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New SMAC Game - players wanted

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  • #16
    I know it's going to be hard, but still... I just love probes too much.


    • #17
      Correct. There is a bug in the exe that gives the "Do I slap their wrists or do I declare vendetta" choice to the faction that does the probing instead of to the victim of the probe. PBEM rules deal with that by insisiting that when the probing faction gets that message then they must choose the Vendetta option, Then if the victim just wanted to slap wrists, they can always offer a Truce or treaty or pact to the rival

      Ecept for simple infiltration (no message is given so no need for action)


      • #18
        Correct. There is a bug in the exe that gives the "Do I slap their wrists or do I declare vendetta" choice to the faction that does the probing instead of to the victim of the probe. PBEM rules deal with that by insisiting that when the probing faction gets that message then they must choose the Vendetta option, Then if the victim just wanted to slap wrists, they can always offer a Truce or treaty or pact to the rival

        Except for simple infiltration (no message is given so no need for action)


        • #19
          BTW, are you expected to let the victim know he's been probed if it's been only an infiltration or vendetta has been already in place?


          • #20
            I think you should inform them even if vendetta is already in place though I am not sure how that is usually handeled and I could be convinced (since we have a believers player) to make it so you don't have to. No matter what your relations are with the faction you are probing however I think the screen still comes up.
            A university faculty is 500 egoists with a common parking problem


            • #21
              And when game started??


              • #22
                When goog is finished making our great and wonderful map!

                All hail Goog the god of modding
                A university faculty is 500 egoists with a common parking problem


                • #23
                  In Googlie we trust.


                  • #24
                    LOL - sorry for the delay - I have a houseguest for a week that's quite demanding in time, so I just get to sneak onto the 'net at ungodly hours in the morning or at night,

                    bear with me



                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Googlie
                      I have a houseguest for a week that's quite demanding in time,
                      Two words here: "Nerve. Stapling.". Trust me - works every time...



                      • #26

