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New game, Enigma in the middle.

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Enigma_Nova
    Camoflage doesn't work if you say "Hey, look here!"
    I've noticed though that your pretty good at keeping your mouth shut and not tipping your hand. Besides, if I were CMN I'd do this for the "King". Regardless, I really like this format - wish I'd thought of it myself. I also wouldn't mind being the "Bear" in a future game, if theres enough interest for another one. It'd also be reall interesting to see who all lines up to take a piece of me! I could easily make a grocery list of players that'd probably want some sort of revenge on me, except for the fact that a majority of them have faded away into the mists of time.....

    Originally posted by Enigma_Nova
    What about Smacksim? He wants a piece of me.
    HongHu's in for revenge, too.
    I don't know anything about their personal affiliations with you. Can you name everyone that "wants a piece of you"? Or would it just be easier to make a list of those players that don't "want a piece of you"?



    • #32
      Originally posted by Darsnan

      I don't know anything about their personal affiliations with you. Can you name everyone that "wants a piece of you"? Or would it just be easier to make a list of those players that don't "want a piece of you"?

      Heh he's been such a good sport about this that right now I don't really want a piece of him.

      I get days where I do feel like attacking him in a PBEM though.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Darsnan
        I've noticed though that your pretty good at keeping your mouth shut
        W T F?
        Do you have like a... lack of seeing stuff or something?

        I don't know anything about their personal affiliations with you. Can you name everyone that "wants a piece of you"?
        /me brings up the rollcall to the ACDG
        BinTravkin <--- main enemy!
        Defending ChairmanSlick, who I treated like an idiot
        Treated him like an idiot
        For no good reason
        Intolerance of turn pace
        Comrade Tassadar
        ACPSG ongoing vendetta
        Intolerance of turn pace
        Claustrophobia 'cheating' affair
        Intolerance of turn pace
        ACPSG ongoing vendetta
        Intolerance of turn pace
        Popularity conformism sheep-tactic stuff
        Popularity conformism sheep-tactic stuff
        ACPSG ongoing vendetta
        Defending t_ras, who I treated like an idiot
        For no good reason
        For no good reason
        Skanky Burns
        Popularity conformism sheep-tactic stuff

        Or would it just be easier to make a list of those players that don't "want a piece of you"?
        The folk with a positive opinion:

        w00t I have LESS THAN TWICE the number of enemies that I do friends!
        Last edited by Enigma_Nova; June 21, 2004, 22:42.


        • #34
          Heh nice to see the HongHu who was "in for revenge" was in the positive side with Enigma_Nova himself.

          And I thought less than twice was grammorically wrong. Yeah yeah I have to have a misspelled word or two so that you don't feel too bad.

          Ok better go do the pbems.
          Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

          Grapefruit Garden


          • #35
            Players are

            Gaian - HongHu
            Hive - Lord Raptor
            Uni - Enigma (King of the Hill)
            Morgan - Chaunk
            Sparta - Hercules
            Believers - Darsnan
            PK - Smacksim

            CMN - Kody xxxjohn@alphadimensions.netxxx

            Please send me passwords you want to use, or I'll set a password for you. Please list email address that you each want to use too.


            • #36
              Any password is fine as long as I can type it in my sleep.

              Something like 12345 or qwert or something.


              • #37
                Magi Enigma surveyed the huge plateau the landing ships had secured. He had offered paradise and enlightenment to many of the soldiers and they had wisely accepted. Unfortunately he had not managed to convince as many citizens, but those foolish enough to reject his offer would have difficulty surviving the harsh new world.

                It was he that found the abandoned ruins of a once great civilisation, a civilisation so great that after their inexplicable disappearance their structures and machines were still around thousands of years later. This was the perfect place to build a new empire that would rise out of the ashes of the old and even eclipse the glory that lay before him.

                "The logic is quite simple", Magi Enigma announced to his fellow professors that stood behind him. "In our search for truth we must be prepared to step on toes and weaker factions will fall to our dominance. Those that have abandoned our cause do not deserve our sympathy. It is they who chose to revert back to savages because of simple disagreements."

                Magi Enigma turned to face the combined forces of the Nexus. He could see the pride and the confidence that filled those who followed him.

                "I bring a new era", Magi Enigma shouted. "This world belongs to us!"

                The men and women cheered loudly and Enigma was pleased.

                "Magi", the military minister bowed his head slightly in respect. "Sensors indicate that other factions have placed landing parties to take this continent from us."

                Magi Enigma frowned at this news. "They wouldn't dare", he muttered to himself. "Send out the army and the machines, let them see the might that we posses and they will think twice of crossing us."


                This is alpha team we have landed on the Nexus mainland, transmitting collected survey data, what are our orders.

                Establish a base, but ensure radio silence, we don't know what kind of technology Enigma has discovered in the ruins. Assert the military potential of the enemy and take any opportunities that arise.

                Roger that, this is alpha team out.

                Darsnan leaned back in his chair. The report was very interesting there were numerous defensive structures in place, utilising technology that they wouldn't have for years, terrain made invasion difficult too. While it made Enigma very secure it also meant he was a leashed bear. Darsnan wondered how long it would take Enigma to chew through the rope, things would get deadly once he did.

                Darsnan reviewed the landing data again. Enigma also had guerrilla forces on the main contient, he was certain of that. However these forces were small and as long as the others kept up a reasonable defence for all their bases, Enigma would not get a foothold on the main continent.


                • #38
                  One thing, Kody:

                  You've got the messianic complex down, but there's one conflict with my personality:
                  I don't think I am the truth,
                  I think I'm above the truth.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Enigma_Nova
                    * Enigma_Nova brings up the rollcall to the ACDG

                    For no good reason
                    I have a VERY good reason to want a piece of you in Life is only a game. You're clearly miles ahead of the rest of us! I have absolutely nothing against you personally, but to NOT attack you as soon as feasable would be madness in that game...

                    Kody, any password would be good thanks.
                    Play hangman.


                    • #40
                      Then that's not a problem with me personally, you just want my tech juice.
                      That type of competition I can accept. After all, I'd probably do the same thing in your position.
                      albeit 3 turns sooner than you could

                      BTW, I noticed Lal next to you from Det's comm sheet.
                      Go momentum him. I'm focused on other matters.
                      /me starts building a Planet Buster


                      • #41
                        I'm planning to have the 'Niggy in the middle game run on from the Heart of Fire game.

                        That means there will be a crapload of back stories, since I don't know who will win the HoF game.
                        In the meantime, I'll pull my RP up from the HoF thread 1 and write it on from there.


                        • #42
                          Can you really name another player who can rally people against his cause like I can?
                          No, I don't think you can. My faction bonuses must be ++TURNSPEED, ++++TURNPLAY and ----DIPLO or something.
                          You should be nominated to be "The King Of The Hill Of Apolyton Of 2004.. err FOREVER!"

                          BinTravkin <--- main enemy!
                          And I missed the signup!
                          What a shame!
                          -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                          -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


                          • #43
                            Passsword sent to Kody

                            Originally posted by Kody

                            Darsnan leaned back in his chair. The report was very interesting there were numerous defensive structures in place, utilising technology that they wouldn't have for years, terrain made invasion difficult too.
                            I hope that the "defensive structures" make sense from a strategic perspective. Perhaps like the "Gothic Line" that Kesselring employed in 1944 in northern Italy?



                            • #44
                              Perhaps like the "Gothic Line" that Kesselring employed in 1944 in northern Italy?
                              Could you explain Darsnan?
                              Im very interested in WW2!
                              -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                              -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


                              • #45
                                at enigma's over-inflated view of how much people care about him

                                My personal view can be summed up as indifference.

                                to the concept of this game-- I really like the idea but who is in the middle is irrelevant really as long as they are sufficiently skilled

                                The only problem I see is that the level of boost a faction would need to even have a prayer against 6 co-operating enemies would be a killer if they instead fight each other. getting the balance right may be tough
                                You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo

