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New SMAC PBEM: Martti's game

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  • #16
    Originally posted by bdanv

    no random events for me too. anybody else in favour of florin's proposals?
    i vote for tech trade and random events.
    Spoils of war | Yes
    Blind research | Yes

    and is it possible to have the fog of war (the limited vision) for everybody?


    • #17
      Last edited by bdanv; November 11, 2008, 10:22. * Alpha Centauri players group * IRC channel #smac


      • #18
        Originally posted by guillaume70
        and is it possible to have the fog of war (the limited vision) for everybody?
        'no Unity survey' will be 'On'. that means that the fog of war will be present (Martti changed his mind about that option). * Alpha Centauri players group * IRC channel #smac


        • #19
          Hi All,

          bdanv PM'd me to set up this game for you, so if you like I can do this for you.

          As far as the AIs are concerned: I can simply place them on a map (i.e. no enhancements, no terraforming, etc.), give them some terraforming (such as condensers, boreholes, forests, etc.), or make make them relatively potent (I can eliminate their negative SE settings, give them what amounts to the effects of certain SPs, or completely re-shuffle their factional traits so you don't know whats coming).

          As far as additional units are concerned: I can leave the alpha.txt as is, or I can add the following units which assist the AI as well as making for a more diverse game:

          1) Googlie's Probe Cruiser (available at Doc: Init): the AIs will build these, so you would then have to contend with these on the high seas as well.

          2) SP88 (available at Doc:AP): a 6/2/2 with AA, which benefits the AIs siginificantly, as typically they don't build much in the way of AA.

          3) Submarine (5/2/5) (available at Superconductor): another unit that enhances the AIs abilities.

          Originally posted by bdanv

                     	|Martti|bdanv |guilla|florin|Bodise|  AI  |  AI  |[b]Current[/b]
          Flex.start	|      |      |      |      |      |      |      |[b]Off[/b]
          Question: this parameter to me means that you want pre-established cities to start. Is this a correct interpretation?

          Anyways, let me know what you would like as far as game setup in regards to the above is concerned, and I can go from there.



          • #20
            thanks D.
   * Alpha Centauri players group * IRC channel #smac


            • #21
              talked to Martti and he says he will let me decide about the AIs, so:

              Originally posted by Darsnan
              As far as the AIs are concerned: I can simply place them on a map (i.e. no enhancements, no terraforming, etc.), give them some terraforming (such as condensers, boreholes, forests, etc.), or make make them relatively potent (I can eliminate their negative SE settings, give them what amounts to the effects of certain SPs, or completely re-shuffle their factional traits so you don't know whats coming).
              Martti doesn't want more 'cheating' from the AIs, so you can give them some forests and some nice landmarks, you can give them more cities/colony pods, crawlers, but don't change their traits or the SE settings.

              Originally posted by Darsnan
              As far as additional units are concerned: I can leave the alpha.txt as is, or I can add the following units which assist the AI as well as making for a more diverse game:
              1) Googlie's Probe Cruiser (available at Doc: Init): the AIs will build these, so you would then have to contend with these on the high seas as well.
              2) SP88 (available at Doc:AP): a 6/2/2 with AA, which benefits the AIs siginificantly, as typically they don't build much in the way of AA.
              3) Submarine (5/2/5) (available at Superconductor): another unit that enhances the AIs abilities.
              you can do that, but don't give them something we cannot built

              Originally posted by Darsnan
              Question: this parameter to me means that you want pre-established cities to start. Is this a correct interpretation?
     * Alpha Centauri players group * IRC channel #smac


              • #22
                room for another faction?? If there is i'll take Hive.
                If not Hive then Drones. Thanks guys.


                • #23
                  hi Richard,

                  first of all it's a SMAC game and we already have a Hive.
                  you can choose one of the remaining (PKs, Sparta, Believers) if you can commit to a 1 turn/day rate.

         * Alpha Centauri players group * IRC channel #smac


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Darsnan

                    Question: this parameter to me means that you want pre-established cities to start. Is this a correct interpretation?
                    hi all,
                    pre-established cities? the first base is already built? i prefer built it with the colony pod.


                    • #25
                      Last edited by bdanv; November 11, 2008, 12:42.
             * Alpha Centauri players group * IRC channel #smac


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by guillaume70

                        hi all,
                        pre-established cities? the first base is already built? i prefer built it with the colony pod.
                        I agree for several reasons:

                        1) terrain-wise its a lot of work for me setting up identical starting locations for cities for all players.

                        2) this assumes that I am giving everyone an equal start, which factionally is very difficult in that for some factions nutrients are more important, while for other factions its minerals, and others its energy.

                        What I would propose instead is that since this is a Large map, that I give all players one regular CP, one Speeder CP (to quickly establish a second base where each player feels is appropriate in regards to their factional priorities), and two scouts (in Spartans case one Scout would be replaced with a Speeder).

                        Originally posted by SmacxVeteran
                        room for another faction?? If there is i'll take Hive.
                        If not Hive then Drones. Thanks guys.
                        Since there are already 5 players committed to this game, I would strongly recommend that you not add any more, as turnage has always plummeted once you go above 5.

                        Also, in regards to SMAX Factions: note that I can edit an existing SMAC faction to mimic a lot of the effects of SMAX factions, although in the case of the Drones I don't think I can do the "Revolting Base joins Drones" option. It also becomes a hassle in that everyone would then have to remember that Faction X has been modified into a SMAX faction. FYI in case anyone wants to cosider this as an option.



                        • #27
                          on the flexy starting position: i tend to agree with guillaume and Darsnan, but let's wait for Martti's decision (after all, this is his game).

                          Originally posted by Darsnan
                          What I would propose instead is that since this is a Large map, that I give all players one regular CP, one Speeder CP (to quickly establish a second base where each player feels is appropriate in regards to their factional priorities), and two scouts (in Spartans case one Scout would be replaced with a Speeder).
                          Darsnan's proposal for the starting scenario was added in the setup table:

                          ***SETUP UPDATED***
                          Last edited by bdanv; November 12, 2008, 02:53.
                 * Alpha Centauri players group * IRC channel #smac


                          • #28
                            I'll take the Spartan, if possible.
                            All your base are belong to us


                            • #29
                              we can go with the flexy-starting positions if you guys want to...


                              • #30
                                Flex start On
                                Spoil of war Off
                                Blind Resrch Off

                                Has for the rest we seam to agree.

                                I agree with Darsnan when it comes to 6th player. But if he will join this game and comit to a 1 turn/day(i dont think a second turn comes to question), then he will be placed 6th so he will get the turn from me and send it to "France".

