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Turn reporting thread - - Life is Only a Game

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  • Turn reporting thread - - Life is Only a Game

    Pre game discussions can be found here

    Life is only a Game

    This is a SMAX game on a large, custom built map, 50% to 70% water, average everything.

    Transcend level

    Players in turn order are:

    Enigma_Nova (University -
    AndiD (Morgan - xoxoxsmac@andreas-drechsler.dexoxox)
    DetriusXii (Sparta - xoxoxajelovic2@yahoo.comxoxox)
    Chaunk (Believers - xoxoxmj_blakemore@uk2.netxoxox)

    The AI in this game are:


    Customized in-game rules are:

    Suggested PBEM rules are:

    Originally posted by Tau Ceti

    PBEM specific rules/restrictions on exploiting bugs
    (my (Googlie's) changes in italics):

    > Multiple reloading of the game to try for different effects is forbidden. If a reload is necessary because of a game crash etc., an explanation should be posted to the turn administration thread.

    > Multiple drops or orbital insertions using the right-click menu is forbidden. So is airdropping from outside a base/airbase, or after having moved (except on a magtube) using the same method. Using the 'i' key when you want an airdrop means you will automatically comply with these restrictions.

    > Inserting Stockpile Energy into the build queue after a military unit is forbidden (But is waived - ie, permitted - in this game.

    > If a player employs a tactic that causes a state of vendetta, they are not allowed to "accept" a pending diplomatic agreement with that faction in the same turn, causing a change in diplomatic status or the transfer of energy or knowledge.

    > If an aggressive probe action (anything except infiltration) is used on a faction you have a truce, treaty or pact with, you must select 'Declare Vendetta' in the dialog box that appears afterwards, and notify the victim of your transgression, unless you have received permission in advance. No notification is required in other cases.

    > Upgrading units with the design workshop is allowed at any time

    > Communications only allowed between factions that have obtained each others' commlink frequencies in-game.

    > Social engineering choice limited to one switch per line per turn. (no flip-flop within turn!)

    > Psi units cannot be assigned multiple point patrol routes (avoid instant demon boil bug!)

    > Whenever the planetary council is called, the caller (or the first player to vote if the AI calls it) should post a notification to the thread, including vote totals (if applicable) and who has already voted for what. The other players should post how they vote.

    > Each game is initiated by a CMN who is not participating in that particular game. ( I - Googlie - am the CMN for this game) The CMN assigns a unique password to each player, emails it to them and sends out the first turn to the first player. If a player is away/offline/unable to play for over 48 hours, he/she must notify the CMN and the other players of the game about this and request the game to be postponed for a fixed time period. Otherwise, if a player does not respond to the game turn within 48 hours (without prior notification and postponing of the game), then the CMN can enter the game in place of the player, and play the turn by hitting "Turn Complete" without moving any units or entering anything into the Build Queue.

    > No base trading with the AI. Extortion is allowed.

    > Boosting population though colony pods added to base pop allowed up to the # pop permitted by that base's population control facilities

    Passwords have been sent to all, and the first turn has been sent to Enigma_Nova

    Good luck to all

    Last edited by Googlie; July 11, 2004, 09:11.

  • #2
    Who played his turn and reloaded a bajillion times while complaining about tech beelines.

    Now I've decided to use Mystery Beeline X instead of Industrial Automation, it's all good.


    • #3
      Oooh just noticed spoils are on...
      Play hangman.


      • #4
        2101 to Detrius.


        • #5
          2101 To Chaunk.

          Anyways, for the stockpile energy bug, does it mean we're allowed? The rules say it's forbidden for military units so does that mean it's allowed for structures?


          • #6
            We're allowed entirely in this game. You should put it into the queue after a military unit, otherwise you're losing e.c. and falling behind. It has no effect after a facility, as the game automatically stockpiles when the facility is done. FYI.

            2102 to Enigma.
            Play hangman.


            • #7
              /me wonders about something
              /me tests something
              Ack! Mystery Beeline X is ruined!
              Switching to Plan B Beeline.


              • #8
                Turn to AndiD.

                F***'in BOOYA
                Guess what I got in a Pod:
                (Took me 40 minutes to erase the bloody grid lines so I wouldn't give my position away)
                Attached Files


                • #9
                  Looks like a good start for Provost E.. ;-)

                  Maybe this has something to do with my following problem:
                  On starting the turn in 2102 (!) I get to choose which tech to research (!) AGAIN, only to choose between Mobility, SocPsych and InfNets?! I am pretty sure I had already chosen the research path in 2101 (CentEcol of course).

                  Has this problem been reported before in any (PBEM) game you know, SMAX forgetting the research selection and lab points when another faction got a tech from pods!?

                  I'll wait some hours if someone knows the problem / a workaround and I'm going to send the turn to Detrius tomorrow morning.


                  • #10
                    Requesting permission to break PBEM rules and pre-accept/send CentEco to all affected?
                    I did not know this would happen. >_<''


                    • #11
                      I've never heard of that problem before. I'd say that you should sent the turn to Googlie, and probably Enigma should too. See if it happens again. We might need to roll back a turn or so?

                      I'd be against Enigma sending around centauri ecology though, much as I would like to claim to have been affected... I don't think popping IndBase will have affected someone elses research at all, it's a very strange bug if it has...
                      Play hangman.


                      • #12
                        AndiD - you weren't given a tech choice in 2101 - in smac/x you need to have a base founded first, and with "lookfirst" activated that first turn (2101) sees you with just Ind Base, your start tech.

                        Next turn (2102) you only have a choice of 3 techs, and for you cent ecol is unfortunately the "rogue" tech that won't appear.

                        It's nothing to do with E_N having popped a pod and getting a tech (in my just completed 3 turn playtest i avoided popping any pods) - in fact, if you go back and replay the 2101 turn, then after founding Morgan Industries go into the HQ tab and "change research goal" you'll get the same 3 options that you got when opening 2102 - ie no Cent Ecol

                        So it's not a bug, but a feature of smac's engine and it's creation of a "rogue tech" for each player each tech choice. Minute Mirage (or Method, perhaps) elsewhere has developed a chart, with Kody, I believe, that can accurately predict every choice what the rogue will be for that selection

                        And I'd agree with Chaunk. Cent Ecol, in 2102, is far more valuable to Morgan, with their 110 credits just waiting to rush formers, than it is to the Believers or Spartans. So I'd veto that offer of E_N's.



                        • #13
                          Roger that.
                          I'd have offered Information Networks, but that's on the beeline to Impact Rovers - and I'd prefer to buy as many turns as possible before dealing with such a threat.


                          • #14
                            Ah, I see. Since I'm currently practicing my very early game as well as some tech-beelines with the help of the scenario editor (doing comparison games against myself), I have selected CentEcol as first tech for over ten times that day. ;-)

                            BTW: 2102 to Detrius.


                            • #15
                              Hey Andi, the save game you sent me is still at your turn. Did you save your game at the end?

