This is the turn tracking thread for the PBEM called "Mysteries of the Pentagon". Settings for the game are as follows:
Game: SMAC
World size Huge
Water 50 to 70
Errosion Weak
Alien life normal
Standard rules
Difficulty Thinker
Turnage is as follows:
linux134 - Gaians
shawnmmcc: Hive
ForesterSOF - Morgan
t_ras - Spartans
Fosse - Peacekeepers
CMN - Darsnan
TheUniversity and the Believers are played by themselves.
Premise for the game: once safely ensconced on Planet each of your Factions' communications equipment pick up a strange broadcast emanating from somewhere else on Planet. After your crypto-analysts are able to decipher the message you realize it is some sort of alien distress beacon! Further, the signal is still playing realtime images from the site of origin, which is a roughly "pentagon" shaped island in the middle of Planet! Although there is no sign of the living amongst the ruins, your Factions all realize that taking control of the Ruins left by the mysterious alien civilization, or at the very least denying them to your rivals, must become an important milestone if you are to succeed on Planet!
First turn has been sent to linux134. Good Luck to All!
Game: SMAC
World size Huge
Water 50 to 70
Errosion Weak
Alien life normal
Standard rules
Difficulty Thinker
Turnage is as follows:
linux134 - Gaians
shawnmmcc: Hive
ForesterSOF - Morgan
t_ras - Spartans
Fosse - Peacekeepers
CMN - Darsnan
TheUniversity and the Believers are played by themselves.
Premise for the game: once safely ensconced on Planet each of your Factions' communications equipment pick up a strange broadcast emanating from somewhere else on Planet. After your crypto-analysts are able to decipher the message you realize it is some sort of alien distress beacon! Further, the signal is still playing realtime images from the site of origin, which is a roughly "pentagon" shaped island in the middle of Planet! Although there is no sign of the living amongst the ruins, your Factions all realize that taking control of the Ruins left by the mysterious alien civilization, or at the very least denying them to your rivals, must become an important milestone if you are to succeed on Planet!
First turn has been sent to linux134. Good Luck to All!
