So I was thinking how the Planetfall civics could look like if they were transplanted back into SMAC Social Engineering. My thoughts resulted in this. Would probably make an interesting SE system I think, definitely much cooler than the current one in SMAniaC.
Just a raw outline - some numbers would need tweaking I assume.
One important thing to note if you're reading it: assume most factions start with +2 Economy by default. I've never liked the Economy SE factor giving +1 energy per tile. It's a very powerful effect, meaning any SE choice which gets it most also get some ridiculous penalties. Annoying to balance, and it actually kinda always fails to be balanced in the end anyway. So I think it would be more fun for +2 Econ to be the default (with perhaps a general increase in research costs), with then one SE choice getting an Econ penalty. Below this is the Enclosed Biosphere civic. This would encourage a crawler/specialist economy under that 'civic'.
An increased base size before you start getting drones at Transcend difficulty (similar to Civ4) would also improve the game. (Less pressure to ICS and all that)
Mission Command
Democratic: +2 Res, -2 Pol,
Police State: +2 Pol
Fundy: +1 Mor, +2 Probe, -1 Res
Free Market: +1 Econ, +1 Res
Planned: +2 Grow, +1 Ind, -1 Eff
Autarky: +2 Eff, +2 Sup,
Survival: +2 Mor, +1 Sup, -1 Ind
Wealth: +1 Econ, +1 Ind, -2 Sup
Knowledge: +2 Res, +1 Eff, -2 Pro
Empathy: +2 Pla, +2 Tal, -2 Mor
None: -1 Planet
Enclosed (Biosphere): +1 Ind, +1 Pro, -2 Eco
Terraformed: +2 Gro, +1 Mor, -3 Pla,
Hybrid: +2 Pla, +2 Eff, -2 Gro
One important thing to note if you're reading it: assume most factions start with +2 Economy by default. I've never liked the Economy SE factor giving +1 energy per tile. It's a very powerful effect, meaning any SE choice which gets it most also get some ridiculous penalties. Annoying to balance, and it actually kinda always fails to be balanced in the end anyway. So I think it would be more fun for +2 Econ to be the default (with perhaps a general increase in research costs), with then one SE choice getting an Econ penalty. Below this is the Enclosed Biosphere civic. This would encourage a crawler/specialist economy under that 'civic'.
An increased base size before you start getting drones at Transcend difficulty (similar to Civ4) would also improve the game. (Less pressure to ICS and all that)
Mission Command
Democratic: +2 Res, -2 Pol,
Police State: +2 Pol
Fundy: +1 Mor, +2 Probe, -1 Res
Free Market: +1 Econ, +1 Res
Planned: +2 Grow, +1 Ind, -1 Eff
Autarky: +2 Eff, +2 Sup,
Survival: +2 Mor, +1 Sup, -1 Ind
Wealth: +1 Econ, +1 Ind, -2 Sup
Knowledge: +2 Res, +1 Eff, -2 Pro
Empathy: +2 Pla, +2 Tal, -2 Mor
None: -1 Planet
Enclosed (Biosphere): +1 Ind, +1 Pro, -2 Eco
Terraformed: +2 Gro, +1 Mor, -3 Pla,
Hybrid: +2 Pla, +2 Eff, -2 Gro