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Think you know everything - Turn Tracking

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  • Rover rested.
    Scout destroys cult former (No morale upgrade though...)
    Formers pansy around a bit.
    Scout tried to move into fungus and failed.


    Enigma, I think you made a mistake last turn, and so U1 + U2 will riot. You've produced the VW in U3, but the hologram effect won't kick in for U1 + U2 till next turn, after they've produced this time. They'll riot this turn, and yet have their riots fixed before the end of the production phase. Ironic eh?

    I've made a mental note to check this thread more often...
    Attached Files
    Play hangman.


    • O_O
      /me slaps himself around a bit with a large trout


      • From Googlie

        "Googlie's 2119 turn notes"


        Quite the turn!!

        Mindworm popped a pod and got Miriam's commlink. I
        called her up and traded Cent Ecol for Doc Mobility,
        Treatied, then traded Secrets for a Pact.

        She's in vendetta with Sven, so got his commlink from
        her and called him. Signed Treaty. Traded Secrets for
        Flex and Ecol for Ind Econ, then Biogenetics for Plan

        Miner took up garrsion duty in Carnoustie - sent
        chopper on an exploratory run west

        St Andrews' pop will expand next turn, so will rush CP
        there next turn. Moved worker to river forested tile
        (from nut forest) for the extra energy credit.

        Carnoustie's CP is nearing now-prepped site (moved
        Former #1 into fungus to facilitate CP's passage)

        Industrial Base next turn. Unfortunately Sven wouldn't
        stay on the commlink long enough for me to get that
        from him - will start on Ind Auto next (or maybe Cent

        Attached Files


        • You don't need to move the former to the fungus, since Gaians have no movement loss through fungus.

          Well, now I'll milk your comm from mim from sven.
          And, of course, I'll techbroker between you and Chaunk.


          • ~TURN BEGIN~
            Svensgaard is talking to Chaunk now.
            This means that he'll call Governor next turn... so I'll do it first!
            I trade IA for NLM and buy all the comms I'm missing for 50ECs.

            I gift all my tech to Miriam so she's happy with me.
            I'm offering IA, IB and InfNets to support me as Planetary Governor, and to give me SotHB.
            Likewise, IA/IB/IndEcon for Chaunk's support and Ethical Calculus.

            U5 founded, rushes formers.
            Yep - got drone riots in my first 2 bases. (bangs head on wall)
            Spatrol at Cape Disappointment cannot move
            Pod at 56,18 is Biogenetics (!)
            72,46 is 75 ECs
            Can't pop any more pods, or move rovers.

            That's the end of the turn. It's up to you two whether you accept or decline the tech trades.
            Attached Files


            • Scout & CP toward X-Geoffs the spot.
              Formers set to remove fungus.
              Scout & Rover in EvIlCoW{} rest, attack cult next turn.
              Defense Probe rushed in EvIlCoW{}.

              Accepted enigma's offer - sent you ethicalcalculus and accepted the deal. Voted for Enigma, who is now our governor - or at least will be regardless of Googlie's voting.

              Contacted Svensgaard, refused to vendetta Believers. Treatied, but he wouldn't trade for doc:flex, only for techs I'm about to get from enigma... ho hum.

              Contacted Miriam. Don't you just love the ai? Ask for treaty:
              M - "You must crush the pirates"
              C - "Nope, can't do that, they're my friends. Sorry, no deal."
              M - "Excellent, treaty it is then!"

              Bloody women! My thriving minions (She may have said theiving, but I'm sure she meant thriving) research is no use to her. Fair does! I'll contact Sven again next turn or so, and see if he'll let me have doc:flex then.

              My tech rate sucks, so I've turned down my tech rate so I'll get fewer techs for a while (50/0/50). When I've got some more bases and pop etc, it'll pick up quicker if my tech cost is still fairly low. It'll still probably be over 200 when I've finished researching this tech though. I'm currently making 4 tech points/turn... lol.

              END TURN
              Attached Files
              Play hangman.


              • Yeah, f***n good AI that.
                I get Sven's comm from a pod (still happy 'bout that),
                who contacts the Cult and the Believers.
                Chaunk contacts Cult, Googlie contacts Believers.

                It's all a big web of stuff that I buy out for a total of 50 ECs and 2 techs.
                Now we can all commence the big conniving plans of conquest (or just kick AI butt and go for co-op)


                • 2120 turn

                  Accepted Enigma's offer (but got Ind Base that turn anyway). Changed to Ind Auto - can reset research next turn after it arrives

                  Moved Carnoustie's Colony Pod to within 1 tile of base location (on the fungus tile where Former # 1 is - it commences to clear the fungus). As pop there has increased to 2. rush the CP for an expenditure of 11 ec's

                  Wild Mindworm appears on the monolith south of St Andrews, so take Former # 3 out of its immediate area and send the chopper back to Carnoustie. Former #2 commences to plant a forest on the sunny tile in St Andrew's base radius

                  Our tame Mindworm moves thru fungus looking for prey

                  End turn

                  (You'll get a reload message re Chaunk - I got his vote choice when i opened it and exited immediately, then remembered that after saving conventionall in a PBEM, choices can be altered.

                  So I voted his votes for Svengaard

                  - Just kidding)

                  Attached Files


                  • ~Turn begin~
                    Offered pacts of commerce to Chaunk and Googlie.
                    I see Sven has ~NO SYNTH~ and is running FM.
                    My Foils will destroy him.
                    Unfortunately, he's building a transport in the base next to my shore - this base already has a military garrison.

                    I'm switching U3's production to a Laser Rover.
                    I'm also switching U5's production to an Impact Foil.
                    I've designed a Trance Rover Supply - for porkbarrelage.

                    56,14 is not poppable.
                    67,33 is an AA
                    Worms at 72,48. Rover kills them but is badly damaged.

                    All my coastal bases are producing Impact Foils. Sven will sink to the bottom of the sea!
                    Oh, and I sold NLM / EthCalc to ChaDawn. ^^

                    BTW Reload. Some idiot pressed end turn. >_<''
                    Attached Files


                    • Chaunk: Sunspot activity interfering with communications?


                      • Maybe I forgot to e-mail it to him.
                        I'll e-mail again.


                        • formers still a formin'
                          CP still a chuggin' along.
                          CP at DataDeCentral() next turn.

                          Infantry probe dies in last attempt to steal tech from cult. Ah well.
                          Rover attacks cult mind worm. Succeeds. Cults HQ is no more.
                          Infanty move in for kill at other cult base. They have no defender, but they'll have one in 25 turns. I need to be quick!
                          EvIlCoW{} worker set to doctor so as to avoid riots next turn. Funny thing that, since the base'd riot even if there was a police unit in it... captured bases eh? Funny world and all that.

                          Research target: Projenator Pysch: My2128 expected.

                          On a related note, the cult have -50 energy... Enigma! You can't hit the ai up for more energy than they have... Bad enigma!

                          END TURN

                          Think I hit end turn. Ah well. I'm not gonna replay it...
                          Attached Files
                          Play hangman.


                          • Ummm... d'oh.
                            I wasn't paying attention to their energy screen.
                            I guess now I overrush sth for 50 ECs, right?

                            ...just as soon as I get 50 ECs...


                            • Says you who has 280
                              Play hangman.


                              • 280? Cool! Time to rushbuild stuff!

