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Turn Tracking Thread:Testalossa-0 need one more player

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  • #16
    SO, did you get it?
    I have also send it by

    I mean ALL normal. I did not touched single stuff.
    Last edited by Colonyan; May 19, 2004, 17:09.


    • #17
      You -are- aware that one's PBEM settings are preserved from one narrated game to the next, aren't you?


      • #18
        Er....I'm sorry if I have made some mistake.

        I have things to ask you.

        CMN hasn't even divulged what settings we're using,
        instantly putting himself at an unfair advantage.

        1.Whats CMN stand for?
        2.You would like to set as non-blindresearch?

        thankyou. by colonyan


        • #19
          I can play blind and I can play non-blind.
          It's better if I do Directed Research, because then a massive tech-trade plan can come into effect.

          I've already done a first turn.
          The game settings are:
          Victories allowed:
          Do or Die is on
          Bell curve is on
          Randomise leader personalities//social agendas is on

          Communications lines are completely open at game start.
          So, propose your pacts and share your tech!

          On this note:
          My first tech was Centauri Ecology.
          I know this is valuable to you all, so I'll make a deal.
          I'll give you this tech now,
          In exchange for being able to pick a free tech later.
          Here's how I look at things:

          The IA beeline will be Colonyan's duty.
          I'll give him CentEco now, and PlaNets when he researches IndEcon
          In exchange, he gives me Industrial Automation when it's ready.

          DetriusXii has a useful starting tech.
          I'll give DetriusXii CentEco now.
          In exchange, he gives Zeiter Social Psych.

          Zeiter and I are going to tech-leap to Gene Splicing
          I give DetriusXii CentEco and Social Psych now.
          In exchange, he gives me Social Psych when I complete PlaNets,
          and researches Ethical Calculus -almost- all the way,
          He waits for me to give him Ethical Calculus.
          He switches techs to Gene Splicing once I give him the tech.
          Finally, he gives me Gene Splicing when it is available.

          I have my first turn complete, but before I send, I need to know who's in on this deal.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Colonyan
            1.Whats CMN stand for?

            Which means that I make the map, hassle slow turnplayers and spurt a bunch of blah about landing on planet.

            Testalossa Zero - the new agency
            *insert The Voyage to Alpha Centauri rewrite here*

            ...Santiago carried devices to alter the personalities of the people she met. The results were unpredictable, so the effects were unknown.
            As Santiago met with Yang and Deirdre (and herself, obviously) then these three AI were affected with scrambled personality.

            Meanwhile, Commissioner Zeiter, Brother DetriusXii, Provost Enigma and CEO Colonyan chatted to one another.
            They chatted so much, they all decided to use the same communications frequency, and so could resume their conversations once they landed on planet.

            *insert more usual blah about the wonders on planet and promoting ideologies and opening cans of whoop ass on anyone in their way*

            There, Created and Narrated.


            • #21
              I have a slight preference for blind research, but either will do fine for me.

              Concerning complicated tech swaps: Yes, I'll definitely go along with it, as long as you make it clear to me what I have to gain from it, and as long as it doesn't totally propel someone really far ahead.

              Hmmm, randomized faction personalities and agendas, eh? I've never tried that before, but it sounds fun.
              Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.


              • #22
                All right with me. I will try as u say.Its first play.
                So lets get moving the stuff!

                Sorry, I have another question.Whats IA beeline?

                ...Santiago carried devices to alter the personalities of the people she met. The results were unpredictable, so the effects were unknown.
                As Santiago met with Yang and Deirdre (and herself, obviously) then these three AI were affected with scrambled personality.

                There is a interesting dialogue.

                Nova,I buy your idea. So, the main idea is to let all the players have as many avaiable technologie possible? All right with me again. Well, the whole trade seems to me enogh complicated to me. I trust Nova to made the trade equal for all the player. Or, we trade freely until any hostility arise in the game...


                • #23
                  The trade seems fair enough.
                  You should start trading techs amongst yourselves, though - this is just an initial tech path.

                  Oh, and be careful around those pods - Data pods are nasty to encounter.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Zeiter
                    Concerning complicated tech swaps: Yes, I'll definitely go along with it, as long as you make it clear to me what I have to gain from it, and as long as it doesn't totally propel someone really far ahead.
                    Your gains are GeneSpl much sooner than average,
                    and IA slightly sooner than average.
                    My gains are GeneSpl and IA sooner than average.

                    Hmmm, randomized faction personalities and agendas, eh? I've never tried that before, but it sounds fun.
                    Deirdre will be mad at us for running Planned
                    Yang will be mad at us for running Democracy
                    Santiago will be mad at us for running Wealth

                    There's an off chance that we'll actually find an ally on the map if I scramble the personalities.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Colonyan
                      Sorry, I have another question.Whats IA beeline?
                      InfNets --> PlaNets
                      IndBase --> IndEcon
                      IndEcon + PlaNets --> IndAuto

                      You start with IndBase, and you're getting PlaNets as a gift.
                      All you have to do is research Industral Economics and Industrial Automation (IA).
                      Sound easy enough?

                      So, the main idea is to let all the players have as many avaiable technologie possible?
                      It's to get the critical technologies faster.

                      I trust Nova to made the trade equal for all the player. Or, we trade freely until any hostility arise in the game...
                      Every trade seems reasonable to me.
                      I'll gift IA//GeneSpl once I get them - most likely for another tech allegiance.


                      • #26
                        ok so where is our game? Is this starting ?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Enigma_Nova

                          Your gains are GeneSpl much sooner than average,
                          and IA slightly sooner than average.
                          My gains are GeneSpl and IA sooner than average.

                          Deirdre will be mad at us for running Planned
                          Yang will be mad at us for running Democracy
                          Santiago will be mad at us for running Wealth

                          There's an off chance that we'll actually find an ally on the map if I scramble the personalities.
                          Actually I once got a nice little quadruple alliance going with Lal, Deidre, and Zak by running demo/green/knowledge. Of course, it didn't last too long, because my pact mates soon started warring between themselves, and then accusing me of siding with the other faction, and yadda yadda yadda, you know how it goes. But it isn't impossible for pact mates with the regular faction personalities.

                          But I do have a question: With randomized personalities, do the AI's personalities continually switch, or do they randomize at the start of the game and then stay in that fashion. Because if they continually changed, then it would be quite difficult to keep a pact mate for long.
                          Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.


                          • #28
                            Zeiter: You mean you don't use Dem/Planned/Wealth?
                            What are the benefits?

                            One particular ISP has a monopoly for providing internet to my Dormitory. Take a look:

                            My ISP went down at 5:30 pm on Friday.
                            The techs arrive at 9:00 am Monday.
                            This damn ISP:
                            $1030 for 20Gb
                            10% Downtime, 90% Uptime
                            1/3 of packets are lagged by at least 500ms
                            Tech support "aren't in right now" or "aren't available for comment" during office hours.
                            And of course, no-one can transfer your call to them outside those times...
                            And my favourite, told to me on March 22nd:
                            "We'll have that fixed up by mid-July."
                            Ed. Note: They can't buy the T3 bandwidth until they've finished being taken over - which will be by July.
                            They have 10 Mbit of bandwidth shared between 1000 people.

                            I'm starting an internet slander campaign against them.
                            If their share price starts falling, they'll know why.

                            We'll start this game when:
                            1. you boot Detrius out of it
                            2. Detrius says 'Yea' or 'Nay' to the trade.


                            • #29
                              Sorry. I was paying attention to the thread. But I wasn't aware that I had to respond to it. Yes I'm in agreement with the trade.


                              • #30
                                I strongly advise that you wait until you've all researched a tech on your own before trading techs. There is a problem with the way the game implements tech costs that means that before you've researched your first tech, your tech cost can change (Up or down indeed). If you get a tech before you researched you first tech, your tech costs can go up by as much as 4x (or more indeed). It could be that none of you could research a tech before 2130...

                                And enigma, I'd like to apologise to you. I feel I've been quite rude to you, and I'm sorry.

                                Play hangman.

