sorry about the delay guys, i was to bussy with work. Dan pls resent, i have delited by mistake
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Marky's Excellent Adventure (MEA) - TTT
When at work, it is fairly easy to use a short break or my lunch break, take my laptop, and play a turn. I don't need a network connection for this. When I reconnect, it is easy to send an email with the turn. But it is not so easy to post, since I have to wait until I reconnect, and the web site is obviously not work related. So often I wait until I get home to post.
Hopefully, the most important thing is getting the turn sent to the next player quickly, which I usually do a good job of, except last week when my computer was down. The post is more like a check in case the turn does not arrive.
Anyway, so just plan on there often being a lag between when I email a turn and when I post.
2119 to florin. and we are waitinghis return.