Game 1: "Here there be Pirates". Game specifications:
- Huge Map, 80-90% ocean
- starting positions would be "archapeligos" (as opposed to the traditional open water starting positions for seafaring Factions)
- Sea Monoliths
- Sea Boreholes (or Boreholes accessible to sea bases)
- Subs available w/ Doc: Init
- Carriers available w/ MMI (or Doc: Air - not sure which would be better)
- 4 players max
- beefed up AI's, at the CMN's discretion
- If this is a SMAX game, then we can discuss the option of giving every Faction the "Marine Detachment" option, as well as +1 Min's for each sea tile.
- Also, if this is SMAX, then clones of other people's Factions allowed (i.e. 2 Uni Factions allowed, 2 Believer Factions allowed, etc.)
-CMN needed
- plan on starting game in about 3 weeks
Game 2: "Puppets States R - Us". This would be a variant on the One City Challenge (OCC) in that each human player would only be allowed 1-3 bases for themselves. They would then be perma-pacted to an AI of their choice, and it would then be the goal of each human player to either put their AI Faction on top, or actually "step from behind the curtain" at the last instant to claim a transcendent victory. Game Specifications:
- this is a SMAX game in order to allow the CMN to set the play order for each human player and his AI pactmate (i.e. so they can follow one right after the other).
- human players aren't allowed to capture any bases: humans can empty bases of defenders for their AI ally, you can turn over units to your AI pactmate to capture bases, you can "swap" bases with the AI's, you can kill one of your bases and found another, etc., but under no circumstances are you allowed any more bases than the agreed upon starting amount.
- victory conditions would be any and all for the AI's, but humans cannot win by Conquest
- a human player "loses" if all his bases are eliminated and he cannot build/ start another base (note exception immediately below)
- a human player can still win if all his bases are eliminated, but his AI pactmate becomes supreme
- 3 human players max
- If 3 human players, then there will only be 6 Factions total
- If only 2 human players, then should have full compliment of non-aligned AI's, either chosen between the 2 human players, or by the CMN
- Other points (map size/ conditions, etc) TBD
- CMN needed
- plan on starting game in about 3 weeks
As a final note, if there is enough interest in a second set of these games, then I will be available to build these in about 3 weeks as well. FYI.
- Huge Map, 80-90% ocean
- starting positions would be "archapeligos" (as opposed to the traditional open water starting positions for seafaring Factions)
- Sea Monoliths
- Sea Boreholes (or Boreholes accessible to sea bases)
- Subs available w/ Doc: Init
- Carriers available w/ MMI (or Doc: Air - not sure which would be better)
- 4 players max
- beefed up AI's, at the CMN's discretion
- If this is a SMAX game, then we can discuss the option of giving every Faction the "Marine Detachment" option, as well as +1 Min's for each sea tile.
- Also, if this is SMAX, then clones of other people's Factions allowed (i.e. 2 Uni Factions allowed, 2 Believer Factions allowed, etc.)
-CMN needed
- plan on starting game in about 3 weeks
Game 2: "Puppets States R - Us". This would be a variant on the One City Challenge (OCC) in that each human player would only be allowed 1-3 bases for themselves. They would then be perma-pacted to an AI of their choice, and it would then be the goal of each human player to either put their AI Faction on top, or actually "step from behind the curtain" at the last instant to claim a transcendent victory. Game Specifications:
- this is a SMAX game in order to allow the CMN to set the play order for each human player and his AI pactmate (i.e. so they can follow one right after the other).
- human players aren't allowed to capture any bases: humans can empty bases of defenders for their AI ally, you can turn over units to your AI pactmate to capture bases, you can "swap" bases with the AI's, you can kill one of your bases and found another, etc., but under no circumstances are you allowed any more bases than the agreed upon starting amount.
- victory conditions would be any and all for the AI's, but humans cannot win by Conquest
- a human player "loses" if all his bases are eliminated and he cannot build/ start another base (note exception immediately below)
- a human player can still win if all his bases are eliminated, but his AI pactmate becomes supreme
- 3 human players max
- If 3 human players, then there will only be 6 Factions total
- If only 2 human players, then should have full compliment of non-aligned AI's, either chosen between the 2 human players, or by the CMN
- Other points (map size/ conditions, etc) TBD
- CMN needed
- plan on starting game in about 3 weeks
As a final note, if there is enough interest in a second set of these games, then I will be available to build these in about 3 weeks as well. FYI.