheDiplomat (edited October 26, 2000).]


                • #23
                  Battle report
                  From:Commander Hardion, 1st scout rover unit
                  To:Colonel Santiago

                  Sir, the peacekeepers have done it again.
                  three hours ago they ambushed our forward scouts.Then, before we could do anything, two whole units rushed and attacked us.It was a bloody battle, rovers head to head blasting each other.
                  Finally, five minutes ago we managed to rout them, but they haven´t fled.I reckon we have destroyed worth a whole unit of their rovers,while they managed to make us damage worth 1/3 of a unit.
                  According to our sensors, they are probably waiting for us in the hilly region south, just in front of U.N. Headquarters.We´ve decided to stay for a while here and to monitor the peacekeeper forces.

                  Next morning

                  *Voice communication to Colonel Santiago from Commander Hardion*

                  Sir,...they´ve renewed their attack against us!... and they got support...
                  One of their surviving rover units from yesterday with the help of another rover unit charged us from south...
                  and a while later a Laser rover unit charged from north... we´re now between a hammer and anvil...(sounds of explosions)

                  Sh*t!... what´s that!... God damn!... copters, but it can´t be...
                  they are blasting our forward lines into bits and pieces...We have to retreat...

                  Now one of their copters is hovering over our central lines... Sh*t, that thing is hard to hit...

                  the damn copter is dropping something... mindworms!... they´re raining on us...the central lines in panic!We have to retreat!...(Shouting to someone else)Shoot that thing out of the sky now, or I´ll shoot you!

                  (A huge explosion)The copter is down!... Sh*t!, the mindworms are pouring out of it!...

                  We are retreating now!…(gun fire and a shattering of a window)…(Someone else)Commander… Commander!…

                  Battle report
                  From:Commander Finhal, 1st Synth.rovers
                  To:Colonel Santiago

                  This is Commander Finhal, I´ve taken command after Commander Hardion was killed in action.

                  We have retreated about 100km east, the peacekeepers stopped following us about 20km ago.
                  Our casualties are two whole units: the 1st Laser unit was almost completely destroyed and the 3rd Laser unit was devoured by the mindworms.
                  All of the other units got extensive damage, and we have to go as soon as possible for repairs.The peacekeepers got lots of damage too.They´ve got maybe one unit left and it has taken heavy casualties.
                  Damn, without those copters and mindworms, we would have easily won that battle.

                  We are now heading towards War outpost.

                  [This message has been edited by Cyber (edited October 26, 2000).]
                  [This message has been edited by Cyber (edited October 26, 2000).]


                  • #24
                    University Sun-Governor

                    Terrorist attack in University Base!

                    Production on the next division of laser rovers has come to a standstill today as terrorists bombed a production factory, destroying all the stockpiled parts that where due to be assembled a day later.

                    Factory foreman Richard Geue-Jenkins started that 'Weeks of labour has been destroyed with this attack, we are basically back at stage one.'

                    Therre was no loss of life, though damages are reported to be severe.

                    A full report continues on page 2

                    OOC-Sorry, we have a newspaper here the mind ,must have slipped

                    [This message has been edited by XWaste (edited October 27, 2000).]


                    • #25
                      OOC: XWaste: the paper is the University Sun-Governor just for your information

                      University Sun-Governor
                      Volume 17, Issue 125

                      Terrorist attack in University Base!

                      Contd from page 1

                      "The terrorist attack will not be unpunished" The chief of Security, Samuel Geddings-Howe commented. "We will have dragnets set up all around; however our police force is largely understaffed."

                      He went on to ask for more funding for more protection.
                      Zakharov spoke at the press conference, "The explosive device was supposedly made by the Morganites; however I suspect different, I suspect that the Cyborgs are behind the recent terrorist attack."

                      Despite the slowing of production; all plans are going ahead to ready antoher unit of Laser Rovers.

                      Colonization Pod

                      The colonization pod based in Inspiration Point will take off for colonization as soon as the Cyborgs or Morganites are destroyed.

                      For now they are based in a secure area of Inspiration Point.

                      [This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited November 03, 2000).]
                      -->Visit CGN!
                      -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                      • #26
                        Ooc: Why haven't the Cyborgs attacked?

                        Message to Aca. Zakharov
                        From: Chief of Security Samuel Geddings-Howe
                        Subject: The troops have arrived

                        The new 'mindworm' troops, promised to us by planetmind have arrived and are ready to be studied by our scientists.

                        However I will take all precautions to make sure that the ordinary populace and spies do not know of the arrival of these new troops.

                        -->Visit CGN!
                        -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                        • #27
                          OOC: My troops are there to secure the Manifold Nexus. Not to be studied.
                          I ordered mindworms to attack Spartan bases but nothing has been said!?!?

                          Dream to Commissioner Lal...

                          I have a suprise for you. Others have survived. Others from the Unity. One of them almost sees how you see. With your permission I would like to introduce them. I have set up a perimeter around the Isle of Peace. You will be protected.

                          ""Planetisles, do not fight the EarthPirates directly. Now just protect the Isle of Peace. Keep all ships away.""

                          Dream to Capt. Svensgaard...

                          I am sorry for the violence but...A Planetisle...was hurt by a EarthPirate...and we...thought it was intentional. I have rescued some of the survivors from the Earthbase you called Safe Haven. They will be delivered to the nearest base.

                          Dream to Datajack Roze...

                          If Earthmorgan does not want you, move.

                          OOC: I belive contacting Planetmind through artificial means is still far in the future, even for Cyborgs.

                          Second Dream to Commissioner Lal...

                          What did the Unity look like?
                          [This message has been edited by Christantine The Great (edited October 26, 2000).]
                          "I agree with everything i've heard you recently say-I hereby applaud Christantine The Great's rapid succession of good calls."-isaac brock
                          "This has to be one of the most impressive accomplishments in the history of Apolyton, well done Chris"-monkspider (Refering to my Megamix summary)
                          "You are redoing history by replaying the civs that made history."-Me


                          • #28

                            You will let me control the Manifold Nexus. I am willing to give you 5 Planetworms that you may study and attempt to breed.

                            This is your direct quote; So I believe that the Planetworm units are to be studied.

                            You also should not have more than roughly 15 planetworm units and 5 fungal spores on the continent of Zakharov etc considering its size. But perhaps you have more Chirstantine.

                            [This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited October 26, 2000).]
                            [This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited October 26, 2000).]
                            -->Visit CGN!
                            -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                            • #29
                              OOC: No.

                              I will be sending two Planetworm clusters to the Manifold Nexus now. They will have larval Planetworms with them for you.

                              There would be two mindworm clusters to secure the Manifold Nexus AND give you specimens for study. 5 single mindworms, not clusters.
                              "I agree with everything i've heard you recently say-I hereby applaud Christantine The Great's rapid succession of good calls."-isaac brock
                              "This has to be one of the most impressive accomplishments in the history of Apolyton, well done Chris"-monkspider (Refering to my Megamix summary)
                              "You are redoing history by replaying the civs that made history."-Me


                              • #30
                                OOC: whoa there, Safe Haven is still around, not going to condemn my capital that easily geez and Svensgaard would of died with it too. Was a accidental dream to planetmind from Captain svensgaard...more like a Nightmare of nonsence...trying to describe blurry scenes in the dream. planetmind... was the key dream scene that would get Planetminds attention, so receives rest of the dreams. sorry, should of done a OOC to explain it. Thought the message to Aki Zeta-Five would of explained it. Also refered the Cult of Planet too.... Was a nightmare, dream of the destruction of faction by planetmind or/and this pinked eyed child worried him. next time, will make sure i make my confusing parts explained

