The provost looked at his assembled advisors . . " Let me get this straight. The Spartans say that they will attack people if they are not given better military weapons. Why would ANYONE he threatens give him BETTER weapons? . . . any would not the demands extend to every other tech on Planet once they have these weapons? It seems to me that that is a recipe to get dead very quickly"
The generals nodded. They began cheering when he continued, " Appeasement ? NEVER!!
The university denounces and refuses the demands of the Spartans . If a truce remains offered despite this, the matter will be brought to a faculty council meeting for a full discussion. The university does not wish war
The generals nodded. They began cheering when he continued, " Appeasement ? NEVER!!
The university denounces and refuses the demands of the Spartans . If a truce remains offered despite this, the matter will be brought to a faculty council meeting for a full discussion. The university does not wish war