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University Saga

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  • University Saga

    University Saga (c) 2000
    Dark Cloud (

    NOTES: This story begins strange and gets stranger with every chapter's addition
    I hope that you enjoy it.
    P.S: All titles are names of Popular Songs, Movies or Computer Games

    Chapter I "Tomorrow Never Dies"
    (Otherwise known as the Comedy section of this story)
    Year 2045 P.Y. 45
    Decurn 16 Day 10

    Academician Prokhor Zakharov asked his chief advisor, (The man formerly known as the man
    formerly known as "Prince") Zwiziaona, to bring in the prisoner, which Zwiziaona did
    The prisoner thrashed around for a few moments until addressed by the Great
    Zakharov himself. "So Mr. Bondt," he began "You thought it would be good luck for yourself
    to name yourself after a B-Movie hero of the 1960's to the 2020's did you." Zakharov
    smiled "Well, you thought wrong."
    Bondt then replied "You'll never get anything from me, however, tell me your plans
    perhaps and then I'll tell you something."
    Zakharov looked a bit more than mildly annoyed as he responded
    "What do you take me for- an idiot."
    "No," Bondt replied, "I take you for a prize idiot."
    Zakharov looked shocked and then ordered Zwiziaona, who was leaning on the wall
    for lack of a walker (well he was over 100), to take the man known as Bondt to his cell.
    Zwiziaona replied "Sorry, I can't do that Prokhor." And then collapsed in a heap.
    Bondt stared at the man and then leapt to his feet and began to strangle Zakharov with
    his chains which were around his wrists.
    "Gworurikaksa" Zakharov mumbled, causing Bondt to quit applying pressure and ask
    "What did you say?" Zakharov responded by way of picking up a 'Smartest Person in the Galaxy'
    award and bashing Bondt several times over the head with it.
    When he had bludgeoned Bondt to the ground, he pressed a button and called, "Room
    Service, you may want to pick up a possibly dead Peacekeeper Probe Team leader from the floor
    of my office." Zakharov soon left to go to a meeting to make a speech about his new book-
    "Why I am Smarter than You"
    They responded to the order quickly and promptly, however, they picked up the
    wrong person; and took a near-dead from a heart attack Zwiziaona (The man formerly known as the
    man formerly known as "Prince") to the torture chambers.
    So, six hours later Tim Bondt awoke from the shag carpeted floor of Prokhor Zakharov's
    office with a splitting headache. However, he still managed to make a passing joke
    "Bloody red blood." he said cynically. Then he headed over to Zakharov's desk and rifled through
    his drawers until he found what he had come for. "This will fetch a pretty penny." He
    thought and headed out of Zakharov's office into the hall where he was confronted by an
    armored security guard who grunted out "Hey-You-Where-You-Go-Give Password-To-Go."
    Bondt thought, 'Well, it would make sense for the University to make the stupider
    people security guards, since they have no concern for safety, only research.'
    He answered the guard quickly "Where I am going does not concern you and why should
    I give the password to you, YOU may be a member of a probe team which only wants to know
    the password so they can further infiltrate this base, so tell me WHY I shouldn't report YOU?"
    "Uhhhhh...." The security guard began while pondering this response. "You can pass." He
    said and then wandered away scratching his head. "Stupid idiot." Bondt thought as he
    watched the guard walk away, then he was struck down flat by the opening of an office door.
    "Yes Ida, I will have the data on Planetary Mindworms in a few weeks, if you would
    be so kind to leave me alone for the next few days, it may even be done sooner..." The man's
    voice trailed off as he saw the sprawled body of Tim Bondt lying on the marble flooring.
    He immediately ran off screaming for the nearest doctor to show himself, while the
    woman, Ida calmly walked down the hallway and pushed the "Call Doctor" button.
    Within a few hours Tim Bondt was inside a hospital, where, once he was conscious
    the doctors pounced upon him asking if he had insurance of any kind and if so would he
    be so kind to show it. He told them no and that he needed no hospital assistance. However,
    the second part of his sentence was not needed as within seconds the doctors had forcibly
    pushed him out the first-story window of the hospital.
    He stood at the bottom of the hospital, stunned, while doctors began to string
    arrows in the operating room where he had been laying, and, rather than stick around
    and find out just what was going to be the target, he began to run. (Yes, he was completely
    healed, strange to believe, but, hey, he's a Probe Team Leader.)
    It took him a few minutes to reach a safe hiding place, behind a bar, however, he
    soon found that it was not so safe, as seconds upon reaching the place, a bakers dozen of
    burly looking thugs descended upon him with baseball bats uttering words not printable in this
    publication and asking for his "dough" or money as those of you not acquainted with slang
    should interpret this as.
    So, Bondt sprang in to action, acting upon his training in the martial arts. Well, to
    spare you all the bloody details, hours later, Bondt was once again lying in a hospital bed,
    until one doctor recognized him as the 'idiot with no insurance' So, after a rude awakening,
    he was once again dropped out of the hospital window.
    When he hit the ground he checked his pockets and found the documents were missing,
    the secret unit movement orders from Prokhor Zakharov were MISSING!! He knew that he was done
    for unless he could get those papers back, but he didn't know where to start looking, and,
    he wasn't feeling all that well anyway.

    Chapter II "What Dreams May Come"
    (Otherwise known as the Prison Chapter)
    (Otherwise known as the Strange Dream of the Bakers Dozen)
    Decurn 17 Day 1

    That night, lying outside of the "Prokhor Zakharov's Sister’s Memorial Hospital"
    Bondt had a very interesting dream about a Grinch and how he aspired to steal Christmas, but
    that is not the dream which we are about to discuss, it is the dream which the bakers dozen
    of thugs who beat up Bondt had the night of their crime.
    Their dream began with a pixie figure of Prokhor Zakharov (Authors Note: This is
    just plain WRONG!) speaking to them about the papers which they had stolen from the
    weakling of a person 'Tim Bondt'. He told them that they were to deliver the papers, which
    none of them had read, (makes sense, they were all illiterate, otherwise they would be in
    a lab right now instead of turning to crime) Well, back to the start, he, Zakharov Pixie 1,
    told them that the papers which they had should be returned immediately to Prokhor Zakharov.
    Soon after completing the dream they woke up and discussed amongst themselves what
    to do with the papers.

    Chapter (II 2/5) "Unforgiven"
    (Zwiziaona's Harsh Tale)

    "I tell you," Chief Advisor in Musical and other Interesting Affairs Zwiziaona began,
    "I am NOT Tim Bondt, you only have to call Prokhor Zakharov to find that out!" "Sure, sure,"
    one told him- "And I'm Commissioner Lal from Pansy Land" "Well," Zwiziaona began, "You have
    his character quite right." The man then whipped him with an electronic whip. "Quiet!"
    "I have been told to torture you, but since you just had a heart-attack, I have to wait
    10 days." "Ahhh, yes, the ten day waiting period." Zwiziaona began "Ingenious of me to
    initiate it, no?" "Shut up!" His captor rudely screamed at him.

    -To be continued in "Forgiven"

    Chapter (II 3/5) "Blazing Saddles"
    (Zakharov is Raging Mad)

    "He did WHAT!@#(!$*" Zakharov screamed at the security guard.
    "Well, he passed by me-I-Think." The guard stepped back, awed at the anger of his Superior.
    Zakharov then screamed at the jailer "Well then who the H@(% Is in the jail!"
    The jailer then replied "Well, sir, I- don't really know." He paused "Would you like me
    to find out?" "Yes I would like you to #*#&$(% FIND OUT!" Zakharov screamed at him,
    "Now BEGONE!!!" While exiting the jailer ran into a hurried youngster who carried a message.
    The youngster pushed past him and ran up to Prokhor Zakharov, rudely interrupting
    him in the midst of a conversation with the guard. "SIR ZAKHAROV SIR. I HAVE NEWS SIR.
    SIR NEWS SIR IS DEIDRE IS INTENT UPON MARRYING LAL SIR!" Zakharov dismissed him with a
    wave of his hand then went back to speaking with the guard. Seconds passed.
    "SHE IS WHAT!" He roared, realizing the complications that would arise soon mecause of what the messenger had just told him.

    Chapter (II 4/5) "Forgiven"
    (Zwiziaona is 'saved' from life in prison)

    "Imhoteb! Free that prisoner so we can bring him up to Zakharov!" The head
    jailer yelled at Imhoteb, the jailer who was watching over Zwiziaona. "Yes sir."
    He replied and undid Zwiziaona's manacles only to find- a lifeless body. The jailer
    gaped open-mouthed and uttered the words. "That man is the Academian's personal advisor."
    (Narration: And so Zwiziaona sat FORGIVEN for a crime which he did not commit, however
    the fate of the jailer is shrouded in mystery as he disappeared shortly after the fiasco,
    supposedly to join a suicide-squad readying to infiltrate the Hive. Little else is known."

    Chapter (II 5/5) "What You Want"
    (The Return of the Battle Plans)

    And thus, because of the prophetic dream, the thugs returned the battle plans to
    Zakharov who cuddled them in his arms protectively while interrogating the thugs about
    whom they had stolen the plans from.
    They then answered carefully that they had stolen them from 'some guy who
    said his name was 'Bondt'. And that was all Zakharov needed to know.

    Chapter III "A Connecticut Peacekeeper In Queen Deidre's Court"
    (Otherwise Known as The Romantic Chapter)
    Decurn 18 Day 5

    And so on the day of the marriage Deidre looked happily upon her subjects and
    friends from the other factions on planet. Everyone was there, well, everyone except for
    the strange Aliens and Shen-Ji Yang, but that was to be expected.
    Zakharov looked surly, dressed in his suit and tie, obviously disgusted at the
    concept of a political marriage between two of the most powerful factions. Miriam looked
    a bit annoyed at having to attend a secular wedding, but appeared to be enduring it well.
    Aki-Zeta-Five looked a bit confused, but that was to be expected, she being a cyborg. Ulrik
    seemed distracted, looking about, nervous at the concentration of people. Domani seemed
    almost regal, standing in his orange, purple, and red robes. Roze, was, well, being Roze,
    she was gathering gossip from the others, at least those who would tolerate her. Cha Dawn
    was being reclusive, hiding in a corner of the audience, surrounded by his Sentinel Guards.
    Morgan sat talking to Santiago about a possible trade agreement, and Lal, Lal stood in all
    his beauty at his tent on the other side of the glen where the marriage was to be performed.
    Deidre waved to him and he waved back.
    However, all this harmony was about to change.

    Chapter (III 2/4) "The Jackal"
    (An Attempted Assassination)

    The assassin lurked in the shadows of the oak trees readying his Plasma-Sniper Gun.
    'This will be a clean shot," he thought, and smiled 'Yang has done well hiring me. He will
    get results here and now.' He held his Plasma-Sniper Gun to his shoulders and readied the
    eyesight peace. Lal stood completely in the dot, the assassin looked through the viewpiece
    and watched Lal wave at his bride-to-be, 'This will be easy' he thought as he squeezed the
    The bullet traveled at lightning speed across the glen towards Lal's neck until
    it hit its mark, a UN Escort Guard who just happened to be the Best Man, and was readying
    to escort Lal towards the dais where Lal would be wed. The man crumpled, dead, before Lal,
    who ran across the field towards Deidre.
    Chaos erupted in the glen, as all of the faction leaders who had been calmly sitting and
    standing in their assigned seats panicked to find a place safe from assassins bullets. The
    Gaians who had been invited also were going wild, looking for a safe place to hide. The few
    security guards at the event then showed themselves and sprayed bullets into the place where
    the first shot had come off.
    '*@$*!' "Jackal", as the assassin called himself screamed in his mind as his bullet hit
    the wrong target. He knew that he would only have a certain amount of time to escape so
    he took advantage of that little time, thus, by the time the bullets went searching after him,
    he had already climbed into a rover, sans Sniper Gun, and sped off down the highways of
    Gaia's Landing.
    Within minutes he had several Gaian Police Rovers on his tail, he turned to the right
    and attempted to lose them. He then drove up a building wall, not a small task indeed, and
    turned around his rover in midair, so that he flipped over the pursuing Police Rovers and
    escaped from their dragnet into the sunset.
    He headed out into the wild countryside of Gaia's Landing and thought to himself,
    "@*#*, Yang will have my head for this unless I do something to make it up to him."
    Within a couple of hours The Jackal had his plan

    -Continued in The Fugitive

    Chapter (III 3/4) "Riot Act"
    (A Postponement)

    In the hours following the attempted assassination several decisions were made.
    1. The wedding was postponed until further notice.
    2. All of the faction leaders except for Deidre's good friends, Lal, Miriam, and Roze
    left hastily for their own territory.
    3. Gaian and Peacekeeper Intelligence had determined the assassin to be "The Jackal", a
    freelancer assassin, kidnapper, etc. known to be in the employ of Chancellor Shen-Ji Yang.
    Lal, not in a good mood at all, immediately declared war on Yang, as did Deidre, angered
    at the attempted assassination of her future husband. Roze joined them, however, Miriam
    declined until something more positive than the knowledge that "The Jackal" was in employ
    of Yang before attacking, because, as she put it, she would not want to declare war on
    someone wrongfully accused. However, the real reason for her non-declaration was she did
    not have the resources to take on Yang without being obliterated.
    4. Messages were sent out to the other faction leaders to join the Peacekeepers, Gaians,
    and Data Angels in the obliteration of the Human Hive.
    5. Some returned messages
    Prophet Cha-Dawn
    "I am sorry that I cannot commit my precious people to your meaningless
    war. For Life is Dust and Dust is Life. The life of one does not matter
    the life of the whole and of Planet is all that does, for the whole
    preserves as Planet will, if proper precautions are taken."

    Academian Prokhor Zakharov
    "I am sorry that I cannot commit my resources at this time, for I have
    ... other pressing concerns."

    CEO Nwandbwe Morgan
    "It is not in the best interests of our economy at this time to cease
    trade with Chancellor Shen-Ji Yang. Of course, at such time it does,
    we will gladly join you in your war."

    Captain Ulrik Svensgaard
    "We cannot help at this time. In other words- You're on your own!"

    Prime Function Aki Zeta-Five
    "If the rewards are reciprocal for our services then we will join you in

    Colonel Corazon Santiago

    Foreman Domani

    Chapter (III 4/4) "The Fugitive"
    (An Explosion of Epic Proportions)

    'I WILL succeed' Thought "The Jackal" as he readied the explosives around the
    Gaian Hospital- "One With Planet" 'Yang may not be pleased with me, but,' he chuckled
    'killing off the sick and wounded of the Gaians will give him many laughs.'
    When the explosives were readied he stepped back into his rover and drove off
    a couple of blocks and then pushed a button in the rover.
    Bent steel and flaming wood flew down on the passers-by of "One With Planet"
    Hospital, and "The Jackal" smiled in approval of his handiwork, however when exiting
    the city and spying a checkpoint manned with at least 10 heavily armed Gaians, his
    smile quickly turned to a frown. He revved up his engine and headed toward the blockade...

    -To be continued in "Rollercoaster Tycoon"

    Chapter IV "Platoon"
    (Otherwise Known as The War Chapter)
    Decurn 19 Day 1

    Part I.

    "MEN" Barked Commander Lars Qod of the University. "TODAY WE WILL BE SETTING OUT
    ON A GREAT PATRIOTIC DUTY." He paused and continued softer now, "hopefully your training
    will pay off and you will perform admirably on the field as The 5th Fusion Guards of-" His
    voice picked up noticeably "ACADEMIAN PROKHOR ZAKHAROV!!" Cheers began to ring out.
    The Fusion Guards threw their hats into the air at the announcement and celebrated.
    Part II.

    "Hey!" Private Daniels yelled out to his fellow Peacekeepers. "It seems the
    University is sending reinforcements!" Cheers broke out as the Peacekeepers ran to meet
    the arriving University forces.
    There were no cheers when they soon met the full force of the University Fusion Guards.
    Within a few minutes the remnants of the 10th Peacekeeper Laser Guards surrendered to the
    University forces.
    The Peacekeeper Leader, General John Kerenovsky met with Commander Lars Qod to work
    out surrender terms in Qod's tent. After a wait of seven hours, he was received. However, his
    terms were ignored by Qod who scoffed at the idea of "Safe Passage to UN Headquarters."
    Just who were these Peaceepers anyway, the winners? Well they certainly
    thought they were. So, just to teach them a lesson, Qod sent them back with a small force,
    with the orders that they were to be used as 'test subjects.'
    Qod was still thinking of how stupid those #($* Peacekeepers were, when, a
    troubled lieutenant pushed his way into his field tent. "Qod sir," he began.
    "Yes, well then what is it?" Qod asked.
    "Sir," The Lieutenant reported. "Advance scouts have encountered a small unit of Hive
    Scout Rovers, outfitted with lasers." Qod cursed.
    "Sir, what would you have us do?" The Lieutenant asked. Qod replied with a thought,
    "hmmmm.... we have the one-up, yes, but can we win." Then he told the Lieutenant,
    "Tell the men to ready for attack."
    The Hive forces came upon the University forces like berserkers, they were already
    tried in combat and had achieved Elite status after destroying the 1st Gaian Laser Infantry
    and the 2nd Gaian Missile Rovers. However, the University faced them like steel, refusing
    to bend.
    In the end the University was victorious, but they only survived with high losses.
    Reinforcements needed to arrive soon, and they would, for Zakharov had sent at least ten other
    units into Peacekeeper/Gaian/Hive territory in the same week they left. Until then, they would
    have to wait.

    Chapter V "Ride of the Valkyries"
    (Otherwise Known as The Transition Chapter)
    Decurn 19 Day 8

    "What do you mean-destroyed." Chancellor Yang hissed out a deadly statement directed
    at his Minister of War Sherman So-Ra Yang. "So General Sherman, are you saying that instead
    of razing UN Atlanta Base your forces were destroyed by University forces?"
    "Yes sir," General Sherman reported "They caught us by surprise. At that Yang stood
    violently up. "No one- and I mean no one catches THE HIVE BY SUPRISE!" He screamed. He then
    calmed down and sat in his seat. "Well then," he calmly said "You will just have to destroy
    them." "Yes sir," General Sherman responded, and then shuffled carefully out of the
    Chancellors office, afraid of further reprieve.

    Chapter (V 2/5) "Roller Coaster Tycoon"
    (The Chase)

    "The Jackal" hurled his rover at the blockade and destroyed several Gaian rovers
    before speeding away. It took the Gaians several seconds to compose themselves and go
    rushing off after him, but it was all he needed.
    Soon, he was traveling into the Xenofungus far away from the pitiful Gaian police
    rovers and far away from any Gaians.
    He drove for a couple of hours until, he realized something, he was traveling in
    XENOFUNGUS, and it was GAIAN XENOFUNGUS to boot, that meant that there had to be tons of
    ravenous mindworms awaiting him as food. Realizing that, he began to increase his rovers
    speed and glance down at the energy bar. It seemed that he had only an hour of energy left.
    But that was enough, he thought, enough to get him across this desert of Xenofungus, or so
    at least he hoped.

    -To be continued in "See You Later, Alligator"

    Chapter (V 3/5) "Dr. No"
    (More Rip-Roaring Laughs)

    Bondt, now a fugitive in University Base hid in the shadows brooding. "I must
    do something to help Brother Lal in this war, but what? I cannot poison the people,
    I cannot instigate rebellion, I cannot..." his voice trailed away as he though of an
    idea. "Yes, I can do that." He said aloud.
    One hour later he confronted a Lab Tech who was about to enter the Technological
    Lab Institute of Academian Prokhor Zakharov (T.I.P.Z.) with the words. "Hello."
    The tech then turned around to greet him in the same manner when he was sent flying with
    a 'greeting' punch.
    A few minutes later, Bondt, decked out in the same lab suit that the tech had been
    wearing minutes earlier, and entered the building. He headed directly to the
    'Classified Documents' section of the building which he entered and began to look through
    file cabinets for the Fusion Laser Technology.
    'nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing.' he thought whilst browsing, then he found
    what he was looking for- a file labeled "The Fusion Laser", he quickly pocketed it in his
    lab suit and quickly left the building, however, while leaving he encountered an enraged
    lab tech, the same one he had beat up and stolen the lab clothes from, accompanied by a
    couple of grim looking security guards.
    "That's him!" The tech screamed out while pointing at Bondt, "That's the fiend
    who stole my clothes and punched me!" The guards then brought their fusion lasers to their
    shoulders and began to fire.
    Bondt began to run away from the angry lab tech and security guards, as he ran he
    searched for a hiding place, alas, he thought, there were none. So, while dodging bullets
    he ran into the only person he definitely DID NOT want to meet- Academian Prokhor Zakharov.
    "What is this?" The Academian yelled out, obviously confused at the sudden
    collision between himself and Bondt. As Bondt picked himself off from the floor Zakharov
    recognized him, and said "You!" Bondt replied by recognizing Zakharov in turn and yelling
    "You!" Then Zakharov screamed out "Stop firing you idiots, I have the spy right here."
    However, the guards did not see and did not hear Zakharov so he was forced to
    duck back into the room from whence he came. Bondt followed him in, dazed, and was met
    with a bludgeoning book titled "The Bludgeoned Butler" Soon, the security guards entered
    the room and stopped firing, recognizing Zakharov.
    Bondt was carried away to the University Base City Jail, while the files were
    returned to the 'Classified Documents' room and locked away.

    Chapter (V 4/5) "See You Later Alligator"
    (Mindless Morganites and Mindworms)

    The rover was out of energy. The rover was out of energy and the Xenofungus still
    remained for miles around the rover. The rover was out of energy, the Xenofungus remained
    for miles around the rover, and there was a mindworm boil attacking "The Jackal". However
    "The Jackal" was prepared for such an encounter, his mind was powerful, he was trained
    well, and he had a missile launcher in his cars' trunk.
    The boil was destroyed after a short scuffle, however, the boil had communicated
    its location to the other mindworms through the use of its psi powers. "The Jackal" had
    to traverse through the Xenofungus and escape it as soon as possible and return to Hive
    He looked to the east and saw-- an Alligator? Were his eyes playing tricks on him
    he thought. Maybe the psi attack had got to him. An Alligator All-Terrain Vehicle out here
    in the Xenofungus? How could it be?
    The ATV was coming towards him at a speed of fifty miles per hour, but when the
    driver spied him he slowed down. When the ATV was alongside of the super-assassin known
    as "The Jackal" a window was rolled down and the driver asked "The Jackal"
    "Hello, where are you going, we can take you there, is that your rover over by the dead
    mindworm? Yes? Ohmygosh! We better get out of here, but not before I acquire that carcass,
    I've got to show my clients something, or else Morgan Mindworm Tours will go bankrupt. I
    can have that carcass, no? I need to perhaps 'lie' to my customers about our abilities,
    because even though mindworms are rare, those silly customers are always worrying about
    attacks. Oh well, okay?"
    "The Jackal" was stunned at this charismatic Morgan entrepreneur. He merely
    answered "yes." and was swept away in the ATV after helping the entrepreneur who had
    been out hunting mindworms, carry the carcass into the trunk of the ATV where there
    was an impressive array of weapons, missile launchers, laser guns, even a laser grenade.
    This man was ready for an assault of perhaps a dozen mindworms, but only if he
    kept control of his mind, and that was in question.
    So after packing the dead mindworm in the ATV they roared off together into
    Hive territory where the Morganite man had been setting up the enterprise. While traveling
    "The Jackal" thought just how much of an idiot this man could be, Hive people had no use
    for recreation. 'but,' he thought 'this man would not believe me even if I told him so,
    these Morganites are so headstrong with the thought that everyone is just like them"

    Chapter (V 5/5) "One is the Loneliest Number"
    (A Chapter about Aliens)

    "We must make the Progenitor race one again!" Usurper Judaa Maar began,
    "Lular is a complete dolt, Planet is of more use to us as a military base than as a
    preserved entity. But, she will pay." He considered his thought and ordered his Commander
    of Units- Devvan Loouk "Devvan, ready the Battle Ogre units and the ten Laser Rovers.
    We shall destroy the Caretakers for once and for all." He chuckled to himself as the
    Commander hurried off to spread the orders amongst the unit commanders.

    Chapters to Come:

    Chapter VI "Universite Graffiti"
    Chapter VII "The Great Race"
    Chapter VIII "It's a Mad,Mad,Mad,Mad World"
    Chapter IX "Best of the Summer Wine"
    Chapter X "Citizen Zakharov"
    Chapter XI "Casablanca"
    Chapter XII "This Magic Moment"
    Chapter XIII "In the Woodwork"
    Chapter XIV "Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines"
    Chapter XV "Stalag 17"
    Chapter XVI "The Great Escape
    Chapter XVII "A.N.T.Z."
    Chapter XVIII "Bonanza!"
    Chapter XIX "The Crucible"
    Chapter XX "A Conclusion to a strange serial story that has
    merely rambled on just like this title for ages
    and ages and ages and ..."

    [This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited July 28, 2000).]
    -->Visit CGN!
    -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944

  • #2
    Chapter VI "Universite Graffiti"
    (Otherwise known as the Comments section of this story)
    Year 2045 P.Y. 45
    Decurn 19 Day 10

    Conversation #1 (Good Morning Vietnam)

    “I don’t like the idea of this war.” Commented Senior Researcher Tino Duress to Doctor Pierce Roenay, who replied “I agree with you sir, I will soon be patching up many more bloody bodies, now I’m not really complaining, the money’s good for me but it does get tiring having to endure the same injuries now and again.”
    Tino then told him, “What I fear is that I will be drafted and forced to fight in the army. Then I will not be able to continue my research and I will die in war instead of dying in a lab accident, that I could take.”
    “Yes,” the Doctor told him “That is truth.” and they went back to eating their lunches in the Cafeteria of Prokhor Zakharov.

    Conversation #2 (Wishing and Hoping)

    “They have violated our territory, no?” Prophet Cha-Dawn calmly asked his Second-in-Command Dev-Em who replied “Yes sir, the Usurpers have brought into our territory a force of five Battle Ogres, and an undetermined number of Laser Guards.”
    “Well then,” the Prophet began “We shall just have to show them who has permission to cross our ‘Holy Land’, dispatch all fifteen Mindworm units and accompany them with three of our best Plasma Sentinels. Pursue the Usurper forces and engage them until they exit our territory.” He put a hand up to his mouth and yawned. “I shall personally contact Judaa Maar and demand a statement for this atrocious invasion of our territory. If he refuses to withdraw his forces, do as I previously said, if, however he does withdraw, escort his units back to his own lands.”
    “Yes sir.” Dev-Em replied before bowing deeply and exiting the presence of The Enlightened Prophet Cha-Dawn.

    Conversation #3 (It’ll be the Death of Me)

    “Yang, sir.” “The Jackal” began, but was hushed by a gesture of Yang’s hand and an angry glance.
    “Why is he not dead?” Yang inquired.
    “Jackal” swallowed and began to tell his story “Sir,” he began, “his Best Man stepped in between my bullet and his body. Of course, you already know that, sir.” Yang frowned. “Yes, of course,” “Jackal” told him. “After the botched attempt I stole a rover and escaped the city, but, remembering my duty I returned with the explosives which I had strapped to my jacket and set them up around a Gaian Hospital.” “Jackal” chuckled nervously. “All within two blocks of that ‘accident’ are now dead.” Yang pondered his statement for a little then motioned for “Jackal” to go on.
    “While fleeing from my project I found the Gaians had set up a road block, but I smashed my way through it, narrowly escaping with my life. I then crossed the Xenofungus only to run out of energy in my rover.” He paused for breath “I then encountered a mindworm, which I defeated and killed. I soon after encountered a Morganite ATV which took me to The Hive.”
    Yang thoughtfully questioned “Jackal” “Just what is the name of this Morganite who so pitied you
    that he thought to save you?”
    “Well,” “Jackal” began “I believe. That his name was Nil Sparr or something like that.”
    “Very good.” Yang replied then turned to one of his guards and told him “Kill all Morganite traders in this city.” The guard then rushed out and shouted orders to other soldiers in the hallways. Yang smiled. “So it seems, ‘Jackal’ that your luck has run out. Guard- apprehend that man, he will be shot tomorrow.”
    “The Jackal” struggled and pushed and pulled away from the two guards who had descended upon him. He then ran and jumped his way through a window, breaking glass. Soon he was falling 42 stories to his doom.

    Conversation #4 (That’ll be the Day)

    Lal was not pleased. “Zakharov you Ba#*#($! How DARE you DECLARE WAR ON ME AND DEIDRE! You Will Pay! I will have your HEAD THE COUNCIL WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD! You FIEND, I bet you’re using my people as lab rats right now.”
    Zakharov nimbly replied. “I hope you know, Lal, that is not an atrocity, at least, not in the eyes of the council.” A smile crept across Zakharov’s face while Lal stood steaming, watching Zakharov on the vidscreen while Zakharov continued, “I also hope you know, one faction cannot stand to acquire as much power as yours has. It also seems that you are bent on world domination since you are marrying Deidre, who is a force to be reckoned with, but, between myself and Yang’s help you shall be destroyed. However, I agree with you, Yang should be destroyed, but that will have to wait until I have you in University Base and can ‘interrogate’ you, friend. Zakharov out.”
    The screen then went blank and Lal stormed out of his Conference Room to head to his office to plan war.

    Conversation #5 (Dream)

    “Aki-Zeta-Five reporting.”
    “Ah yes Aki, kind of you to receive me.” Deidre began.
    “Yes, It was most kind of me.” Aki replied confidently
    “Well, yes Aki, I have called you to discuss a most pressing matter.”
    “And that is?”
    “An attack on Zakharov and Yang.”
    “I thought you only had a quarrel with Yang?” Aki asked, obviously baffled
    “Events have, changed…” Deidre began
    “How so?”
    “It is possible that Zakharov was the one behind Lal’s attempted assassination.”
    “Oh no!” Aki seemed surprised, ‘strange.’ Deidre thought, ‘I didn’t think Cyborgs could be surprised?’
    “What do you wish in return for your services.” Deidre asked.
    “All I ask,” Aki pondered for a moment and then started again “All I ask is for 10,000 energy credits so that I can support my army of Laser Rovers and Missile Rovers.”
    Deidre bit her lip and replied “Then it is agreed?”
    “Yes, it is agreed.” Aki responded.

    Conversation #6 (Fried Green Tomatoes)

    “Sorry, friend” Roze began, “but I do not have the resources to attack Zakharov openly, although I would be happy to ‘lend’ you a few probe teams and perhaps make some ‘inquiries’ on their computer systems.”
    “That should be enough.” Deidre thanked her and then rested, tomorrow would be a big day for her. For the combined forces of the Peacekeepers, Data Angels, Cyborgs, and Gaians were to plan strategy.

    Conversation #7 (I Want To Know, Have You Ever Seen the Rain)

    “That #*$(* Deidre always supposing that she can tell US what to do, I mean it’s not as if she was the one who was going to be murdered!” An annoyed Gaian citizen spat out and was countered with a friends remark
    “But Jon, surely you would seek revenge if someone tried to murder your husband-to-be.” His friend waited a while and then chuckled. “Well in your case it would be wife-to-be.”
    Jon replied “Who would WANT to marry that lazy, polluting Peacekeeping scum, all we get out of it is a war!”
    His friend then screamed at him, “How DARE YOU INSULT OUR LEADER! How DARE YOU INSULT DEIDRE!” His friend then punched Jon across the face, sending him flying backwards. “Hey,” Someone spoke up, “don’t hit him just because he’s questioning the government, this is a DEMOCRACY idiot. If he has an opinion, then he’s entitled to it.”
    “Do you just know what his opinion is?” “Yeah,” the man said “his opinion is that Deidre is marrying a real jerk who pollutes Planet and is destroying it at this very moment. And, even though I hate to say it, I agree with him.”
    The two then began to fight and were soon joined by their friends from all around the bar. There were chairs flying and blood everywhere when Gaian Riot Police came in to break up the fight, however, very uncharacteristic for the Gaian people, they began to shout at the Riot Police and cuss at them. It seemed that the growing sentiment was Deidre had no business marrying a polluter without the consent of her people, even if it made Gaia stronger in the process.
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    • #3
      Part III

      Chapter VI "The Great Race"
      (Otherwise known as the Silly Set Up part of this story
      Year 2045 P.Y. 45
      Decurn 21 Day 8
      Morgan News Network Newslink

      “… Massive energy deposit discovered between borders of Hive/ University/ Peacekeeper territory. Troops rush to defend bases and conquer land.”
      “… War has been declared on the disgusting Shen-Ji Yang of the Hive after a mass massacre of Morganites in his territory, the list of the dead and dying follows…”
      “… Secret transmission intercepted, Zakharov’s forces move toward energy deposit with zeal. They will most likely encounter the two laser squads of the fiendish Hive forces within a few days…”

      Chapter (VII 2/10) “Ghostbusters”
      (Datatech Dataprobe Destinies)

      Lead Dataprobe ‘Dark Cloud’ of ‘The Ghostbusters’ Probe Team led his team of twenty five through the swamps of Pirate territory. They had landed, uneventfully in Pirate territory on the peninsula that contained the University headquarters. However, even though they had been unharrassed by the Pirates so far, it did not mean that their good fortune would continue.
      They sulked through the jungle cutting at the vines and cursing at the ‘curse burrs’ that had gotten entangled in their socks. No, you didn’t hear me wrong, they were cursing at the ‘curse burrs’, you see, it seems that these particular seeds would come detached when a loud noise occurred, it seems the sound waves would trigger the burrs to come detached. However, the phenomena remains as yet mostly unexplained. (BUY THE BOOK (Mindworms and Curse Burrs) from Morgan Electronic Books Inc. for 2 energy credits today.)
      While traversing through the swamp ‘Dark Cloud’ did some thinking. ‘Just who was this ‘Roze’ ordering him- the great Dataprobe Dark Cloud to accomplish such a menial and degrading task as stealing the documents for Fusion Guards technology from the University to GIVE, yes GIVE to another faction for free. It was preposterous, yet ‘Dark Cloud’ would do his job, and perhaps pocket a pretty penny on a scam or two on the way.

      -To Be Continued in Ghostbusters II

      Chapter (VII 3/10) “Come, Follow Me-I'm the Pied Piper”
      (A Zakharov © Conference)

      “Men.” Zakharov began gravelly whilst talking to his Council of Military Advisors. “We MUST capture this energy deposit.” He pointed with a pointer-stick to a drawing on a map which he had in a corner of the conference room. “I have already gathered four of our units, including the bold 5th Fusion Guards and sent them to this position.” He cleared his throat with a gulp of water. “However, we also need to defend our bases from invasion by the Peacekeepers and Hive. Any ideas?”
      “Perhaps we should surrender.” One person began.
      Zakharov, looking shocked, turned to his new second-in-command officer, Don Darden and asked him, “Who is that man?” Darden replied “An A$$h0le” “I already know that!” Zakharov disgustedly told him. Darden then responded, “Sorry sir if I wasn’t being clear, that’s his name, Major Max A$$h0le.” “Oh,” Zakharov responded. “In that case, demote that man.” “Yes sir.” Darden responded promptly and then went over to tell Major A$$h0le the news. “Sir, unless you heard the news earlier…”
      He began but was met with a punch in the mouth. “I know that you idiot!” Major A$$h0le told him, “You two were speaking loud enough for the whole #*$&& conference room to hear. And for that, I’ll have my revenge!” With that he left the room rudely and then slammed the door behind him.
      On the other side of the Conference Room Major A$$h0le went sprawling as he quickly walked out of the room, for, as he found out whilst lying on the ground, the marble flooring had recently been waxed. As he read the sign ‘Careful. Newly waxed floor’ he plotted how to have his revenge.
      Meanwhile, in the Conference Room the ideas of the military advisors were largely rejected by Zakharov until they had decided upon a plan which everyone approved of.
      The plan was simple, the fusion guards would take position atop of a hill or other high ground and beat the #($* out of anyone who dared oppose them. It was the best military idea of the century, or so they thought. (Note: Never let researchers plan a war.)
      Zakharov was the first to leave and was met with a very unceremonial bucket of water thrown at him by Major A$$h0le who exclaimed. “Take away MY pride will you. Well you’ve got yours!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAH.”
      Darden immediately stepped up to Zakharov and asked him, “do you want that man shot sir?” Zakharov responded coolly “yes.” That response caused Major A$$h0le to go screaming down the hall to escape the bullet while Zakharov joked, “Now how did that mentally-unstable person get on my military review board?” “Oh.” Darden replied “Zwiziaona hired him, he was his great-great nephew.”
      “Well,” Zakharov said. “I can see why he changed his name to just plain ‘Prince’ when he was a recording artist, otherwise he may not have succeeded, I mean can you see yourself listening to a song written by ‘Prince A$$h0le’?” Zakharov then broke into laughter.

      Chapter (VII 4/10) “Apocalypse NOW”
      (A Disgusting War Chapter Starring: Marlon Brando)

      Part I

      “General Brando.” The young Hive officer began. “Shut up.” Brando replied. “Yes sir.” The officer replied. And they stood there like that for a while until Brando cracked “Well what the #$#* were you going to tell me soldier!”
      “Ahhh.. Yes" the Hive officer began. "Two of your units the 16th Laser Guards and 4th Laser Rovers were destroyed by a unit we believe is calling itself the 5th University Fusion Guards.” Brando chewed on his gigantic cigar “We NEED that technology.” “Yes.” The officer answered. “Shut up.” Brando replied. “Yes sir.” The officer replied.
      “You sure are a boring soldier, kid.” Brando told the young officer. “Yes sir.” The officer answered. Brando then began to strangle him, but quit when he thought better of it. “My gosh.” he said, “I must be going crazy just like my great-great grandfather did in the movie Apocalypse Now.” “The what?” The officer asked.
      “Don’t you young kids watch any holovids?” Brando asked
      “Sorry sir, I didn’t, I was brought up in the Superior Warrior Apprentice Program (SWAP), I was born in Sparta and traded here when I was 15 in an officer exchange. In Sparta we don’t believe in holovid movies, our major form of entertainment is ‘beat up and perhaps kill your friends.’”
      Brando stood blankly “Sorry kid, you’re losing me.” He told him and then went into his tent and began to scream his head off.
      Part II

      “Sir.” The Lieutenant reported. “Yes.” Commander Lars Qod replied. “We have good news to report. We are about to receive four new Fusion Guard units. Qod stood thankful “Hopefully they will arrive before that Peacekeeper unit of Missile Rovers arrives.”

      Part III

      The University unit stood victorious surrounded by the dead of the 1st Peacekeeper Missile Rover Unit. “Well,” Qod began speaking to the combined commanders of the 1st-4th University Fusion Guards. “Thank you for coming, but you were too late, however I believe that we should combine our forces for a full frontal assault on UN Lands. However, we should hold back a reserve unit to defend our borders here, how about your 1st Fusion Guards, Davion?”
      Victor Davion leader of the 1st Fusion Guards looked downcast. “Well, since you are in command here, Qod, I believe that I will agree with you.”
      “Good then,” Qod smiled, “all is agreed, we leave tomorrow for University Lands.”

      Chapter (VII 5/10) “Papillion”

      “All ye gathered here…” Chairman Shen-Ji Yang began “Have come to witness the execution of a traitor to your nation.” “This man,” he said with extreme disgust “failed to realize the threat University forces posed and will now pay for it so I will now give the order to execute him.”
      And with that General Sherman So-Ra was executed.

      Chapter (VII 6/10) “La Bamba”
      (Cult/Usurper Conflict)

      “So they dare invade our territory.” Colonel Isum Kara-Lan spat. “And for that the Usurpers will die. Come fellow Plasma Sentinels and follow me and the Mindworms to victory.”
      At that battle cry the units of Plasma Sentinels and Mindworms raged out to attack the Alien Usurper Battle Ogres and Laser Rovers. The resounding ‘crack’ when the two forces met was of a force great enough to shatter the earth.
      Usurper units went down at first quickly succumbing to the Mindworms. However they soon rallied and destroyed a great number of Mindworms, but not before losing all of their Battle Ogres, but luckily the Usurper Commander sent a short transmission back to Judaa Maar telling of his defeat and asking for reinforcements.
      Yet, the Usurpers were not done yet, they rigged explosives to the underbellies of their rovers and thus destroyed the combined forces of Mindworms and Plasma Sentinels, but in the process they committed an atrocity. And just to note, no one really liked the Usurpers very much anyway.
      The Morganites immediately, upon receiving word of the atrocity, rendered economic sanctions on the Usurpers as did the other factions, but none dared declare war for the Usurpers were far too powerful to be defeated easily.
      This atrocity did have one important repercussion for, because of it the Caretakers readied their units, now knowing of the threatened invasion of their land and began to march through Free Drone territory.
      In that way the complete army of the Cult was destroyed and the Usurpers had but one unit left. Usurper High Command soon readied a second invasion force and equipped them with Resonance Armor and Lasers. These battle rovers were then dubbed R-Laser Rovers and began their long trek through Cult
      However, Cha-Dawn was disgusted and outraged at the atrocity and screamed for blood. He readied four mindworm boil units which had been held in reserve from the last assault and two Laser Guards for war. He was also producing many more Laser Guards and attempting to recruit more mindworms as the battles elsewhere raged on…

      Chapter (VII 7/10) “Rescue Me”
      (Morganite News Network Newslink)
      Morgan News Network Newslink

      “… War, destruction, etc, Morgan Planetariums destroyed by Hive forces. It is advised for one not to panic, as our stock exchange is safe… I repeat the stock exchange will be operable throughout this disaster. And for those of you interested, we will start a new stock entitled Morganite Drafted Forces, all those drafted will receive a certain percentage of the stock so sign up today- those who sign up get more stock than those who are drafted.”

      Chapter (VII 8/10) “And the Band Played On”
      (The Continued Adventures of the ‘The Jackal’)

      “Ha” ‘The Jackal’ mused “I have escaped him and he is none the wiser.”
      ‘The Jackal’ had seemingly plummeted to his doom, but, since he expected that something such as that might happen, had installed gliding wings in his coat, of course it made his coat much heavier and he had a hard time getting past the titanium detectors at the entrance to Yang’s offices, but it was worth it.
      “Now,” he thought, “Where can I go to?” He considered heading towards the University bases but decided that it would be too risky, Zakharov had a very low opinion of Probe Spies of any kind. Then he considered the Spartans but rejected that idea too. The Spartans were too warlike and were allied with the Hive. Then he thought of the one faction which would support him!
      The Drones, the Free Drones would be his saviors. Domani the manipulator, Domani the cruel. Domani could use an assassin such as he. Domani had many enemies and he must wish them dead. Yes ‘The Jackal’ grinned as he glided hundreds of feet above the ground ‘Domani would be the one who would accept him.’ Now all he had to do was fly the thousands of miles to Free Drone Territory, but, since he had an engine installed in his pants, he knew he could make it there. It was just a matter of time.

      Chapter (VII 9/10) “I Went Through the Desert on a Horse with No Name”
      (Caretaker Chronicles)

      “Usurpers: Pay for atrocity against Cult: atrocity against planet: holes in planet’s skin: disruption of atmosphere because of war: War will destroy, but war will solve: Battle Ogres, Mindworms, and Laser Rovers will head through Drone Territory: Drones: Angered ?: Most Probably: Necessary: Yes.”
      Chapter (VII 10/10) “What Lies Beneath”
      (Domani Destruction)

      “Mobilize forces 1:2 through 2:17 for immediate deploy near Caretaker border, Zak, for it seems that we have been betrayed by the evil Caretakers.”
      “Yes sir,” Drone Zak D. replied and rushed off to do his duty to his leader and his country.
      Domani then hit the vidscreen button and composed a super-burst message to the other factions.
      “In times like these, when an alien faction attacks, it is in the best interest of all of us to destroy the offending aliens, so I ask you, the other factions to come help me and my people defend our lands against this menace.”
      Responses were largely negative (a few samples):
      Lady Deidre of the Gaians:
      “It’s just too bad that you didn’t help us, otherwise we would have sent help but it seems that the only people you care for is yourselves so don’t bother to come running to me or the Peacekeepers.”

      Captain Ulrik Svensgaard:
      “If money or property is involved count us in.”

      The only positive response, Ulrik’s was followed through with a ‘gift’ of two drone sea bases to the Pirates. Domani was not proud of the outcome of his plea, but he had acquired at least one ally.

      [This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited July 28, 2000).]
      [This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited July 28, 2000).]
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      • #4
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        • #5
          *Bumping this up!*

          -D.C. (Dark Cloud)
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