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commments on "The Spartan Chronicles" (vol. 3)

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  • #61

    There are a number of units available. The 469th (which consist of 2 elite infantry and one armor) are currently folded into the Spartan offensive against the Hive. Korn started the 469th, but he pretty much retired. I don't think he'd mind as long as you don't make them pansies who drink lattes and discuss what type of tea they like with their scones. Likewise, the amphibs are currently in Yangland are are available. The largest force in Yangland is Lightning Strike, which is armor with air support. Back at home still licking their wounds is Rolling Thunder, based at Assassin's Redoubt.

    There isn't much of a PK military, although they could have one any time Lal gets off his duff. He has all of the tech he needs to field a force that is technically on par with the Spartans and Hive (shard fusion). However, they will have poor morale since he has essentially no morale enhancing facilities. That might be a core of an interesting story, either from the green troops or good troops with an incompetent commander. Just imagine that their commander dies (oops - must have slipped, Sarge!)) and they essentially get a morale upgrade due to 'combat'! By comparison the Spartans have Command Nexus and Cyborg Facory (plus their intrinsic morale bonus). With Power they are at or near Elites.

    Yang is pretty decimated at the moment. The Spartan air force pretty much destroyed his offensive and defensive front during their blitz, and what is left hunkered down at The Hive to defend their SPs. All that prevented (and continues to prevent) the Spartans from taking his last few bases from him are the Usurper singularity neutronium defenders. However, I hinted that he has some brand new shard fusion nerve gas choppers almost ready. It must be SO tempting for Yang with Great Clustering, Miriam, and Domai within eyeshot, lightly defended, and with drop troops available. Likewise, he would have a shot at the nearer Spartan-held Hive bases, except that they are defended by one or two interceptors (which make mincemeat of attack choppers).

    So, there are LOTS of opportunities! If you like you are welcome to take over Rolling Thunder (a group of armored rovers) from me. My characters from that thread are essentially retired (with Markus and Mary being married at Assassin's Redoubt) and Rao is probably promoted by now. You could also take over some of the Spartan units at the Hive front, although any gains they make now will be very costly.

    My suggestion is to choose a faction that you think has a story to tell. The wonderful thing about SC is that there is lots of room for stories, whether they are central to the plot or not (I write a lot of the 'or not' type).

    Welcome aboard!!



    • #62
      I was looking at the map which I finally downloaded only to realise how bad my SC geography really was! (From Fellowship City to Free Drone Central on foot! What was I thinking!) Anyways, I was looking for the new Gaian base (Gaia Revered I believe) and couldn't find it on the map. Is it in the monsoon jungle, and if so is it north or south of the other base already there. Just curious to see if anybody knew, as I have some plans in mind. The thought of looking back through was very daunting when I noticed that I have over forty pages typed of all my SC files. And you're keeping track of all this Googlie?????? So tell me, we beat "War and Peace" yet?

      Jason the Argonaut
      "I like horses. Thank You."
      -Daniel MacIvor

      "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


      • #63

        Gaia Revered is on map co-ordinate 41/55, the site of an earlier base that was obliterated my morgan in the Morgan-Gaian war (Actual base doesn't appear on the first two maps) I've established a 1/1/2226 map with all the reverted bases and the new drone/cc/gaia/progenitor bases filled in (hampered a bit by the map being on smac, so had to use sea colony pods to represent the progenitor bases but have nowhere to post it since I lost the password for my site

        The 4 progenitor bases are just south of nessus canyon on that small continent, while the Gaian new base is inland on the continent above and to the right of Morgan territory (8 tiles north and two west of the top tip of the Borehole cluster)

        There is a Gaian base in the middle of the Monsoon Jungle (just east of the river bend)

        Hope this helps


        PS: Just e-mailed you the SC2226 map with all the latest changes


        [This message has been edited by Googlie (edited July 17, 2000).]


        • #64

          If you do choose a Spartan unit, please feel free to stage them at Great Clustering - it's conveniently close to the front. They don't have to be under Believer command, since pacted units can enter friendly cities freely. Miriam would be well aware of the vulnerability of the valuable base, and would welcome any visiting troops (they may feel pressured to attend the Sunday services though ).

          Hydro: FWIW, noting from Googlie's map, the base is safe from drop troop capture due to the Aerospace Complex contained within. If an AAA-equipped infantry unit just happens to take up residence there, that should also make short work of gas copters.

          Anyone: If anyone has an opening to give Sister Jessica practical probe experience sometime soon, I'd like to take them up on it.


          • #65
            Finally gave up on the 'locked-out' Googlie's Garage.

            Buiult a new site with the Spartan Chronicles downloads;


            Apart from the current volume, which will be posted to the site soon, and needing to work on Book 5 to make it more manageable, the maps are all there.

            I'll be adding Hydro's timeline as well.

            Any other additions needed?



            • #66
              Good show Googlie, I'm downloading it now. Let us know if you need mirror sites.

              P.S. Argo and Googlie - I must say it's been a real pleasure interweaving plot threads with you. I'm looking forward to seeing what Googlie (the character) will do w.r.t Zak. His eventual trial will be a very interesting read I have no doubt.

              BTW, how many / which writers are still considered "active"? How many estimated readers? And should Lochaber have to apply for Canadian citizenship to start writing? .


              • #67

                You are a real SC scholar to remember the obscure Bob and Alice reference. Kudos! You, Argo and Googlie have done a wonderful job of interweaving your plotlines, doing Miriam, Domai and Zak justice, too! It's nice to see someone besides Morgan, Santiago, and Yang hogging the stage.

                Jessica wants a little probe action? Paul is putting a multi-pronged action together to rescue Anastasia. Maybe Jessica would like to go along into Progenitor territory? Or she could tag along with some Gaian empaths that I have on their way to Progenitor-land.

                And now that Googlie's Garage is back in action I suppose I can't put off the Timeline anymore. I've had Book 2 essentially done for quite a while but haven't gotten off my duff to get it finalized. Googlie, let me know what format is best, such as Word 2000. You don't want to download the version I posted on Apolyton, since it destroyed the tabs and made it a mess. A boiled down version is in the works, too.


                P.S. - If Canada would just annex the greater Chicago area then I could be a Canadian, too! Maybe, if I'm lucky, I'll be an honorary Canadian one-day.


                • #68
                  Hydro-> Don't worry Hydro. I'm sure I speak for everyone here when I say that you're an honourary Canadian as far as we're all concerned. Of course, now you have to be real polite to everyone and only drink good Canadian beer Oh, and remember it's colour and centre

                  Googlie-> Senatus has brought up a good point, which I've kind of been forgetting to mention to you. As you may have guessed if you read my last post, Zak is headed your way. Hope you don't mind .

                  Jason the Argonaut
                  "I like horses. Thank You."
                  -Daniel MacIvor
                  [This message has been edited by Argonaut (edited July 18, 2000).]

                  "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


                  • #69

                    No problem (I didn't think it was General "Sweep" Patel Gupta speaking) - but a lot depends on whether Santiago gets Googlie ousted as Axis Civilian Adminstrator by the time the Acadamecian arrives


                    Putting a spin on it


                    • #70
                      I've added Book Six to the site, and a chat room.

                      If any authors are interested in a jam session on where the plotline is going, let's arrange a time to meet here.



                      [This message has been edited by Googlie (edited July 19, 2000).]


                      • #71
                        Googlie?!?!?!?!?! Suggesting we not fly by the seat of our pants! What on Planet is happening
                        Just kidding, I'm interested although I will be out of the country without internet access as of Friday.

                        Jason the Argonaut
                        "I like horses. Thank You."
                        -Daniel MacIvor

                        "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


                        • #72
                          Well, that's my last post until I get back from vacation. I'll be back in a couple of weeks and Roze and Zak will be up to their old tricks again, I promise. (I sound like a dork, don't I?) Anyways, don't post too much because I'm going to have two weeks to catch up on when I come back! See you in two.

                          Oh, and Googlie. I hope you don't mind me borrowing your character there. You're just too important to get around!

                          " <i> People want to believe what they see is true, even if it's only for the time they are in the playhouse. That's what theatre is, don't you understand? Showing people what they wish were true. </i>"
                          -Robertson Davies "World of Wonders"

                          "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


                          • #73

                            Originally posted by Googlie on 07-19-2000 08:45 AM
                            I've added Book Six to the site, and a chat room.

                            If any authors are interested in a jam session on where the plotline is going, let's arrange a time to meet here.

                            Great feature! I would enjoy a group chat. It'll have to be after Argo gets back, and before I'm completely focused on my upcoming wedding. Somehow, I kinda think my fiancee would not appreciate me logging in during our honeymoon in September .


                            • #74
                              Googlie, nice "catch" w.r.t. the UN base expedition to Usurper-land.

                              The sea base is a pretty good idea, one I myself hadn't thought of, but it renders the base immune to easy Usurper counter-offensives as well as probe action from the Circle. Might be useful for the upcoming mission to liberate Stazi, too.

                              Oh well, put it down to Santiago being too angry with Scott to suggest the most optimum placement . FWIW, when she hears about it, she'd agree it was an improvement to the original idea. P'd off as she is, she still admits that Googlie has a first-class military mind, unlike Lal.


                              • #75
                                Tinkered with the map (after I learned how to use the editor - LOL - what an education)

                                Tried to bring it semi up-to-date re techs and units (e.g. we know that the PK's have magline technology, etc)

                                Also placed Thera Keep where Virilneus had it - just south of Sparta Command, in the mountains - and added a monolith (I need it for the plotline)

                                You can download the map at:


                                (Or click on my home page icon above, I guess)


                                [This message has been edited by Googlie (edited July 22, 2000).]

