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Rollcall and Rules...

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  • #16
    The University, Morganites and Data Angels 'should' be in the area of Pholus Ridge, The Ruins, Sea of Chiron, Great Marine Rift.

    Below them in the Freshwater Sea and Howling Straits.

    I have the Prima Games map so if you name a landmass I will know aobut where you started.

    University Base- Pop 120,000 is located near The Ruins
    South of it is University Research Station- Pop 60,000 and East of University Base is- Outpost 01- Pop 20,000

    The Crossfire factions have a starting population of 100,000 each.
    -->Visit CGN!
    -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


    • #17
      ...The University, Morganites and Data Angels 'should' be in the area of Pholus Ridge, The Ruins, Sea of Chiron, Great Marine Rift...
      Should? Is this based on the the story 'arrival'? (from firaxis) Because if it is, I got the impression that the university discovered the manifold nexus, not the ruins.

      We don't have to stick to the story though.

      If people want to stick to the story then these notes might be helpful

      the peacekeepers and the spartans start on one continent, separate from the others, and are at war.

      the university, believers and gaians (at least) start on the continent with the manifold nexus, with the believers probably between the two others. Guesses are that the gaians start in that fertile area SW of the uranium flats and the university probably starts on the eastern side of the garland crater. I would say miriam has at least some territory along the south coast of landing bay.

      The morganites and hive could also be crammed on this continent, but I think they are south on the land mass with the fresh water sea. The hive is near the unity wreckage, and either northwards up the pholus ridge, or down on the western side of the fresh water sea. Morgan is on the other side, maybe as far east as to be under the mouth of hercules and straits of prometheus.

      who breaks from who

      pirates - morgan (part of M's fleet, break away once they attack uni ship going from MN to uni base near garland)
      data angels - morgan
      cult of planet - gaians
      drones - many say hive but though foreman domai may have been hive, they are ammassed of disgruntled drones from all the factions.
      CC - hive (hive download a salvaged memory unit which contains zeta five, who then creates her followers from hive dead)

      Anyway, we dont have to stick to the official line


      • #18
        DarkCloud - if that's the map from the Prima SMAC guide, keep in mind it doesn't have the xfire landmarks, and is also the standard size map, not huge (little difference, but there is some)


        • #19

          50% - labs
          50% - economy


          • #20
            ...The University, Morganites and Data Angels 'should' be in the area of Pholus Ridge, The Ruins, Sea of Chiron, Great Marine Rift...
            Should? Is this based on the the story 'arrival'? (from firaxis) Because if it is, I got the impression that the university discovered the manifold nexus, not the ruins.

            Way i see it, University and the Morganites are neighbours...not side by side yet, but will when territory expands... Data Angels splits off not very far away from the two....

            We don't have to stick to the story though.

            we can, just modify it a bit.

            If people want to stick to the story then these notes might be helpful

            the peacekeepers and the spartans start on one continent, separate from the others, and are at war.

            in Arrival, spartans had Tanks and there was NeedleJets, no? Anyway, them neighbours is good too, but hive maybe not very far away from peacekeepers....

            the university, believers and gaians (at least) start on the continent with the manifold nexus, with the believers probably between the two others. Guesses are that the gaians start in that fertile area SW of the uranium flats and the university probably starts on the eastern side of the garland crater. I would say miriam has at least some territory along the south coast of landing bay.

            Ain't the Gains around the ruins area?

            The morganites and hive could also be crammed on this continent, but I think they are south on the land mass with the fresh water sea. The hive is near the unity wreckage, and either northwards up the pholus ridge, or down on the western side of the fresh water sea. Morgan is on the other side, maybe as far east as to be under the mouth of hercules and straits of prometheus.

            who breaks from who

            pirates - morgan (part of M's fleet, break away once they attack uni ship going from MN to uni base near garland

            Thought they landed in a Sea pod?

            Anyway, let me do a draft and will send to all who have replied to the roll call, also ones that asks and tell me what you think. Will have in AX map file and world view on gif/jpg (where i can easily change colors for crossfire bases...



            • #21
              Got any space (or patience) for new players?I got the impression that is somekind of roleplaying game based on smac,just the basic rules are a unclear to me.So,
              could anybody explain me how this game is played?


              • #22
                Cyber: YES...JOIN!!!
                Read through this thread to get some basic ideas - there aren't a whole heap of set in concrete rules, basically you adopt a faction and then report what your faction does through media broadcasts like newspaper articles, etc (use your imagination).
                I guess the main focus in the game is diplomacy, so you have to be aware of how your faction interacts with the others.
                DarkCloud and LordLMP are the GM's, so they will tell you if anything is unacceptable, as well as presenting random events that you will have to respond to.
                The idea for this game came from a something called world 2000 (I think) so you can check out how it worked here World 2000:

                If you are new to smacx then I suggest reading the two stories 'journey' and 'arrival' which you can get from the firaxis smac website. This will give you a good feeling for the different faction leaders and sets the groundwork for the story which this game will be (loosely) based on.

                So pick a faction and join in.


                • #23
                  No, I hope we do NOT use the official story any further than when talking about which faction splits off from whom.

                  Hopefully everyone will decide on their own where they want their faction to start.
                  If LMP wishes for them to do that then it is okay, otherwise LMP and Myself will choose where the other factions start.

                  but for now the University is in the farthest north, then the Morganites/Data Angels.

                  All else is undecided in geography as of yet.

                  Okay Cyber, which faction would you wish to choose?

                  There are two stories for Ulrki's Pirates faction.
                  1. Seapod
                  2. Breakoff from Morgan

                  The seapod one is more tangible I suppose for the year we are starting in.
                  -->Visit CGN!
                  -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                  • #24
                    ok, so University, Morgans and Data Angels in same continent as the The Ruins and Pholus Ridge?

                    Yes, rather pirates got to planet in a sea pod. Data Angels from Morgans, some followers from University.... Free Drones from Hive...some followers from other places....Cult from the Gaians, maybe some followers from other places.

                    Anyway, as pirates, first faction that as a navy and no other faction knows of their existance yet.....until later on when they start having ships of their owns and get them stolan



                    • #25
                      I´ll be with the Spartans.Could you explain me, who and how will decide the overcome of a battle?


                      Labs 50%
                      Economy 50%

                      So whats up with the map situation?

                      [This message has been edited by Cyber (edited September 12, 2000).]


                      • #26
                        Well, if you want to attack someone, just write a newsflash or whatever that the Spartans are attacking the Peacekeepers with this sort of units, from where, how they are attacking, tactics, strategy and so on.

                        Player (or GM if no one is currently playing Peacekeepers) will post a defence or whatever

                        something like that.

                        DarkCloud, what do you think?
                        Also follow the examples of battles situations in World 2000 thing. Especially the India taking Tibet from China and the situation thing at Panama Canal and so on.




                        • #27
                          Hmmm... The war formula will be decided on a few factors.

                          One thing which I believe should be required is for you to write in a post what your faction is producing, in a seperate forum in each of your cities. It will take x number of turns to produce each thing.

                          Remember we do not want it to be too complicated so if that seems to complicated perhaps we should just make it whatever the author wants his forces to do (within reason)

                          P.S. I believe the game should start tommorrow, what do you think [Lord LMP], are you for starting it the 13th, if so please create a topic for it.

                          Remember Players can STILL join.

                          -->Visit CGN!
                          -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                          • #28
                            ...One thing which I believe should be required is for you to write in a post what your faction is producing, in a seperate forum in each of your cities. It will take x number of turns to produce each thing...

                            Wouldn't it be better just to post when something is complete - after all, the opening of a new facility would be a newsworthy event. The moderators could determine if someone is building too quickly.

                            regarding turns - is a turn a (real) day, or a game turn (one mission year, which will take 26 days to complete)

                            battle resolutions - the way I see it, when attacking a weak force with a strong one you can probably quite confidantly write a victory article. When the forces are more evenly matched then you should probably write an account of the battle plans, giving time for a defence plan to be written by the other faction. The moderators should then decide the outcome.

                            Should we start without a map - I don't have a start position yet.


                            • #29
                              Each (real) day is equal to three weeks.

                              What your faction is producing should be required in a seperate post. (it will take x turns)

                              the rest of the ideas are good.


                              University,Data Angels/Morganites/Peacekeepers all on one continent in that order.

                              In the sea are the Pirates
                              Across the sea are the Spartans/Hive/Cybernetic/Free Drones
                              -->Visit CGN!
                              -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                              • #30
                                How about University/Data Angels/Cybernetic/Morgan on the same continent...thinking maybe the middle continent, with the Uranium Flat and the Manifold Nexus.

                                Spartans/Hive/Peacekeepers/Free Drones on one with the Mongoon Jungle, Desert.

                                Then Gaians/Believers/Cult on the western continent which haves The Ruins and Freshwater Sea. For the Pirates, in some sea.

                                Agree all? makes more sence to me Makes up nice combos and the split off factions are on the same continent as the faction they split off from.

                                I know cybernetic may of been discovered by the Hive in Arrival, but like Dark Cloud says, we are not basing on the story and Hive won't be situated on the continent with the wreckage Can say Zak brought Alpha with him and she broke off with other borgs that been experimented on.
                                better to have the Peacekeepers with the Spartans and Hive what a nice interesting place it will be


