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Turn tracking thread for "Newbies Sandbox" PBEM

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    Play hangman.


    • Turn 2162, drones to hive, completed and sent.
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      • Just to clarify a couple of the rules here. Although it was just the cgn rules that were posted in the TTT, I presume we are still going with the additional rules that were agreed on in the sign up thread. These are

        don't abuse stockpiling ( building one unit at a time is OK, just don't do the unit-stockpile-unit-stockpile abuse ).
        Inform victim after doing a sucessful probe function, except infiltration.
        Don't use the F4 screen to screw with an infiltrated opponent's worker settings.
        Don't accept AI generated faction decisions ... get player consent first.
        Don't reload games ... don't use the unit design screen twice in one turn ... if you do it in the same city screen, the game will crash.
        Don't attack on the turn of upgrading with upgraded units.

        I ask because I'm going to be using probe actions soon. and if we arent going with these additional rules, then I have broken the stockpiling rule

        I will be away this weekend, hopefully getting engaged.
        I hope all goes well. And if it doesn't, I have found in life that nerve stapling is the best way to get past any resistance.


        • 2162.

          The short pact between Drones and Hive has been cancelled. Apparently my demands for one hundred million energy credits were unreasonable.
          Attached Files


          • First things first:
            I reloaded because I ruined a preaccepted offer. Trust me that I immediately noticed my error, and I gained no benefit from this. I promise it won't happen again. If I am still to be burned at stake, let me know.

            Now, check the updated Gaian Technology Catalog:

            Doctrine: Mobility
            Centauri Ecology
            Progenitor Psych
            Information Networks
            Industrial Base
            Social Psych
            Applied Physics
            Doctrine: Flexibility
            Ethical Calculus
            Polymorphic Software
            Planetary Networks
            Secrets of the Human Brain
            Industrial Economics
            Doctrine: Loyalty
            Intellectual Integrity
            Optical Computers
            Industrial Automation
            Gene Splicing
            Adaptive Economics
            Adaptive Doctrine
            Doctrine: Initiative
            Ecological Engineering

            I think 50 energy credits will do for most techs.

            -Planet's Prime Popper


            • 2163 to kbarret.

              7 techs in one turn!

              Nicely done
              Attached Files
              Play hangman.


              • I think we have all been trading tech quite a bit ...

                You can speed up the process by pre accepting, and just giving away the tech ... hopefully your partner will meet his prior agreement and do the same.

                Setroc ... I'll loan you the 100,000,000 as soon as I can borrow it from one of the AIs. The rules you mentioned sound exactly like the ones we agreed to.

                And, yes, Lal got the Monsoon Jungle ... I expect he won't be keeping it long.

                Oh, and BTW, turn 2163, drones to hive, completed and sent.
                Attached Files


                • 2163

                  Maybe Trotsky will give the 100million for performing a reload. Does everyone agree that's a fair punishment?
                  Attached Files


                  • 2164 to kbarret.

                    I played this yesterday, but forgot to send sorry!

                    Also, as I mentioned, I'm away for the weekend. Starting now
                    Play hangman.


                    • Turn 2164, drones to hive, completed.
                      Attached Files


                      • 2164
                        Attached Files


                        • 2165 to kbarret.

                          Svensgaurd needs to be taught a lesson. Bombarding my formers be neither Yarrr nor woo.
                          Play hangman.


                          • Send me coordinates and my green navy will make short work of them.


                            • I will have my nearest probe skimship investigate immediately!


                              • Re-send the turn please ... I didn't get it.

