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Turn Tracking Thread:Testalossa-0 need one more player

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  • #31
    Well, if you don't want Centauri Ecology now,
    just refuse the trade and ask for it again later.

    Pacts for all
    Centeco --> DetriusXii, to send SocPsy to Zeiter.
    Centeco --> Zeiter, to start research on Ethical Calculus.
    Centeco --> Colonyan, to start research on Industrial Economics.

    The only person screwed in all this is DetriusXii,
    but I suppose I could 'tithe' him some tech to avoid his 'wrath'
    (READ: take pity on the poor -Research faction)


    • #32
      *ahem* so here's a turn.

      Rules are:
      Nothing involving a bug/glitch
      Anything that doesn't!
      Communications enabled from turn 1

      Victory by:
      Transcend, Conquer, Diplomacy, Economic
      Do or Die is on
      Bell curve is on
      Randomise leader social agendi // personalities is on

      1st turn
      Last edited by Enigma_Nova; May 26, 2004, 09:34.


      • #33
        Yeah, I run demo/planned quite often. It just depends though. If I want +4 effic and no slider penalties, then I have to go green. If I want +3 econ, I gotta go FM/wealth. And pop-boom, of course, with demo-planned. The industry bonus is nice too. Actually, my most common SE setting is probably demo/planned/knowledge.

        Yeah, I have noticed that tech costs can get screwy if you trade too early. I'd wait until my first research breakthrough.
        Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.


        • #34
          I had no idea, honestly.

          I thought it would only slow you as much as if you researched the tech yourselves, and since everyone wants CentEco then I figured I'd be saving you time.

          Never mind, I won't make this mistake next time.
          So what would Zeiter's first tech be?
          I'm at:
          InfNets // CentEco, researching PlaNets in 3
          (Started on a river and pod-popped a monolith. Yay!)


          • #35
            Er... im playing the first turn. What the trade deal I must do? OK, I just play.
            Last edited by Colonyan; May 23, 2004, 21:34.


            • #36

              2101-believer's turn To Deuterius
              Attached Files


              • #37
                Research Industrial Economics.
                When you do that, I get Planetart Networks to you - you research Industrial Automation.


                • #38
                  File could not be opened.
                  Lack of permission to access file.

                  Try Zipping it, or e-mailing it to DetriusXii directly.


                  • #39
                    I had no problem opening the save game. Anyways, are we playing with Fog of War on or off? This is my first play by email so I don't know if Fog of War is forced on or not.
                    Last edited by DetriusXii; May 26, 2004, 10:37.


                    • #40
                      Fog of war is, of course, on.
                      Any unit outside your sensor net will not be seen.
                      There is nothing in the SMAC code to prevent it.


                      • #41
                        I think what Detruis meant was, are we playing where the fog of war is shown on the map? I assume we are. Although I usually play without it on the map. But I suppose it would be better for a pbem to play it with it on the map. Less confusing that way.

                        Enigma_Nova: You are correct in that having cent ecology early would be beneficial, however it may or may not impact tech costs. Perhaps we can deal with cent ecology first, and then wait a bit and initiate the rest of the trading sequence. Of course, this can all be handled in-game if need be. I don't know if I like sharing with everyone my secret plans for world domi- I mean, peace and prosperity, of course! Although coordinating elaborate tech swaps as this is easier in this council-like forum. Here's an idea: Whenever someone wants to adress everyone else at once, or we want to discuss something with everyone, we can also use this thread as a sort of in-game council room.
                        Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.


                        • #42
                          Unity survey is on IIRC. Feel free to find a few great nearby base locations.
                          If you want Fog of War enabled, set your own settings in Preferences. I don't mind all that much.

                          The tech trade was public, in an attempt to ensure everyone was in on this.
                          That way, we're pretty sure we can skip the IA beeline (someone else is already on that).


                          • #43
                            Another question since I'm new to multiplaying. Did the file send correctly? Zeiter, did the save game work correctly and that you're a peacekeeper?


                            • #44
                              Nobody's downloaded it.
                              END TURN, Save and Exit, post. It sounds simple enough...


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by DetriusXii
                                Did the file send correctly? Zeiter, did the save game work correctly and that you're a peacekeeper?
                                Yes, you did it correctly - (the download is mine - I just checked) When the file gets bigger you might want to zip it - and remember to delete the old upload file once the turn has moved on, to free up 'Poly's server space)

                                (Sorry to interject where it's none of my business, but I struggled with the whole PBEM concept when I first started playing them)

                                Last edited by Googlie; May 25, 2004, 16:22.

