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Alpha Omega - turn tracking thread

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  • The peacekeepers are joining the war against me. I just located PK probe teams in my territory and Lal also threatened me over comms.

    I think our plan, if we're to have one, should be that we co-operatively research Air Power and I nervegasneedlejet the Angels and PKs.

    There is also the danger that the Angels will get air power first...

    At what point are we to getting Air power. Anyone have HEC and Gene splicing? Synthetic fossil fuels?


    • As the Morgan Bankrers are quite away from the conflict area direct military help is impossible as we also don't possess any ship yet...
      talking about techs...
      Morgans are rather very peacefull faction and not very interested in typically militaristic technologies...
      Therefore we don't have High Energy Chemistry not talking about Synthetic Fossil Fuels...
      But... if someone is going to provide us Ethical Calculus we promise to work on Gene Splicing...
      [turn sent to Sevencubed]


      • 2141 sent to arcainite.
        I'm afraid that i will confrim senethro's call regarding peacekeepers. Peacekeeper are probably in agressive mood, their units located in my territory.


        • Going by their voting behaviour and interactions with humans, I think the CPUs are hard-pacted and set to ruthlessly betray humans. Though the Angels are the most powerful, I think they are all set to support Lal. I wouldn't be surprised if the Angel's current status was an accident of Googlies.

          As I am currently closest to the tech leader I am in a position to steal tech from them by probing. If anyone can offer me financial or tech support and should I survive I will be more than happy to share all future spoils.

          Arcainite, the angels are to the west of my position if you want to send your ships to investigate that region.

          While I'm sure none of you are afraid of regular Transcend CPUs, I think these have been designed to murder us. If we do not co-operate early then we may face a situation where they are holding all of the projects.

          Going by the Angel's score, does anyone want to hazard a guess as to how far off of Doctrine: air power they might be?


          • 2141

            Turn sent to Senethro.


            • Are you sure? I haven't received it.


              • Sorted!

                turn sent to Sebed.


                • 2142 sent to arcainite.
                  Lal has started extortions and threats, its coming...


                  • 2142

                    We figured out what went wrong. I sent the turn to instead of

                    Turn resent to correct address.
                    Sebed's debt has been paid off in full.
                    Captain Arcainite


                    • TUrn sent to sebed


                      • turn sent to Sevencubed


                        • 2143 sent


                          • Turn sent.

                            We have a problem. The Angels are about to complete the Human Genome project. If everyone combined can send me 80 credits then I can hurry it and deny it to them. As a human player I should get priority over the CPU Angels and I'll get it, right? Does that work in PBEM games too? As I'm somewhat occupied building military and not drone control facilities I'd rather not have to start nerve stapling and losing commerce with other players.

                            Also, 4 impact squads appeared in my territory. I didn't see who they belonged to but it might have been the PKs.


                            • Morgan Bankrers are happy to inform that due to very huge financial investments the problem with Human Genome Project has probably been solved - we hope it wasn't too late and we were informed on time...
                              [turn sent to Sevencubed]


                              • 2144 sent

