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Naval Clash - Second Thread

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  • Naval Clash - Second Thread

    Naval Clash - PBEM game
    SMACX v2.0

    Second thread
    Pirates		GMT-5	Sankis	   [email][/email]
    Angels		GMT-8	DataAeolus [email][/email]
    Atlants		GMT+1	GeoModder  [email][/email]
    University	GMT+1	Rubin	   [email][/email]
    Gaians		AI
    Peacekeepers	AI
    Hive		AI
    CMN		GMT-7	Mart7x5	   [email][/email]
    Preference	|	Settings
    Map size	|	Standard
    Ocean		|	50-70
    Erosion		|	Weak	
    Life		|	Aver
    Clouds		|	Aver
    Difficulty	|	Transc.
    Transcend	|	Yes
    Diplomatic	|	Yes
    Economic	|	Yes
    Cooperative	|	Yes
    Do or Die	|	No	
    Flexible start	|	Yes
    Tech stag	|	No	
    Spoils of war	|	No
    Blind research	|	No
    Intense riv	|	Yes
    No survey	|	Yes
    No scatter	|	No
    No rnd events	|	No
    Time Warp	|	No
    Iron man	|	No
    Rand person	|	No
    Rand social	|	No
    The scenario: Link

    Installation instructions. Please unzip "Naval" to SMAX scenario folder. Follow instructions in "readme_naval_clash_scenario.txt" file in the attached scenario zip file. An example of the scenario folder path is:
    C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri\scenarios\Naval Clash
    *Please remember though that your root directory:
    C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
    may be completely different, what should not have any effect on finding the right folder, as terranx.exe should "get the start path" always when entering "scenario" folder

    Rules: Link
    Signup thread: Link
    First turn tracking thread: Link
    Map creation contest
    WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet

  • #2
    Thanks for creating the new turn tracking thread, mart7x5.

    M.Y. 2167 is ready for Pirate Sankis!

    Chairman Yang has completed the Planetary Energy Grid and the Atlanteans(!) report heavy casualties during swarming of native lifeforms....


    • #3
      We do?
      Enid goes off of to fectch new advisors...

      Thanks as well, Mart.
      He who knows others is wise.
      He who knows himself is enlightened.
      -- Lao Tsu

      SMAC(X) Marsscenario


      • #4
        Odd. The turn didn't appear in my inbox until today.

        2167 to Angels


        • #5
          Had that for a while too with a player from the States. Her turns came in my inbox with a 24 hour delay. If it continues I suggest contacting your internet provider.
          He who knows others is wise.
          He who knows himself is enlightened.
          -- Lao Tsu

          SMAC(X) Marsscenario


          • #6
            One time my girlfriend (now an ex) and I had an arguement and frustrated at her stubborness I emailed her an email about how I felt.

            She didn't get it until few months later ruining the good phase we were experiencing at that time. Also she was so upset and everything, she thought I wrote it recently. I was so stunned about it myself and I noticed the date....

            Anyway, enough of my story and time to play your turn, Geo!
            Who is Barinthus?


            • #7
              Turn 2167 forwarded to Rubin.

              Don't be mad please...
              He who knows others is wise.
              He who knows himself is enlightened.
              -- Lao Tsu

              SMAC(X) Marsscenario


              • #8
                2168 to the Pirate.

                The University of Planet requests information as to HOW the atlantean scout patrol was able to reach its current position! Has Queen Enid warped planetary physics? Perhaps counsellor Geo can explain?

                Oh, and Lady Deirdre has broadcast a message saying the Planetary Transit System is almost complete...

                (private addendum to Queen Enid: Have you forgotten the native specimen promised so many years ago?)


                • #9
                  The Royal Research Department has, after an indept investigation, offered the following explanation for the incident:
                  • 'After many years of research on interdimensional gateways a research team has discovered a way to calibrate a dimensional rift in resonance with some specific materials. Experiments with these techniques created a feedback proces on volunteers assigned to the project. The result was, as calculated, a disappearance to another dimension, but the reappearance is appearantly uncontrollable with current technology and caused the subjects to appear way of their designated arrival point. Nevertheless, futher research in this department will assuredly have full success in another 50-75 Mission Years according to our prognostics.'

                  The Kingdom apologizes for the inconvenience (if any) and assures that the scout will be retrieved by more conventional ways ASAP as to avoid interdimensional damage to the possessions of the University. We trust no damage was done during the rift transition?

                  As on the private addendum: our Queen points out that an investigation of our archives learned that the conditions for such a transfer were never finished, nor concluded in detail.
                  He who knows others is wise.
                  He who knows himself is enlightened.
                  -- Lao Tsu

                  SMAC(X) Marsscenario


                  • #10
                    Turn passed to the Data Angels.


                    • #11
                      Passed once more to the Kingdom.
                      Who is Barinthus?


                      • #12
                        Council Proposal

                        Dear members of the Planetary Council, today I wish to bring on the table a proposal to relax
                        our import -and export taxes implemented on trading goods. The net result will, according
                        to my economic advisor, be a double commerce rate for ALL our factions IF we all
                        implement the same taxation rate.

                        The Kingdom, being the forebringer of the proposal, votes YEA.
                        How do yea vote, Mr. Yang?

                        The Human Hive votes YEA to this proposal.

                        My Lady, what is the word from your faction?

                        The Gaians do not agree to unrestricted trade whatsoever, NAY it is!!

                        I see. And how is the stance of the U.N. on this matter, Brother Lal?

                        The U.N. follows the reasoning of the Gaians in this, NAY thus.

                        Very well, two votes in favor, two against sofar. Dr. Rubin, how does the University of Planet
                        wish to vote on this matter?

                        The vote question of MY 2168 is sended.
                        He who knows others is wise.
                        He who knows himself is enlightened.
                        -- Lao Tsu

                        SMAC(X) Marsscenario


                        • #13
                          2169 to the Pirates.

                          YEA, of course!

                          Deirdre completes the Planetary Transit System and Lal now intends to build the Citizens' Defense Force.


                          • #14
                            Lal? Well the little...

                            3 YEA
                            2 NAY
                            He who knows others is wise.
                            He who knows himself is enlightened.
                            -- Lao Tsu

                            SMAC(X) Marsscenario


                            • #15
                              The Nautilus vote YEA on the most recent proposal.

                              The Turn has been sent to the Angels.

