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Announcing! Aldebaran 1.beta.1 (prerelease notes)

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  • Announcing! Aldebaran 1.beta.1 (prerelease notes)

    [Edit: It's months later, and everything appears to be 'finished', as in, we have a stable public beta, discussed here. I'll belatedly add the more nitty-gritty details of the game mechanics at the end of this thread for perusal. Keep in mind that the background story continues to develop (though we have had the plot for awhile) and that the project as a whole is still very 'open', so feedback is much appreciated, and can go in either thread or to email at ]

    Well, I did warn everyone that I'd be posting over here like least I'm not pushing too many threads around by my repeated new threads...

    Whoo Hooo! It's done! Well Sorta!

    Structurally, my new version of SMAC is finished!

    I'm variously calling it 'Smac 2' (which is just plain wrong..that's for Firaxis to birth), 'Welcome to the Galactic Coalition, enjoy your submission!' (too long winded) and 'Smack 1.beta.1: Aldebaran'.

    I've been wrestling with whether or not to post some pre-release notes. The reason to withold them would be to increase the sense of wonder for the new player. Going in cold to this game is going to be very interesting! The reason to post a few notes is just to share my excitement at getting this far and test the waters to see if there will be available beta-testers. I've already been having a pre-release party while I run auto-games to test the AI on it's new planet. Here are a few notes about things to look for in the beta game, which I'll be releasing in 24-36 hours. Basically the hard part is done. All that's left is the fun part: flavor text, well, all the text, and creating a scenario or two.

    Game Notes (Read at the risk of spoiling the surprises!):

    0. Added a bit of humor...that would go if it were an 'official' release, but I'm not a game company, eh?
    1. Tech Tree now a Tech Shrubbery! I totally dismantled and rebuilt it.
    2. Socio Economic Table completely redone. Gone are all the familiar choices. Gone are Future Techs. Instead, there are four categories for the itenerant faction despot. Propoganda, Economy, Industrial Protocols, and Industrial Focus. You'll see.
    3. Two Armor-Weapon Branches to the Tech-shrub. One is easy to go up quickly..the other uses planet itself in your weapons and armors, at the cost that it's slower to develop and never becomes quite as powerful.
    4. Cruisers and Foils have flip-flopped. Hovertanks are easier to get than planes. Copters are now 'Auto-Defense Units'. Movement rates and carrying capacities are a bit different overall.
    5. Some restrictions are easier to get to, but don't appear linearly.
    6. Sattellites are gone. The atmosphere of Aldebaran One is quite unfriendly. People mostly live and work underground. But they have developed (or do in your game) 'Matter Transmission'. I was tired of trying to imagine what benefit growing food in space would give. .What were satellites are now varying facilities for nut-min-energy extraction...all underground. ODP's protect them...can't change the mechanics, eh?
    7. The infamous Supply Crawler has it's own dead end branch of the tech tree. It's a little harder to get to, and the AI bypasses the branch for the most part. In fact, there are a few dead-ends on the shrub. This is to allow the AI (or player) to bypass techs that the human might be able to use well in exchange for researching something IT uses well. Also, some powerful Secret Projects require their own tech to study.
    8. Costs of facilities and SP's rebalanced (I hope).
    9. Terraforming abilities appear here and there, and are broadened in the ocean (thanks Alexander III for the 'test' of that with the Hydromechanics Patch).
    10. Way too many other things!

    The Scenarios: Very (VERY) breifly
    1. You, and a few other representatives of humanity, leave Chiron during the great Chiron Wars. You've contacted another humanoid (actually Homo Sapiens Galacticus) faction that has occupied and expanded in another region of space. Through your communiques you've learned that Aldebaran sports a habitible planet and you head there. Upon landing with your minimal supplies you discover that this other 'race' has already settled down and are prepping Aldebaran One for immanent colonisation. You don't know why, but you get the feeling that they have some strong reasons to be moving here from elsewhere in the galaxy. Things turn sour quickly and you and the other Chironians must attempt to either co-habit with the Galactics or bump them off the planet..they don't seem to want to compromise. Additionally, The Galactics have spawned their own second faction of bounty-hunters and malcontents who spurn the Galactic Coalition and might be potential allies for you.

    2. Without spoiling the plot, Galactic Colonization begins abruptly and you meet a new race .

    3. For some reason you have to return to Chiron, which is one big PB crater. Good luck! This third scenario is pretty tough. Planetmind has had enough! Your destiny is looking thin..there is pressure from an outside source go go the way of the dinosaur, and there is pressure from your closest ally, planetmind, to give up your humanity to preserve it's endurance.

    Anticipating Questions:

    0. Need a PC user to test the mod soon[Edit: Done. with a tweak, works fine]. It works on mac, but want to be sure it works cross platform ok.
    1. I'll post here again with a link to download Aldebaran as soon as I feel it's passed it's...
    2. Beta Testing. I need a few hardy volunteers to leave Chiron and go to Aldebaran to test everything. Sign up on this thread...I will email you the post your email. I'm looking for about 4-6 people tops.. The only thing I ask is that if you do Beta Testing, that you give me feedback here, rather than in email..that'll help us all think linearaly instead of repeatedly.
    3. Yes, I'll take suggestions! Post here.
    4. Yes, I'll need art eventually! If you have those talents, please let me know!
    5. Yes, I'm sending a copy to Firaxis. I don't want any trouble with copyright laws, and I want them to have access to everything immediately. My greatest hope is that they pursue a SMAC 2. I don't care if my ideas are included or not. I love what they did with Smac, and Aldebaran should not be seen as a 'fix' for Smac. Sure there are problems with Smac, but this isn't a comment on that. This is simply a testimony to the greatest thing they did with Smac....using the alphatext and factiontext. Doh, and of course I'm not going to sell it! In the end only a few of us will every play this, and that's fine with me.
    6. Do not email me unless you are :an artist, a very generous one!, I have emailed you first with the game, you can't access the forum for some reason, you have something 'private' to say. I don't like the Private Message system on the's use email for that, if you need to do so.
    7. I'm not going to answer questions about how the game works. Let's just wait until the Beta is done.
    8. Hopefully I'll be working on a 'Mod-makers manual' with Tokamak and whoever else can contribute. We'll see.
    9. Sorry for all these stipulations. It's not like there are many people on the creation forums right now. It's just that I like to anticipate things if I can.
    10. This is a SMAC variant, not Smax. I've no idea about Smax as I can't use it on my Mac. I'd like to make some additions for Smax, but that's hard from this position.

    Whew! I'm sure I'll think of more things to post, but this should do for now. Sign up for Beta testing, and look for the final 'Beta' soon!

    Last edited by Avenoct; September 13, 2001, 23:10.
    Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb

  • #2
    Consider me signed up!

    You can reach me at .


    • #3
      I was hoping you'd say that.
      Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


      • #4
        I'm more than happy to be a beta tester


        • #5
          Super, thanks Blake. Glad to have you both here on the transport to Aldebaran! Peanuts? Popcorn? Cigarette?

          Just a little update:
          I've tweaked a few last minute things in the tech tree and now I'm confident that everything functions as it should. The dynamic is all there. I hastily modified the original factions (had to change their SE dispositions with the new SE board) and am considering using them for beta-testing for familiarity and to preserve the new factions for the first scenario, which will also need testing. I've been running a few games on auto, and have yet to play more than a turn or two myself, so everything is definately in the raw. But it looks good! The AI doesn't always behave and skip the various dead-ends in the tech tree, but it's following the tech-inducing protocols nicely. Overall, the game doesn't appear harder than Smac, just quite different. Enough preamble! You can expect the beta.1 in your mailboxes tomorrow afternoon EST. I'm going back to the lazy work of modifying the text. I doubt I'll have that ready for the test, but who cares at this point if it's 'pretty'? The major things I'll be looking at in this first run are:

          1. The SE do choices balance-unbalance the game.
          2. The tech tree: Mainly, are there any major flaws? Secondly, does it 'work'? Can the player get the techs they want and need at the right times? Thirdly, does it appear that the AI uses the tree well enough?
          3. Facilities, Special Abilities, and costs: Do these arrive at decent and non-game-breaking times? Are the new costs ok?
          4. Secret Projects: are costs and times adequate?
          5. Units: That's easy....So, how's it feel to have hovertanks in the equivalent of 2150?

          Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


          • #6
            It's a go. I'm sending the shaky-legged Beta.1 version to you two right now. I could still use 2-4 more beta testers. Be sure to read the read me in the folder. Technical discussions can happen by email, and game mechanics-ideas can happen here.

            Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


            • #7
              Well, my first game which was on Map of Planet turned out to be a little non-standard, I chose Lal and ended up in a sandwich between Yang and Santiago, completely bewildered by the tech tree I couldn't figure out where the weapons and armour came from, but I did research to a troop transport, so like any self respecting Peacekeeper I fled, to the northern islands where I set up my new empire while Yang dismantled my old one.

              Well it's 2400 and I have all of 6 size 2 bases, but with the +2 mineral SP, and an "algae thingy" and drop colony-pods I'm rapidly clawing my way back up to greatness, but I think I'll restart on HMoP and not land between Yang and Santiago, so I can compare it better with a normal game of SMAC.

              I must say the tech tree is interesting, seems to be rather broad and shallow, tech shrubbery is indeed a good name for it, and as I said I was completely bewildered by the tech choices, this is probably a good sign, because I felt the exact same way when I first played normal SMAC.


              • #8
                Note for the bystanders: the original factions are being used for betatesting, but will be extinct or transformed in the final release.

                One annoying thing about the tech tree is that it doesn't display the 'Restriction Lifting Techs' untill you are actually able to research them. I'll give you a hint. Trees for energy, Tactile Robotics for minerals. Nuts should be obvious

                I'm so glad it works! I'm heading back to upgrade more of the help text. I'm planning on using Ned's and your article on Ecodamage by the way. Hope I can figure a way to condense the info. Also, you might think about turning on the editor and discovering all the techs one at a time to see, but of course, that'll spoil the surprises. Hey Blake, found the Sunny Mesa yet?

                Last edited by Avenoct; July 22, 2001, 21:36.
                Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


                • #9
                  Terran.exe crashes every time, now that I've loaded the Aldebaraan text files. I peeked inside of one, and saw why. It's in some kind of strange format that my PC doesn't recognize. most be a Mac thing. Everything is clumped together in one big paragraph. Wherever there is supposed to be a line break, there is a solid black box, instead

                  Blake, you have a PC, right? How come things work on your system?


                  • #10
                    Double goof on my part. One, I should have converted to cross-platform text. Two, I forgot to post that Blake just copied the text into a PC friendly format. If you'd like Tokamak, I can do that for you on my mac. Either way, you'll get a new copy tomorrow. Whoops!

                    Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


                    • #11
                      Hiya Smack! And congratulations on completing the beta of your mod! I’m definitely interested in helping you test it out!

                      The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                      • #12
                        My email for betatesting and art is :
                        Vel, not sure where to send the beta? I can't append it to the 'in-forum' email server.

                        Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


                        • #13
                          Smack, I forgot to post a reply to this thread: can I beta test your mod? PLZ?!?

                          PS. Can you send me the PC-friendly version?
                          ... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
                          ... Pain is an illusion...


                          • #14
                            Cybergod, sure! I'll send it to you right away. All future versions will be PC and Mac friendly. Thanks to Blake and Toka I'm using BBedit now to do the final saves. All works well. Oh, Cybergod, interested in doing the graphics for the game? I've been using your graphics from the Network Node for my own play. They're super! Specifically, I love the dome-type bases from, ah, what were they called? I'm giving the Net Node a call to see if I can use some of their original work too. Anyways, consider it! I think it'll add a lot to the game 'feel'.

                            Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


                            • #15
                              Smack, I think that you were talking about my MCS faction (Manufold Chamber of Secrets). You really like them? I'd be glad to make plenty more! Just specify the factions, their agendas and your thoughts about what they should look like.

                              Anyways, I had a "quick" flick through your beta-mod and made a few notes...

                              The funny parts:

                              "You can, and Will, eat fungus!"
                              "Who said we shouldn't reinvent it?"
                              "Useful in the Winter months"
                              "Efficient outerwear for the intrepid explorer"
                              "Endless complacency, what dictator would desire more?"
                              "You want me to eat WHAT?"
                              "Better than Silly Putty"
                              "It's definately cooler down here"
                              "Put on your Thinking Caps boys and girls."
                              "Poor Zak, poor, poor Zak"
                              "Trees, Epiphytes, Yum!"
                              "Even Planet enjoys a bit of company"
                              "No, we don't know why. It just works."
                              "At 4000 degrees Kelvin, this isn't easy"
                              "Zoom Zoom Zoom"
                              "Surely I can convince you?"
                              "Finally I can get rid of that annoying mirror"
                              "Don't try to hold this'
                              "Here we go Again'

                              (for the bedazzled, these are extracts from the techshorts.txt file)
                              Finally a smarty-pants comes along to put some good humor into SMAC! I like it!

                              The not so funny part:

                              Utopian Economics are way overpowered! I suggest replacing it with the following:

                              Utopian, +++EFFIC, ++RESEARCH, +TALENT, - - ECONOMY

                              This will also give you a hidden effect of generating an extra talent at every base!!! An icon for a TALENT social indicator does not appear on the SE table though but the AI and an acknoweldged human seem to recoginse it!

                              Extractive Protocol is too underpowered! I suggest changing the +2 ECONOMY to a +3 (which would balance the -3 PLANET, -4 POLICE and -2 SUPPORT) or maybe something else.

                              Overall, the text files suggest the mod looks good! Esp. the "The Velocyrix Wall" :lol. Well, I guess there wouldn't be a tech called "The Arts of Cybergod" would it, aw

                              Never mind my groaning, I can't wait to actually play the mod, which I will do when the AC succession game is finished, since putting these files in would corrupt my SMAC system. Never mind, the game would end soon - I can already see our Mindworms soaring through the Hive defences and... **cencored for the squeaminsh** :banned:

                              (aka Cybergod)
                              (aka Nikola Rankovic)
                              (aka The Smart A**)
                              ... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
                              ... Pain is an illusion...

