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New PBEM Classic SMAC

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  • #16
    You should note that Darsnan is busy in RL; he recently handed over a MP game.

    Mart may be available, but has gotten out of the habit of perusing every MP thread. Someone should PM him.

    You should be aware that I have a Mac. There is a piece of software that allows Windows users to play on a game that has been saved on a Mac (Mac uses a directory structure that causes Windows users to be unable to save the game).

    Those of you who have played after Bodissey have seen him mention this software. So, if I generated the game, the first player would have to use this software (given the number of games Bodissey participates in, I don't think it is a problem).

    One of the first issues I think you should decide (regardless of the CMN) is whether you want to use the modified Vets map designed by Mart. Since mmontgomery is a big fan of the map, I'll leave it to him to describe its virtues.

    Obviously, if you simply want someone to generate a random game and hold the passwords and not to design the game, I'm perfectly willing to do so (and send a copy via PM to Mart or someone else you trust; I think it would be a good idea if there were 2 copies).

    I would suggest (again mmontgomery probably has an opinion) that you have an accelerated start in 2101 (e.g. multiple colony pods, scouts, formers, possibly crawlers). Everyone would get the same number except where SMAC traditionally gives an extra unit, e.g scout rover for Spartans, probe team for Angels.
    Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


    • #17
      Sins you responded so fast, you will be our CMN. I trust Mart, but i just asked him to start another game so i think he is busy with that.

      As Mac save games, i know about it cose i have some games with Bodissey. I dont think it will be a problem, this has to be use once, when you send the finished scenario.

      Thx for the fast reply.

      I hope Zsozso will reply as well so we can get this game going faster.

      Friedly Fire you get to pick the name of the game sins you started it, and it cant be called "Clasic SMAC" cose it will be SMACX.

      I like Vet's map, but i dont think it will work this time with 4 players and 3 AI.


      • #18
        Do you want a randomly generate map (which may be unbalanced) or should I look through published maps for one that may be suitable to 4 players and 3 AI's?
        Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


        • #19
          I am in EST, i.e. GMT-5hrs my email is: zsolt (AT) simbiosys (DOT) ca
          I prefer to play my turns in the 5pm-11pm time range my time, i.e. 10pm-4am GMT.
          I might be able to squeze in some turns in the morning 8am-9am slot but will not be able to do that every day.

          One more thing (probably not important): I play on linux, but it should be compatible with the windows version, I have already played both PBEM and scenario files saved by windows players so I do not think this will be an issue.
          Last edited by zsozso; February 18, 2009, 14:14.


          • #20
            Thanks Vyeh,

            I was only looking at a random map but balanced would be much better if you can spare the time. I don't know this Vet's map at all so cannot comment but as 4/3 accelerated start does look the best bet.

            For a name it has to be 'Wealth of Planet' to parody the greatest economist in history!

            Cheers, FF
            “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
            - Anon


            • #21
              Looks like we have a game. Cant wait to start


              • #22
                Vet's map is symmetrical. We could place the four players in the corners. And the 3 AI's in the center of the map.

                It would help if we could figure out

                (1) turn order;
                (2) settings (any comments on florin79c proposal); and
                (3) rules.
                Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


                • #23
                  I think the order will be : Florin, FF, Monty, Zhozho


                  • #24
                    Sounds good to me. florin79c's proposals were fine by me apart from the difficulty level not being specified as Transcend. That was the norm from the old dark days when I last played this MP so I assume it hasn't changed.

                    Only really one question with this being a mod map what size is it?
                    “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                    - Anon


                    • #25
                      All the game are transcend this days as well, i only fogot to mention it.

                      I asked for a standard map, but if you wanted diferently, then ok by me. I think Vet's Map it's large.


                      • #26
                        Largest coordinates of vet's map is (100,100); largest coordinates for large is (90,90).
                        Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


                        • #27
                          I do like some space as Morgan to get established before the nastiness starts to happen so I do have a preference for the (90,90).
                          Last edited by St Jon; February 20, 2009, 12:56.
                          “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                          - Anon


                          • #28
                            I don't want to throw everything into confusion, but any chance I could get in on this action? This would be my first multi game though, so it might take me a bit to get up to speed, played the hell out of the game in single player mode. I'm in Australia, GMT +10, playing in the evenings here.


                            • #29
                              Ocker3, I'd be more than happy to have you join us but although this is 'my' game in that I posted the thread in the beginning we have now gained the kind help of Vyeh as CMN to launch via an acc start on a mod map. I have never used this mod before but if it will support 5 human players then if noone else objects fine. Be aware that 'if' it is possible you would have the choices of PK, Sparta and Believers only available as this is to played as a classic SMAC game even though launch will be via SMACX.
                              “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                              - Anon


                              • #30
                                Question to clarify: when you say it will be a classic SMAC game launched from SMACX, do you mean only in terms of factions, but also in terms of tech tree and units (spore launchers, fungal towers, resonance weapons etc.) ?

                                To phrase it differently: are we going to play with the SCMAX standard alphax.txt or a modified one to make it work like SMAC (techs and units limited to ones in vanilla SMAC) ?

                                It is fine with me either way, just wanted some clarification

                                And I have no objection against 5 human players either -- anyway I am just a guest in the game, so it is definitely not up to me to decide. Friendly Fire and Vyeh are the bosses

