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Alien Secrets Turn Reporting Thread

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  • Alien Secrets Turn Reporting Thread

    Alien Secrets is a SMAC game


    The colonists have survived The Unity's break-up and have landed on Chiron. They have been lucky in that each faction has salvaged 3 Colony Pods and a Unity Foil, with all but Sparta having 3 scout troops (Sparta with 2 scouts and a Unity Rover)

    The Planet looks hospitable, but incomplete scans from orbit show that there seem to be several vestiges of an alien civilization that might be worth finding, exploring and, who knows, perhaps even worth fighting over.


    Huge map, 50 to 70% water, average everything, Transcend level

    Players (in turn order) are:

    Gaians - t_ras
    Hive - dacole
    UoP - Minute Mirage
    Morgan - Fosse
    Sparta - Shaiko
    Believers - wgabrie
    PKs - Phsycho

    Game Parameters are:

    Rules are:

    > Multiple reloading of the game to try for different effects is forbidden. If a reload is necessary because of a game crash etc., an explanation should be posted to the turn administration thread.

    > Multiple drops or orbital insertions using the right-click menu is forbidden. So is airdropping from outside a base/airbase, or after having moved (except on a magtube) using the same method. Using the 'i' key when you want an airdrop means you will automatically comply with these restrictions.

    > Inserting Stockpile Energy into the build queue after a military unit is allowed.

    > If a player employs a tactic that causes a state of vendetta, they are not allowed to "accept" a pending diplomatic agreement with that faction in the same turn, causing a change in diplomatic status or the transfer of energy or knowledge.

    > If an aggressive probe action (anything except infiltration) is used you must advise the victim that you have taken covert action against them, and let them decide what consequences should follow

    > Upgrading units with the design workshop is allowed at any time

    > Communications only allowed between factions that have obtained each others' commlink frequencies in-game. (the embedded alpha.txt will reflect this)

    > Social engineering choice limited to one switch per line per turn. (no flip-flop within turn - eg to green to capture a mindworm then back again to the original setting!!)

    > Psi units cannot be assigned multiple point patrol routes (avoid instant demon boil bug!)

    > Whenever the planetary council is called, the caller should post a notification to the thread, including vote totals (if applicable) and who has already voted for what. The other players should post how they vote.

    > You cannot use the "Demand Withdrawal" feature to get another player's units out of your territory (the AI essentially makes the response on your behalf)

    > You cannot accept a proffered bribe (which is done by the AI again) during Planetary Governor elections


    I still need dacole's and sammy1339's e-mail address

    Passwords and gameturn instructions have been sent to all by e-mail (except dacole and sammy1339, to whom I have sent PM's with their respective passwords)

    2101 has been sent to t_ras

    Good luck all

    Last edited by Googlie; December 3, 2003, 00:28.

  • #2


    i'll just need s resent since my comp doesnt like the zip....
    "Some one told me former operators are not supposed to think much, that's good. I think that was the reason I took this job, ha, that and of course the fact the commissar said so." -t_ras: life through the former operators eye


    • #3
      t_ras - did the resend work? Do you need an unzipped version?



      • #4
        yep i'd rather have an unzipped one. thanks
        "Some one told me former operators are not supposed to think much, that's good. I think that was the reason I took this job, ha, that and of course the fact the commissar said so." -t_ras: life through the former operators eye


        • #5
          unzipped turn sent


          • #6
            done waiting for dacolas mail
            "Some one told me former operators are not supposed to think much, that's good. I think that was the reason I took this job, ha, that and of course the fact the commissar said so." -t_ras: life through the former operators eye


            • #7
              I've e-mailed you his e-mail addy


              • #8
                turn moved on!
                "Some one told me former operators are not supposed to think much, that's good. I think that was the reason I took this job, ha, that and of course the fact the commissar said so." -t_ras: life through the former operators eye


                • #9
                  Alright guys I'm very sorry but I seem to have misplaced my SMAC CD. And to top it off I was hit by a nasty virus this weekend, so I had to reformat my hard drive This means that I don't have SMAC for the time being (I'll try to survive). Sorry about this, seeing as that the game has finally started. I am emailing the game over to t_ras and I haven't played a turn or anything, so hopefully you can find a replacement. Have fun!


                  • #10
                    I have a replace sycho
                    who could you mail him at
                    the PWD and details (and also his email to the player before him).
                    "Some one told me former operators are not supposed to think much, that's good. I think that was the reason I took this job, ha, that and of course the fact the commissar said so." -t_ras: life through the former operators eye


                    • #11
                      yeah .. here i am ... at my first pbem
                      call me flo or phsycho .. what you prefer more ... perhaps you want to be an individual .. so call me flo then

                      now some questions and comments

                      how does flexible start positions work?
                      i have never played with this option.
                      if enabled one have to choose the position?
                      so a possible distance to an "enemy" could be 1 or 2 squares ... or even 10 squares would be mad!

                      > Inserting Stockpile Energy into the build queue after a military unit is allowed.
                      huh ... why is this critical?

                      > If an aggressive probe action (anything except infiltration) is used you must advise the victim that you have taken covert action against them, and let them decide what consequences should follow
                      mhhh ... well ok ... but its only half of fun

                      huge map ... i like it ... in 2 player games.
                      have someone ever finished a huge map 7player PBEM game ?

                      ok ... so now to the game

                      i have no save and no pwd ... send me now .. and i'll make a turn quickly
                      Last edited by phsycho; November 12, 2003, 12:34.


                      • #12

                        I've sent you the password - the turn hasn't reached the PK's yet, so you've got plenty of time to assimilate.

                        Flexible Start simply means that your HQ isn't pre-founded (in case you don't like the tile I placed them on). There's enough space on a huge map for me to give y'all plenty of starting room before you bump into each other.

                        here's the old link where the game parameters were hashed out. Go to Minute Mirage's post of Oct 31 where he has a link to the CGN academy where the stockpile energy exploit is explained

                        And thanks for stepping in (and from my playing experience in about five 7-player games, none ever finished)



                        • #13
                          dacole - are you sitting on the turn? (see t_ras of Nov 11th - Hive follows Gaians in turn order)



                          • #14
                            Just to make sure -- I haven't received a turn from this game yet.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by t_ras
                              turn moved on!
                              t_ras - dacole needs the turn resent

                              (why won't players read the turn-posting threads?????)


