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Ladies' Tea party (signup thread)

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  • #76
    i take it you guys are full?
    im cool with that if you are have fun


    • #77
      I think there's room for one more, Drow

      Flubber: Despite what it might seem from my long posts above, both crawler upgrading and stockpile is not big issues for me, so if noone else votes against it, i'll go with your vote to speed this up

      Thanks for your standard ruleset. Looks good

      A player may not upgrade a particular type of unit using the design workshop, and then attack with that unit in the same turn. -- I CAN GO EITHER WAY ON THIS
      I'd say, play with this rule in effect. In a good game, turns can take hours already. I don't need any more variables


      • #78
        Originally posted by SebP
        I think there's room for one more, Drow
        But 5 is the maximum IMHO

        Originally posted by SebP

        Flubber: Despite what it might seem from my long posts above, both crawler upgrading and stockpile is not big issues for me, so if noone else votes against it, i'll go with your vote to speed this up
        And despite my preference, I will play the other way easily enough if thats what people want

        Originally posted by SebP

        Thanks for your standard ruleset. Looks good
        It was just was a quick cut and paste job

        Originally posted by SebP

        I'd say, play with this rule { NO upgrading and then attacking} in effect. In a good game, turns can take hours already. I don't need any more variables
        I sort of like this rule too
        You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


        • #79
          Those rules look okay to me. I also like not upgrading then attacking in the same turn.

          Just to clarify - we're allowing stockpiling after units?


          • #80
            yes, ok. on, as well as crawler upgrading. i want to get this started

            now, drow, are you in? you'd be the 5th.
            faction, email?


            • #81
              fraction :- whatervers left morgan / spartan preferd

              email spookyghosty at gmail dot com


              • #82
                so, we have:
                drow21 - Morgan
                SebP - Drones
                Flubber - Data Angels (eek ;-) )
                Trotsky - Gaians (or PK?)
                Mid - PK (or Gaians?)

                Looks good to me... You might get to hear plasma shards

                drow21: spookyghosty at gmail dot com
                SebP: das DOT letzte DOT theorem AT gmx DOT de
                Flubber: sharris4141 AT yahoo DOT com
                Trotsky: trotsky AT adinet DOT com DOT uy
                Mid: sam AT technomyth DOT co DOT uk

                I'll adopt the map settings from Trotsky's OP:
                "Standard" world:
                - Standard Planet
                - 50-70% Ocean Coverage
                - Average Erosive Forces
                - Average Native Forms
                - Average Cloud Cover

                Also, CMNed for somewhat fair map positions.
                Everyone starts with 4 colony pods, 3 scouts, and his usual techs and other advantages

                Rules are:
                - All victory conditions on
                - But: NO Coop victories
                - Look first
                - Directed research
                - No unity survey
                No contacts before meeting ingame

                Energy Stockpiling after unit builds: allowed
                Crawler upgrading: allowed
                Upgrading via Workshop and attacking on the same turn: NOT allowed

                And remember try to roleplay your factions. And behave ladylike... at least for a while ;-) ? (with morgan, drones, tree huggers and the angels in the game there is enough potential for conflicts) War AND betrayal WILL ulimately result, as there is no coop victories. However, it doesn't have to be from the start...

                Are all ok with this? I still sense some source for conflicts between the peaceful/at least honourable settings wanted by trotsky and the no Coop wanted by at least flubber and me.

                if everyone is, then now, there's only turn order and getting a CMN. (I don't really know googlie and other famous players since i'm new, sooo... flubber?)

                When do people play: I am almost certain to be available in the mornings and late evenings/not too long after midnight (GMT+1).
                I can often play in daytime too, but this may not be true for long. This means: right now, i could play after 2 or three europeans play their turns before their job, as i'm not yet a worker. but I'll probably be before this game ends
                Last edited by SebP; June 22, 2006, 05:42.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by SebP

                  Flubber - Data Angels (eek ;-) )
                  why the eek?
                  You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by SebP

                    "Standard" world:
                    - Standard Planet
                    - 50-70% Ocean Coverage
                    - Average Erosive Forces
                    - Average Native Forms
                    - Average Cloud Cover
                    THats ok but slightly larger makes for more of a builder game
                    You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by SebP

                      Are all ok with this? I still sense some source for conflicts between the peaceful/at least honourable settings wanted by trotsky and the no Coop wanted by at least flubber and me.
                      My view on no co-op is simply because if 2 players team up completely, the diplomacy gets boring and the team almost inevitably wins
                      You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by SebP

                        if everyone is, then now, there's only turn order and getting a CMN. (I don't really know googlie and other famous players since i'm new, sooo... flubber?)

                        When do people play: I am almost certain to be available in the mornings and late evenings/not too long after midnight (GMT+1).
                        I can often play in daytime too, but this may not be true for long. This means: right now, i could play after 2 or three europeans play their turns before their job, as i'm not yet a worker. but I'll probably be before this game ends
                        Ok I was actually thinking of asking darsnan first . I will send him a pm

                        As for times I play -- I play in the early morning here ( North American mountain time-- GMT minus 7 ) so a turn that gets to me before noon GMT might get played. Once I head out to work, I'm gone for 10-12 hours so turns that arrive before 6pm (1 am GMT) get played pretty quickly and any turn that arrives by 10pm here (5 am GMT) should get played. Weekends are all over the place
                        You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Flubber

                          THats ok but slightly larger makes for more of a builder game
                          i guess larger would be better


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Flubber
                            My view on no co-op is simply because if 2 players team up completely, the diplomacy gets boring and the team almost inevitably wins
                            I hoped we could just agree to avoid this behaviour...


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Leon Trotsky

                              I hoped we could just agree to avoid this behaviour...
                              Having no co-op totally avoids that behavior-- If co-op is in play there will be folks that will make agreements to win together-- After all, isn't that the point of allowing co-op victories
                              You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                              • #90
                                Hi All,

                                I can CMN this game if you like. Are the game settings in post 82 what is agreed upon? If so, I can probably start building this Friday evening.

                                As far AI's are concerned: di you want any, and if so, how difficult do you want them to be?


