I read a thread somewhere in this forum
(but cant remember where
where some guys were discussing about the link between AC and modern Earth.
It interests me alot
(and i hope others too)
which techs we already have here on Earth and if there's any tech not found on AC
for example:
instead of
So I open a thread where anyone can express their opinion about:
1) Which techs form AC are already discovered on our homeplanet
1a) Same about secret projs
(it came to my ears lately that "The Human Genome project" is being "constructed" in real life represented by numerous researches in DNA decipherating)
2)Which techs are Earth-specific and is there an equal on AC
(as above with "Eco" techs)
3) If a list of Earth techs is created for a game not called AlphaCenaturi, but maybe Sol or something about that,
(in real life this project will be just a set of modifed AC setting files as "alpha.txt" for example)
what techs must be in this list and how do they relate to each other - tech levels and prerequisites and what opportunities do they open - SecretProjs, BaseFacilities, SE choices etc.
4)What factions should there be on Earth
(I propose US and China as "must-be" ones)
5)And in the end - everything you've heard about new discoveries or research directions in science which somehow relates to SMAC
(for example - nanotechnologies are showing up,so Hovertank on earth seems not a level 8, but maybe 4 to 6 tech)
If enough information will be gathered,a game mod called "how-will-you-call-it?" will appear with the techs and facs from this thread included.
This is your opportunity to participate in creation of a new game!
For information about mods see http://www.geocities.com/alde_baron/
(aldebaran project)
Hoping for free flow of information
(but cant remember where

where some guys were discussing about the link between AC and modern Earth.
It interests me alot
(and i hope others too)
which techs we already have here on Earth and if there's any tech not found on AC
for example:
instead of
So I open a thread where anyone can express their opinion about:
1) Which techs form AC are already discovered on our homeplanet
1a) Same about secret projs
(it came to my ears lately that "The Human Genome project" is being "constructed" in real life represented by numerous researches in DNA decipherating)
2)Which techs are Earth-specific and is there an equal on AC
(as above with "Eco" techs)
3) If a list of Earth techs is created for a game not called AlphaCenaturi, but maybe Sol or something about that,
(in real life this project will be just a set of modifed AC setting files as "alpha.txt" for example)
what techs must be in this list and how do they relate to each other - tech levels and prerequisites and what opportunities do they open - SecretProjs, BaseFacilities, SE choices etc.
4)What factions should there be on Earth
(I propose US and China as "must-be" ones)
5)And in the end - everything you've heard about new discoveries or research directions in science which somehow relates to SMAC
(for example - nanotechnologies are showing up,so Hovertank on earth seems not a level 8, but maybe 4 to 6 tech)
If enough information will be gathered,a game mod called "how-will-you-call-it?" will appear with the techs and facs from this thread included.
This is your opportunity to participate in creation of a new game!
For information about mods see http://www.geocities.com/alde_baron/
(aldebaran project)
Hoping for free flow of information