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Gecko Pbem

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  • #91
    2118 to Fosse


    • #92
      turn to sentry33


      • #93
        2118 to Shawn
        a Spartan Eco-Science specimen.
        Producing Buddhism.
        Enlightenment is the Base, Way & Goal.


        • #94
          2118 toi Gaians
          The worst form of insubordination is being right - Keith D., marine veteran. A dictator will starve to the last civilian - self-quoted
          And on the eigth day, God realized it was Monday, and created caffeine. And behold, it was very good. - self-quoted
          Klaatu: I'm impatient with stupidity. My people have learned to live without it.
          Mr. Harley: I'm afraid my people haven't. I'm very sorry… I wish it were otherwise.


          • #95
            I meant turn to cyborgs - it was sent to 2/3/05, and was properly labeled cyborgs. I'll resend and post it here. (Thanks to Sentry for emailing me).
            Attached Files
            The worst form of insubordination is being right - Keith D., marine veteran. A dictator will starve to the last civilian - self-quoted
            And on the eigth day, God realized it was Monday, and created caffeine. And behold, it was very good. - self-quoted
            Klaatu: I'm impatient with stupidity. My people have learned to live without it.
            Mr. Harley: I'm afraid my people haven't. I'm very sorry… I wish it were otherwise.


            • #96
              Turn was already sent

              Hi all,

              I had received the turn on 2/3 and already sent it on the same day to the cult. I will resend.



              • #97
                2119 to Fosse


                • #98
                  Sorry to post the file, sentry. Hotmail is acting up.
                  Attached Files


                  • #99
                    2119 to Shawn
                    a Spartan Eco-Science specimen.
                    Producing Buddhism.
                    Enlightenment is the Base, Way & Goal.


                    • 2119 to cyborgs.
                      The worst form of insubordination is being right - Keith D., marine veteran. A dictator will starve to the last civilian - self-quoted
                      And on the eigth day, God realized it was Monday, and created caffeine. And behold, it was very good. - self-quoted
                      Klaatu: I'm impatient with stupidity. My people have learned to live without it.
                      Mr. Harley: I'm afraid my people haven't. I'm very sorry… I wish it were otherwise.


                      • Turn sent to cult


                        • Guys,
                          Hotmail has been giving me LOADS of problems in the last few days.

                          It's having errors, not attaching files, refusing to download, being too busy, and generally just a PIA.

                          I'd like to transfer as much of my PBEM to kylebenanderson AT gmail DOT com from now on.



                          • It looks like the turn was last seen going to Googlie.

                            Googlie, did you ever receive it?


                            • Re-sent to googlie


                              • Bump - anybody figure out where's the turn?
                                The worst form of insubordination is being right - Keith D., marine veteran. A dictator will starve to the last civilian - self-quoted
                                And on the eigth day, God realized it was Monday, and created caffeine. And behold, it was very good. - self-quoted
                                Klaatu: I'm impatient with stupidity. My people have learned to live without it.
                                Mr. Harley: I'm afraid my people haven't. I'm very sorry… I wish it were otherwise.

