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SMAC game

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  • SMAC game

    Anyone interested in a multi-player game email me at

  • #2
    I just joined this forum with the express purpose of doing just that. Though I am relatively new at PBEM, I have a bit of experience under my belt. Any one else interrested?


    • #3
      Sure.... sign me in !
      Greetings, H.Humpel


      • #4
        I#d like to be part of this, if it is possible to use mine Linux Version of SMAC /SMAX. Anyone got experience with that?


        • #5
          I'm running the (native Loki) Linux version here and never had problems with other Win-ACAX-Gamers in PBEM games. As far as I know there is just a problem with ACAX-IP-games, but I never tried one yet...
          Greetings, H.Humpel


          • #6
            And... talking about Linux here :
            Apolyton Linux Poll
            Greetings, H.Humpel


            • #7
              From what I have seen, it looks as though you can convert your Simultaneous move IP Games to regular IP games then to PBEM games, which kind of intrigues me. Something like that would get a lot of the early game boredom out of the way quickly. But for you guys, I would love to just to a PBEM.

              So what about rules? Should we stick with the ones list in some of the other threads (standard)?

              I haven't played on Apolyton before, but it looks like we would need a game master and some map settings before we can start. That and faction picks. What does everyone think?



              • #8
                Oh, where did you get the linux client? Is it one of those rare pieces of linux software that you have to buy?



                • #9
                  Well.... it's definitifly about a PBEM game I guess and hope.
                  A game master is a good idea if someone drops out and for people who are afraid of the "peek positions on first turn" (but I don't care about that).
                  Standard rules (as in other threads) are fine. And if everyone in the game is not too serious about winning/cheating it should be fun anyway .
                  I like random maps more than pre-modeled ones. Starting with about 3 random games for the first 10-20 rounds and than picking (democratically) one (or more) sounds good to me .
                  Finding a game master seems to be the hardest part, but if all of us can live without one, I might set up a bunch of games
                  Greetings, H.Humpel


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by nik9000
                    Oh, where did you get the linux client? Is it one of those rare pieces of linux software that you have to buy?
                    Yeps, you will have to buy it... but this is a hard quest. ACAX was one of the fastest selling Loki Linux games ever. They have been sold out very quickly and unfortunately Loki had to close it's doors. So there is no chance of buying a new copy anymore. Sometime a copy pops up on ebay or amazon, and the last one I've seen was offered for about $129 !
                    So good luck with that
                    Greetings, H.Humpel


                    • #11
                      I can live without a game master and a totally random map sounds fine with me. I have never done the three games, but I wouldn't mind doing it.

                      What factions for everyone?


                      • #12
                        Not worth buying it as I currently run windows at home. But if it were free I could pick it up for work/VNC it.



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by nik9000
                          I can live without a game master and a totally random map sounds fine with me. I have never done the three games, but I wouldn't mind doing it.
                          Well, the three games thing is good if you encounter serious trouble within the first turns (like an oponent or too many native life forms next door). The chances for that are much higher in a random game.
                          In that case the game may be dropped out, and if there is one game everyone is some kind of happy with after these first turns there's no way of complaining afterwards

                          What factions for everyone?
                          You name it, I'll do it
                          Well, normally only the standard 14 ACAX-Factions are used, but if you want to try/play any other set, factions etc. I'll be fine with it, too.
                          It's just that the chances of an unbalanced game are higher.
                          Greetings, H.Humpel


                          • #14
                            I am fine with the regular factions. Heck, I am even fine with the Aliens, though I don't think I wan to play them. For the last game I played, the game masters saw fit to include two pirate factions, so they hacked up another one out of good ol' fung boy. With four players instead of 7, I don't think we will be hurting on pirates.

                            Transcend difficulty ok with everyone? I haven't seen a multiplayer game without it. By this point I am just so used to it.

                            Maybe I would like to play the Drones or the Believers. Its not that I like research penalties. Its more that I like the factions themselves. The Believer cities even look cool.



                            • #15
                              Well... ok.... no-one else wants to join in ???
                              Greetings, H.Humpel

