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Tweaking ideas?

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  • Tweaking ideas?

    Okay, I'm trying to play a few SMAX random-generated games and I'm looking to tweak the AI a bit. I'm trying to avoid doing any pre-determined maps/scenarios as I find it a lot less fun then a specially created map against random factions, but with random faction seeding.

    1. Change all AI factions to pacifist
    I've read on the boards here that the AI has been found to play better when less aggressive

    2. Give all factions a terraformer to start
    Makes sure the AI doesn't wait 50 years to start building even roads

    3. Seed the map with forests
    I've scattered small bits of forest all over the map, so maybe the AI will get the hint

    4. Set the climate to arid
    The AI builds way fewer forests on moist and wet maps

    Well, any other ideas? Again I enjoy the random placement / random enemy faction games, not forced-pact AIs. But I'm still looking to beef up the AI gameplay.

  • #2
    There seems to be quite a lot you can do to improve the AI factions.

    I've been playing with huge planet maps with pre-seeded forest (and kelp) for some time now, and have found that it makes a huge improvement in AI power.

    One anomaly I have found is that the scenario editor will put forest and kelp on almost anywhere: I have encountered forest on rocky squares and kelp and fungus mixed!

    Only recently have I changed all the factions to pacifist. This leads to much quieter early games, as all the factions are concentrating on building and expanding. Don't be misled by this calm, as the AI is much more deadly like this! Twice in the last 2 games I lost the chance to get the HSA, as another faction has discovered it first and built it within a few turns (this is despite my taking tech as 1st priority!). Again, this is a simple change that much improves the AI playing.

    Other setting I use to make SMAX more interesting:

    * Accelerated start: all factions receive a SP, some bases and rather half-hearted terrforming - stops you mopping up the early SPs (and gives you something to aim for in conquest! )

    * Techstag: because tech isn't been found so quickly, more time is spent on building, so factions get much bigger...

    * Blind tech choice: allowing yourself to choose which tech to research makes for a very limited approach to the game, and gives you too much advantage over the AI


    • #3
      I would also move Genejacks to Optical Computers, add +1 Police to both Fundy and Power. It is critical that the AI experience a fungal bloom before they begin to build tree farms, etc. Moving Genejacks is the only "mostly" reliable way of accomplishing this. Adding police to Fundy and Power also keeps the AI from imploding after DAP, because it is wedded to FM. Also Sven can build and project naval power while staying in FM.

      Ned arch+from+The+Empire+Strikes+Back.ogg&wiki=en


      • #4
        What is the reason for forcing an AI fungal bloom?


        • #5
          Yeah - read

          for tree farm/hybrid/preserve to give you clean minerals, you need to have done some damage (pop) already

