There are a number of units available. The 469th (which consist of 2 elite infantry and one armor) are currently folded into the Spartan offensive against the Hive. Korn started the 469th, but he pretty much retired. I don't think he'd mind as long as you don't make them pansies who drink lattes and discuss what type of tea they like with their scones. Likewise, the amphibs are currently in Yangland are are available. The largest force in Yangland is Lightning Strike, which is armor with air support. Back at home still licking their wounds is Rolling Thunder, based at Assassin's Redoubt.
There isn't much of a PK military, although they could have one any time Lal gets off his duff. He has all of the tech he needs to field a force that is technically on par with the Spartans and Hive (shard fusion). However, they will have poor morale since he has essentially no morale enhancing facilities. That might be a core of an interesting story, either from the green troops or good troops with an incompetent commander. Just imagine that their commander dies (oops - must have slipped, Sarge!)) and they essentially get a morale upgrade due to 'combat'! By comparison the Spartans have Command Nexus and Cyborg Facory (plus their intrinsic morale bonus). With Power they are at or near Elites.
Yang is pretty decimated at the moment. The Spartan air force pretty much destroyed his offensive and defensive front during their blitz, and what is left hunkered down at The Hive to defend their SPs. All that prevented (and continues to prevent) the Spartans from taking his last few bases from him are the Usurper singularity neutronium defenders. However, I hinted that he has some brand new shard fusion nerve gas choppers almost ready. It must be SO tempting for Yang with Great Clustering, Miriam, and Domai within eyeshot, lightly defended, and with drop troops available. Likewise, he would have a shot at the nearer Spartan-held Hive bases, except that they are defended by one or two interceptors (which make mincemeat of attack choppers).
So, there are LOTS of opportunities! If you like you are welcome to take over Rolling Thunder (a group of armored rovers) from me. My characters from that thread are essentially retired (with Markus and Mary being married at Assassin's Redoubt) and Rao is probably promoted by now. You could also take over some of the Spartan units at the Hive front, although any gains they make now will be very costly.
My suggestion is to choose a faction that you think has a story to tell. The wonderful thing about SC is that there is lots of room for stories, whether they are central to the plot or not (I write a lot of the 'or not' type).
Welcome aboard!!
There are a number of units available. The 469th (which consist of 2 elite infantry and one armor) are currently folded into the Spartan offensive against the Hive. Korn started the 469th, but he pretty much retired. I don't think he'd mind as long as you don't make them pansies who drink lattes and discuss what type of tea they like with their scones. Likewise, the amphibs are currently in Yangland are are available. The largest force in Yangland is Lightning Strike, which is armor with air support. Back at home still licking their wounds is Rolling Thunder, based at Assassin's Redoubt.
There isn't much of a PK military, although they could have one any time Lal gets off his duff. He has all of the tech he needs to field a force that is technically on par with the Spartans and Hive (shard fusion). However, they will have poor morale since he has essentially no morale enhancing facilities. That might be a core of an interesting story, either from the green troops or good troops with an incompetent commander. Just imagine that their commander dies (oops - must have slipped, Sarge!)) and they essentially get a morale upgrade due to 'combat'! By comparison the Spartans have Command Nexus and Cyborg Facory (plus their intrinsic morale bonus). With Power they are at or near Elites.
Yang is pretty decimated at the moment. The Spartan air force pretty much destroyed his offensive and defensive front during their blitz, and what is left hunkered down at The Hive to defend their SPs. All that prevented (and continues to prevent) the Spartans from taking his last few bases from him are the Usurper singularity neutronium defenders. However, I hinted that he has some brand new shard fusion nerve gas choppers almost ready. It must be SO tempting for Yang with Great Clustering, Miriam, and Domai within eyeshot, lightly defended, and with drop troops available. Likewise, he would have a shot at the nearer Spartan-held Hive bases, except that they are defended by one or two interceptors (which make mincemeat of attack choppers).
So, there are LOTS of opportunities! If you like you are welcome to take over Rolling Thunder (a group of armored rovers) from me. My characters from that thread are essentially retired (with Markus and Mary being married at Assassin's Redoubt) and Rao is probably promoted by now. You could also take over some of the Spartan units at the Hive front, although any gains they make now will be very costly.
My suggestion is to choose a faction that you think has a story to tell. The wonderful thing about SC is that there is lots of room for stories, whether they are central to the plot or not (I write a lot of the 'or not' type).
Welcome aboard!!