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The Chiron Workers

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  • The Chiron Workers

    The Chiron Workers is a customizable custom faction I started developing in early August (for AC; I don’t have AX). You will see that they are a builder faction for large to huge maps. The intent is that the player must use Planned Economics, Wealth Values, and Eudaimonic Future. These are the three settings with Industry plusses, which is the Workers priority. Once a setting is opted in, it must remain so until the game is done, no matter what happens. The player must plan ahead and rely on other means to deal with the challenges presented by Drones, energy, support, and diplomacy.

    The story line is Foreman Bozon Pete’s separation from Morgan Industries. He is more interested in the satisfaction of knowing a job was done right than in sitting around counting profits. The Chiron Workers can be played with any combination of factions, even if the Political choices may be duplicated.

    The customization is in the Politics choice. Each of the four Political settings is represented: Frontier by the basic profile, the other three by a corresponding Impunity. The player must choose before starting which Political setting will be used, and load the appropriate faction. Some nasty negative effects will result from loading one profile but choosing another Political setting.

    I included both IMMUNITY, MORALE and MORALE, 0 because in every test I ran neither alone would prevent all negative Morale effects. IMMUNITY, MORALE appeared to cover only Social Engineering settings, while “MORALE, 0” appeared to cover everything except Social Engineering settings. I don’t know if this is as it should be, but those were the results I experienced. Regardless, it doesn’t hurt anything, and nothing is left out in order to have both.

    In the beginning, I tried -2Support. The result was a forced choice between exploration or quick expansion, more work than fun, and barely playable. Changing that to -2Police is by no means less work, but is noticeably more fun, and certainly playable. Exploration and expansion are both possible. In fact, early expansion is required to keep each base’s population down to avoid Drones until the various psych facilities are available. Even then, the Drones will keep you on your toes.

    The combination of -2Economy -2Industry -2Research will likely prevent you from taking more than two of the earliest Secret Projects, but not to worry; as the game progresses you will have an increasingly better chance at early-to-mid-game Projects, and mid-to-late Projects will be completely up for grabs. This is all intended so you will have to work for what you get.

    See the Datalinks for a brief explanation of the rest of the profile.

    I pasted together some pcx files using base graphics from the Finns, a faction file I downloaded too long ago to remember wherefrom and who provided it. For the logo I took the fist from proj13.pcx (The Ascetic Virtues) and rotated it to the right 45 degrees. The leader images are different for each file, as is the color of the logo. Section is the Doctor (Explore Green). Party is the Engineer (Conquer Red). Union is the Technician (Discover White). Guild is the Librarian (Build Yellow). As with all faction.pcx files, each is a little over 200kb, so I won't post them (even a zipped file would be too uncomfortably large to post here). The zip attached to the next post is the four text files and this essay (zip is 11kb, unzips to 22kb).
    I am on a mission to see how much coffee it takes to actually achieve time travel.

  • #2
    The four basic profiles

    The basic profile, staying in Frontier Politics for the entire game, is The Chiron Workers Section:
    Chiron Workers Section, The Worker, Workers, M, 1, Bozon Pete, M, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,
    Politics, Frontier, INDUSTRY
    Values, Power, nil
    Section, Section,


    For Police State Politics, we have The Chiron Workers Party:
    Chiron Workers Party, The Worker, Workers, M, 1, Bozon Pete, M, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,
    Politics, Police State, INDUSTRY
    Values, Power, nil
    Party, Party,


    For Democratic Politics, we have The Chiron Workers Union:
    Chiron Workers Union, The Worker, Workers, M, 1, Bozon Pete, M, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,
    Politics, Democratic, INDUSTRY
    Values, Power, nil
    Union, Union,


    For Fundamentalist Politics, we have The Chiron Workers Guild:
    Chiron Workers Guild, The Worker, Workers, M, 1, Bozon Pete, M, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,
    Politics, Fundamentalist, INDUSTRY
    Values, Power, nil
    Guild, Guild,
    Attached Files
    I am on a mission to see how much coffee it takes to actually achieve time travel.


    • #3
      The remaining portion of the text is identical except for the “You are in contravention of...” item and the Datalinks2 reference for the Political Impunity. You’ll notice I’m not very imaginative with the various statements or base names:

      Iris, Reilly, Rainbow's End
      Foreman, industrious, overbearing, hard-working, lazy,
      Heartless Slave-Driver
      get things done right
      to get things done right
      pushing everyone to exhaustion
      pushing everyone to exhaustion
      push everyone to exhaustion
      pushing everyone to exhaustion
      pushing everyone to exhaustion
      pushing everyone to exhaustion
      bullying, M1
      production schedule, M1
      exhausting work schedule, M1
      bonus, M1
      getting things done right
      the shift supervisors
      The Workers (Section Rules) (Party Line) (Union By-Laws) (Guild Code)

      Main Office
      Project 1
      Project 2
      Project 3

      Platform 1
      Platform 2
      Platform 3

      ^ Captain said to big old John Henry,
      ^ That old drill keeps a-coming around.
      ^ Take that steam drill out and start it on that job
      ^ Let it whop, let it whop that steel on down
      ^ Let it whop, let it whop that steel on down.
      ^ -- Traditional, Datalinks --
      ^ Red-hot iron, white-hot iron, cold-black iron;
      ^ an iron taste, and iron smell,
      ^ and a Babel of iron sounds.
      ^ -- Charles Dickens, Bleak House, Datalinks --

      ^LEADER: {Bozon Pete}
      ^BACKGROUND: {Morgan Industries' Lead Foreman on the Unity Project}
      ^AGENDA: {Build a Strong and Dedicated Community}
      ^TECH: {Applied Physics} Leverage is everything
      ^FACILITY: {Housing Complex} Proper homes for families

      ^-2 ECONOMY: {New monetary system}
      ^-2 POLICE: {Disputes settled privately}
      ^-2 INDUSTRY: {Quality workmanship costs}
      ^-2 RESEARCH: {Thoroughness takes time}
      ^MORALE Exemption & Immunity: {Dedicated workers}
      ^TALENT, 7: {Crew Chiefs}
      And one of these lines to correspond with the Political Choice (nothing for Frontier):
      ^Impunity POLICE STATE: {Precise accounting}
      ^Impunity DEMOCRACY: {Looking out for each other}
      ^Impunity FUNDAMENTALISM: {Cautious, not stupid}

      #xs 440
      #caption $CAPTION7
      "This Vendetta is wasting my time, $TITLE0 $NAME1.
      I have better things to do."

      "Of course, $TITLE2 $NAME3. Let's get back to work."
      "Run away and hide, $TITLE2 $NAME3! When you come out,
      your mud-and-straw factories will be nothing but rubble!"

      #xs 440
      #caption $CAPTION7
      "$NAME1, $TITLE0, I believe we can get a lot more done if we combine
      our efforts. A Treaty of Friendship would outline the details nicely."

      "I agree, $NAME3, $TITLE2, I can already envision the benefits."
      "I'm sorry, $NAME3, $TITLE2, but I see no benefit in that."

      (If you play AX, I'm sure you can think of something appropriate to say to the Aliens.)
      Last edited by gwillybj; April 12, 2003, 13:52.
      I am on a mission to see how much coffee it takes to actually achieve time travel.


      • #4
        Nice work! Looks like fun.
        Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


        • #5
          I was surpirsed at how much i enjoyed playing this faction in SMAC, im about to try it out in SMAX

          good work


          • #6
            Thanks for looking.

            Xian: If you wouldn't mind, could you post a note or about whether this faction fits with the AX group? I'm wondering if they might be a bit weak at the beginning.
            I am on a mission to see how much coffee it takes to actually achieve time travel.


            • #7
              I tried it twice at high difficulty, it really doesnt work out as well when playinig AX, mainly because with the aliens and stronger AI the game is too difficult. In one game i replaced the pirates and in the other the consciousness. the minus 2 research has a much biger impact in SMAX than SMAC.

              Still, most people will probably find it an innteresting challenge, and its still a great faction


              • #8
                Very good, maybe you should drop a line in general AC forum to tell everyone about this
                I will never understand why some people on Apolyton find you so clever. You're predictable, mundane, and a google-whore and the most observant of us all know this. Your battles of "wits" rely on obscurity and whenever you fail to find something sufficiently obscure, like this, you just act like a 5 year old. Congratulations, molly.

                Asher on molly bloom


                • #9
                  I'm wondering if any SMA'X'ers might comment on whether The Chiron Workers (in general or any one of its forms) would be at all successful as an aquatic faction?
                  Can any aquatic faction be played successfully as a Builder, whether the SMAX Pirates, this one, or any other custom aquatic faction available from the several fansites?
                  I am on a mission to see how much coffee it takes to actually achieve time travel.


                  • #10
                    I've won the game using the Pirates as Builders, on median difficulty levels. But I haven't done that often, so I might not be the best person to ask.
                    Last edited by Mr. President; April 8, 2003, 06:50.
                    Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


                    • #11
                      Yeah, I've been doing well with the Pirates and one of the networknode factions from their WaterWorld set. Also have a really old faction, the Mariners, with whom I whipped. Conquered everyone except Sparta [pact] and Gaia [pact] with two and one base remaining respectively. So, yeah, it's possible.


                      • #12
                        Thanks for the replies.
                        Note to Self: Somehow, somewhere, get AX and try it.
                        I am on a mission to see how much coffee it takes to actually achieve time travel.

