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  • #16
    I tend to play smacx, either as pirates or conciousness, I pretty much like to have all of the original characters in there, not so keen on the aliens they change the game balance a bit too much.


    • #17
      we play with both Caretakers and Usurpers.
      would you like to take Pirates then?
      Map creation contest
      WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


      • #18
        I think trotsky already went for the pirates didn't he?


        • #19
          yes, but we can play the same factions. it's your choice
          Map creation contest
          WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


          • #20
            Hey ladies,

            I'm curious to learn how to set up one of these games. Anyone want to TCP/IP. Please e-mail with instructions.....



            • #21
              can I play conciousness?


              • #22
                1) Leon Trotsky - Pirates - trotsky / adinet /
                2) Vaniver - Morgan - vaniver (at) gmail (dot) com
                3) Asakar - Consciousness - smac(at)stephen-phillips(dot)co(dot)uk
                4) Mart - Hive - marcin777 TA gmail TOD com

                - CMN chosen
                - Usurpers
                - Caretakers

                map 52x104
                native life: medium
                cooperative victory OFF
                Pirates start on water

                For CMN:

                - Feel free to enhance AI by faction file tweaking.

                - Units in alphax.txt, maybe a moderate ones. I liked Ogre II and III replacements in "King of the hill", but I would make less challenging forced costs, so human players do not abuse it and AI does not build hundreds of them. Or no forced cost at all. Just automatic price. It's excellent for SP, but in pbem it may be different. Of course if that is fine with other players.
                Map creation contest
                WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


                • #23
                  OK then. I'll start on this over the weekend. Probably the only two additional units I'll add to this will be the Probe Cruiser (available with Doc:Init) and the SP88 (available with Doc:AP). Both will have regular cost. AIs will be slightly tweaked (I'll have to think what is best, considering the size of the map and the players involved).



                  • #24
                    Starting work on the game now. If any of you have password preferences please PM them to me. Also, if anyone has any ideas as to a name for the turn tracking thread, please post them here for discussion/ approval.



                    • #25
                      Several other things now that I think of them: first, the disabling of the Empath Guild. Both Googlie and I personally recommend this, as it gives permanent infiltration way too early in the game. Unless anyone strongly disagrees with this then I will disable the Empath Guild.
                      Second is that, since there are no human Green Factions in this game I think giving everyone 2 Speeder Formers will help expedite the early game. Is anyone opposed to this?
                      Third, I plan on giving one AI the SP of the Xenoempathy Dome. This AI will also be "tweaked" to be able to farm any fungus squares within its cities borders. Does anyone have an issue with these modifications?
                      Finally, to take advantage of the international dateline the turn order will be as follows:

                      mart7x5 (Europe)
                      Asakar (Europe)
                      Vaniver (US)
                      Leon Trotsky (Uruguay)



                      • #26
                        i'm in SLC now, GMT-7
                        all proposed changes are ok with me
                        Map creation contest
                        WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


                        • #27
                          all fine with me


                          • #28
                            I've got family in town currently so things are going at a "relatively" slow pace. I may also have to go OOT on Saturday or Sunday - not sure yet if my presence is required.



                            • #29
                              Everything sounds good.
                              There is no greater wealth than wisdom, no greater poverty than ignorance; no greater heritage than culture and no greater support than consultation. - Ali ibn Abi-Talib


                              • #30
                                Hi All,

                                just to let you know that I do not see me having the time to build this game before I go on vacation on Friday. To that end I have contacted Googlie about taking over as CMN for this game, which he has agreed to do.

                                Many apologies from my end about not being able to build this game for you - several things in RL have come up that are beyond my control and that I have to dedicate serious time to currently.

